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Beauty of a Person Is Temporary, But Personality Is Permanent & Everlasting

SYED ALAMDAR HUSSAIN - Country Head - MB Enterprises

The beauty of a Person Is Temporary, But Personality Is Permanent & Everlasting


Hardly a few people can give the true definition of beauty, but most philosophers and thinkers are consistent that beauty is an internal attribute more than an external one. While we give different thoughts and share different paradigms of beauty of a certain thing, we need to acknowledge it in the first place. However, there is a deep connection with the brain of how certain things work out and what’s in the brain is more important than what is outside. Beauty can also be considered by some as self-perception or a thought. While you grow old, you are not even close to how you might have looked in your young days, your strength might be different and so are your motivations.


Every person working in a corporate environment, doing their own business, or studying to get a degree possess some personality traits or weaknesses. What is important is how you prioritize your dealings and your interactions and make them sound or one can say beautiful. Weaknesses and personality traits are the true enemy of your success, and those can truly make you look bad, however, your positive attitude, a good gesture, or a firm and confident handshake can make you look beautiful. As the phrase goes “Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder”, it is imperative to realize that

every man has his own compilation of thoughts and ideas, and that makes them different.


Having conflicts in opinion is what we need to understand with deep insights and a vision for success. Conflicts in opinion keep occurring on little issues, but what’s important is how they are managed while you are at work, at your home, with friends, or playing football. That’s where the personality of a person chips in, and can make it an everlasting entity, as issues that needs to be resolved must be resolved with an aligned mindset. We usually in a 9-5 work environment can have conflicts in opinion, but our tendency to manage conflicts and resolve issues can make us more gorgeous than others. As our true beauty is in easing the up’s and downs, working with a pure heart and a clean mindset, and thinking for shared goals rather than setting your own targets.


Some personalities are remembered forever and ever, and their impacts on the society is such that no one can ignore them, neither their struggles. Steve Jobs, Co-Founder, Chairman and CEO of Apple, has made an everlasting impact

of his sound personality, his hardworking attitude, and his benevolent nature. He not only showed through his genius, but also through his creativity that personality is everlasting and beauty is a temporary attribute. He not only had a beautiful mind, but a truly acknowledged vision for the people and for the success of technology in the modern creative world of computers & mobiles. The true impacts that we see today is the success of a company like Apple i.e. rated 8th in the Forbes list of most powerful companies, and is on a constant role of training and development.

However, there are many examples of successful personalities, but what’s important to realize is not who they were, where they belonged from and how they were. But something that is important is how they discovered themselves in areas of hard work, creativity, management, and as an int. ambassador of success. They earned money and linked themselves with charity organizations like UNICEF for humanitarian reasons. The impact is more critically acclaimed by the society as society needs change on a constant basis.


Enhancing your internal beauty will bring out the charm in your personality, make you close to your success agendas. We as individuals must always analyze and look forward, with a positive approach in life, as well as a sense of achievement. As entrepreneurs, if we need relaxation, we must focus on the ups rather than the downs, and more focus towards productivity, rather than profitability. Everything is interlinked,

but it’s important to have a better diagnosis of your problems, and stay focused. A 15 minute meditation exercise will help you move forward in life and find the internal peace and beauty. Success through internal beauty will enrich your mind and your goals and help you change yourself in a more refined and revolutionary manner. People are more at ease when they achieve what they want, however, the urge never goes away.


A ‘personality ‘is something that a person develops through his achievements, his hardships, his interactions and his movements. In low times, a person’s true personality is highly exposed, and that’s the attribute of a strong headed person, to rise in times of distress, lows, and failures. This attitude of a person never changes, making it a permanent attribute of his personality, and a focal point of his/her mind. Everyone needs a boost from others in times of distress, but the best one is he who can boost himself through his everlasting personality characteristics.

Patience is considered by many is a true attribute of a good personality, i.e. focused and calm at the same time.

However, in the end I truly believe that a personality is permanent, while beauty is temporary, but what stays with you for life is the diamond inside.

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