Updated: More information and application form

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Elisabeth Hedges and St. Matthew’s Choir Invite you to Come and Sing

Handel’s Messiah The work: G.F. Handel’s Messiah needs little to no introduction. The oratorio, first performed in Dublin in 1742, has been sung by choirs and choral societies, big and small, continuously since 1745. Although the work is now associated with the Christmas period, its first performance date (13th April), and textual focus confirm it was initially conceived as an Easter oratorio. The sheer scope of The Messiah, a full performance lasting over two and a half hours, makes it close to un-performable in full. As the workshop is taking place shortly after Easter, the organisers have decided to focus on the Second and Third parts of the oratorio. The cause: Macmillan Cancer Support is one of the UK’s largest charities, providing specialist healthcare, information, and support to people affected by cancer. The charity was founded in 1911 by Douglas Macmillan, following the death of his father from the disease. This fundraising come and sing is co-organised by St. Matthew’s Choir and Elisabeth Hedges, herself a cancer survivor, as a way of saying thank you to Macmillan for the support and encouragement they offer. We also hope to raise funds for the charity and, most importantly, to raise awareness of the work Macmillan do. The Hosts: St. Matthew’s is a thriving suburban parish in Chapel Allerton, boasting one of the finest acoustics in North Leeds. St Matthew’s Choir are no strangers to organising come and sing events, both large and small, offering enthusiastic amateurs the opportunity to sing under the inspirational leadership of their Director of Music, Aljoša Škorja. On this occasion they will be joined by St. Matthew’s Orchestra and soloists. Conductor: Aljoša Škorja is a Slovene musicologist and conductor. After graduating in musicology in Ljubljana he continued his studies in conducting at the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester. He has conducted orchestras in the UK and Slovenia, working with Manchester Camerata, London Classical Soloists, the RTV Slovenia Orchestra and the Slovene Philharmonic. Hopefully, the fact-sheet below should provide further information on the event however, if you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to be in touch. Venue: St. Matthew’s Parish Church, Chapel Allerton, Leeds. Just off Wood Lane, LS7 3QF. Plenty of on- and off-street parking. Easily reachable by public transport (2, 3, 3A, 48; 7A, 7S). Cost: £15, £10 (students only), to be paid on the day by cash. The suggested audience donation for the concert on Sunday is £10, £8 (con.).



Saturday, 16th April

10am 10.30am-1pm 1pm-2pm 2pm-5.30pm

Registration Choir & Orchestra Bring & Share Lunch Choir & Orchestra

Sunday, 17th April

2pm-3.30pm 4pm-5.30pm 6.30pm-9pm

Soli & Orchestra Tutti Performance

Refreshments: Tea and coffee will be available throughout the event. We suggest you bring a bring and share lunch on Saturday and a light refreshment on Sunday. There are plenty of cafés and restaurants within a 10mins walk in the centre of Chapel Allerton. Music: Vocal scores will be available to borrow against a £5 deposit. If you would prefer to bring your own score, we will be using the Novello edition (ed. Watkins Shaw). Cuts and further instruction follow below - please make sure you copy them in your score. Concert dress: Appropriate attire in black or black and white, with optional details in red, orange or purple. Men may choose to wear jackets but no ties. No folders required. Application: To apply, please fill out the below application form and return it to saint.matts.choir@gmail.com (you are welcome to send the required information in the body of the email) or, Aljosa Skorja, Director of Music, Parish Church of St. Matthew, Wood Lane, Chapel Allerton, Leeds, no later than 18th March 2016. Receipt of application will be acknowledged by email. We will do our best to accommodate all applications. Late applications will be considered on a first come, first serve basis. ——————————————————————————————————————————— Application Form: Come and sing Handel’s Messiah Name and Surname Address Postcode


Email address Contact number: I wish to sing (please circle)


Have you sung the work before?








Do you have any special requirements? Date:



Cuts, versions and further instruction: No.


Version / Cuts Choir Stand/Sit PART ONE

1 Sinfony

Stand with orchestra. Then sit.

2 Rec: Comfort Ye 3 Air: Ev’ry Valley

Stand: reh. mark E, beat 3

4 Chorus: And the Glory 5 Rec: Thus saith the Lord

Sit: beat 1

6 Air: But who may Abide

Alto Cut: 13—95

Stand: final bar, beat 3

8 Rec: Behold, a Virgin shall Conceive


Remain standing

9 Air & Chorus: O Thou that Tellest

Cut: air (b.13-106)

Sit after last bar

7 Chorus: And he shall Purify

10 Rec: For Behold 11 Air: The People that Walked

Stand: final bar, beat 4

12 Chorus: For unto Us

Sit: after beat 4 of final bar

13 Pifa

Version I

14a Rec: There were Shepherds


14b Rec: And, Lo


15 Rec: And the Angel


16 Rec: And suddenly


17 Chorus: Glory to God


18 Air: Rejoice greatly


19 Rec: Then shall the Eyes


20 Air: He shall Feed

Version II Alto & Soprano


Stand: bar 53, beat 1 (bar after final “souls”)



Version / Cuts Choir Stand/Sit

21 Chorus: His Yoke is Easy PART TWO 22 Chorus: Behold the Lamb of God 23 Air: He was Despised

Cut: reh. mark E-end

24 Chorus: Surely he hath Borne

Stand: bar 1, beat 1

25 Chorus: And with his Stripes 26 Chorus: All We like Sheep 27 Rec: All they that See Him

Stand throughout

28 Chorus: He Trusted in God 29 Rec: Thy Rebuke

Sit: bar 2, beat 4

30 Air: Behold, and See


31 Rec: He was Cut off 32 Air: But thou didst not


Stand: 3rd of D, beat 2

33 Chorus: Lift up your Heads 34 Rec: Unto which

Remain standing

35 Chorus: Let all the Angels 36 Air: Thou art Gone up

Version I Alto

37 Chorus: The Lord Gave the Word

Remain standing

Sit: final bar, beat 3

38 Air: How beautiful Are the Feet

Version I Soprano

39 Chorus: Their Sound is Gone Out

Version I

Stand with entrance

40 Air: Why do the Nations Rage

Version I

Remain standing

41 Chorus: Let Us Break 42 Rec: He that Dwelleth

Sit: final bar, beat 4




Version / Cuts Choir Stand/Sit

43 Air: Thou shalt Break Them 44 Chorus: Hallelujah

Stand with entrance. Sit on Cue PART THREE

45 Air: I Know that My 46 Chorus: Since by man


47 Rec: Behold, I Tell You 48 Air: the Trumpet shall Sound

Cut: B and dc

49 Rec: Then shall Be

Stand: final bar, beat 4

50+51 Duo: O Death, Chorus: But Thanks Be 52 Air: If God Be for Us


53 Chorus: Worthy Is the Lamb


Remain standing

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