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m o e c a e B

Locavore in R E u g e n e, O

We hear that eating local supports the environment, local economies and community members. But, when it comes to the true value of consuming local foods, one thing is unclear: How do you define local? Local is defined differently by different people. Although there is no distinct definition of what “local food” means, locavores define eating local as eating foods that are grown within a hundred-mile radius of your home. Others define local as the specialty organic foods sold at community farmer’s markets. Eating locally is the same as eating seasonal. Have you ever felt weird enjoying pineapple in the dead of winter? Chances are that pineapple has traveled thousands of miles, burning unnecessary amounts of fossil fuels to get to you. A study done by the Center for Urban Education and Sustainable Agriculture highlights how, on average, meals in the United States travel about 1,500 miles to get from the farm to your plate. It is estimated that for every one


kcal energy we get from food, we put 10 kcal of fossil fuel energy into the food system. Not only are you protecting the environment by eating locally, but you are also uplifting your community. Local foods stimulate your community’s economy. Looking at Eugene, specifically for the manufacturing of goods, there are a few brands that stand out when compared to others. Let’s compare Dave’s Killer Bread from Whole Foods and locally grown sourdough bread from Big River Breads. Dave’s Killer Bread retails at Whole Foods for $5.29, compared to Big River Breads that I purchased for $5.99. Having bought Dave’s Killer Bread in the past, I was shocked to see that the local version is not that much more expensive. The motto of Dave’s Killer Bread is “Fuel Up with Whole Grains;” In contrast, the motto of Big River Breads is to do what is right for their customers and their community. Big River Bread is a company based out of Corvallis, Oregon. It also has a restaurant that is most well-known for their delicious bread and pastries. According to Big River Breads’ website, one of their values is to be sustainable. They donate their leftover food and bread to local homeless shelters and duck farmers in the surrounding area. When eating Big River Breads, you are feeding yourself something made from pure ingredients and supporting the Eugene community.

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