LEGACY . Fall 2019

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alumnae news

REUNIONROUNDUP alumnae celebrate memories, friendships and decades of SEasterhood CLASS  OF 1969 Five decades of SEasterhood were celebrated at the academy, followed by a wonderful dinner at Rod’s Steakhouse in Convent Station. The academy is grateful to the Class of 1969 for their donation in memory of deceased classmates: Sarah Schleck, Karen Briechle Strange, Kathleen Macadon, Joyce Fanok Gurian, Marianne lanigan, Kathleen Shale Dwyer, laura Waldron applin, Mary Jo Parmigiani Gallant, Cathryn Rajoppi Cappola. a mass honoring their memory was celebrated the following day at Holy Family Chapel.

CLASS  OF 1946

CLASS  OF 1988

CLASS  OF 1994

lifelong SEasters Helen, Patricia, lois and Peg, at their august seashore reunion in Mantoloking, New Jersey.

Celebrating 30 years at the Madison Hotel: Jen Smith, Justine Germann, Mimi Codey, Sue alexander, Katie Feller, Joyanne Trivigno, lisa Morano, Pam Horner, Beth Carroll, Cynthia aromando, Gina Ianelli and Tracey Johnson

Classmates Kara lennon Muscillo, Carolyn Voehl Eriksen, Valerie Cuccolo Gehm, Brenda alzadon Kunzweiler, alessandra Pompeo Medigo, Michele Newhouse Heusel, andrea antonelli and Nicole DelPriore celebrate 25 years at the Stirling Tavern.

CLASS  OF 1998

CLASS  OF 2004

CLASS  OF 2008

Sarah Quinn Clausen and her classmates celebrated over two decades of friendship On May 19, 2019 at Pavesi in Morristown.

Celebrating their 15-year reunion at the academy, followed by dinner at Rod’s Steakhouse in Convent Station: amanda Harner, Vanessa Ott, Zoe Magiros Mclean, Jenna Van Deventer, Joelle Centanni, Christina Vázquez Mauricio, Suzanne Ryan Popper

Danielle Crochery, Elizabeth Manella, Hannah Thompson, Katie Enderley, Kristin Misdom, Melissa Foley, Erin Dowd, Erin Gilfillan, Tedi Church and Morgan Powers, celebrated ten years at George & Martha’s in Morristown. (Not Pictured: Kamille Deowdhat)


LEGACY Magazine | Fall 2019

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