FBLA’s Got Talent Rules & Regulations
Time Limit: 3 minutes Each school may submit as many performances as they wish until the regional VP closes registration Chapters must submit the FBLA’s Got Talent Registration Form and email it to fbla@mccc.edu If an act requires any equipment, chapters must bring the equipment themselves (this includes speakers and any music) All members participating are encouraged to submit the media consent form so that their performances may be featured online at njfbla.org. Any act that is potentially harmful to the performers or the audience will be stopped and immediately disqualified Any act that consists of any offensive or derogatory material will be automatically disqualified. Disciplinary action may result as well. Prohibited material includes: Swearing/Cursing Discriminatory themes Nudity Promotion of drugs, sex, or violence
Edited / Added with Last Update on December 11, 2009