==== ==== Former U.S Air Force Mechanic Discovers “Mobile Money Bandit�, Makes $500K A Year... http://reviewcommando.com/mobile-marketing/former-u-s-air-force-mechanic-discovers-mobilemoney-bandit-makes-500k-a-year/ ==== ==== An air force mechanic turned performance marketer turned #1 pay-per-call expert His name is Justin Elenburg. The guy is a serial entrepreneur by the day and mobile tapping genius by the night. In February 2010 (or maybe a little earlier), he left the oiling and toiling air craft mechanics job and steered his wheels towards the lucrative internet marketing world. His story is every wanna-be entrepreneurs dream! At least mine. When I am 80 years old, I want look back at my life and be able to tell my grand children Your grandpa was a Civil Engineer, used to dig the ditches, but then one day stumbled upon this huge money-making beast called internet Something along those lines. Anyways, back to the point. Justin Elenburg has created a comprehensive mobile marketing course called Mobile Money Bandit - http://reviewcommando.com/MobileMoneyBandit that aims to teach people how to dive in to the ever-growing ocean of mobile users and come out with $1000 paychecks or more. Mobile marketing has been the buzz for quite some time actually. And the way they normally do is: Create mobile apps and then sell them to local businesses OR Develop mobile games apps and advertise through them Complete No-No for a non-techie like me. And those techniques have become outdated already. Mobile Money Bandit- http://reviewcommando.com/MobileMoneyBandit - is different. For one, you can get started with the Mobile Money Bandit even with out using a mobile. In fact you dont need a mobile at all. The course explains it all. Ever heard of CPA marketing? Me says Mobile Money Bandit is something similar, except that until now no one ever did that or
better yet, no one ever created a course teaching exactly how do all that stuff. Even many seasoned marketers are not aware of this Cpa-style mobile marketing method. But thats what I would like to think about Mobile Money Bandit. Justin Elenburg himself has never made any comparison between Cpa marketing and the Mobile Money Bandit methods, at least nothing that I am aware of. So Mobile Money Bandit is a mix of several things, but essentially what it does is this: Tap into the market of hungry mobile users, direct them to advertisers and you make handsome cash for every referral . As common-sensical as it sounds, it wont be THAT easy if you think you go out there and learn how to do it yourself. Heres what Justin Elenburg had to do to come up with Mobile Money Bandit, in his own immortal words.. "Ive spent the last couple years perfecting my Tap n Talk marketing system for generating HUGE affiliate commissions via a combination of Mobile Marketing and Pay Per Call to the tune of over $500K/year!" And back when he started devising this strategy, he says he worked for 14-15 hours straight every day. Good news is that you and I wont have to sweat as much as Justin had to. He worked hard to create the Mobile Money Bandit program and now its up to us, do we want to make use of this opportunity or do we want to go back to our mechanic day job. Or whatever day job you are into. Click Here To Take a Look at Mobile Money Bandit: http://reviewcommando.com/MobileMoneyBandit ==== ==== Former U.S Air Force Mechanic Discovers “Mobile Money Bandit�, Makes $500K A Year... http://reviewcommando.com/mobile-marketing/former-u-s-air-force-mechanic-discovers-mobilemoney-bandit-makes-500k-a-year/ ==== ====