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The Pops Goes Blue
The Pops Goes Blue! ow do you celebrate your 25th anniversary? If you’re Blue Man Group, you release a new album (“Three”), publish a first-ever book “With this appearance, we’re emphasizing the joyful side, the humor,” Screnci adds. “We think of the Blue Man character as an everyman, holding the mirror up to ourselves and our culture for H (“Blue Man World”) and head to Cape Cod, not for vacation, but the past 25 years. He helps us laugh at ourselves a little bit and to bring your production to a place it has never been. see the world differently. The goal is to celebrate our curiosity, our “A big part of the organization’s mission is about creating a creativity and need for community.” new context and having the Blue Man character shown in a different light,” says Jonathan Screnci, resident general manager of the Boston-based production of Blue Man Group. That light will have a distinct Cape flavor to it when Blue Man
Group takes the stage at the Hyannis Village Green to serve as guest conductors for the 31st Annual Citizens Bank Pops by the Sea Concert.
While Cape Cod represents new territory for Blue Man
Group, it is familiar with the Boston Pops Esplanade Orchestra, having performed with it in 2007 during Boston’s Fourth of July celebration on the Esplanade.
This year’s audience should be prepared for the unexpected.
Unlike its in-house productions at the Charles Playhouse, Screnci promises, “what you’ll be seeing on Cape Cod will be something completely different” that will include a surprise, special guest.