TON Annual Report 2017

Page 1


8-9 Infographic - Educational Department

4-7 About us


5 Years - TON TONNE Slatina - Timiș

Network structures

Message from TON President Message from Executive Director Message from Belgian Ambssador Board Members

18 - 21 12 - 17

Partnership projects

TON Projects

10 - 11 National Trainers

28 26 - 27

2018 TON Calendar

Financial Report

22 - 25 Sponsors and partners

Support TON’s projects and activities

TON Library


Word from TON President With this TON annual report 2017, we present you the results of an exciting and stimulating year for our network. At one hand we developed our constitutional capacity with growing leaders in the different TON departments. The spring regional trainings are a testimony of it. Furthermore, the TONNE national training in SlatinaTimis brought the whole network together in celebrating as well 5-year TON. The different local groups are improving their activities and the network is still growing every year. In the spirit of the Belgian-Romanian cooperation, we further concluded collaboration contracts with new partners as there are CARP-OMENIA, InfoCons, Colectiv 30.10, and the cooperation between ADR and TON is strengthened. Together we were co-organizers and participants of a successful 6th Forum on decentralized cooperation between Belgium and Romania in Mons,

Belgium. Project wise we further were a trustable and appreciated partner in the RE-InVEST project. We created a lot of visibility by the homecare project where the funding from Switzerland ended in 2017, but all partners decided to continue and even enlarge the project on social and medical homecare in the future. A real Business Plan is in preparation. Further, new project proposals were discussed and launched in 2017. We are grateful to all our sponsors and supporters. It’s every year a huge job to find the needed money to grow. That is the reason we started a workgroup fundraising within ADR-Vlaanderen. On the other hand, we try to be as visible and present as possible. We are working on a plan for “TON ambassadors” starting up in 2018. The support of the Belgian Embassy in Romania as of the Romanian Embassy in Belgium was really appreciated. We also started to incorporate other embassies in Romania to work together, as we try to get the parliamentarians of Romania and Belgium to be more involved and collaborate again. In fact, ADR/TON are the real ambassadors of Flanders in Romania and visible and reachable for all groups of the society. With many thanks to our TON staff and volunteers. It’s not always easy working, but if you see the yearly growing results, it’s stimulating to continue. There is still a long way to go, but it’s nice to see the ownership of what we are setting up together is more and more situated in Romania, meaning the future is ours.

JOZEF GOEBELS President TON & ADR-Vlaanderen







Word from Executive Director

The year 2017 represented for our TON - a year of celebrating the 5 years since we operated under these auspices (bringing together the experience and expertise of a Romanian-Belgian collaboration for over 28 years). New member organizations have been set up, new informal groups have joined the network, projects have been developed, we have responded to the needs of local

communities or directly to our members. TON network operates from person to person and from organization to organization. We note the special activities in the Network: the spring trainings, TONNE National Meeting, the project in the health department (done with great help/and many bicycles’ - from the Belgian partners and local communities), the RE-InVEST socio-financial research project - these are activities initiated by TON and implemented directly by our Foundation. Every member has contributed to the Foundation’s development and it is a good time to thank each volunteer, each member organization, our leaders in the Board, the Romanian and Belgian partners, our president, our sponsors, our experts, all those who support us. We feel all of you close and we are happy to grow together in TON Network for a better Romania. CRISTINA CHERȚ Executive Director

It is always a pleasure as Ambassador of Belgium in Romania to work with ‘The Open Network for community development’, a motivated Romanian –

Word from Belgian Ambassador in Romania

Flemish initiative active in various domains, always tackling the challenges communities in Romania have to confront. This initiative has many volunteers working wholeheartedly for noble projects in Romanian communities, making a Belgian Ambassador proud of this cooperation between two members of the European Union. As you will read in this report, new promising avenues of cooperation have been opened in 2017, illustrating the willingness of the Open Network to remain a relevant actor in community development.

THOMAS BAEKELANDT Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium in Romania







About us

We were born in April 2012 from a big desire to ensure the visibility, synergy and sustainability of the Romanian-Belgian partnerships in the field of community development (active since 1989), as well as to develop the network through collaboration and experience exchanges with other national and/or international organizations focused on community development in a broad context. TON is a Network of people for people and for Romanian communities, a non-profit organisation established by Romanian and Belgian partners. We bring together in a national network both: Romanian NGOs and informal groups established at local, regional or national level. Although different, all these structures have in common their establishment as a result of a Romanian-Belgian partnership and/ or their orientation towards local community’s needs.

Our objectives • Actively involving communities to achieve sustainable community development, with and for the people; • Activation and mobilization of community members, locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. We will ensure information and lobbying for resources, trainings, regular dialogue and exchanges, thereby involving the community members in the shaping of European and national policies; • Implementation and monitoring of national legislation; • Implementation of actions in a democratic, transparent, representative and inclusive way, ensuring a transparent consultation process, information strategies and promotion of best practices in areas such as: education, leadership, health, community development, building up civil society, culture and heritage, environment and waste management, agriculture, sustainable tourism, entrepreneurship; • Coordination and collaboration in areas of interest and expertise within the undertakings of Romanian-Belgian organizations representing sustainable community development;


How to become a member? 1. Send a message to and ask for an “Official request for TON membership”; 2. Fill in the “Official request for TON membership” and sent it back to; 3. In maximum 2 weeks you will receive the answer to the “official request” submitted by the Administration Council to the TON Board; 4. If the “official request” received a positive answer, you may transfer the annual membership fee into the official account of TON; 5. You will receive the TON member card and you will be part of our TON Network. TON network has 4 types of members: • Active Members: members (natural persons or organizations) that are active at local level, that have a Belgian partner or not, that work with one of our models; • The Individual Active Members: will be encouraged to develop their own organization (informal/formal group in the community), in one year after they decide to be TON members. • Supporting Members: members who pay the membership fee and are informed on what we do. They may participate in our training programs by paying the training fee. The supporting members are our future project partners. • Members of Honor: these members are invited by the TON Board to join us as members of honor due to their presence, activities, expertise and experience. Who can become a member? Each individual and institution (public authority, association, enterprise), all who want to commit efforts, energy, time, for a better life in the community, through sustainable development. Membership fee:

Individuals Local authorities, Associations, small businesses Large structures – NGOs, enterprises


Belgians and other nationalities

10 RON


50 RON


400 RON

100 EURO

Local Youth Organisation (OLT) is an informal or formal group (association) of youth that is encouraged by adult organizations from the same community from school, to meet and to organize activities for the local community and for the personal development of each participant. It is recommended that each group has an adult as support. OLTs and youth groups in schools are parts (or not) of one of the two umbrellas that are members in TON: Local Youth Groups Association (AGLT - www.; and Together Everyone Achieves More Association (TEAM - These umbrellas are national organizations.

Network Structures

Local Women Organisation (OLF) is an informal or formal group (association) of women from a community, that implements activities leading to personal development of members and/or the development of the community. Each OLF has its own agenda (it’s recommended an annual plan of activities) and organises at least an activity per month (Fundraising for various activities in the community; Social Campaigns/Charities; Projects and contests; Information sessions/Personal development workshops and events; Exchange of experiences/ Excursions).

Local Men Organisation (OLB) is an informal or formal group (association) of men from a community, that implements activities leading to personal development of members and/or the development of the community. Each OLB has its own agenda (it’s recommended an annual plan of activities) and organises at least an activity per month (Fundraising for various activities in the community; Social Campaigns/Charities; Projects and contests; Information sessions/Personal development - workshops and events; Exchange of experiences/Excursions).

Local Development Committee (CDL) is a group of citizens who, through their common work (in a group or in an informal association) aim to develop a sustainable community. Each CDL develops its own logo and function as an independent body within TON Foundation. From a CDL can be part anyone in the community who wants to invest time, energy and expertise to contribute to her/his community sustainable development. A CDL can develop a variety of activities taking into account the priorities and needs of their community, receiving support from the TON Foundation for models of social organization in different areas of development, such as: community development, health (CLS, ADAM), tourism (social), development of civil society (OLF, OLB and OLT), education programs (workshops, training, entrepreneurship) etc.


Network Structures 6

Working on healthy communes in Romania Local Health Committee (CLS) is a formal or an informal group constituted by Community representative persons or organizations (from local organizations, school, church, the County Council, the business, hospital etc.), which primarily aims to increase the health level of the community members through integrated actions (punctual local initiatives to change health policies). CLS can develop concrete projects and actions or can function as a consultative forum for developing local health policies. CLS is a multidisciplinary working group but does not develop any medical activity. When a CLS is authorized to develop medical action, turns his statute into an ADAM. Can be part of a CLS anyone wishing to contribute to health policies development at the local level and can contribute with expertise into actions and projects development for a better health status in the community to which he/she belongs. Examples of possible activities carried out by a CLS: education campaigns for a better health status; prevention campaigns; harmful public health issues identified in the community - awareness campaigns; joint events in collaboration with authorized institutions on improving medical; services for population health; sportive events; awareness events on healthy eating.

The Mutual Help Association (ADAM) is a non-profit organization that provides medical and social services at community level, based on the identified needs of its members. Each ADAM has a very strong structure (associative), enhanced by the development of OLF, OLB and OLT and the implementation of socio-medical activities. The most important concepts that are developed in an ADAM are: medical and social services of high quality; services affordable for community members; solidarity; mutual respect and volunteering. Any person can become member of and ADAM by paying a membership fee, set by the board of each local ADAM. Examples of possible activities carried out by an ADAM: medical and social services; training activities for unemployed youth; informative sessions; dissemination of the country’s culture and traditions; workshops; Youth Exchanges; social responsibility campaigns; medical and social rehabilitation; health education, prophylaxis and prevention. An ADAM is working as a local Health Mutual Organization.

Map legend 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Alba Argeș Bacău Bihor Botoșani Brașov București Buzău Caraș-Severin Cluj - Napoca

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

Constanța Dolj Giurgiu Gorj Ialomița Iași Maramureș Mehedinți Neamț Sălaj

21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

Suceava Tulcea Vaslui Vâlcea Vrancea

Local Women Organisation (OLF)

Local Men Organisation (OLB)

Local Youth Organisation (OLT)

Local Development Committee (CDL)

Local Health Committee (CLS)

The Mutual Help Association (ADAM)

Other member organisations


MARCH - JUNE Motivated Volunteers and Self-Initiatives

144 hours total training activities




national trainers

20 - 23 JULY 2017


TON National Event

12 hours activities



520 participants in 2017 15.000 â‚Ź

spent on trainings.


5 years TON celebrated in Slatina-Timis TON National Event (TONNE) 21st-22nd July 2017, SlatinaTimiș, Caraș-Severin County was a success. During the two days of work, over 100 participants, Romanians and Belgians, worked together on different departments of interest, the focus of the meeting was ‘Working in the TON Network’. TON trainers have developed unique methods (exercises and tools) that helped participants to grow their spirit of belonging to TON Network. The event created a context in which our members could exchange experiences, gain new knowledge and new ways of interaction, teaching and personal development through all the trainers involved. During the two working days, workshops were organized on the departments of the Foundation: Local Community Development, Women Local Organizations and Men Local Organizations, Local Youth Organization and Health Organizations with special attention for the homecare project. Each workgroup had a session in which the activities from August 2016 to July 2017 were presented, worked on joint projects in the network, identified network opportunities and future project partners. His Excellency Thomas Baekelandt, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium to Romania and his wife, has given us the special honour of joining our meeting and contributing to the five-year celebration of The Open Network for Community Development Foundation. We have celebrated 5 years of work and growth in the TON Network, but we also celebrated the National Day of Belgium. We thank ADAM Slatina-Timiș for organizing, for positive vibrations and engagement. With thanks to all the participants for the enthusiasm and the good mood, to the Belgian partners for their effort and because they have been present in such a large number.


National Trainers

1. Mihaela HICHE

2. Nicu HICHE

Level of intervention: local, regional Areas of expertise: organizational development, sustainable community development, education, organizational management, communication, OLF, OLB, ADAM

3. Portik LÁSZLÓ

Level of intervention: local, regional Areas of expertise: OLB

Level of intervention: regional, international Areas of expertise: organizational development, social projects

5. Crina PUIE

Level of intervention: local Areas of expertise: education, organizational management, leadership, EU projects

4. Monica TODERIȚĂ

Level of intervention: local, regional, national Areas of expertise: youth policy, community development through youth organizations

6. Ioan SURU

‘TON national trainers are available in space and sometimes in time...’

Level of intervention: local, regional, national, international Areas of expertise: volunteers management, leadership, organizational development, sustainable community development, health, organizational management, OLF, OLT, CLS, ADAM, OLB 7. Adriana POLOȘAN Level of intervention: local, regional, national and international Areas of expertise: OLF; volunteer management, working with teenagers and children over 7 years 8. Mihaela DOBRE Level of intervention: local, regional, national Areas of expertise: social and family psychology, sustainable community development, personal development, communication, health, OLF, associative movement, social economy, coaching 9. Ramona GENES Level of intervention: national, international Areas of expertise: leadership, organizational development, EU projects, sustainable community development, education/TOT, communication, fundraising, organizing events

11. Cristina VLADU

10. Cozmin ANDRIOAE

Level of intervention: local, regional, national, international Areas of expertise: leadership, communication, organizational structure, organizational management, public speaking, Training of Trainers (TOT), teambuilding camp; teamwork

Level of intervention: local, regional, national, international Areas of expertise: development projects, public health policies

13. Alex STOIAN

12. Viorica VINTILĂ-ȘONTICĂ Level of intervention: local, regional, national Areas of expertise: education, organizational development


Level of intervention: local, regional, national Areas of expertise: project development, health public policy

15. Doina ENACHE Level of intervention: local, regional Areas of expertise: OLF, education 17. Daniela GHIȚOIU Level of intervention: local, regional, national, international. Areas of expertise: leadership, organizational development, sustainable community development, education, organizational management, communication, organizational expertise in early education programs, OLF, CDL youth

16. Andrei ȘEITAN Level of intervention: local, regional, national. Areas of expertise: volunteerism, organizational development, management of resources, responsibility, motivation, youth leadership, organization / implementation of events (actions, teambuilding, projects)

National Trainers

14. Cristea ENACHE Level of intervention: local, regional Areas of expertise: OLB, education.

18. Maria PRUTIEANU Level of intervention: local, regional, national Areas of expertise: leadership, organizational development, youth, education

‘TON national trainers are available in space and sometimes in time...’

19. István HESFELEAN Level of intervention: local, regional, national, international. Areas of expertise: leadership, teambuilding, youth policies and AGLT development, community development through local youth groups 20. Alina SCÂNTEIE Level of intervention: local, regional, national, international. Areas of expertise: EU projects for youth, communication, youth policies, promotion, events, organizational administration 21. Cristina CHERȚ Level of intervention: national, international Areas of expertise: leadership, EU projects, organizational development, management, education, culture 22. Ana IRICIUC Level of intervention: local, regional, national, international Areas of expertise: organizational development, community development, elderly

23. Ana Maria BUMBU Level of intervention: local, regional Areas of expertise: youth policy, organizational development through youth organizations

25. Daniela CEREDEEV Level of intervention: local, regional Areas of expertise: youth policy, organizational development through youth organizations

24. Dan CEREDEEV Level of intervention: local, regional, national Areas of expertise: leadership, organizational development, EU projects, sustainable community development, education, organizational management, communication, OLB, CDL 26. Emilian CEREDEEV Level of intervention: local, regional, national, international; Areas of expertise: socio-cultural animation for children and youngsters; socio - educational animation for children with special needs; volunteers management, leadership development Community Initiative informal group, OLT, CDL.


Active Rural Communities 12

In March 2016, TON in partnership with ADAM Slatina-Timiș started the implementation of the project ‘Active Rural Communities in providing and monitoring home care services – Increasing the access to medicosocial services for elderly in 5 rural communities’. The project financed by Fundația pentru Dezvoltarea Societății Civile benefited of a CHF 74.050 grant from the Swiss Contribution to the enlarged European Union; TON’s contribution was of CHF 8.250, of which CHF 4.500 were cash and CHF 3.750 in kind. The project was completed on December 31st, 2017. The project responds to the main priorities identified within the process of assessing needs and defining the strategic vision: TON Health Master Plan 2015-2024 on Health Services in Rural Communities in Romania. The pilot communities were: Bunesti (Braşov County), Batăr (Bihor County), Armeniş (Caraş-Severin County), Moldoviţa (Suceava County), Dumitreşti (Vrancea County). Other TON member communities: Hodora (Iaşi County) or Berbeşti and Lăpuşata (Vâlcea County) have shown interest in developing home care services. Hodora community managed to follow the project’s activities in full, in November 2017 Hodora officially entered the project. Hodora thus contributed to the performance indicators of the project. The year 2017 marked new courses and the effective delivery of home care services. With the support of the Belgian partners, in April 2017, a home care training was organized in

Belgium; 14 people, including leaders of local associations and nurses belonging to each community team, participated in this program. The training ensured exposure to organizational problems in home care as well as exposure to professional, practical issues. A second training, “Contracting home care services”, took place in November 2017 for leaders of nongovernmental home care providers and local municipalities. The training aimed in transferring the necessary knowledge to make financing contracts between local public authorities and private non-profit providers, thus creating prerequisites for increasing the chances of sustainability of services offered in the community. Through the year 2017, home care teams operated at the level of pilot communities; part-time nurses in each community were supported by volunteers, set up teams providing social and medical services at home for over 540 beneficiaries. In each of the communities were organized monthly meetings to coordinate teamwork.

On September 21, 2017, the project team organized the Final Project’s Conference, Increasing Access to Home Care Services for the Elderly in Romania. The International Conference (Belgium, Switzerland, France and Germany) was hosted by the Committee on Health and Family Affairs of the Deputies Chamber and was organized under the patronage of the Embassy of Belgium, the Embassy of Switzerland and the Embassy of France. During the conference, was brought the attention to the coverage of home care services of the elderly in Romania, to the national decision-makers at the national level (Parliament, Ministry of Health, National Health Insurance House), county and local (mayors of the pilot localities). Thus, were presented models of home care services from other countries (France, Germany, Belgium), models of sustainable home care services in Romania (Caritas Alba Iulia, Crucea Alb Galbenă Buzău), as well as models of services initiated in rural communities through this project, discussing the need for public policies to support the growth of institutional and financial sustainability of providers of such services.

September 2017 by organizing 6 press conferences, inviting and raising awareness of the local and county authorities in Caraș, Arad, Bihor, Gorj, Buzău, Vrancea, Covasna and Brașov on the need for home care services, the possibility of organizing and financing these services in each community. Impressive work has been developed by the teams of the 6 communities to undertake the bureaucratic steps needed to obtain authorizations and accreditations: the five community organizations active at the end of the project - Armeniș, Batăr - Tăut, Bunești - Viscri, Cotnari Hodora, Moldovița - managed to obtain accreditation from the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection. They also managed to conclude financing contracts with The project team actively contributed to the two the Belgian partners in order to to ensure the financial stages of the ‘Cycling for Homecare’ Promotion, sustainability of the services for the immediate period. Advocacy and Fundraising Campaign in June and


Cycling as a means of action

The project ‘Active Rural Communities in providing and monitoring home care services – Increasing the access to medico-social services for elderly in 5 rural communities’ started in 2016 and was continued in 2017. For the first time we decided to use sports (cycling) as a means of action in our network both in Flanders and in Romania. It was a big challenge because the targets were huge: convince Flemish cyclists to join us cycling in an unknown country, raising money for a project of an organization most of them never heard of, make clear in Romanian media and to Romanian decision makers there is a problem on healthcare and for sure for the elderly and sick people in rural area. In September 2016 we had a first try with only 3 cyclists, visiting the villages of Moldovița and Hodora. The feeling was good: great welcome in the villages involved in the project, a lot of attention of media in the bigger cities (unfortunately not always in the villages involved), cycling in Romania is not that dangerous as people told us before, first money came in our account to support the project. In 2017 we started with a Flemish weekend of cycling visiting the 6 involved Flemish communities in 2 days of cycling in April. For the cyclists a moment to get to know each other and the Flemish volunteers involved in the homecare project. For the 6 ADR-groups a moment to


put their project in the picture for their supporters and the local media. During our trip in June 2017 we visited with 3 cyclists the involved villages Tăut and Slatina- Timiș. In September 2017 we had a perfect final, visiting Dumitrești and Viscri with a group of 13 cyclists, ending our trip in Bucharest on the occasion of the Final Conference of the homecare project. During our cycling trips we got so much media coverage that nobody involved in healthcare in Romania can ever say they are not aware of the problem of homecare in their country! We also met a lot of partners and organizations that also advocate for more homecare and can/will be partners in our network in future. The start of a cycle tradition? We started to promote cycling trips in Romania for Flemish cyclists: it took us not that much efforts to convince 11 cyclists to join us in June 2018 and even 18 for September 2018. In 7 days we will cycle 900 km and discover the beautiful nature, nice cities (f.e. Alba Iulia) and climb the highest road – Transalpine, on Parâng mountain. For more information:

The premise was, Romania faces serious health problems that the health care system does not seem to be able to cope with. Poor health indicators such as high morbidity and mortality through tuberculosis, hepatitis B, and C, cervical cancer, infant mortality, dramatically dropping of healthy life expectancy place Romania on the last places in Europe with regard to health showing the poor performance of its health system.

Last year we decided to work in the future under the name of ‘Healthy communes in Romania’ since a lot of basic and simple activities can be linked it to but also to really fight for a guarantee on a Qualitative, Accessible and Affordable healthcare in Romania.

Of course, the involvement of local, regional and national governments are highly needed, beside different other partners from our network. We permanently seek We made a SWOT analysis of ourselves, wrote a as well other partners and try to activate the Belgian mission and vision and general and specific objectives. Romanian parliamentary commission of the friendship We described a ‘Possible Menu of Projects’ and will try on health as well as cooperation with embassies of diffeto implement them as much as possible during this peri- rent countries in Bucharest. od of 10 years in relation to other partners and financing. We will continue these efforts in 2018 and enlarge We already work on primary prevention, started a the scope where possible, thinking in the direction of care project on medical and social homecare in 6 TON com- for elderly people, palliative care, burn prevention and munities between 2016-2017 financed by the ‘Swiss-Ro- treatment and further development of the Health Mutual manian cooperation program’ that will be continued Organization. and enlarged in 2018, thanks also to the Belgian partner

France: Association des Brules de France

Future projects

We prepared an Erasmus+ K2 project application In the project will be involved the following regarding burn prevention, especially for kids. This organisations: decision was made after we made a preparative visit Belgium: Stichting Brandwonden (project applicant) in November 2017, together with the Belgian Burn and ADR-Vlaanderen Foundation. At a certain moment, the idea came up to apply with 2 projects i.e. one on prevention and another Bulgaria: Sdruzenije na na Raboteshtite s Hora s on the treatment of burns, with France as leading Uvrezhdaniya partner. Finally, we decided to go first this year for the prevention project. Romania: TON Foundation and Colectiv 30.10

TON Health Masterplan 2015-2024

In 2015 TON health department decided to make a communes. Further, we worked on better access to basic health Masterplan for the coming 10 years in order to dental services and on the development of ADAM strucwork on a structured and documented way. tures and mutual funding in other places.

Portugal: Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Lisboa (Esel) This means that we have a nice spreading all over Europe and as well: Burn foundations/civil society/ patient organization/firefighting school comming together with whole our network of youngsters, adult and elderly groups on board.


Rebuilding an inclusive, value-based Europe of solidarity and trust through social investments (RE-InVEST) During 2017, RE-InVEST Project (Horizon 2020), provided for international partners opportunities in meeting and exchange of experience on national researches conducted since 2016. Between 30.01-01.02.2017, took place the meeting in Turin, Italy, and the main topics developed during this meeting were: “Capabilities and human rights: how to enrich the social investment paradigm”; “Indicators of vulnerability based on Human Rights and Capabilities”; “The social damage of the crisis: the state of socioeconomic vulnerability, austerity and trust in the EU”; “Social investment in (basic) services markets”. The work between the project partners was followed by public events organized in the generous space of the Abbele Group, the themes being addressed were: Re-investing in social policies by Michel Debruyne; Challenging EU social policies by M. Ferrera; Social damage of the crisis by Ides Nicaise. The event was followed by workshops with the public participation: “Workshop on the co-construction of knowledge and the participatory approach based on Human Rights and the Capability Approach with different Italian examples” and “Building blocks for a Human Rights and Capabilitybased social investment Workshop”. Between 11th- 14th of September, in Lisbon, Portugal, RE-InVEST partners meet for a “Speed-up meeting” in which the main topic was: what were the conclusions of the research on the social damage of the crisis (introduction into the main findings of the research on the social damage of the crisis and on trust and social investment) and the remained question was: what are the (policy) implications of the research for Europe and the member states? October 2017 (22nd-24th) was giving to us, TON Foundation, the possibility to be for the first time the host country for Re-InVEST project. We had 2 full days of research work presentation and activities into the field. As main topics, we follow the WP 6 and the sectorial papers documents development (in Water, ECEC,


Housing, Financial approach, Healthcare). We have the pleasure to have as guest ones of the best experts of the Civil Society regarding the Roma population problems and the civil society input in developing social services (Claudia Macaria - CRCR Cluj/ Ioan Tănasă - Roma Education Fund and Diana Chiriacescu - FONSS). We were visiting two rural communities’ active into our Network: Hodora and Prisăcani in which our international academics partners were confronted with the population view regarding the main topics of the project. In October, for all our international partners, Iași, Romania starts to be a known beautiful place with beautiful people, and for this, it is time now to say thank you to all those who helped us to organize to the standards of high quality this event. Our thanks go to Ana Maria Bumbu, Andrei Dăscălescu, Irina Pachița who organized the “Treasure Hunt”; to those who received us with warm hearts at Hodora: Vasile Creţu - Mayor of Cotnari commune, Irina and Tiberiu Tăşală - “Together for Hodora” Association, Mihaela Nistor - Director of “Cezar Petrescu” Gymnasium School Hodora, to the whole team of school teachers who participated in the discussion sessions; to those who met us at Prisăcani: Ghiocel Stanciu - Mayor of Prisăcani commune and Roger Cockhuyt (partner Măcărești). Last but not least, we enjoy every time our work in Iași in a perfect team consisting of Maria, Isty, Alina, Cristina and Patrick. And their last names are no longer to be remembered here, because in our network their names have become famous for their good organization and special care for the guests.

The aim of the project was to promote volunteering as a means of personal and professional development among young people by encouraging and supporting them to actively and responsibly engage in volunteering and non-formal education projects within the belonging community. The project has involved a large number of young people across the country in all stages of implementation, from project team building, to organizing and participating in Caravan training and information sessions, evaluation and dissemination activities: the result is the effective increase in the level of knowledge about volunteering among young people and the degree of civic involvement. The project provided to the participants and the coordinators of youth activities as well as empowered institutions, an example of good practice and a landmark for organizing and carrying out activities to cultivate the creativity of young people. Generally speaking, the entire community has been involved in knowing volunteer activities and young volunteers. The project covered three stages: • Caravan making ‘Success stories’ • Making the Volunteer Forum • Making of ‘Volunteer Journal’

Promote your volunteering values!

Between July 24th and October 15th, Asociația Grupurilor Locale de Tineret (AGLT), in partnership with The Open Network for Community Development Foundation (TON), has carried out the project ‘Promote Your Volunteering Values!’ funded by the Ministry of Youth and Sport, in the Youth Project National Contest.

volunteers of our organization, TON Foundation and other NGO’s who had the opportunity to listen and share their personal experiences accumulated during their volunteer work. The volunteers also organized a nonformal activity, specific to AGLT, with the participation of children and young people from the community of belonging. This project was a project about and for young volunteers. Discussions during the meetings were focused on the stories of volunteers developed during their activities in the organizations in which they are are active in. Each participant held a presentation of his own ‘life stories’, thus developing oratory skills in front of a foreign audience. Through each own story and experience, participants have accumulated information on volunteer development opportunities, exemplary learning, underlying non-formal activities typically implemented in the AGLT. For more information visit The volunteers’ forum was held over two days in Sângeorz Băi; here, volunteers shared their own experiences and talked about the benefits and risks of volunteering. The volunteers with less than five years’ experience have attended a personal development workshop in order to self-identify their potential and deal with life situations. The volunteers with more experience took part in a workshop to promote volunteer values by gathering and writing volunteer experiences in a ‘Volunteer Journal’. ( w w w . fa c e b o o k . c o m / p g / A G LT. O R G / photos/?tab=album&album_id=2019498164730374) The ‘Volunteer Journal’ serves as a testimony to volunteer activities and highlights the impact of volunteering on the personal and professional development of young people and their evolution. We thank all volunteers who have been involved in this project.

The ‘Success Stories’ caravan facilitated meetings that featured the experiences of young people who have developed a lifestyle or career through volunteering. The project was carried out in 10 counties in Romania: Sălaj, Bihor, Caraş-Severin, Vâlcea, Constanţa, Ialomiţa, Tulcea, Suceava, Iaşi, Bistriţa-Năsăud and 20 localities: Cehul-Silvaniei, Bratca, Lăpuşata, Berbeşti, Hârşova, Constanţa, Ţăndărei, Dăeni, Tulcea, Fălticeni, Suceava, Moldovița, Vatra Moldoviţei, Ciumârna, Crucea, Câmpulung Moldovenesc, Iaşi, Hodora, Sângeorz Băi. The caravan brought together young and adult


Partenership projects

The Forum on Decentralized Cooperation Belgium-Romania-France

Was held in Mons, Grand Hornu, Belgium, between October 12th -14th, 2017. The theme and discussion topics were based on the conclusions and assessments of the previous forums, meetings and conferences, and it was aimed at decentralized cooperation between Belgium, France and Romania within the Europe 2020 priorities. The objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy are transposed in national priorities but make sense only if local authorities and civil society groups take on these priorities while implementing policies and projects. The 2017 Forum focused on the role of local action groups in implementing and achieving these priorities. In this context, companies were also involved in a business to business (B2B) event in which speakers were making the connection between the economy and civil society.

This was a good starting point for the more general presentations about Europe 2020 and 10 years of Romania’s accession to the EU. Considering this general context, the Forum analysed more in detail the following topics in workshops at different locations in the Walloon region in Belgium: Workshop 1: Local Healthcare Systems responding to community needs Workshop 2: Ageing challenges and outcomes Workshop 3: Youngsters: community futures Workshop 4: Reconversion: a mine of opportunities Workshop 5: Poverty reduction and rural development Workshop 6: Culture and cultural exchanges The 3rd day brought together the conclusions from the previous ones and a reflection was made by by Stéphane Cesari, Cooperation Attaché, Embassy of France in Romania and by Diana Chiriacescu/FONSS (Federation of NGO’s active in providing social services). New plans were made for the coming 2 years.

European Transylvanian Meetings 2017 (7th edition) “Health policies: what innovative solutions for the territories?” Cluj-Napoca - Zalău – Oradea, 8-10 March 2017

In 2017 this yearly event of the French embassy in Romania was organized on health and healthcare. During a preliminary meeting in January 2017 with Stéphane Cesari, Cooperation Attaché, Embassy of France in Romania, we were asked to present our models on healthcare developed in Romania during this event. So as well Cristina Vladu (health specialist TON), Ioan Suru (general manager community health center ADAM Slatina-Timis) as Jozef Goebels (president ADR/TON) participated in this very interesting road-conferences in 3 different cities. We presented our work of ADR-TON on health and healthcare, the CLS and ADAM models, our TON Mas-


terplan and Case Study Slatina-Timis. Important conclusions of these meetings: • Seen the strong increase of depending elderly people in Romania, the huge access difference to healthcare between rural and urban areas, the over-morbidity and -mortality regarding chronical diseases that could be avoided, particularly in Transylvania, a fair and adequate offer of healthcare is needed by mobilizing new systems of healthcare providing and more financial means. The setup of multidisciplinary community health centers with services nearby the beneficiaries, as ADAM Slatina-Timiș is an excellent model in Romania, has to be developed urgently. • It’s clear the civil society is the motor for changings and thus local health committees (CLS) should be installed with civil society, local councils, schools, companies, SME, etc. • Learning programs and exchange of experiences concerning best practices have to be organized in order to support what’s working well instead of creating new structures ex nihilo.

CERC – “Educational Centre in Rural Areas” For two beautiful years (June 2015 - May 2017), Centrul de Resurse şi Consultanţă în Educaţie (CRCE) in partnership with ADAM Moldoviţa, Proiect Pro Europa Association, ADAM Slatina-Timiş and Asociația Grupurilor Locale de Tineret (AGLT) developed in partnership CERC project – “Educational Centre in Rural Area” (ERASMUS+ Project, Key Action 1 – Adult Education, 2015-RO01-KA104-014746). During the project, members and volunteers from involved organizations have participated to trainings on different topics which are of interest for the organizations they’re active in. Throughout the project, the partner organizations sent their representatives to: 1. 4 - 8 April 2016, Athens, Greece - Plan and Management Effectively European Funded Projects 2. 10 - 16 July 2016, Bologna, Italy - European project management and design 3. 22 - 28 April 2017, London, UK - Creativity and Pedagogy - Intercultural Theatre and Adult Education For rural development, the educational offer for adults must be diverse and responsive to the needs of personal and professional training for community

members. Examples of “Educational Centre in Rural Area” we find as best practices throughout the European community, and we try to integrate our national values, primarily through the development of local human resources.

Belgian Week 2017 During the Belgian Week in Cluj (April 24-27, 2017), Actie Dorpen Roemenië Vlaanderen (ADR-Vlaanderen) and The Open Network for Community Development Foundation (TON) organized two seminars (by Patrick Van den Nieuwenhof) in which the central theme, ICT (Information and Communication Technology) and automation, is closely related to community needs. First seminar was about setting up social maps with Berbesti (Valcea County) as an example and stressing on community profiles and business opportunities. Herselt and Berbesti have been collaborating for a long time. Recently, a social map was made by ADR-Vlaanderen and the potential for reconversion was mapped. Also, during the seminar was held a video conference with Kathleen Helsen, a member of the Flemish Parliament and stakeholder of the Flemish ADR-group HUT in Herselt who is very supportive of this co-operation. Second Seminar was on E-HEALTH, M-HEALTH and TELE-HEALTH meeting social medical needs. EU policies insist on configuring information technology and data management strategy to support monitoring and governance. This includes, in particular, higher investment in E-HEALTH and M-HEALTH. To this end, an EU-wide voluntary E-HEALTH network has been created. All memoranda included measures for E-HEALTH. Romania, for example, has developed

E-HEALTH tools with community funds. Lot of partners from our network participated as there are Dan Baciu, White-Yellow Cross Bucharest (Măriuca Ivan), the professors of oral history Cluj, ADAM Cluj, ADAM Slatina-Timiș (Ioan Suru and Adrian Ardelean). Good practices were presented by White-Yellow Cross Bucharest presenting the ‘Butonul Roșu’ (Red Button) a warning system for elderly or sick people in need; the Princes Margareta Foundation presenting ‘Telefonul Vârstnicului’ ( elderly phone), a free phone for elderly people to be reached or phone themselves. This system takes care of elderly people that are alone and tries to connect them with a live visit. This is in cooperation with OMENIA; Peditel 1791 a parent organization set up a call centre for paediatric problems; Senior-TV that aims to develop a widespread access, adaptable platform, installed on TV, smartphones, and tablets able to provide seniors living in their own homes with a set of social and health services that will facilitate their self-care services, improve their access to formal and informal caregiving services and enhance their family and community insertion.


Partenership projects

ADAM Moldoviţa at the anniversary hour Asociația De Ajutor Mutual - ADAM Moldoviţa celebrated on Saturday, May 6th, in a festive setting, ten years of activity. The event was attended by Deputy Mayor of Moldovița, Romeo Cocerhan, Mayor of Kruibeke Belgium, Jos Stassen, partners of the organization: DVD Kruibeke, ADR-Vlaanderen, Belgian Christian Mutuality, The Open Network for Community Development Foundation, Foundation for the Development of Mutual Help Associations – F.D.A.A.M., ADAM Slatina-Timiș, ADAM Cluj, Proiect Pro Europa Association, Limburg Projects Foundation Romania, Darifarm Pharmacy, as well as numerous volunteers of the association. The anniversary moment took place under the aegis of ‘ADAM – 10’, highlighting not only the ten years of activity but also the successes achieved through the developed projects. All participants congratulated ADAM

Moldoviţa for its ten years of existence, emphasizing the importance of a socio-medical center based on the concept of mutual aid (mutuality) in a rural community. It was also noted the effort made by the volunteer’s team in Moldoviţa, coordinated by Mihaela Irina Hiche, but also by the Belgian partners, to strengthen civil society through youth, women and men organizations. Mayor of Kruibeke in Belgium, Jos Stassen, wanted to highlight the importance of social organizations in the sustainable development of communities. Although investments in this area do not produce immediate effects, however, citizens and their social services must be a priority. The anniversary moment was an opportunity to strengthen the partnership between Moldovița and Kruibeke and to lay the foundations for new projects.

ADR Contact day – 25th November 2017 – Herselt, Belgium

Once a year, ADR-Vlaanderen is bringing together as many as possible local groups of volunteers of ADRVlaanderen. During this day they are working together on several items. The main goal is to become a better volunteer in realizing our projects with our partners. Last year 19 local groups were present to work on having a more dynamic activity in future. To start we had an introduction of an expert in volunteering: she was presenting a method to determine how dynamic the local group of volunteers in a community are at this moment. Most of the volunteers were surprised how accurate this method was!


ADR-Vlaanderen is offering the local groups support in making the activities in local groups more dynamic, involve new volunteers, developing new activities …. In the afternoon, we had four workshops: in smaller groups we were working on health and homecare, the importance of good local communication, working with a project account of King Baudouin Foundation to make gifts fiscal deductible and a workshop specific on making activities more dynamic. In the end, we had a small reception where we said goodbye and thanks for all the work to Esmeralda Van den Bosch who was leaving ADR-Vlaanderen in May 2017.

TON Foundation and ADR-Vlaanderen present at International Days Thomas More University For the first time, we had Romanian friends of TON participating at the Thomas More International Days in March 2017. Cristina Vladu and Ioan Suru for the health department of TON and Alina Bosânceanu of the University Eftimie Murgu from Reșita, also involved in AGLT. Groups of students of the department of social work and nursing/midwifery were invited to get to know the activities of ADR-Vlaanderen, presented by Jozef Goebels, Patrick Van den Nieuwenhof and Jef Vanhoof, and the activities of TON presented by Romanian representatives. By presenting our activities we were not only giving an inside view in our projects and common history of the past 28 years but also presenting the students’ opportunities to come to Romania for a shorter or longer period of internship. Five students were willing to come but only two students of midwifery were doing an internship at the “Obstetrics and Gynecology department” of Prof. Cristian Furău.

But, more and more, our organizations are becoming a real partner of Thomas More and at the end of 2017, we were discussing to start an interdisciplinary program for students Social Work and Nursing/Midwifery focusing on social and healthcare systems in Romania. To be realized in 2018 focusing on ‘Elderly and Social Inclusion’.

Promote traditions through handmade crafts - PROtect The project ‘PROtect - Promote traditions through handmade crafts’ is an Erasmus+ project, KA2 dedicated to adult education. Into the project are involved 6 organizations from 4 different countries: Romania, Belgium, Poland and Bulgaria: (ADAM Moldovița, Romania – coordinator; ADAM SlatinaTimiș, Romania; Dorp voor een dorp Kruibeke, Belgium; Limburgs Platform Roemeniëwerkingen (LimPRo), Belgium; Narodno chitalishte ‘Arhimandrid Dositey-1908’, Bulgaria; Stowarzyszenie Wzajemnej Pomocy ‘Flandria’, Poland). It occurred as a necessity to continue the existent partnership between Romania-Belgium, BelgiumPoland through the model of mutual activities. It includes also Bulgaria, as an important pole for preserving the cultural traditions and handmade crafts and also as a possibility to extend the mutual model in another country. The objectives, activities, instruments, and results exist and provide a common way of work for all the involved partners in accordance with their mission and vision. The objectives consist in establishing an European transnational dialog between women organizations through monthly practical workshops, the 3 transnational meetings and the 2 transnational learning activities in the

first 20 months of the project, practicing handmade crafts into organized workshops in each partner’s organization from the 2nd till the 23rd month of the project, enabling the 6 organizations to develop activities of social inclusion and growing self esteem for 90 women during the 24 months of the project. The project addresses to 90 women that are part of women movement or wish to be part of, from rural areas or small communities. Each organization will manage a target group that consists in 15 people for which they will organize activities to protect and promote local traditions and handmade crafts, protects the environment by using recycled materials or natural materials and promoting outside activities. Another goal is to protect the self esteem of women, mainly from rural areas where they hardly find a job, try to give alternatives to people from poor regions to earn their living in their own communities instead of migration. The project will promote the social inclusion, lifelong learning principles and volunteering by offering an alternative through entrepreneurial activities.


Sponsors and partners

ADR-VLAANDEREN is an abbreviation for ‘Action Villages Romania Flanders’. Action Villages Romania unites people with a heart for Romania. ADR brings the experience of thinkers and doers together. Flemish volunteer groups are active in various projects in Romania and Eastern Europe. ADR groups are a diverse group of associations, non-profit organizations, institutions, youth movements, youth councils, schools, project groups, twinning committees, councils etc. They are committed to develop a sustainable and inclusive society in Central and Eastern Europe. ADR-Vlaanderen aims to support volunteers which

want to tackle common challenges and respond to community needs. Through this common engagement, we are creating a Europe of citizens. ADR Flanders is an expertise center of both countries and cultures. On the other hand, the organization would like to create awareness about problems of new Eastern European Member States. Finally, ADR-Vlaanderen serves as a common partner and advocate to governments, national press and other external parties. ADR-Vlaanderen is recognized by the Flemish Community as a socio-cultural organization. Website:

VZW GEELS ROEMENIEKOMITEE The first contact between Geel and Slatina-Timiș was in the summer of 1987. After 2 years, taken into account the Romanian political situation at that time, Geel decided to adopt Slatina-Timiș. After the revolution the first humanitarian aid started. In 1992 the official twinning between both

communes followed. Since then a diversity of projects have been conducted. A strong focus is put on the elaboration of a social medical centre and the support for the development of civil society organizations. From this point of view the local group of Slatina-Timiș and Geel were supporting the creation and further development of the national umbrella organization (TON Foundation). Website:

CHRISTELIJKE MUTUALITEIT The Christian Mutuality is a health insurance group. It calls for the implementation of a global health policy that integrates all health-related determinants, solidarity, equity, quality and accessibility for all so. Their principal objectives and activities are: • enable operation of the national compulsory health and invalidity insurance system; • inform and protect the members;

• cooperate with healthcare practitioners and institutions to preserve both quality and accessibility of health care; • contribute, as members of National Health Institute decision-making committees, to defining national health care policy. The solidarity principle doesn’t have a border. Therefore, the Christian Mutuality invested in Romania for the development of local Health Mutual organizations and structures through FDAAM and in cooperation with TON.

PROVINCIE OOST-VLAANDEREN financing national initiatives and projects. Together with The County of East Flanders has a financial support, some administrations are also active in the specific place into the landscape of Romanian fieldwork. counties in Belgium. Since long the county has a funding system for East European projects. Besides the support for local groups, East Flanders is also BEROBA is a business organization business in Romania and Belgium. In 2017 BEROBA which aims to promote the Belgian- became as well a Belgian-Romanian Bilateral Chamber Romanian trade and investment of Commerce. by supporting and defending the Website: interests of future members and in the same time to provide information to BEROBA members about doing


become a hot item in the world of cycling. Since then, cycling has evolved, and Bioracer evolved too. Thanks to BIORACER, different new technologies have been introduced. The use of Lycra, the first seamless cycling pad, seamless aero suits, all of these innovations are successfully used by cyclists all over the world. Innovating is in their genes. It’s that constant impulse that makes BIORACER good at what they do: improving your cycling performance. In 2017 they donated the bicycling wears for the Homecare sponsor trips. Website:

SOMEPRO VZW (Belgium) is a non-profit organization. Somepro is the abbreviation of ‘Steunpunt voor Oost - en Midden - Europa PROjecten’ (Point of support for Eastern and Central European Projects). Through the link with the Romanian operations, Somepro is primarily active in Romania.

Somepro has strong partnership since the start with Asociația Grupurilor Locale de Tineret (AGLT). Weekly contacts by phone, email and around the table makes this partnership strong. Somepro is the organizer behind all the international contacts, internships, courses, adult courses etc.

BELGIAN BURN Foundation was established in 1986 and the Foundation’s mission is to improve the living conditions of fire and burns victims and their families and accompany them in regaining their place in society through financial aid. The Foundation is also active in supporting prevention policies and carriers out numerous actions and initiatives to contribute to reducing the number of burn victims. Interactive training

programs focused on prevention measures have been developed and are available for free. By way of example, the BRAVO project aims to enhance understanding of fire and burns prevention through training courses addressed to different target groups. New interactive pedagogical methods are at the core of these training programs. A collaboration with ADR/TON was set up in 2017. Website:

HORIZON 2020 is the biggest EU research and innovation programme ever. It will lead to more breakthroughs, discoveries and world-firsts by taking great ideas from the lab to the market. The goal is to ensure Europe produces world-class science and technology that drives economic growth. EU research funding under previous framework

programmes has already brought together scientists and industry both within Europe and from around the world to find solutions to a vast array of challenges. Their innovations have improved lives, helped protect the environment and made European industry more sustainable and competitive. Horizon 2020 is open to participation by researchers from all over the world.

Sponsors and partners

BIORACER is a speed wear company from Belgium with a branch in Beiuș, Romania - RACETEX. Aerodynamics, biomechanics, muscle compression, … Today all of these terms have become common items. Today nobody can deny the fact that sports have become an exact science. It wasn’t always like that. Back in 1984, when BIORACER started with the development of their biomechanic bike fitting system, they couldn’t assume that cycling and technology would go hand in hand in such a resolute manner. Ever since the day the biomechanic bike fitting system was introduced in the pro peloton, Bioracer has

SWISS-ROMANIAN Cooperation Financed areas: Security, stability and support for reforms/Environment and infrastructure/Promoting Programme The Swiss financial contribution private sector/Human resources and social development. aims to reduce the economic and social disparities within In 2016-2017 the homecare project was set up with their the enlarged European Union and between different funding. regions of development of beneficiary countries.


Sponsors and partners

National Federation ‘OMENIA’ of the Credit Unions of Pensioners in Romania is a federation which brings together OMENIA associations across the country, mutual associations, mutual aid associations for Romanian pensioners. OMENIA associations operate in rural areas (47%) with a total number of over 1 million paying members. Besides financial aid to be granted in case of individual needs (according to a contract with the member that require financing), OMENIA associations give support at the community level, providing mutual quality services at affordable prices. Among these services

are: medical services (hairdresser, various repairs), home help, donations (food, medication, money) for people at risk of social exclusion. Many of the projects which are carried out by National Federation OMENIA through the member associations are projects in collaboration with local authorities, with various partners, sponsors/ local businesses, with the Romanian Government and European funding programs. ADR/TON’s president, Jozef Goebels is honorary member of the board of the OMENIA federation. A partnership agreement was signed between the 3 organisations. Website:

INFOCONS Organization of Consumer Protection was established in 2003 to meet the needs of consumers in Romania. So far it carries on uninterrupted service, enjoying national and international recognition, being a member of various organizations, advisory committees’ authorities, working groups, national and international partner. The objectives of the Association are: to protect the rights and interests of consumers, consumer awareness

of the rights they have developed programs and projects in order to achieve these objectives. Specific aims of the program are to protect consumers against the risk of acquiring and using products of dubious quality, to inform consumers about products that might endanger health, to encourage consumers to have the right to choose the encourage fair competition and to resolve consumer complaints. Romanian consumer protection mission assumed InfoCons. In 2017, ADR/TON signed a MOU with InfoCons. Website:

COLECTIV GTG 30.10 ASSOCIATION It is the only association founded by those who suffered directly from the fire in the Collective Club, Bucharest, dated October 30, 2015, consisting of 100 members (victims of the fire, relatives of the injured and the deceased). The association represents the interests of those affected by this tragedy

and carries out activities necessary to prevent such cases in Romania. The main purpose is to provide aid to Romania’s great burns, through financial support for those who have suffered serious burns and are in the process of rehabilitation and social reintegration. In 2017, ADR/TON signed a MOU with Colectiv 30.10. Website:

CRUCEA ALB-GALBENĂ ROMÂNIA Any partnership means development, any collaboration implies dissemination and non-formal education on best practices. Our volunteers can learn enormously from White-Yellow Cross regarding home care services for

people in need. We recommend our partner’s services, we are scaling up their services as best practices in the health network of ADAMs and CLSes and we want to extend the cooperation for the benefit of all communities and volunteers we represent. Website:

THOMAS MORE UNIVERSITY collaboration agreement and the partnership application Thomas More is the largest of ERASMUS + projects will be concluded. university of Applied Science in Website: Flanders and is mainly in the province of Antwerp. Over the years, several Belgian students have practiced in one of TON Foundation structures. For the year 2018, a


Oud-Turnhout ADR committee wants to increase international solidarity and development for people through education and sensitization. This by bringing them knowledge, insight and involvement (via information, contacts, meetings, ...) about the living situation in Romania. With Dumbrava, Oud-Turnhout

has built up a partner relationship for direct and sustainable cooperation. This relationship strengthens the local democratic processes. The support is not so much focused on projects (they can be part of it), but rather on the deepening of the capacity of local authorities. The aim is to bring the technical and managerial expertise together in the service of Dumbrava through the TON network by supporting it.

Foundation for the Development of Associations of Mutual Help F.D.A.A.M. – offers support for the improvement of health, in the benefit of all Romanian citizens, no matter the address, health condition or financial conditions. The Foundation supported in the past the setup of health initiatives as CLS and ADAM’ses in

Romania and will now concentrate on the setup and further development of “health mutual organisations” in Romania in cooperation with TON. Health mutual organizations are a guarantee in a structural improvement of the social and healthcare system in a country. The basic idea of these health mutual organizations is “solidarity” between people, taking care of each other with special attention for the weaker groups. Website:

SMHO, dutch foundation for Social Medical Assistance to Eastern Europe provides structural assistance in Eastern Europe. They do that in the social and medical field, in the broadest sense of the word, in hospitals, institutions for people with multiple disabilities, children’s homes, schools and through drinkable water projects or providing advice

and relief supplies. They are active now for more than 25 years already. SMHO is a foundation consisting of people who, on a voluntary basis, cooperate with the objectives of the foundation and therefore receive no compensation for their services. In this way, they can fully use all financial resources for their humanitarian mission. SMHO as a partner of TON is also supporting TON. Website:

TON Library

- TON Annual reports 2012-2017 - Memorandum Romanian Health and Healthcare (2012) - TON Health Masterplan 2015-2024 - Case Study Slatina-Timiș “How some communities can be healthier than Others” (2016) - Social Map Slatina-Timiș - Social Map Berbești

- Impact of the crisis on Romanian migrants (2016 RE-InVEST Project) - The series of books „175 years of RomanianBelgian diplomatic relations” published by the Embassy of Belgium in Romania (4 volumes): 1. Romania and Belgium, the dynamics of politicaldiplomatic, economic and cultural relations during the formation and consolidation of the nation-state between 1838 and 1916 (2013) 2. Romania and Belgium in the interwar period. Bilateral interaction from the Treaty of Versailles to the dark years 1940 (2014) 3. Shades in the Belgian-Romanian relations after the Second World War: from Cold War antagonism to an EU and NATO common agenda - volume 1 & 2 (2015).


Financial report TON 2017

Total budget TON 2017 – 94.000 Euro 1. Via ADR-Vlaanderen (Christelijke Mutualiteit, Provincie Oost-Vlaanderen, Cycle sponsortrips, Somepro, ADR-Vlaanderen) – 45.000 Euro 2. Homecare Project funded by FDSC – 30.600 Euro 3. Money reported from 2016 – 9.500 Euro 4. RE-InVEST Project – 6.000 Euro (rest of 2016) 5. TON Membership Belgium – 2.600 Euro 6. TON Membership Romania – 300 Euro

Expenses 1. Homecare Project funded by FDSC – 38.600 Euro 2. Human resources TON (expert, management, secretariat, communication, web, accounting) – 21.500 Euro 3. TONNE – 9.500 Euro 4. RE-InVEST Project– 9.000 Euro 5. Spring trainings – 5.500 Euro 6. Report for activities in 2018 – 4.400 Euro 7. Materials, books, various events – 5.500 Euro


Support TON Foundation activities and projects Redirect 2% • What it is and how it works? Every year, YOU can choose to have 2% of your income tax redirected to a non-profit entity. We propose you to support the development of associations at the local level, in rural and small urban communities, all over the country. Local volunteers have the insight, capacity and willingness to transform their communities. Little support is all it takes to see them blossom. At this time, we are working in about 20 communities. With your help, 2018 may be the year when we go further. • Determined to support us? Ask the 230 Form at the Financial Administration from the municipality you belong to, fill it with the information below and submit it until May 25, 2018. • Give us a chance to thank you! Notify us by email at when you have submitted the form, we’d love to say “thank you!”

For contributions or 2%: Fundația The Open Network for Community Development Adress: Grajduri, Iași, 707215 CUI: 30474995 Cont RON IBAN: RO40 BTRL 0240 1205 7388 44XX Cont EUR IBAN: RO86 BTRL 0240 4205 7388 44XX Banca Transilvania S.A. Agenția Podu Roș, Bulevardul Socola nr. 2, Iași, România SWIFT: BTRLRO 22

Be Connected in The Open Network and watch the actions carried out by TON volunteers. Already, since 2012 TON is publishing a bi-monthly newsletter. You can subscribe to the If you are a TON member you can aswell promote yourself and win visibility. You love what we do? Follow us on Facebook! You have access to our newsletter, you can see pictures of activities, events and you are invited to interact with more than 900 fans.

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