Building capabilities and global cooperation for a sustainable future .
dare to think!
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about APSSA Established in 1988, APSSA was the first student affairs organisation in the world to have a truly international membership and international activities. According to its constitution, the Association has four objectives: 1. To enhance liaison and cooperation among members in the development of student affairs work and student services in the region. 2. To assist in the development of student affairs work and to strengthen its role in the development of tertiary education in the region. 3. To promote the welfare of students in tertiary education. 4. To enhance cultural understanding and develop inter-cultural skills among members.
The association is registered in Hong Kong and its secretariat is based at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). One of the original founders of APSSA, Mr Luke Wong, is a retired Director of Student Affairs from HKUST and was the first President of APSSA (1988-1992). In 1998, an Institute of Student Affairs (ISA) was established under the APSSA umbrella to organize training and development activities for student affairs professionals. Since its formation, the ISA has organised certificate courses for several hundred participants, in a number of countries across the Asia Pacific region. Besides organizing conferences and training programmes, APSSA also conducts study visits to the region and beyond for the purpose of professional exchanges. The APSSA international conference is held every two years 2010 being the 12th International Asia Pacific Student Services Conference.
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host Queensland University of Technology Based in Brisbane, the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) is a top Australian university with global connections and a reputation for quality undergraduate and postgraduate courses, a wide range of studies and applied research best suited to the needs of industry and the community. Student Support Services is an integral part of QUT and is the proud host of this years APSSA Conference. QUT’s Student Services Division includes the departments of: Equity, Facilities Management, Human Resources, Marketing and Communication, Governance, Student Business Services.This department provides key services to prospective and current students as well as staff of QUT. QUT Student Services mission is to ensure that students receive a positive initial and ongoing experience with QUT that equips them for success through the
Based in Brisbane, QUT is a top Australian university with global connections and a reputation for quality undergraduate and postgraduate courses, a wide range of studies and applied research best suited to the needs of industry and the community.
timely provision of relevant, competent and student-friendly support services delivered directly or in partnership with others. Whilst our vision aims to ensure that students receive a positive initial and ongoing experience with QUT that equips them for success through the timely provision of relevant, competent and student-friendly support services delivered directly or in partnership with others. QUT Student Support Services offers quality services to students and staff. Services to prospective students include career advice and alternative entry into QUT. Services to current students includes Counselling, Health Services and Career assistance.
Gardens Point Campus Brisbane, Australia
about the conference The conference will focus on partnerships between Student Support Service professionals, academics and students to build more successful student learning outcomes, personal and graduate capabilities and satisfaction with tertiary education experiences. Conference streams will cover Student Support, Student Engagement and Building Graduate Capabilities. The parallel student conference – ‘Dare to do it”: Building capabilities and global cooperation for a sustainable future - will adopt the mindset that process is part of the journey and learning and sharing new and different perspectives only deepens ones understanding of the world leading to a more rounded interpretation of study outcomes, personal growth and career development. The student conference will work with delegates to expose them to processes that teach one how to think as opposed to what to think. Complimented by a range of papers and workshops the conference is expected to cover themes and related sub-topics including learning styles, positive psychology, potential, social responsibility, sustainability, creative thinking and how conversation can act as a catalyst for change. The Student Conference was created by a QUT graduate, Alissa Phillips, who worked alongside a Steering Committee of current Brisbane based University Students. Read on to learn how the Student Conference will be unpacking the APSSA Conference themes for 2010 and daring to do it...daring to think!
think to support
think to engage
think to build capabilities
The students and professionals of today are immersed in a rapidly changing, fast paced world. The expectation for delivery of outcomes is stressful and frequent. Further to this technology keeps us connected around the clock. ‘Think to Support’ will expose students to a series of ideas addressing how one can utilise both their own personal resources and that of their community in order to cope and function more productively on a daily basis.
Information is at our fingertips...literally. There is not a single answer we cannot find on the internet. The trouble is are we asking the right questions to get the right answers? ‘Think to Engage’ will i n t ro d u c e s t u d e n t s t o a r t o f conversation. Our day will be spent engaging with one another around processes that facilitate meaningful discussion, debate and deliberate use of language. This will be a day of powerful questions!
Sustainability can refer to so many things. ‘Think to Build Capabilities’ will demonstrate just how relevant the idea of sustainability can be and on how many levels - personal, professional, environmental, economical. On this day Students are required to reflect on their experiences and will be challenged to consider how they might move forward post conference. What will they sustain in their lives and how will it impact on their ability to learn, grow, shape and communicate in the world?
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key note thinkers
tony ryan
aleem ali
alissa phillips
keynote speaker / Educational Consultant / Baby boomer
keynote speaker / Founder of human. / Gen X
conference facilitator / Founder of s.p.a.c.e and Think [co] / Gen y
Tony Ryan is an Australian learning consultant who is obsessed with two things: 1. His own learning; and 2. Everyone else's learning. Tony Ryan is an Australian learning consultant / writer offering professional support throughout the world on issues such as lifelong learning, learning and enthusiasm for just being alive! He has presented over 1500 keynotes and workshops at state, national and world conferences in the past 20 years.
Aleem was born in QLD and raised by parents who: juiced (and drank) most pieces of vegetation on their relatively self-sufficient suburban block; boycotted the large, local supermarket because it was owned by a South African company (during the apartheid regime); sent him to both Sunday School and the Mosque; and, had a home computer in the early 80‘s Consequently, it is little wonder that he has an abiding passion for sustainability, social justice, cultural understanding and technology. Aleem has more than 15 years experience as a cultural worker, entrepreneur, mentor and executive.
Alissa Phillips works with authentic sense of purpose. With an intense obsession for social innovation and a background in community development and the arts Alissa is one of Brisbane's emerging leaders within society. Alissa believes there is potential in everyone and everything. She advocates for the fact that all people and their strengths can be embraced through enhanced innovative thinking, dynamic conversations and education through positive and shared experiences. Alissa is a self confessed over achiever, has met the Australian Prime Minister and regularly travels to Singapore to visit her partner. This week though she remains on home turf to spend the 4 days with the APSSA Student Conference delegates.
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day 1 orientation 9:00 am - 5:00 pm / Z Block, Level 4 Foyer
Pre-conference Study Tour Excursion to local higher education institutions (includes tour of city landmarks). 9:00 am - 12:00 pm / Z Block, Level 4 Foyer
Poster Presentations: 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm / Z Block, Level 4 Foyer
Introduction to the Student Conference An information session with Student Conference Facilitator Alissa Phillips about herself, the conference, and what she hopes to share with the student delegates. 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm / Z Block, Level 4 Foyer
Registration Open 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm / Z Block, Level 4 Foyer
Conference Welcome Reception Traditional Indigenous Performance
More to come in the next few days....