a little relish

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a little relish

relish a little

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Photo by Natalie McComas

a little relish

Welcome! Hello and welcome to a little relish, the first of which will be many issues I hope. My name is Chantelle and my passion for food and eating out in interesting and welcoming spaces led to this little creation. It’s filled with seasonal ingredients, interesting cafes and restaurants from different cities and a Morning, noon & night feature with recipe ideas for breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert. Also inside is a ‘how to’ section with the tips on how to make the perfect pizza as well as an ‘in bloom’ floral section and a styling section with ideas on creating a spring table setting. This issue proudly features my hometown of Brisbane, Australia. I hope you enjoy flipping through the pages of as much as I enjoyed creating it. x chantelle

creatIVE director Chantelle Grady photography, WORDS, STYLING & DESIGN Chantelle Grady photography contributor Natalie McComas (www.natmccomas.com) For all advertising or general enquiries please contact Chantelle at hello@alittlerelish.com www.alittlerelish.com { page 3 }







a little relish

Contents {6-9}

{ 40 - 51 }

In season New produce for Spring

morning, noon & night Recipe ideas for a sunny day

{ 10 - 11 }

{ 52 - 57 }

must try 10 products worth sampling

benchtop bites The Gunshop Café

{ 14 - 21 }

{ 58 - 61 }

benchtop bites Sourced Grocer

In bloom Spring flowers

{ 22 - 25 }

{ 62 - 71 }

cooking class Perfecting pizza

setting the scene Afternoon tea beneath the branches

{ 26 - 33 }

{ 72 - 73 }

farmer’s market Davies Park Market

from the jar Tomato & thyme relish

{ 36 - 39 }

{ 74 }

corner shop Mick’s Nuts Shop

favourite places Best places to eat and shop

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In season { Brisbane }

After a season of eating warming comfort foods spring calls for lighter meals using fresh and crisp ingredients. This season blood oranges and rhubarb make their appearance as well as silverbeat, cherries, sweetcorn, potato and leek.

Blood orange






a little relish

Must try 10 products worth sampling this Spring


Le Guérandais Fleur de Sel Guérande


Udder Delights Chèvre - Adelaide Hills


Artigiano Pastaio Saffron Angel Hair Pasta

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Belvoir Fruit Farms Organic Blood orange & mandarin Pressé


Grainge Jams Raspberry jam

a little relish


Jocelyn’s Provisions Fruit & nut bar



Tabletop Grapes Muscatel Clusters

Maya Sunny Honey 100% raw stringy bark honey



François Pralus Papouasie Trinitario 75%

Clear Mountain Savour y Crispbread Hint of Parmesan

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a little relish

Tool of the trade KitchenAid Professional 600 stand mixer Not only is a stand mixer a kitchen necessity but a piece like this will make any average kitchen look stylish. KitchenAid stand mixers come in a large selection of styles and colours and they are the Dolce & Gabbana so to speak of kitchen mixers. What is it good for? Mixing dough, cakes, cream, icing and anything that needs mixing or whipping. Anything else? Not only does the KitchenAid come with the normal dough and regular mixer attachment but you can also buy other attachments including an ice cream maker, juicer, grinder, shredder and sausage stuffer, among other things. Where to check them out? www.kitchenaid.com

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a little relish

Benchtop bites Sourced Grocer: Local is lovely Photography by Natalie McComas

The Sourced Grocer in Teneriffe opened its doors in 2011 and was instantly a hit. Owners Louis and Jerome grew up together and with their mutual passion for food and fresh produce transformed an old office building into the very stylish and inviting space that it is. The menu is written on a white tiled wall, product details and prices on brown paper, the best fresh produce is sourced by local growers and uniquely packaged by Sourced Grocer and a long weathered timber panel table with leather chairs creates a warm and welcoming atmosphere where people can sit together and enjoy a coffee over the morning paper. The menu is simple and crafted perfectly. The Vannella Burrata with cherry truss tomatoes, basil and Chouquette baguette recommended by Jerome was so clean, fresh and refreshing and it seemed the reoccurring word spoken from those around the table was “fresh”. Sourced Grocer is just that, a refreshing space offering good food, friendly faces and the comfort of knowing what you’re buying is sourced from the best local producers. When: Open daily from 7am until 8pm Where: 11 Florence Street, Teneriffe Q 4006 Check them out: www.sourcedgrocer.com

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a little relish

Cooking class Making pizza dough from scratch may seem daunting but follow these easy steps and you will master the art of the perfect pizza in no time.

Pizza dough • 1 1/2 cups lukewarm water • 1 x 7g sachet of dried yeast • 1 tsp caster sugar • 1/8 cup olive oil • 500g Tipo ‘00’ flour • 100g finely ground semolina flour • 1 tsp sea salt Note: Tipo flour is a finely ground flour that gives the dough a smooth texture.

Step one In a jug mix the yeast, sugar, olive oil and water together and leave for a few minutes. Seive flour and salt into a clean bowl and make a well in the middle. Pour yeast mixture into the well slowly and with a fork, bring the flour in gradually from the sides swirling it into the liquid. Keep mixing until all the flour comes together, then work the remaining flour together with clean flourdusted hands. Knead until the dough is smooth and springy. Step two Place the ball of dough into a flour-dusted bowl and cover with a damp cloth. Let sit for an hour until the dough doubles in size. Step three Transfer the ball of dough to a floured surface and with your hands, knock back (push the air out of) the dough. Step four Divide the dough into 3 equal portions. Role each ball of dough out into rough circles about 5mm thick. ~ Makes 3 pizza bases { page 22 }

a little relish

Prosciutto & oregano pizza Pizzas • 2 pizza bases • 1/2 cup tomato passata • 10 slices prosciutto • 2 large balls mozzarella, torn into pieces • Handful fresh oregano leaves To serve • Sea salt • Extra virgin olive oil

Step one Preheat oven to highest temperature. Transfer prepared pizza bases to round flour dusted pizza trays or stone. Step two Spread bases with the tomato passata leaving a 2cm border. Divide the slices of prosciutto and mozzarella between the bases and scatter with oregano leaves. Step three Bake pizzas for 10 minutes or until mozzarella has melted and the bases are cooked through, crisp and golden.

To serve Sprinkle with sea salt, drizzle with olive oil and slice into 8 pieces. ~ Makes 2 pizzas

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a little relish

Farmer’s market Nestled beneath the trees at Davies Park Photography by Natalie McComas

Davies Park Market is located in West End, Brisbane and runs every Saturday rain or shine. Market vendors setup their stalls under the big leafy trees selling everything from fruit and vegetables, meats, fish, cheese, artisan breads and greek yoghurt to clothing, books, flowers and timber bread boards, among other things. It’s bustling with trolleys and dogs of all sizes and the perfect place to sit on a Saturday morning for a coffee and breakfast. One of my favourite things to order is the spiced hot chocolate from the Gypsy cart which is surrounded by crates covered in hessian sacks where you can sit and look onto the Brisbane River. Not a bad way to start a weekend. When: 6am until 2pm every Saturday Where: Davies Park, Montague Road West End Check them out: www.daviesparkmarket.com.au

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a little relish

Market accessory A couple stylish ways of getting your groceries home Going to a market can feel a bit like being a kid in a candy store. So many delicious foods and ingredients to encourage the creation of recipes at home. Here are a couple stylish ways to get all these nice things home and safely onto your kitchen bench. The trolley dolly What’s not to love about a bag on wheels! The Miniature Transformation Giant from Reisenthel holds 10kg of goods and folds down 3 times into its own outside pocket. It also comes in a variation of fun colours and prints. www.reisenthel.com The shoulder bag If carrying your goods on your shoulder is more comfortable then the Makr Farm Tote from Brook Farm General Store is great. Made from heavy duty canvas with comfortable leather shoulder straps it’s perfect for throwing things in as you stroll through the stalls. www.brookfarmgeneralstore.com

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a little relish

Corner shop Mick’s Nuts Shop: A nut connoisseurs dream Photography by Natalie McComas

Covering a tiny area of space on the corner of Hardgrave Road and Vulture Street, Mick’s Nuts owned and operated by Mary and Mick is a West End icon. Head here on a weekend and the line is out the door with Market shoppers from the local Davies Park Market stopping in for their muesli and nut supplies on their way home. Bags, jars and plastic containers line the walls and the staff are friendly and welcoming. Their homemade muesli is high on the list of things to try. Filled with cornflakes, oats, sultanas and many other nutritional things it’s a healthy way to kick start your morning. Open: Monday to Friday 8am until 6pm, Saturday 7am until 3pm Where: 31 Hardgrave Road, West End QLD

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Morning, noon & night { Morning }

baked eggs with spinach, parmesan & prosciutto { noon }

potato & leek fritters with tomato & thyme relish { night }

perfect roast Chicken with char grilled corn salad followed by buttermilk scones with rhubarb cream

a little relish

Baked eggs with spinach, parmesan & prosciutto Baked eggs • 2 cups spinach leaves, chopped • 2 tbsp grated parmesan cheese • 8 slices prosciutto • 1/2 cup cream • 4 eggs • Sea salt & black pepper • Butter To serve • Sourdough toast

Step one Preheat oven to 180˚C. Grease 4 dishes with butter. Line with chopped spinach and proscuitto and share parmesan and cream between them. Crack an egg into each dish and season with salt and pepper. Step two Bake in oven for 20 minutes or until egg is just cooked.

To serve Serve with sourdough toast. ~ Makes 4

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a little relish

Potato & leek fritters with tomato & thyme relish Fritters • 2 potatoes, cooked and mashed with a fork • 1 rasher bacon, rind removed and chopped • 1 leek, trimmed and thinly sliced • 2 teaspoons chives, chopped • 1/4 cup parmesan, grated • 3 eggs • 2 tbsp self raising flour • Sea salt and black pepper • Vegetable oil, for shallow-frying To serve • Rocket leaves • Balsamic vinegar • Tomato & thyme relish (page 70)

Step one In a bowl place the potato, bacon, leek, chives, parmesan, eggs, flour, salt and pepper. Stir well to combine. Step two Heat 1cm oil in a large sized frying pan over medium heat and spoon mixture into pan in batches making sure they don’t touch one another. Cook for 2 minutes or until golden. Remove and drain on absorbent paper. Repeat with remaining mixture.

To serve Serve with a dollop of tomato & thyme relish and a handful of rocket leaves drizzled in balsamic vinegar. ~ Serves 4

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a little relish

Perfect roast chicken with char grilled corn salad Perfect roast chicken • 2 small whole chickens • 80g butter, softened • 2 cups chicken stock • Sea salt and black pepper Char grilled corn salad • 3 cobs corn, husks and silks removed • 1 punnet cherry tomatoes, halved • 1 small red onion, thinly sliced • 1 cup baby spinach • 3 tbsp olive oil • 1/2 cup natural yoghurt • 1 clove garlic, crushed • 1 tbsp white balsamic vinegar • 1 tbsp water • Sea salt and black pepper

Step one Preheat oven to 180˚C. Rinse and pat dry chickens with paper towel and tie legs together with kitchen string. Rub both chickens with butter and season with salt and pepper. Place in a roasting pan so they are not touching and leave to rest for 30 minutes. Step two Pour stock into the pan and roast for 1 1/2 hours spooning juice over chickens every 15 minutes. Step three Test chickens are ready by piercing with a skewer. If they are ready the juice will run clear. Remove from oven and allow to rest on paper towel for 5 minutes. Sprinkle with sea salt. Step four To make the salad, combine yoghurt, garlic, vinegar, water and salt and pepper in a bowl and set aside. Heat a BBQ over high heat. Char grill corn for 10-12 minutes, rotating occasionally. Slice off kernels and place in a bowl along with tomatoes, red onion and baby spinach. Toss lightly and drizzle with yoghurt dressing. Serve with roast chicken. ~ Serves 4 - 6

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a little relish

Buttermilk scones with rhubarb cream Scones • 3 1/2 cups self-raising flour • 2 tbsp caster sugar • 60g butter, chopped • 1 1/2 cups buttermilk Rhubarb creme • 1 cup caster sugar • 2 stalks of rhubarb, chopped • 225g cream cheese • 1 cup confectioner’s sugar • 1 cup whipped cream

Step one Preheat oven to 220˚C. Line a baking tray with baking paper and dust with flour. Step one In a saucepan over medium heat, warm the sugar and rhubarb. Simmer for 15 minutes, stirring often until it thickens and rhubarb softens. Allow to cool. In a medium bowl whip cream cheese, cream and icing sugar until soft peaks form. Fold through rhubarb mixture and refrigerate until ready to use. Step two In a bowl, place flour, sugar and a pinch of salt. Add butter and using fingertips, rub butter into the flour until it resembles fine breadcrumbs. Step three Make a well in the center and add buttermilk. Using a knife, bring flour in from edges and stir to form a dough. Transfer to a lightly floured surface and knead gently until it comes together. Form a 3cm round, place on baking tray and cut into 8 triangles. Bake for 15 minutes or until golden. Serve scones warm with rhubarb cream. ~ Makes 8

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a little relish

Benchtop bites The Gunshop Café: An old West End favourite Photography by Natalie McComas

Originally a gunshop from the 50’s - 90’s, The Gunshop Café located on Mollison Street in West End is a local favourite. An old glass panel door invites you into a warm space with timber floors, brick walls and an eclectic mix of furniture. Any given day of the week it’s bustling with people and the aroma of fresh coffee wafts through the restaurant. The food is spectacular and they use fresh local produce. The strawberry brioche french toast topped with mascarpone, coulis and almonds is a favourite or for something a little more savoury the potato & feta hash browns with tomato, spinach and herbed sour cream cake is a must try. The Gunshop Cafe is open for breakfast, lunch and dinner or perfect for a coffee and something sweet in between. When: Monday 7am until 2pm (breakfast & lunch) Tuesday to Saturday 7am until late (breakfast, lunch & dinner), Sunday 7am until 12:30pm (breakfast only) Where: 53 Mollison Street, West End Check them out: www.thegunshopcafe.com

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In bloom { Brisbane }

A change of season brings a change of flowers and fresh and new ways to decorate an interior or table. This season brings in the classic Baby’s Breath as well as Hyacinth and Erica. Placed in a simple vase on their own they add a touch of elegance to the table.

baby’s breath



a little relish

Setting the scene Afternoon tea beneath the branches Photography by Natalie McComas

In spring the days are longer and we are more likely to enjoy meals with family and friends outdoors in the sunshine. With a few creative touches it’s easy to make a simple table look special. Here are a few ideas of what can easily be done. Setting An area beneath the branches of a large tree The base Timber trestle table, a collection of chairs and an old crate acting as a side table Decorations Vintage jars filled with flowers, cut pieces of various coloured ribbon tied to the back of chairs, paper lanterns strung from tree branches, twine tying cutlery together and crisp linen For the drinks Sanpellegrino bottles decorated with striped straws and tags For the food Finger sandwiches, a plate of biscuits, small cakes, paper bags filled with cherries and one large sponge cake

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a little relish

From the jar Tomato & thyme relish Relish • 500g truss tomatoes • 1/2 apple, peeled, cored and chopped • 185ml white vinegar • 125g caster sugar • 1 small onion, chopped • 1 clove garlic • 1 tsp sea salt • 1 tbsp thyme leaves • 1 tsp mustard powder • 1 tsp curry powder • 1 tsp cornflour • 1/8 cup white vinegar, extra

Step one Place all ingredients except extra 1/8 cup white vinegar and cornflour in a medium pot. Bring to a boil and simmer for 1 1/2 hours. Step two Mix the cornflour to a paste with remaining vinegar and add to the tomato mixture. Stir until mixture thickens. Step three Remove from heat and allow to cool slightly before spooning into a sterilised jar. ~ Makes 1 medium size jar

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Favourite places { food }

{ interior }

pearl café Logan Road, Woolloongabba

Les Salles www.lessalles.com.au

beccofino www.beccofino.com.au

hamptons home living www.hamptonshomeliving.com.au

ChoUquette www.chouquette.com.au

woolloongabba antique centre www.woolloongabbaantiquecentre.com

benneton bakery www.banneton.com.au

paddington antique centre www.paddingtonantiquecentre.com.au

gunshop café www.thegunshopcafe.com

kova lifestyle www.kovalifestyle.com.au

montrachet www.montrachet.com.au

dig www.dig.net.au

sourced grocer www.sourcedgrocer.com

shelter interiors www.dumonde10.blogspot.com

Café Bouquiniste Merthyr Road, New Farm

blake & taylor www.blakeandtaylor.com.au

Photo by Natalie McComas

a little relish

relish a little

www.alittlerelish.com { page 76 }

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