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1.0 Executive Summary:

1.1 Criticism and Analysis of Current Housing in Malaysia Today, most of the housing developer both private and government sector rapidly develop the new land to accommodate the massive demand of housing in Malaysia. But the problem of housing will never solve if we just focusing on increasing the number of house instead of number of ‘HOME’. ‘A HOUSE MADE OF COLUMN AND BEAM AND A HOME MADE OF LOVES AND DREAMS’ -Emily Dicknison The quotes above clearly define the thin line between a house and a home. Diagram 1.1 show the most typical linear organization housing in Malaysia. This kind of linear organization is actually the first think that

(Above) Diagram 1.1: The typical linear organization housing in Malaysia Sources : Google image (Below) Diagram 1.2: Pocket spaces in Barcelona housing Sources : Google image

should be relook by the developers. Yes, this organization actually can cut a lot of cost in construction as it comes in modular design and construction, but is that the only aspect that we can see? What about the idea of home earlier? What about the idea of community and sustainability in housing development?

Diagram 1.2 shows the public pocket spaces that used as discussion and communicating area in the housing in Barcelona. By taking Barcelona housing as a precedent study. We develop the idea of ‘HALAMAN’ with a tiny hope of improving the housing in Malaysia from a house to a home.

1.2 Core Masterplan Concept HALAMAN

Halaman is a term in Malay that defined as Yard in English. The idea of Halaman started by analysing the positive points in Malaysia housing back then in 1930’s where the housing in that era is scattered Kampung House. In term of the facilities and infrastructure yes it is not in the best condition compare to current housing in Malaysia. But let see in Social perspective where all this village people actually live in one big family, knowing each one of the ‘family’ members, share foods and stuffs. The social interaction in that era is at it best on top of the lack of facilities and infrastructure compare to current


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2.0 HOUSING ANALYSIS\ 2.1 Problems and Issues Diagram 2.1 shows the issues of the current housing in Malaysia

Isolated Community

United Community 1. Isolated community - Lack interaction between neighbours 2. Insufficient Common Space – insufficient public realm 3. High Crime Rate – Unrecognisable community allows higher crime

Insufficient Common Space

4. Interface Human & Cars- Streets becomes parking lot and not playing

Common Space Utilisation

area 5. Kids Surveillance – Undefined boundaries between kids playing area and vehicular circulation 6. Limited Choices – Unit layouts are not flexible and force fit to all

High Crime Rate

7. Energy Consuming – Energy guzzling building designs

Safer & Calmer Streets 2.2 Objectives Interface Human & Cars

Diagram 2.2 shows the objectives of the housing Kid Surveilliance 1. United Community – Foster interaction between community 2. Common Space – Offer the spaces between spaces back to the

Kids Survielliance

community 3. Crime Rate – CPTD in design 4. Safer and Calmer Streets – Giving back the streets for playing and

CPTD in design

party 5. Kids Surveillance – Segregation between kids playing area and vehicular circulation

Limited Choices

6. Variety– Adding more options and flexibilities to unit designs 7. Energy Efficient– Reduce energy consumption by passive design



Energy Consumption

Diagram 2.1: The Issues of the housing

Energy Efficient

Diagram 2.2: The objective of the housing


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3.1 CLUSTER ORGANIZATION HALAMAN housing developed by tackling the root problem of the housing not just in Malaysia but also in others developed country, The organization of the housing is develop form typical linear organization to cluster organization. By amending the organization the major problems and issues stated before can be solve


1. Isolated vehicular path and kids playing area- By changing the organization of the housing configuration, the vehicular zones and public zones can be redefined and segregated. This will improve on the problem of survellience of the housing.

2. Cluster core spaces- the cluster organization will create the pocket spaces in the core of each cluster. This common spaces can be used as social spaces among the dwellers. This will also allow the community in each cluster to recognized one another and look over one another for better surveilliance.



HALAMAN housing also encourage on the vertical development to increase the number of units and also can be sell at cheaper prices. We proposed from low density to medium low density 2-4 stories. By doing this, the energy consumption can be reduce where the building that facing east and west orientation are raised to 4 stories to give shades to the core.


Diagram 3.1: Advantages of cluster organization


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37 acre site is located at Rimbayu land near to Lebuhraya Lembah Klang Selatan. It is currently developed by a private sector developer IJM land, There are three (3) division of zoning around the HALAMAN:

1. Residential Zone 2. Commercial Zone 3. Recreational Zone

The division of the zoning is derived from the needs of dwellers in a housing masterplan project. All these 3 zones are clarified clearly while allowing friendly interconnection between each zones.

The Spine is introduces in the middle of the site that will became the main focus point of HALAMAN. It is actually connecting the centralize public facilities at north and other residential at south side.

The pedestrian and bicycle lane are provided to encourage people to use non motorize vehicle to move within HALAMAN

Diagram 4.0 : sProposed Masterplan

Diagram 4.1.: Proposed master plan


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Before designing the whole masterplan, the study on the site is required. The future development on the site is taken in account based on the readings and interviews with the developer.

4.2.1 Connecting the District The proposed site located in between two main district which are commercial district on the east and high rise residential district on west. Thus the overall masterplan of HALAMAN will become the bridge connecting the districts

4.2.2 Improving Permeablility On the north side of the site, there are two most prominence centralized public facilities for the whole township. On the other hand, on the south side there is a neighbouring landed housing. The site will become the short cut that will allow healthy social interaction with neighbouring context to be brought into HALAMAN.

4.2.3 Proposed Green Belt Proposed green belt on the east and south side of HALAMAN for natural sun shading and noise barrier. It id also to soften the concrete urban fabric of the overall township

Diagram 4.2.1 : site analysis


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4.2.4 Potential Interconnection Plaza The boundary of HALAMAN has been pushed inward to provide some reserved spaces between the site and neighboring context to allow future interconnection plazas that designed by the community themselves.

4.2.5 Proposed Public Transport Proposed new future MRT lane that pass through HALAMAN to incommodate the medium high density of the population not just in HALAMAN and also neighboring district.

4.2.6 Controlled Vehicular Circulation The vehicular circulation entering the site is minimized and controlled in the middle of the site without disturbing the accommodation zone

Diagram 4.2.2 : site analysis


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5.1 RESIDENTIAL Residential zone are the most dominant zoning for HALAMAN. The organization of the housing is in cluster organization. The whole housing are allocated on the podiums that raised up by 2.3 meter (refer section). By doing this the problems of streets parking and also the undefined


boundaries between human and cars can be solve. All the car park are tucked in underneath the podium. Each podiums then connected with the designated bridge on +2.30 level to ensure there is no intersection with the vehicular access at +0.00 level.

Diagram 5.1.1 : residential zone section

Diagram 5.1.2 : residential zone diagram


Diagram 5.1.3 : residential zone plan

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Diagram 5.1.4 :Residential zone


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Diagram 5.1.5: Perspective residential zone


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5.2 COMMERCIAL Commercial district located next to the core of HALAMAN. This is to ensure the easy access by the other zones. It is also a centralized commercial district where all the commercial activities can be held in this zone. The design of the building itself in corporate with the landscaping instead of adding it in. The common intimate spaces in between the building can be used as an event spaces for public. This idea of event spaces will allow the residents to have flexibility in designing their own events and spaces instead of we design for them.

Diagram 5.2.1 : Commercial zone section

Diagram 5.2.2 : Commercial zone diagram


Diagram 5.1.3 : Commercial zone plan

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Diagram 5.2.4 :Commercial zone


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Diagram 5.2.5: Perspective Commercial zone


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Recreational zone are located in the heart of HALAMAN. This zone is made up of a huge landscaping that will provide recreational spaces for the dwellers. By bringing in the water element as a part of recreational zone, the future interaction of the water sport in HALAMAN can be introduces such as kayak. This water element will also soften overall masterplan. In term of human comfortability, this zone will enchanted dwellers with the fresher air and more pleasant views and soundscapes of the faunas

Diagram 5.3.1 : Recreationall zone section

Diagram 5.3.2 : Recreational zone diagram


Diagram 5.3.3 : Recreational zone plan

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Diagram 5.3.4 :Recreational zone


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Diagram 5.3.5 : Perspective of Recreational zone


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6.0 INDIVIDUAL UNITS Houses in HALAMAN comes with 4 different design for people to choose according to their affordability and necessity. By introducing the multi design house, intergeneration community can be created. It also will solve the problem of youth that having problem in having their first house. This kind of layout also will boost the interaction between dwellers in the same time will trigger everyone to participate in the society







•To accommodate newlywed couple • Suitable for 2-3 occupants • 789.35 square feat

•To accommodate elders • Suitable for 1-2 occupants • 527.46 square feat

•To accommodate standart-size household • Suitable for 4-5 occupants • 1351.56 square feat

UNIT 4 BIG FAMILY UNIT •To accommodate bigger size household • Suitable for 7-8 occupants • 1549.46 square feat

Diagram 6.1 : Unit plan and tyoes


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6.2 Units in Cluster Diagram 6.2 shows how the different units are build up in one cluster and create the core common space in the middle.

Diagram 6.2: cluster design


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7.1 Waste Management: Pneumatic Waste Collection Systems (PWCS) •Until recently, the only method used in transporting and moving solid waste has been the “dreaded” rear loader or side loader compactor refuse trucks, technically known as RCVs (refuse collection vehicles) with manual labour to support the movement of bins to the vehicles. •The vehicle may have changed but the method still involves extensive labour, appalling stench and spillage of toxic leachate. Garbage left by the streets and in open and closed bins also results in breeding grounds for all kinds of pests, insects and rodents. •The PWCS is an automated waste collection system that uses a vacuum-type underground pipe network to collect household waste, which is then transported through underground pipes to a sealed container. •Trucks then periodically collect the waste for disposal. The entire waste collection process is automated, thereby reducing manpower requirements and increasing productivity. •Through the PWCS, the environmental and sanitary issues associated with open refuse collection methods are reduced.

Diagram 7.1: Configuration diagram how the system works

•This kind of system also support the segregation of trashes which later can be recycled.

7.2 Water Harvesting System (Right Above) Diagram 7.2.1: Configuration Of rainwater tank system

•The rainwater harvesting system should be integrated with onsite detention (OSD) facilities in order to serve a minor storm event during the occurrence.

(Right Below) Diagram 7.2.2: Calculation of rainwater tank (Left) Diagram 7.2.3: Example of using rainwater

•Landscape areas and impervious area such as car park, driveways, paved storage yards, and other paved surfaces can give a good range of possibilities for providing surface storage for on-site detention-cumrainwater harvesting storage and can beautify the surrounding area. •For new campus planning proposal, the collected rainwater is to be utalized for exterior activities such as gardening, washing car and Cleaning. It’s not for drinking purposes.


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