A very simple yet powerful opportunity to generate huge FREE traffic for your home business

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February 20th, 2013

Published by: alifeoffreedom.com

A very simple yet powerful opportunity to generate huge FREE traffic for your home business A very simple yet powerful opportunity to generate huge FREE traffic for your home business

Average American watches 186 videos per month Every minute 35 hours of video uploaded… that’s over 5 years worth of video uploaded each and every day!

Video marketing is already mainstream so if you are not doing it right now in your business you are missing the opportunity to generate huge amounts of FREE traffic for your home business. In this weeks internet marketing series of articles, I am going to teach you basic essentials you need to know to get started with video marketing for your home based business so that you can reach your goal of financial freedom much faster and live a life of freedom… As illustrated below, video marketing is here to stay, in fact it is the future of marketing!

As I am sure you have guessed from the illustration above… YouTube is the number one video sharing website in the world, in fact it is also the second most popular search engine! With over 2 Billion videos watched everyday, that means hundreds of millions of people are using it every single day… Where there are millions of people means there are millions of opportunities for generating traffic… Mention video to a home business owner and many of you will probably run a mile at the thought of getting in front of a camera but first think about this... Traditionally in the past, home business owners have had to generate sales by doing business face to face with potential new customers… When you actually think about what video marketing is… It is simply recording yourself on camera making a sales presentation similar to that if you where meeting a potential new customer in person…

Are you sure you caught this, think about it for one moment… 2 Billion videos watched daily 1

February 20th, 2013

Video marketing difference…

Published by: alifeoffreedom.com




You will have the potential to get your sales presentation in front of an unlimited number of people compared to the number of presentations you could do in person… Therefore you could easily increase your sales potential by 10 fold… Obviously in the beginning, talking in front of a camera may feel awkward but as with all new skills, with experience, you will get better… Within a few weeks or months with daily practice you could be a amazing at producing video’s for your business and best of all your free traffic could start flowing immediately… You can start off by doing a screen shot and talking over it, if you do not want to show your face to begin with. Follow my serious of articles where I will show you some FREE software that you can download to record a video of your computer screen and I will show you how to use it. Learn to master video and it will help you to be a master master communicator even in the art of public speaking. You will build a cult following of people who follow you, if you learn to be yourself. You can get started with your video creation immediately, all you need is the most basic video camera or even a good smart phone. Top tips when shooting your videos: Be yourself… Be honest… Be true to yourself… Learn to be you… Be consistent

Build the habit of of uploading your video’s directly to YouTube without editing them, this will save you so much time and will push you to perform to your best. Producing video content does not have to be time consuming. If you are serious about your home business and taking it to the next level as quickly as possible… You need to understand that video marketing is definitely you best option. Stay tuned for my next blog post where I will be teaching you the secret to creating great video’s that will sky rocket your lead generation taught by my multi millionaire mentors! If you would like to join our email list so that you receive our internet marketing tips and inspiring stories to keep you motivated in building your businesses delivered directly to your inbox, please send a blank email by clicking on this link and you will immediately be added to our list. Are you looking to earn an income online while working from home, OR maybe you are struggling with your current home based business? Check out the number one home based business in the industry with step by step training from some of the leading internet marketing experts in the world, better still you make 100% commissions! Welcome to our blog… We are known simply as Joe & Clare, a couple dedicated to helping you promote your home based business on the internet so that you can achieve financial freedom as soon as possible and start living a life of freedom. We do not claim to be internet marketing guru’s…

What will the content of your video’s be focused upon?

Clare and I are simply teaching others what we have learned from the business promotional system and training provided by some of the leading internet marketing experts in the world…

It’s not enough to produce videos that are simply relevant to your business, you want to produce videos that contain information that people are actively searching for so that you will actually generate traffic.

We like to learn new online strategies for generating traffic for our business, breaking them down into an easy to understand process that you can pick up in a matter of minutes and begin bringing in new traffic for your business.

Remember Youtube is simply a search engine for videos, therefore you may want to have a think about the keywords that your potential customers would use when searching for information on Youtube.

We also like to blog about personal development topics in the hope of giving you inspiration at times you are struggling to keep yourself motivated.

Once you have made a list of the potential keywords, you could do a search on Youtube and scroll through the results. If there is already a popular video on the topic, this is a good, as it is a sign you will get traffic. Many people procrastinate when getting started with their video marketing but this is one of the skills that you can not learn in advance by reading up on the subject… The only way to get good at video marketing is to start by producing videos… The more you produce the better you will get..

Do you want to accelerate your success from your home based business and become financially free much faster? If so we recommend you take years off your journey to achieving financial freedom and learn from our mentors using the same business promotional system and internet marketing training that we are currently using… For more information then click on this link to start by watching a video that will explain how you can utilize this business promotional system and training to generate massive income from your home based business.

So get started today…

When you watch the video right now, you are going to be blown away by how simple this system is…

Do at least one every day for the next 30 days…

And you are going to love it

Before the end of the 30 days you will feel much more comfortable and confident… 2

February 20th, 2013

Published by: alifeoffreedom.com

So follow these three simple steps below: 1] – Click on this link 2] – Input your email address and click submit 3] – Watch the video and decide to take action!


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