5 minute read
Why is it that we feel so good when we are amongst trees, or while we walk barefoot on lush grass?? Could part of the reason be that we are surrounding ourselves with the colour green. Green is actually grounding and balancing for our energies. We also feel more vital, and tranquil when surrounded by green. A great way to recharge our souls is to garden! Gardening not only connects us with mother earth, but is also a form of mindfulness. It’s a win-win all around.
Capricorn Dec 22 -Jan 19
Are you listening to what your intuition and body is telling you? This month do not allow your head to totally be the boss when it comes to making decisions. A bit of quiet time is required to connect, and contemplate your options. Follow what you know is right in your heart.
Jan 20 - Feb 18
Look for harmony this month Aquarius and watch out for conflict. Instead, time to step up, find some middle ground, and choose to look at things from a different perspective. Also, if you have been trying to cope alone, be brave and ask for help if needed. There is no shame in that.
Pisces Feb 19 - Mar 20
This month live each day to its fullest! You are stronger and more capable than you know, so start believing in yourself. You are indeed amazing!! Shoulders back, stand strong and keep moving forward because you have got this. Well done!
Aries Mar 21 - April 19
Matters of the heart are the focus for this month Aries. Is it time to let go of past betrayals? Forgiveness is key, not only for others, but for yourself. Show yourself compassion, breathe deeply and feel empowered.
Taurus April 20 - May 20
You are certainly strong willed. How about this, use your will to set some clear boundaries for yourself. If you do tend to overreact, March is the month to change this. Start a new practice, to encourage uplifting thoughts and behaviours, and put your focus on achieving your goals.
Gemini May 21 - June 20
March is looking blissful for you Gemini. Perhaps you are having some time away. Be sure to enjoy some quiet time, collect your thoughts, and feel refreshed. It is also a good month to let your hair down, and get creative. The sky’s the limit!
Alison Dunlop Kinesiologist. Find out more at: www.alisondunlopkinesiology.com.au
(Cards drawn from The Power of Chakra Deck by Fiona Toy)
Cancer June 21- July 22
The colour green is highlighted for you this month. You are getting the green light for something you have been thinking about. Follow your heart on this. It is also indicated to spend more time grounding in nature.
Leo July 23 - Aug 22
March has great potential for your desires to actually come to fruition. It is now time to action your plans. Start with some foundations. What is the first step that you need to make? Is it researching something, gaining skills, or asking advice. Make it happen!
Aug 23 - Sept 22
Be on the communication lookout this month Virgo. There is a possibility of communication breakdown, either literally with internet/phone issues, or in relationships. It is important to respect your relationships, by communicating with kindness from the heart.
Sept - 23 - Oct 23
The cards indicate there may be an important decision to be made this month. Yes, you do have freedom of choice, but consider carefully how your decision will impact others. Follow your intuition and own it!
Scorpio Oct 24 - Nov 21
Be open to receiving this month. Good luck is on your side Scorpio. Did you know you can manifest positive outcomes this month? It’s true! Don’t hold back because you are indeed deserving. Also, the cards suggest getting your creativity on. Have fun!
Nov 22 - Dec 21
Be cautious of indulging too much Sagittarius. The cards indicate indulgence is an unhelpful pattern, for you, from the past. It is now time to take stock, forgive yourself, lose the guilt and rise above it all. Hey, life is short! Live it to your highest potential.
CRYPTIC by Southern Cross
isn’t finished, with my computer encompassing gyrations like his (6) Children from one family sing out after is returned (8) back cross, Kelvin takes a big shot –opener! (8) poorly (6)
2 Love this rose arrangement! (4)
We are the Maryborough Qld chapter of Urban Sketchers! The Urban Sketchers mission is to raise the artistic, storytelling and educational value of on-location drawing, promoting its practice and connecting people around the world who draw on location where they live and travel.
“See the world, one building at a time”.
More info please go to our Facebook group: Urban Sketchers Maryborough Qld
3 Football code wanted to replace nothing of violence or hostility (9)
4 Dog gets in – stick around! (6)
1 Elvis isn’t finished, with my computer encompassing gyrations like his (6)
5 Grave looked after – head of a self-controlled state? (5-10)
5 Children from one family sing out after pound is returned (8) rule applied around the north when night-light is temporarily out (5, 7)
2 Love this rose arrangement! (4)
3 Football code wanted to replace nothing of violence or hostility (9)
6 These permit one to make observations from different angles (8)
9 Going back cross, Kelvin takes a big shot –for an opener! (8)
Shadowy place during 11’s low point (4) Deception leading to bad direction change by union (8)
4 Dog gets in – stick around! (6)
7 A medical man separates the ones with rhythmical feet (5)
5 Grave looked after – head of a self-controlled state? (5-10)
10 Feel poorly (6) around top of portico, like most old churches (8) died, but not like this! (4) bury first and negotiate later (12) gets right into study (6) into an eastern state or move (8)
8 Tax covers everything – one’s affliction? (10)
11 Special rule applied around the north when night-light is temporarily out (5, 7)
12 Nine cotton reels in dispute (10)
6 These permit one to make observations from different angles (8)
Last month’s solution
13 Shadowy place during 11’s low point (4)
15 Mark Crowe’s drunk! He frightens off the birds (9)
14 Deception leading to bad direction change taken by union (8)
7 A medical man separates the ones with rhythmical feet (5)
8 Tax covers everything – one’s affliction? (10)
16 Liberal smoulders about weight-watchers (8)
12 Nine cotton reels in dispute (10)
19 Uni chap makes a mistake and bowls (6)
17 Braced around top of portico, like most old churches (8)
21 A go-between in 11, with a broken heart (5)
15 Mark Crowe’s drunk! He frightens off the birds (9)
22 “Shock! Big star adopts model” (4)
18 Lincoln died, but not like this! (4) lyrical, then changes exercises (8) Planting seeds, initially unpaid (6)
20 Mean to bury first and negotiate later (12)
23 Spike gets right into study (6)
24 Force into an eastern state or move abroad (8)
25 Waxes lyrical, then changes exercises (8)
16 Liberal smoulders about weight-watchers (8)
19 Uni chap makes a mistake and bowls (6)
21 A go-between in 11, with a broken heart (5)
22 “Shock! Big star adopts model” (4)
Anderson, Bill Bennett, Bev Cockburn, Mal Cockburn, Margaret Galbreath, Ann Jermy, Doreen Jones, Shirl O’Brien, Ron O’Rourke, David Procter, Marian Procter, Aileen Skillicorn, Joan Smith, Brian Symons, Roy Wilson and Steve Workman. Congratulations!