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7 ½ 6 Aciman, Andre 102
Adiga, Aravind Afterparties 103 2
Against Her Nature 46
Alegre, Susie
20 All Along the Echo 9 And Then He Sang a Lullaby 65, 93 Andews, Phoenix 30 Anna 81 Apter, Jeff Araujo, Heriberto Arc, The Ashton, Nigel 88 17, 92 40 23
Ballagh, Rebekah Bandit Queens, The Behr, Rafael Bell, Alice Beutner, Katherine Bills, Peter Black and Blue Black Mamba 84, 86 70, 92 29 50, 93 55 76 18 13
Blake, Sam
39 Bond, Caroline 49, 54 Book of Feeling Blue, The 75 Bookseller at the End of the World, The 87 Bored Gay Werewolf 14 Bowden, Mark 58, 102 Bradley, Nick 102 Braithwaite, Oyinkan 103 Bridge, The 86 Bright and Deadly Things 42 Brook, Kate 53 Brown, Bryan 85 Brown, Symeon 20 Brugman, Emily 87 Brutal Reckoning, A 35 Buchan, Elizabeth 46 Buruma, Ian 22
Call Me By Your Name Cameraman, The
102 12 Campbell, Matthew 31 Capitalist Manifesto, The 36, 93 Care 84 Castillo, Elaine 34 Cat and The City, The 102 Chellel, Kit 31 Collaborators, The 22 Conefrey, Mick 81 Coper, Ed 87 Cormac, Rory 26 Courage to be Disliked, The 103 Coverdale, Brydon 89 Cox, Katy 43, 51 Cozzens, Peter 35 Craig, Charmaine 61 Crazy Rich Asians 102