5 minute read
We Thank Our AFCC Members
With a growing membership of artists and arts and cultural organizations, the AFCC is Cape Cod’s only nonprofit arts and culture organization that serves all artists, all art forms, and all cultural and historical centers. The AFCC’s mission is to support, promote, and celebrate the arts and culture of Cape Cod in order to sustain a vibrant, diverse, and strong arts community.
Please support our members by visiting their theaters, galleries, retail shops, musical venues, and museums. There is always something going on!
Corine Adams Carl Ahlstrom Peter Antonellis Grace Archambeault Bobby Baker Jane Baker Teresa Baksa Hiram Ball Leslie Ballotti Patricia Barnhart William Black Heather Blume Claudia Borden Alexandria Boudreau Naya Bricher Jo Brisbane Craig Brodt Paula Brody Rebecca Bunce Kelly Burdge Alexandra Caine Patricia Calkins-Martin Maureen Callahan Amy Canaday Craig Carlson Eileen Casey Mark Chester Fred Clayton Ellen Cliggott Agnes Collis Fran Colonna Lee Connolly-Weill Kevin Constas Betsy Cook Laura Craciun Debra Cubillos Julia Cumes Debra Dagwan Shawn Dahlstrom Marcia Dalbey Amy Davies Jacqueline Del Fonso Jacqueline DeRuyter Sarah Dineen Karen Donahue Patricia Doon Stone Dow Becky Dowd Barbara Doyle Anne Doyle Maryalice Eizenberg Jaime Elkins Hollis Engley Joseph Fattori Michael Ferreira Carolyn Ferrell Anne Flash Carol Flax Ann Forget Lisa Fox Elinor Freedman Christine Frisbee Joseph Gallant Carol Ginandes Jon Goldman Nicole Goldman Thea Goldman Laurie Goldman Neil Grant Deborah Greenwood Ann Guiliani Breanna Gustafson Aimee Guthinger Barbara Hageman Sydney Hale Ann Hart Kenneth Hawkey Marilyn Heberling Amy Heller Beth Higgins Ann Hochman Joyce Hutchings Bert Jackson Peter Julian Deb Kanter Susan Karchmer Michael Karchmer David Kelley Amy Kelly Denise Kelly David Kooharian Robert Korn Leslie Kramer Robert Kroeger Karen Krolak Valerie Leri David Lewis Jane Lincoln Kami Lyle Robin Maguire Donna Mahan Jane Manco Robert Manz Amy Mason Joan McDonald Melanie McGraw Susan McLean Wayne Miller Mary Moquin Tessa Morgan Roberta Morrissey Katri Mullaly Richard Neal Bruce Netherwood Susan Newell Andrew Newman Janet Newton Nick Nickerson Nancy Nicol Cynthia Nolan Jacqueline Nolan Margaret Nowak Jeanmarie O’Clair Carol Odell Nate Olin Judith Partelow

Richard Pawlak Richard Perry Liz Perry David Phillips Heather Pilchard Karen Pinard Gregory Polanik Tad Price Andrea Reed Jackie Reeves Marisa Repeta Mary Richmond Georgene Riedl Sarah Riley Karen Rinaldo Gretchen Romey-Tanzer Jill Ross Lisa Rudy Kim Rumberger Kathy Ryman Kareem Sanjaghi Susan Sasso Lew Schwartz Chelsea Sebastian Kimberly Sheerin

Willow Shire Joan Shostak Wendy Shreve Carroll Sivco Claudia Smith-Jacobs Helene Stracco Sue Sullivan Yuxuan Sun Kathi Taylor Mary Taylor Kathleen Timmins Vicky Tomayko Chandler Travis Jefferson Tubman Gary Urgonski Terry Warren Margeaux Weber Marlene Weir Bart Weisman Timothy White Frank Winters Karol Wyckoff Laurence Young Aiste Zitnikaite
Academy Of Performing Arts Cape & Islands Theater Coalition Cape Rep Theatre Chatham Orpheum Theater, Inc. College Light Opera Company Eventide Theatre Company Martha’s Vineyard Playhouse The Monomoy Theatre
Absolutely Music/Four Guys In Tuxes Brave Horse Music Cape Cod Chamber Music Festival Cape Cod Chorale Cape Symphony Chatham Chorale, Inc. Falmouth Chamber Players Falmouth Chorale Gloriae Dei Artes Foundation Solstice Singers
Brewster Historical Society Chatham Historical Society Falmouth Historical Society Historical Society Of Old Yarmouth Historical Society Of Santuit and Cotuit Orleans Historical Society and Museum Osterville Historical Museum Zion Union Heritage Museum, Inc. Cahoon Museum Of American Art Cape Cod Children’s Museum Cape Cod Maritime Museum Heritage Museums and Gardens Highfield Hall and Gardens Provincetown Art Association and Museum
Cape Cod Art Association, Inc. Creative Arts Center

Falmouth Art Center Fine Arts Work Center Guild Of Harwich Artists, Inc. Pastel Painters Society Of Cape Cod Sandwich Arts Alliance Woodruff’s Art Center Cape Conservatory Truro Center For The Arts At Castle Hill Addison Art Gallery Fresh Paint Gallery Gallery 31 Fine Art Jobi Pottery and Gallery
Artful Journeys LLC ArtsFalmouth, Inc. Bourne Society For Historic Preservation, Inc. Cape Cod Commercial Fishermen’s Alliance Cape Cod Modern House Trust CapeCodCAN! Cotuit Center For The Arts J. Miller Pictureframer Love.Live.Local, LLC Provincetown 400 Ross Coppelman Goldsmith, Inc. Visual Artists Cooperative Cultural Center Of Cape Cod Wellfleet Preservation Hall The Current Quarterly WOMR
Aflac ARTS Barnstable Attorney Joseph J. Higgins Massachusetts DUI Auction Knights B2 Burrito Bistro Balise Auto Group Barnstable Market Barnstable Patriot, The Baxter Nye Bednark Studio BizChecks Payroll Botsini Corporation Brazilian Grill Clean Green Cahoon Museum Cape Air Cape Conservatory Cape & Islands License Plate Cape Cod 5 Cape Cod Academy Cape Cod Healthcare Cape Cod Hearing Center Cape Cod Life 40 62
68 40 73 73 59 48 72 28 55 67 33 41 48 7 70 76 5 77 57 81 62 Cape Cod Media Group 8 Cape Cod Package Store 73 CCB Media 39 Cape Dairy 77 Cape Symphony 70 Catania Hospitality Group 81 Centinel Financial Group 62 Chapman Funeral Homes 56 Chatham Wayside Inn 27 Christine Richards, Kinlin Grover 67 Citizens Banka inside front & back covers Coca-Cola 24 Depaola, Begg & Associates 77 Dunning Kirrane McNichols & Garner LLP 65 Eastern Bank 65 Edward M. Kennedy Institute 18 Fairway Lawn & Tree Service 65 Fletcher Tilton 32 Gallery Artrio 71 Glivinski and Associates 71 Gosnold on Cape Cod 27 Highfield Hall 67 Jackie Reeves 13 J. Miller Pictureframer 70 Just Picked 54 Keller Company, Inc 17 Kinlin Grover 69 Lighthouse Media Solutions 34 Love Live Local 21 Mackenzie & Company 40 Mills, Deborah and Jim 74 Naked Oyster, The 48 Nauset Disposal 59 Ophthalmic Consultants of Boston 36 Puritan Cape Cod 33 Shepley 59 Spanky’s Clam Shack 40 Stewart Painting Inc. 62 Stove Place II 48 Thirwood Place 64 Tracy Volkswagen 9 Turtle Rock 43 Wareham Crossing 44 WCAI 15 Whitebriar Financial Corporation 15 Wicked Local Cape Cod 26
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th Anniversary Concert