Application Form: storycentralLABS/Bravo Digital Development Lab ITVFest, Manchester, Vermont Wednesday 11th & Thursday 12th October 2017 Complete the application form and return it to Deadline is midnight (EST) 22nd September 2017. All applicants will be informed of final 6 shows selected for inclusion in the showcase/lab and these 6 successful applicants will be announced on ITVFest, storycentral and Bravo Digital website by Friday 6th October 2017. Name: Email: Name of show: Number of episodes/seasons: Phone: Role: Organization: I have attached my 3-4 page treatment (to include audience demographic information): YES/NO I have attached my 3-5 minute sizzle reel/trailer: YES/NO How did you hear about our LAB: Return to: Application deadline is midnight (EST) 22nd September 2017. Successful applicants will be informed in advance of DATE with further details. I understand and agree that acceptance in the storycentralLABS/Bravo Digital Development Lab means that I will participate in a 1-hour on-stage session to an audience (with other successful applicants/teams). I will then commit to participate in a subsequent private development lab with mentors and will make relevant revisions and amendments with a view to appearing on-stage the following day to repitch my audience engagement strategy and any other developments that may have come from the lab experience. I understand that this is to win a Bravo Digital Development opportunity and a prolonged dialogue with Bravo Digital Development and storycentralLABS Execs. Signed: