A Visit from St. Nicholas: AOSE 2020 Edition

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A VISIT FROM ST. NICHOLAS: AOSE 2020 EDITION rewritten by Miss Roper ‘Twas the week before Christmas, when all through the school Evr’y creature was stirring in this tide of Yule; The hallways were empty but noise could be heard As towards their break the students were spurred. The teachers were weary but decked in their best For soon they could have a whole two weeks’ rest. The year had been tough with Covid fears high, And everyone yearned to wish 2020 goodbye. When it came time for the Christmas assembly, Miss Vukas sprang into action, quite nimbly. Sending out emails to students and staff, She knew what we needed most was to laugh. So I’m here to help, and using this text With any luck, I’ll leave no one vexed. Christmas here leaves magic in the air With all the decorations hanging everywhere. Every day we can see (without fail) Mrs. deFreitas working, absences to detail. In that same hallway, we have Guidance to thankWith all of us they will always be frank. Misses Kotoulas and Ratz may well be newer, But with them on our side, our problems are fewer. And where would we be without Mr. Mayer, Able to answer any sports prayer. As for fundraising, we have Mrs. Knight With her great skill, and she’s always polite.

Where would we be without our nurse this year? To you, Mrs. Lowe, we wish you great cheer! And our expert in all media social, Without Mrs. Minion, we’d be far too woeful. To Misses Burek and Corvo we owe our gratitude For how in-person schooling they have pursued. We can’t forget Mrs. G and all of her work As our resident secretary and paperwork clerk. And lest I reach the end and forgetI don’t want any teachers to feel upset! Science, Math, English, History, Languages, Art, Religion, and P.E. We wouldn’t be the Academy without all of you, So students, before out the doors you shoo, Wish your teachers well, and thank them please For this year hasn’t been a breeze. But we do this job because of you And how you inspire all of us to pursue Knowledge and skill so that we all can Come to work each day with a solid game plan. You, students here at AOSE, And I think my colleagues will all agree, Give us a purpose and a goal in our lives. We have to keep our wits sharp as knives. We only want for you what is best, Even when it feels we just want you stressed. So as we prepare for a nice, long break, I have one final point to make. So with me exclaim, as we together unite“Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!”

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