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hat happens when you invite 15,000 of your closest friends to a night of music, entertainment and arts? You get the Citizens Bank Pops by the Sea. For me, the event serves as the figurative exclamation point on what has been a wildly AFCC Staff: Kevin Shanley, Marianne Williams, Julie Wake, Wendy O’Keefe PETER JULIAN W exciting year at the Arts Foundation of Cape Cod (AFCC). This night encapsulates what is best about
Cape Cod and the arts.
In years past, I came to the Pops, like you, as a fan. This year, I’m coming at it from an entirely new perspective: as Executive Director of the organization responsible for putting on the show.
It’s a responsibility I have embraced, understanding what the Pops means to Cape Codders and tourists, many of whom plan their vacations around this iconic event.
Whether you are attending for the first or the 31st time, we are truly grateful. We hope this year’s concert serves as a lasting memory of your summer on Cape Cod. With that in mind, we haven’t reinvented the wheel.
We are continuing our strong relationship with Keith Lockhart and the Boston Pops Esplanade Orchestra.
What has changed – as it does every year - is our guest conductor. Usually, it’s one recognizable name. Or maybe two. This year, our conductors are known only by the generic title under which they perform: Blue Man Group.
Yes, the Pops has gone blue! And we’re proud of it.
I invite you to learn more about Blue Man Group on pages 31 and 33 of this brochure.
I’m not sure what to expect from them at this year’s Pops. But isn’t that the beauty of the arts? They work best when they surprise us, filling us with a wonder of the unknown, taking us to places we’ve never been before.
At the AFCC, that’s our goal. Not only do we want to highlight the amazing art that exists on Cape
Cod, but we want to fund initiatives that enable those of all ages to soar to new heights and to go on unique, creative journeys through artistic ventures that help strengthen our community. In the following pages, you will find details of how we do just that, using our resources to ensure the arts remain a vital piece of the wonderful tapestry that is the Cape.
With your support, not only of the Pops, but of the AFCC, you will help ensure that the tapestry continues to grow and evolve into something beautiful.
Julie Wake Executive Director

Dear Friends,
Welcome to Citizens Bank Pops by the Sea! It is an honor to support Cape Cod’s single largest cultural event and the most important fundraising event of the year for the Arts Foundation of Cape Cod.
We are excited to be part of what is sure to be an incredible event featuring one of the nation’s finest and best-loved musical ensembles – the Boston Pops Esplanade Orchestra - and the artistic cultural experience of the Blue Man Group. Presenting this concert is Citizens Bank’s way of saying “thank you” to Cape Cod – a community where so many of our customers and colleagues live and work.

With your support today, the Arts Foundation of Cape Cod will continue to assist the next generation of artists and provide diverse cultural and educational programming all year long.
This is our fourth year partnering with the Arts Foundation to present this annual celebration, and we are thrilled to see its continued growth. Thank you for joining us and supporting the mission of bringing arts to the community. Enjoy the performance!
Jerry Sargent President, Citizens Bank, Massachusetts