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Annia Moussawel
My identity as woman, artist, and mother has informed my recent work, The Days are Long. This series of photographs centers around my grandmother, mother, daughter, and myself. I examine the complex relationship between mother and child, the individual, and the evolving role of mothers and women over generations in my family. Influenced by the work of photographers like Elinor Carucci, Sally Mann, and Larry Sultan, I often collaborate with my subjects, while in other instances the images are the result of my constant observation of gestures, color, and light.
Ania Moussawel
Peter deMercado’s work was Curator’s Choice Award for 3D Media. Peter deMercado is a mixed media artist with a focus on found objects, recycled materials, and bricolage. His primary subject matter relates to fish, ocean pollution and environmental pollution. Peter’s most powerful influences come from indigenous and outsider artist and cultures His fish series are all related to what I call the “New Sea”. -the plastics and “E waste polluting every facet of our lives and oceans. DeMercado has lived his entire life near water and as a fisherman the ocean has been an ever-present influence on his work throughout the past 20 years.
Cenco Five-0- 40” x 15”-