CAf,flilfiffi ]O DY'W-ILLIAMS -*o"", tlNilIIII|{l
Campaign Ambassador- International Campaign to Ban Landmines
6 June2006 AmbassadorAbdulaziz Kamilov Embassyof Uzbekistan 1746Massachusetts AvenueNW Washingfon,DC 20036-1903 United States Via fax transmission: 202-293-6804 RE: ICBL memberMr. Alisher Taksanov Dear AmbassadorKamilov, Enclosedis a letter for Col. Ganiev Elyor Majidovich, Uzbekistan'sMinister of Foreign Affairs. I would like to kindly ask for your office to senda copy of this letter to Tashkent and would appreciateyour assistancein helping to follow-up and receivea responsefrom Col. Elyor Majidovich regardingthis situation. Pleasedo not hesitateto contact me if you require additional inforrnation. I would be pleasedto meetwith you in person. Sincerely,
JodyWilliams 1997Nobel Laureatefor Peace
6 6 3 r e N c e s r n R s r R E E T , F R E D E R T c K S B U R cv,r R G r N r A 2 2 4 0 5 V S A puerr: williams@icbl.ors F A x :j 4 0 - 3 7 2 - 9 9 4 r wEBSITE:
Cffiilfff;fiffi IODY'W'ILLIAMS -*o"", lll[WilllHt
Campaign Ambassador- International Campargn to Ban Landmines
6 June2006 Col. GanievElyor Majidovich,Minister of ForeignAffairs Ministry of ForeignAffairs 9 UzbekistanStreet Tashkent70A029 Uzbekstan Via fax transmission : +98-7 l -139-15-I7 RE: Mr. Alisher Taksanov,ICBL LandmineMonitor researcher DearCol. Elyor M4iidovich, I am writing regarding my colleague,Mr. Alisher Taksanov, a researcherfor the Landmine Monitor initiative of the InternationalCampaignto Ban Landmines(ICBL), with which I shared the 1997Nobel PeacePrize. Mr. Taksanovwas invited to participatein the Landmine Monitor Global ResearchMeeting, held 2-4 April 2006 in Phnom Penh,Cambodia.His Uzbek exit visa expired in March 2006, and his application to renew the exit visa was denied. Mr. Taksanov appealedthis decision and the appealwas rejected.He was not given a reasonfor why his exit visa was not renewed. We have severalinternationalmeetingsscheduledover the next twelve monthsobeginning with the SeventhMeeting of StatesPartiesto the 1997 Mine Ban Treaty (7MSP), to be held 18-22 September20A6 at the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. We are concernedthat Mr. Taksanovis unableto participatein upcomingmeetingswithout a valid Uzbek exit visa. In addition, we have recently received information that Mr. Taksanovhas receivedthreatsfrom unknown callers by telephone and that his colleaguesand personal acquaintanceshave been questionedabouthis activities. We are concernedabouthis personalsecurity,and hope that you can give us assurancesin that regard. We would also appreciateknowing why Mr. Taksanov'sexit visa was deniedand what measures we can take to remedythis situation so our colleagueis fully able to participatein our activities. Thank you for your attentionto this matter. Sincerely,
JodyWilliams 1997Nobel Laureatefor Peace
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