..Hi Dad
Alisa Lime Photo ÂŤMomentsÂť projekt contact: +79045574511 alisa.strg@gmail.com
Moment for me - that is what I managed to catch. But there is something, what you do not want get involved. And this is also a Moment.
Cause, dammit, it’s impossible to forget.
... Dream dad. I do not want to see him. ... Dreams become scarier. But no. He betrayed us.
... Found a death certificate. Dad died 5 years ago. They have not told me. Turned out that Dad was very good. I apologized - he forgave.
.. At that moment I passed the procedure of adoption. Now we have a family
.. Fell in love. Hi Dad! I need you.
Because I fell in love with a boy, which is not reall.
.. Moving to St. Petersburg. Feeling absolutely omnipotence. All by myself. I was deceived. Do not give up . Dad, I did it.
.. Parents’ divorce
.. Dad, look at him. This is what is called love. I feel it is so with my hands. They are numb.
I close my eyes and cross my fingers. Let things turn.)
Oh please.