Be part of our legacy. ACADEMY OF SAINT ELIZABETH Convent Station, New Jersey
Discover your future here.
The Academy of Saint Elizabeth is a Catholic, independent, college preparatory school for young women, founded by the Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth. Our mission is to promote the disciplines of academic excellence and moral responsibility within our young women by sustaining a scholarly environment and a nurturing community of faith. Sponsored by the Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth
Admissions Information
Admissions Process ..........................................................4 Tuition, Scholarships and Financial Aid ............................5 Transportation ....................................................................5 Course Offerings ................................................................6 Athletics ....................................................................................8 Clubs and Organizations ........................................................10 College Acceptances ..............................................................12
2020-2021 Admissions Process The following is a list of dates for the 2020/21 Admissions process. Please visit our website: for more details and important links.
Application Available online at ........................Tuesday, September 1, 2020 Panther Experience & Admissions Interview ....................................................................Schedule online at Application Deadline* ....................................................................Friday, December 11, 2020 Acceptances Mailed ............................................................................Friday, January 15, 2021 Accepted Students Night Celebration ..............................................Thursday, January 28, 2021
* * Application and all supporting documentation must be received by December 11, 2020 to be considered for Financial Aid and Scholarships. Rolling admission will begin after December 14th, but the opportunity for Financial Aid and Scholarships will be limited. If you have any questions, please email
2020-2021 Financial Information Tuition may be paid annually, semi-annually, quarterly or monthly through TADS. Annual expenses for the 2020-2021 school year are:
Tuition - $19,500 General Fee - $2,500 Athletics - $350 (per spor t) *Sibling Discount - 10% for Second Child, 15% for Third Child
SCHOL ARSHIPS Merit Scholarships are awarded annually by the Academy of Saint Elizabeth to students, based on the following criteria: • Superior scores on Entrance Exam
• Strong character and moral values
• Exceptional performance during the Middle School years
• Demonstrated leadership and involvement in school and community
• Superb personal motivation
FINANCIAL AID Any student who is currently enrolled may apply for financial aid. Any student who has submitted a completed admission application and been accepted may apply. Families seeking financial assistance must file an application through Financial Aid for School Tuition (FAST). FAST portal opens October 1, 2020 and closes December 1, 2020. Financial Aid applications are due no later than December 11, 2020. Incomplete applications cannot be processed. Financial aid must be applied for annually.
TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION Families should complete a B6T Transportation Form from the New Jersey State Department of Education to be reimbursed for transportation expenses. Convent Station offers convenient travel and a short scenic walk from the Academy: • West Bound Stations: Hoboken, Newark Broad Street, Oranges, Millburn, Summit, Chatham, and Madison
• East Bound Stations: Dover, Denville, Mount Tabor, Morris Plains, and Morristown
Junior/Senior Parking is available on the premises. 5
2020-2021 Course Offerings
Grade 9 Critical Reading and Writing / Critical Reading and Writing Honors Algebra I / Algebra I Honors / Geometry Honors Scripture Biology / Biology Honors World History / World History Honors French I / French II Latin I / Latin II
Semester Electives: Art I – Introduction to Art and Design; Ceramics; Digital Photography; Theater and Performance; Public Speaking and Debate; The Art of Choral Singing; Writers’ Workshop; Digital Publishing I / Digital Publishing II; Fitness & Wellness; Dance; Business Marketing in the Age of Technology; Introduction to Computer Programming; Introduction to Engineering; Visual Communication & Web Design; Media Literacy.
Spanish I / Spanish II
Grade 10 American Literature / American Literature Honors Geometry / Geometry Honors Algebra II/Trigonometry Honors Social Justice Chemistry / Chemistry Honors U.S. History I / U.S. History I Honors French I / French II / French III Honors Latin I / Latin II / Latin III Honors Spanish I / Spanish II / Spanish III Honors Driver Education
Full Year Electives: AP Government and Politics; Art II – Drawing/Painting
Semester Electives: Art I – Introduction to Art and Design; Ceramics; Digital Photography; Theater and Performance; Public Speaking and Debate; The Art of Choral Singing; Digital Publishing I / Digital Publishing II; Writers’ Workshop; Fitness & Wellness; Dance I / Dance II; Anatomy and Physiology I / Anatomy and Physiology II; Forensic Science; Genetic & Biotechnology; Marine Science; Pathology; Business Marketing in the Age of Technology; Introduction to Criminal Justice; Psychology; Introduction to Computer Programming; Introduction to Engineering; Media Literacy; Visual Communication & Web Design
Grade 11 British Literature / British Literature Honors / AP Language and Composition Algebra II / Algebra II/Trigonometry Honors / Precalculus Precalculus Honors / AP Calculus AB World Religions / Children of Abraham College Course Chemistry / Chemistry Honors Physics / Physics Honors U.S. History II / AP U.S. History French I / French II / French III Honors / French IV Honors Latin I / Latin II / Latin III Honors Spanish I / Spanish II / Spanish III Honors / Spanish IV Honors
Full Year Electives: Art II – Drawing/Painting; Art III – Advanced Art; AP Biology with Lab; AP Chemistry with Lab; AP Government and Politics; AP Psychology
Semester Electives: Art I – Introduction to Art and Design; Ceramics; Digital Photography; Theater and Performance; Public Speaking and Debate; The Art of Choral Singing; Writers’ Workshop; The Reading Life: Identity in the Graphic Novel - College Course; The Reading Life: Literary Nonfiction & Memoir - College Course; The Reading Life: Do Not Read – Banned Books College Course; Fitness & Wellness; Dance; Forensic Science; Advanced Forensic Science Anatomy and Physiology I / Anatomy and Physiology II; Genetics and Biotechnology; Marine Science; Pathology; Business Marketing in the Age of Technology; Introduction to Criminal Justice; Introduction to Economics; Issues of Conscience: Holocaust and Genocide Studies; Sociology I / Sociology II; Psychology; Introduction to Engineering; Introduction to Computer Programming; Media Literacy; Visual Communication & Web Design
Grade 12 World Literature / AP Literature and Composition Precalculus / Precalculus Honors / Introduction to Statistics / Calculus / Calculus Honors / AP Calculus AB / AP Calculus BC / Bioethics / New Testament - College Course
Full Year Electives: Art II – Drawing/Painting; Art III – Advanced Art; Art IV – Portfolio; AP Biology with Lab; AP Chemistry with Lab; Physics / Physics Honors; AP Government and Politics / Freedom, Power & Politics – College Course; AP Psychology / French III Honors / French IV Honors / AP French V; Latin III Honors / Latin IV Honors / AP Latin; Spanish III Honors / Spanish IV Honors / AP Spanish V
Semester Electives: Art I – Introduction to Art & Design; Ceramics; Digital Photography; Theater and Performance; Public Speaking and Debate; The Art of Choral Singing; Writers’ Workshop; Digital Publishing I / Digital Publishing II; The Reading Life: Identity in the Graphic Novel - College Course; The Reading Life: Literary Nonfiction & Memoir College Course; The Reading Life: Do Not Read – Banned Books- College Course; Dance; Fitness & Wellness; Forensic Science; Advanced Forensic Science; Anatomy and Physiology I / Anatomy and Physiology II; Genetics and Biotechnology; Marine Science / Pathology; Business Marketing in the Age of Technology; Introduction to Criminal Justice; Introduction to Economics; Issues of Conscience: Holocaust and Genocide Studies; Psychology I / Psychology II; Sociology I / Sociology II; Introduction to Computer Programming; Introduction to Engineering; Media Literacy; Visual Communication & Web Design
Athletic Offerings Athletic Offerings
Fall Sports Cross Country Equestrian Field Hockey Soccer Tennis Volleyball
Winter Sports Basketball Swimming Ice Hockey
Spring Sports Equestrian Lacrosse Softball Track & Field
See our sports teams in action – follow us onTwitter & Instagram: @Panthers1860
Clubs and Organizations AMBASSADORS
Ambassadors represent the Academy at various functions: offer tours to prospective families, greet guests at Open Houses, and host AOSE applicants for Panther for a Day experiences. Students must apply for acceptance to this prestigious program.
French Club explores the traditions, language and diversity of the Frenchspeaking world. Members organize engaging activities throughout the year, including holiday celebrations, sing-a-longs, service projects and cultural encounters.
A RT C LU B Explore various art forms and expressions in a safe, nurturing environment. Members may choose to contribute to murals, art installations, and school wide beautification projects.
B O O K C LU B Students meet to discuss reading selections, compare thoughts on different authorial styles/intents/approaches and discuss them in the larger text of literature. Members suggest texts, lead discussions and embrace a love of reading for personal enjoyment.
Founded in 2009, this non-profit organization and school program brings awareness and healing to the negative and lasting effects of girl-against-girl bullying. Students work collaboratively to positively impact school culture and nurture peace and unity in our community.
L AT I N C LU B The Latin Club fosters awareness of the Latin language and Roman civilization in the school community.
Members participate as altar servers and readers in masses at the Academy. Campus Ministry helps sustain the mission of the Academy by planning religious retreats, prayer services and liturgies.
Mock Trial members participate each year in the New Jersey Bar Association Foundation’s competition, examining and arguing both sides of a legal case. This offers experience for aspiring lawyers or students developing their public speaking skills.
CHOIR Members come together to sing and enliven the school with music. The choir regularly sings and cantors for mass, and meets for regular practice and events including the annual Carol Sing and Tree Lighting. Students will be guided in improving music skills and vocals.
D R A M A C LU B / M U S I C A L Students explore the performing arts through a variety of activities. The spring musical allows students to develop performance abilities in the musical theater and confidence in their abilities in acting, singing, dance, stagecraft and lighting.
EPOCH (Educational Program of Children Handicapped) – Members volunteer as peer mentors in an after-school program for developmentally disabled children at the Madison YMCA.
N AT I O N A L H O N O R S O C I E T Y Applicants are evaluated based on four criteria: scholarship, leadership, service, and character. Chapter members support the academic and spiritual life of the school.
O PE R AT I O N S M I L E Students at the Academy participate in this mission as members of the Operation Smile Student Association. Operation Smile is a private, not-for-profit volunteer medical services organization providing reconstructive surgery and related health care to children and young adults around the world born with cleft lips, cleft palates, and other facial deformities.
PA N T H E R B A N T E R Panther Banter is a student-run website and student news blog. A digital platform that is of, by, and for the students.
P R I N C E TO N M O D E L U N I T E D N AT I O N S The team researches global issues and collaborates to solve real life problems. The girls conduct research based on their assigned committee and prepare materials for Princeton's Model UN conference.
SEAL Published annually, SEAL (Saint Elizabeth Art Literary Magazine) is an in-house, student run publication featuring student work.
S K I A N D S N OW B OA R D C LU B The Ski & Snowboard Club travels to Shawnee Mountain after school each week during peak season to enjoy the slopes together.
S T U D E N T CO U N C I L Members are elected both schoolwide and by grade level. The Council promotes a spirit of loyalty, unity, and cooperation among students; runs student activities; fosters cooperation between administration, faculty, and students; and promotes in all ways the best interest of the school.
TOWA R D B O U N D L E S S C H A R I T Y This group exemplifies the good works of the Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth and their affiliates. Members of this club will be a part of a new generation of stewards of the charism who will continue the good work of boundless charity in the world well beyond their time spent at the Academy.
YEARBOOK Creating the yearbook is a fun, interactive, and inclusive experience! Students initiate journalistic coverage of the AOSE community— while developing skills in photography, design, interviewing, writing, marketing, and digital publishing. Students gain “real world” experience in collaboration as they engage with others to create this publication.
S PA N I S H C LU B Explores the traditions, language and diversity of the Spanish-speaking world. Activities throughout the year include holiday celebrations, sing-a-longs, service projects and cultural encounters.
*Availability and participation in all activities may be limited and/or subject to restrictions enforced by the State of New Jersey during COVID-19 guidance for schools.
College Acceptances 2016-2020 –The 2020 Graduating Class received over
$11 Million in Scholarship Awards – 100% College Acceptance & Attendance
Albright College
Duquesne University
Lehigh University
American University
Eckerd College
LIM College
American University of Rome
Elon University
Loyola Marymount University
Arizona State University
Fairfield University
Loyola University - Chicago
Ave Maria University
Fairfield University - Honors College
Loyola University Maryland
Bard College
Fairleigh Dickinson University
Lycoming College
Binghamton University
Manhattan College
Boston College
Fairleigh Dickinson University Honors Program
Boston College - Honors Program
Felician University
Mannes School of Music at the New School
Boston Conservatory
Flagler College
Marist College
Boston University
Florida Atlantic University
Marymount Manhattan College
Bowling Green State University
Florida Institute of Technology
Marywood University
Bucknell University
Florida State University
Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Caldwell University
Fordham University
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy
California Lutheran University
Fordham University – Gabelli School of Business
Mercyhurst Univ
Capital University Carnegie Mellon University Case Western Reserve University Catholic University of America Centenary University Champlain College Chapman University Clarkson Univ Clemson University Coastal Carolina University Colgate University College of Charleston College of Saint Elizabeth College of the Holy Cross College of William & Mary Colorado State University Concordia University Connecticut College Cornell University County College of Morris D'Youville College DePaul University DeSales Univesity Dickinson College Drew University Drexel University
Franciscan University of Steubenville Frankiln & Marshall College Gannon University George Mason University George Washington University Georgetown University Gettysburg College Gonzaga University Hartwick College High Point University Hobart and William Smith Colleges Hofstra University Hunter College Immaculata University Iona College Ithaca College James Madison University Johnson and Wales University Kean University King's College Kutztown University La Salle University Lafayette College Lasell College Lawrence Technological University
Manhattan School of Music
Merrimack University Miami University of Ohio MICA – Maryland Institute College of Art Michigan State University Middlebury College Misericordia University Monmouth University Monmouth University- Honors School Montclair State University Moravian College Mount Holyoke College Mount Saint Mary College Mount St. Mary’s University Muhlenberg College New England Conservatory New Jersey City University New Jersey Institute of Technology New York Institute of Technology New York University Niagara University North Carolina State University Northeastern University Norwich University Ohio Wesleyan University Pace University Parsons New School of Design
Peabody Conservatory at the Johns Hopkins University
The College of New Jersey
University of Pittsburgh
The College of New Jersey Honors Program
University of Rhode Island
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts Pennsylvania State University
The College of Saint Rose
University of San Fransisco
Pennsylvania State University Eberly College of Science
The Ohio State
University of Scranton
The University of Michigan
University of Scranton – Honors Program
Pennsylvania State University - Schreyer
The University of Scranton
University of South Florida
Honors College
The Unversity of West Florida
University of Southern California
Pepperdine University
Towson University
University of St Andrews
PRATT MWP – College of Art & Design
Trinity College
University of Tampa
Providence College
Tufts University
University of the Sciences
Purchase College
Union College
University of Vermont
Purdue University
Univeristy of Scranton
University of Virginia
Queen’s University
University of Alabama
University of Wisconsin
Quinnipiac University
University of Arizona
Ursinus College
Ramapo College of NJ
University of Bridgeport
Utica College
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
University of California – Davis
Vanderbilt Univ
Rider University
University of California San Diego
Vanderbilt University - Peabody College
Rochester Institute of Technology
University of Connecticut
Villanova University
Roger Williams University
University of Dayton
Rowan University - D.O. Program
University of Delaware
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Rutgers Universty
University of Detroit Mercy
Virginia Tech
Sacred Heart University
University of Hartford
Wagner College
SAIC – School of the Art Institute of Chicago
University of Kentucky
Wake Forest University
University of Maryland
Wentworth Institute of Technology
Saint Bonaveture University Saint Joseph's University Saint Louis University Saint Mary’s College Saint Michael's College Saint Xavier University Salisbury University Salve Regina University Savannah College of Art and Design
University of Rochester
University of Massachuseets
West Chester University
University of Massachusetts – Amherst University of Miami
Westminster Choir College Rider University
University of Minnesota
Widener Univ
University of Mississippi
William Paterson University of New Jersey
University of New England
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
University of New Hampshire
Xavier University
University of North Carolina Wilmington
Yale University
University of Oregon
School of Visual Arts Seina College - Albany Medical College Program Seton Hall University - Law Seton Hall University Southern Methodist University St. Bonaventure University St. John's University St. Lawrence University St. Francis University St. John’s College Stevens Institute of Technology Stockton University Stonehill College Stony Brook SUNY Susquehanna University Syracuse University Temple University
A history of excellence, a future of promise.
A C A D E M Y O F S A I N T E L I Z A B E T H | C O N V E N T S TAT I O N , N E W J E R S E Y