Artist Alik Vetrof
Artist Alik Vetrof Alik Vetrof was born in Odessa, September 8th, 1971. Illustrator, writer, publisher, photographer, journalist, jeweler-founder and curator of information art projects. All the professional skills he mastered in practice. He started his ministry to the contemporary art from painting in 1989.
Õóäîæíèê Àëèê Âåòðîô Àëèê Âåòðîô ðîäèëñÿ â Îäåññå, 8 ñåíòÿáðÿ 1971 ã. Õóäîæíèê, èëëþñòðàòîð, ïèñàòåëü, èçäàòåëü, ôîòîõóäîæíèê, æóðíàëèñò, þâåëèð-ëèòåéùèê, êóðàòîð èíôîðìàöèîííûõ ïðîåêòîâ îá èñêóññòâå. Âñå ïðîôåññèîíàëüíûå íàâûêè îñâàèâàë íà ïðàêòèêå. Íà÷èíàë ñëóæåíèå àêòóàëüíîìó èñêóññòâó ñ æèâîïèñè â 1989ã. Creative Association «ASA ART randevu»
Let's Get Acquainted 2009, canvas, oil, 40 x 80 cm Äàâàéòå çíàêîìèòüñÿ 2009, õîëñò, ìàñëî, 40 x 80 cì
Marine expressiveness
The project consists of a series of 25 paintings.
Everyone chooses his way, and I go to the sea!.. The sea, oh, this heady aroma of waves, sea wrack and foam. A rising tide and the fresh wind blowing the face over... In the works of the artist three-dimensional images of yachts and colorful sails are reflected not only in the sea waters, but also in the sky and floating clouds, playing with the dominant hue. After viewing, the visual images of paintings do not get out from viewers’ thinking, and an example of this vivid impression – the works "Yacht Under the Yellow Sail" and "Red Sailboat in the Bay of New York". In expressive abstraction of the artist’s works a spectator totally immerses in his own world of fantasies and desires. The series of works, devoted to marine themes, is performed in the author's style: European impasto painting, a rich gamma of colors. Consummate easyness of strokes, a game of color spots and plastic solutions reflect the rich inner world of the artist and his gaming mood. After visiting the exhibitions organized under the auspices of the curator VETROF, one wants to come back again and to write poetic lines: The splash of sea waves, and the nature speaks itself: I can be in the various hypostasis – In souls; in works of the creative minds, I play with colors of the light and shade, And with the soul of sea I’m playing on the canvas...
Morning. Sunrise Over the Firth Karalino-Bugaz. 2010, canvas, oil, 40 õ 100 cm Óòðî. Âîñõîä ñîëíöà íàä ëèìàíîì Êàðîëèíî-Áóãàç. 2010, õîëñò, ìàñëî, 40 õ 100 ñì
Ìîðñêàÿ ýêñïðåññèÿ.
Ïðîåêò ñîñòîèò èç öèêëà 25 æèâîïèñíûõ ðàáîò.
Êòî êóäà, à ÿ íà ìîðå… Ìîðå, àõ ýòîò ïüÿíÿùèé àðîìàò ìîðñêîé âîëíû, âûáðîøåííûõ íà áåðåã ìîðñêèõ âîäîðîñëåé è ïåíû. Ïîäíèìàþùàÿñÿ âîëíà è ñâåæèé âåòåð, îáäóâàþùèé ëèöî… Â ðàáîòàõ õóäîæíèêà îáúåìíûå èçîáðàæåíèÿ ÿõò è ÿðêèå ïàðóñà îòðàæàþòñÿ íå òîëüêî â âîäàõ ìîðÿ, íî è â íåáå, â ïëûâóùèõ îáëàêàõ, èãðàÿ äîìèíèðóþùèì îòòåíêîì. Ïîñëå ïðîñìîòðà âèçóàëüíûå îáðàçû êàðòèí íå îòïóñêàþò ìûñëè çðèòåëåé, è ïðèìåð ýòîãî ÿðêîãî âïå÷àòëåíèÿ – ðàáîòû "ßõòà ïîä æåëòûì ïàðóñîì", "Êðàñíûé ïàðóñíèê â áóõòå Íüþ-Éîðêà".  ýêñïðåññèâíîé àáñòðàêöèè ðàáîò õóäîæíèêà çðèòåëü ïîëíîñòüþ ïîãðóæàåòñÿ â ñîáñòâåííûé ìèð æåëàíèé è ôàíòàçèé. Öèêë ðàáîò, ïîñâÿùåííûõ ìîðñêîé òåìàòèêå, âûïîëíåí â àâòîðñêîì ñòèëå: åâðîïåéñêàÿ ïàñòîçíàÿ æèâîïèñü, íàñûùåííàÿ ãàììà öâåòîâ. Âèðòóîçíàÿ ëåãêîñòü ìàçêà, èãðà öâåòîâûõ ïÿòåí è ïëàñòè÷åñêèõ ðåøåíèé îòîáðàæàþò áîãàòûé âíóòðåííèé ìèð õóäîæíèêà, åãî èãðîâîå íàñòðîåíèå. Ïîñëå ïîñåùåíèÿ âûñòàâîê, îðãàíèçîâàííûõ ïîä ïàòðîíàòîì êóðàòîðà Âåòðîô, õî÷åòñÿ ê íèì âåðíóòüñÿ è ïèñàòü ïîýòè÷åñêèå ñòðîêè. Âñïëåñê ìîðñêîé âîëíû, è ñàìà ïðèðîäà ãîâîðèò: «Ìîãó áûòü ÿ â ðàçëè÷íûõ èïîñòàñÿõ –  äóøå, â ðàáîòàõ òâîð÷åñêèõ íàòóð, Èãðàÿ öâåòîì ñâåòîòåíè, Äóøîþ ìîðÿ íà õîëñòå…»
Boat as a Lifeline in the Raging Vanity. 2009-2010, canvas, mdf, oil, acrylic, 30,5 õ 100,5 cm Êàòåð êàê ñïàñàòåëüíûé êðóã â áóøóþùåé ñóåòå. 2009-2010, õîëñò, mdf, ìàñëî, àêðèë, 30,5 õ 100,5 ñì
Regatta 2009 canvas, oil 50 õ 60 cm Ðåãàòà 2009 õîëñò, ìàñëî 50 õ 60 ñì
Black Sailboat on the Horizon 2010, canvas, mdf, oil, 85 õ 175 ñm ×åðíûé ïàðóñíèê íà ãîðèçîíòå 2010, õîëñò, mdf, ìàñëî, 85 õ 175 ñì
Regatta: Group of Yachts 2010, canvas, mdf, oil, acrylic 33,5 õ 55,5 cm Ðåãàòà: ãðóïïà ÿõò 2010, õîëñò, mdf, ìàñëî, àêðèë 33,5 õ 55,5 ñì
Boats in a Bay 2009 canvas, oil 45 õ 60 cm Ëîäêè â áóõòå 2009 õîëñò, ìàñëî 45 õ 60 ñì
Pilot Boat in the Fog. 1995-2010, canvas, mdf, oil, 19,5 x 50,5 cm Ëîöìàíñêèé êàòåð â òóìàíå. 1995-2010, õîëñò, mdf, ìàñëî, 19,5 x 50,5 ñì
Pilot Boat in the Fog. 1995-2010, canvas, mdf, oil Set into a frame of mahogany (Vietnam), 28 õ 87 cm, carving, lacquer, wood piece was created by the author in 1994 Ëîöìàíñêèé êàòåð â òóìàíå. 1995-2010, õîëñò, mdf, ìàñëî Õîëñò âñòàâëåí â îáðàìëåíèå èç êðàñíîãî äåðåâà (Âüåòíàì), 28 õ 87 ñì, ðåçüáà, ëàê, äåðåâÿííûé ôðàãìåíò âûïîëíåí àâòîðîì â 1994 ãîäó.
Regatta in the Sunshine. 2009-2010, canvas, oil, 70 õ 90 cm Ðåãàòà â ñîëíå÷íûõ ëó÷àõ. 2009-2010, õîëñò, ìàñëî, 70 õ 90 ñì
. 2010,2009, White Yacht Sailboat at sunset canvas,canvas, mdf, oil,mdf, 94 x oil, 72 cm51,5 õ 110,5 Áåëûé ïàðóñíèê. 2010, õîëñò, mdf, ìàñëî, 94 x 7251,5 ñì õ 110,5 ßõòà â çàêàòå 2009, õîëñò, mdf, ìàñëî,
Yacht in Sunset. 2009, canvas, mdf, oil, 51,5 õ 110,5 cm ßõòà â çàêàòå. 2009, õîëñò, mdf, ìàñëî, 51,5 õ 110,5 ñì
Yacht Under the Yellow Sail 2010, canvas, mdf, oil, 32,5 õ 96,5 cm ßõòà ïîä æåëòûì ïàðóñîì 2010, õîëñò, mdf, ìàñëî, 32,5 õ 96,5 ñì
Morning. Sunrise Over the Firth Karolino-Bugaz 2010, mdf, oil, 40 õ 100 cm Óòðî. Âîñõîä ñîëíöà íàä ëèìàíîì Êàðàëèíî Áóãàç 2010, mdf, ìàñëî, 40 õ 100 ñì
Black Sailboat at the Sunset 2010, mdf, oil, 50 õ 40 cm ×åðíûé ïàðóñíèê íà çàêàòå 2010, mdf, ìàñëî, 50 õ 40 ñì
The Yacht «Ukraine», in the Blusterous Sea 2010, canvas, mdf, oil, 50 x 150 cm ßõòà «Óêðàèíà» â áóøóþùåì ìîðå 2010, õîëñò, mdf, ìàñëî, 50 x 150 ñì
Black Sailboat 2009, canvas, oil, 50 õ 60 cm ×åðíûé ïàðóñíèê 2009, xîëñò, ìàñëî, 50 õ 60 ñì
Decuman Wave 2010, canvas, mdf, oil, 175 x 85,5 cm Äåâÿòûé âàë 2010, õîëñò, mdf, ìàñëî, 175 x 85,5 ñì
Red Sailboat in the Bay of New York 2010, canvas, mdf, oil, 40,5 x 100 cm Êðàñíûé ïàðóñíèê â áóõòå Íüþ Éîðêà 2010, õîëñò, mdf, ìàñëî, 40,5 x 100 ñì
Boats in the Bay From the Pier ¹126 2009 canvas, oil 40 õ 60 cm Ëîäêè â áóõòå ñ ïðè÷àëà ¹126 2009 xîëñò, ìàñëî 40 õ 60 ñì
STSUHEK – Fisherman's Catch. 2009, installation We are all fishermen in one degree or another; everyone tries to catch his fish in the murky flow of life. The author reveals the essence of the eternal human desires and information flows. Who owns the information and is able to realize his own dreams - he owns the world. Power, money, information, we and our response…
ÑÖÓÕÅÊ – Óëîâ ðûáàêà. 2009, èíñòàëëÿöèÿ Âñå ìû ðûáàêè â òîé èëè èíîé ñòåïåíè, êàæäûé ëîâèò ñâîþ ðûáêó â ìóòíîì æèçíåííîì ïîòîêå. Àâòîð ðàñêðûâàåò ñóùíîñòü âå÷íûõ ÷åëîâå÷åñêèõ æåëàíèé è èíôîðìàöèîííûõ ïîòîêîâ. Êòî âëàäååò èíôîðìàöèåé è ñïîñîáåí ðåàëèçîâûâàòü ñîáñòâåííûå ìå÷òû – òîò âëàäååò ìèðîì. Âëàñòü, äåíüãè, èíôîðìàöèÿ, ìû, è íàøà ðåàêöèÿ…
Set on the Firth, Marshes of Karalino-Bugaz., Goodbye, winter! 2010, mdf, oil, 100 õ 50 cm Çàêàò íà ëèìàíå, ïëàâíè Êàðîëèíî-Áóãàçà. Ïðîùàé, çèìà! 2010, mdf, ìàñëî, 100 õ 50 ñì
Information Support Ñatalogue of art works of artist ALIK VETROF Information Art Portal «News Contemporary Art» Magazine about contemporary art «Art Galleries». News Agency «LEL» tel.: + 3 (094) 949 03 44 e-mail:
V 2010