Limbach Company K-12 Case Study Brochure

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is the


to Creating Learning Environments & Creating Jobs

K–12 Experts Energy Conservation Modernization & Renovations New Construction

A True Single Source From initial design to construction and ongoing maintenance, Limbach’s comprehensive approach delivers projects on time and on budget, while focusing on long-term operation, maintenance requirements and energy costs. Services offered for the complete life cycle of your building: • • • • • • • •

Design Build Predictive Analysis Construction Building Automation Commissioning Maintenance & Repair Facility Retrofits & Upgrades Equipment Replacements

Limbach is at the head of the class in Performance Contracts Next to salaries, utility costs are one of the largest budget items for most school districts. Whether your buildings are old or new, Limbach can help you reduce your utility costs. We have worked with many school districts and our track records shows a history of improving efficiency and creating significant annual savings for each district we serve. Limbach can analyze your utility bills and benchmark your buildings to see how your utility costs compare to peer buildings. We perform an in-depth operational analysis to uncover opportunities to make your building more energy-efficient. Each building is unique, and we offer a tailored, comprehensive solution for each. We use energy-friendly technology to make your buildings sustainable, both in operation costs and in environmental impact.

A History of Excellence

For more than 100 years, Limbach has exceeded customer expectations, and completed some of the most highprofile and complex projects nationwide.

Our Vision

To be the 1st choice mechanical contractor and service firm in the markets we serve, consistently exceeding the expectations of our stakeholders: Our Customers, Our Employees, Our Investors and Our Partners.

And the best part is the cost. Limbach’s performance contract will save money that you’re already spending on electricity, natural gas and water, and use those savings to pay for the project. There is no negative effect on your budget. In fact, most districts experience a positive cash flow with Limbach’s programs. Our Performance Contracting Team is committed to results. We use Limbach’s in-house talent to engineer, design, install and maintain a successful project for you. Our ability to self-perform the work ensures a seamless construction process with a single source of responsibility for the results. We are committed to delivering energy savings, and you can rest assured that your budget will reflect the positive results of Limbach’s work.

Meigs Local Schools – Pomeroy, OH

Limbach’s Educational Experience Adds Up

Whether you are building a new structure or renovating an historic space, Limbach has the knowledge and expertise to tackle any of the unique challenges facing your school. With over a century of operating experience, Limbach is prominent among the nation’s most distinguished mechanical contractors. We have successfully completed thousands of projects, gaining an intimate understanding of the entire construction process. Limbach designed and installed systems for education facilities are fine tuned for the learning environment. You can count on us to develop solutions that are cost effective, time conscious and energy efficient.

Project Overview

Meigs Local Schools had recently built a new elementary and middle school and renovated their high school, all to current standards. After construction, the new buildings used significantly more energy than expected, resulting in major unbudgeted expenses for the district. Through Limbach’s Utility Auditing Service, the school administration became aware of energy saving measures to reduce this expense. Limbach partnered with the district to develop a program to reduce energy use. The two cornerstones of the program were to harvest heat energy from the chillers and to replace the existing control system. The recovered heat is used for the summer dehumidification process in place of heat from the gas boilers. As a result, the schools no longer run their boilers during cooling season. A complete control system upgrade helped optimize energy usage. .

Objective To reduce extraordinarily high energy costs in new school buildings





Ser vice

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Saved over $190,000 in electrical and gas costs in the first year after implementation Generated a simple payback of the project in less than 5 years Reduced electric usage more than 30% and reduced gas usage more than 40% Reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 1450 tons/year, the equivalent of the energy used by 120 homes each year All three buildings improved significantly on the US EPA’s Energy Star Performance Assessment, and two of the buildings improved over 50 points • Classroom learning environments have easy-to-use systems for enhanced comfort levels, better ventilation and improved indoor air quality

Improving the Education Process by Improving Educational Environments How Limbach helped Washington, D.C. Public Schools buildings reach their potential y Profi


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Case Study


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Limbach’s Educational I.Q. “Turner Construction...offers our sincere thanks for a job well done...We do sincerely appreciate [Limbach’s] perseverance and professional dedication to quality that has made [Phelps Career Technology High School] a roaring success...and is now the benchmark by which all the best projects in Washington, D.C. will be measured.” Christian Jahrling VP/General Manager Turner Construction

H. Benjamin Short VP/Sr. Operations Manager Turner Construction

Thomas Esau Purchasing Manager Turner Construction

“The Meigs Local School District is proud to say that they have worked with Limbach on a major energy conservation project. The professionals at Limbach, from the top to the technicians have been extremely helpful... As Superintendent of the district, I do not hesitate to recommend the folks at Limbach to assist you in meeting your energy conservation goals.” Bill Buckley, Superintendent Meigs Local School District

“We use their design assist services, and they have talented guys on the team who can bring both design and construction expertise to the table that’s really valuable. I’d be more than happy to refer them, and I’d have nothing but good things to say.” James R. Beitel, P.E. Project Executive, LEED AP Turner Construction Company

“The Limbach program does an excellent job of meeting the district needs, without over extending our energy savings commitment.” Tim Gerhing, Director of Facility Management Worthington City Schools

“Hensel Phelps Construction Co. would like to commend Limbach for the effort put forth.... The timely completion of the mechanical scope could not have been done without the hard work and persistence of [Limbach].” Adam Rogers, Project Manager Hensel Phelps Construction Co.

“The conversion of our electric heating systems to gas, the computerized energy management systems, and the energy efficient lighting not only provided for more efficiency, but also improved comfort for our students and staff in the classroom.” Jerry Stackhouse, Superintendent Marysville Exempted Village Schools

For more information on Limbach go to:


Cert no. SW-COC-002610

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