New Jersey Future Business Leaders of America
The Member of the Month program is designed to reward local chapter members for outstanding service to their chapter in a particular month. Every local chapter can nominate one member per month from September to January. The chapter must submit a summary (maximum of 250 words) of the member's involvement. A member may be nominated once in a given year. All nominated Members of the Month will receive a certificate at the State Leadership Conference.
State Executive Board will use the summaries to select the Member of the Year who will be honored at the State Leadership Conference.
Summaries should be mailed to: Ms. Ellen A. Benowitz NJ FBLA-PBL State Chairman Mercer County Community College PO Box B Trenton, NJ 08690
The postmark deadlines for summary submission are: October 5, 2010 (for September) November 5, 2010 (for October) December 5, 2010 (for November) January 5, 2011 (for December) February 5, 2011 (for January)
Please attach a signed Parent/Guardian Consent Form when submitting a Member of the Month summary.