Technology and the changing arena of Body Massage Massage, the name is enough to bring a sense of relaxation and rejuvenation. For centuries, people have used various massage practices to relieve pain, stress and anxiety. In today’s digital world, technology has also influenced massage and technique. Massage therapies are more effective than ever. Let’s explore th e advancements of technology and its influence on massage techniques.
Advancing technologies have changed the way people generally approach massage therapy. You must have heard about the development of new and improved body massage machines. There are machines to allow therapists to ensure a more targeted and effective massage for pain and stress relief. For instance, there are massage chairs and massage guns to offer targeted massage. A massage gun is a type of device that is handheld and uses vibrations to massage muscles. It is highly effective in relieving pain and stress. You can feel the changing face of massage therapy with a very handy and useful device – an eye massager. Renpho and SimpliTech™ Smart Eye Massagers are some of the most advanced devices. These eye massagers have been helpful in providing better results for people with eye strain and resulting headaches.
It kind of uses trigger point release therapy that applies pressure to specific points to help relieve pain and stress caused by longer screen time. There are many advantages of using SimpliTech™ Smart Eye Massager, such as:
Relief from headaches caused by tension and migraine
Aids relaxation, promotes better sleep and reduces stress
Provides dry eye relief
Can also be a part of daily facial massage routine for people with facial palsy
Have cosmetic benefits too: regular use can help firm up skin around the eyes, thus helping to reduce eye bags and wrinkles Simple massage tools like an eye massager is a great innovation to help people get relief from problems like digital eye strain. Source URL: