Alkaline Diet Health Tips Magazine

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Issue 2

How Alkaline is Your Mind?

Magazine A Sugar-Free Lifestyle 10 Reasons To Quit or Reduce Sugar

Why Eat a Raw Diet? World Top Nutrition & Health Expert Yuri Elkaim


Issue 2 Editorial Hello and Welcome to Issue 2 of Alkaline Diet Health Magazine! We’ve got a great article on how to alkalise your mind, by a good friend Matthew Armstrong from Ireland. I also recently interviewed Matthew about his approach alkaline health, wellbeing and balance, so keep an eye out for that on the website. Raw foods are an integral part of alkalising, Yuri Elkaim gives some interesting advice for staying on track with our raw food vegetable friends ď Š Be sure to stock up on supplies this month from the Alkaline Supplements Shop at: Have a wonderful month my friends! Laura

Issue 2

Alkaline Diet Health Magazine - Laura Wilson



Issue 2 Why Eat a Raw Diet?

And I'm not talking about the quick surge you would get from an espresso but rather long-lasting energy that enables you to do more with less.

Yuri Elkaim

You could well be wondering about the benefits of a raw food diet, most of us alkaline fans do at times. Well, the benefits of eating more raw foods are numerous and once you understand them you'll probably wonder why you haven't eaten more raw in the past. You'll also think twice about eating dead cooked foods ever again. Raw Foods Give You More Energy! I don't think I know of a single person who eats at least 80% raw foods who doesn't enjoy far more energy than the average person. I know that when I transitioned away from eating a diet made up of breads, dairy, and cooked foods, and adopted more of a raw foods diet, my energy went through the roof.

Issue 2

For instance, eating raw will allow you to sleep less and have far more energy than you ever thought possible. When I'm eating at least 80% raw, I can easily function on just 4-5 hours of sleep. I literally bounce out of bed and don't require any naps throughout the day. Oh yeah, did I mention that I workout every single day as well? Sometimes, even twice! Energizing Enzymes There are several reasons why a raw food diet will give you more energy. First, raw foods are rich in food enzymes. Enzymes are required for every single reaction in the body

Alkaline Diet Health Magazine - Laura Wilson



Issue 2 Why Eat a Raw Diet? (continued) Yuri Elkaim

Unfortunately, our bodies only have a finite number of these enzymes, so when we run out, we run out of life! To add to this, when you heat foods above 118 degrees fahrenheit, you destroy the food enzymes that are naturally present in all raw foods. Therefore, if you eat a predominantly cooked foods diet, you're not getting enough food enzymes, which means that your body will have to produce and use more of its own to digest and metabolize your foods. The more energy your body needs to divert towards digestion, the less energy you will have for other activities. You will feel more lethargic and tired as your body is trying to breakdown "dead" foods and figure out what to do with them.

Issue 2

So, the food enzymes inherent in raw foods are a big reason for boosting your body's energy. They are the spark plugs and are intricately related to the next property that make raw foods so energy-boosting. Life Force When raw foods are left intact, they are also known as living foods. They are called "living" because they carry an incredible amount of life force. Now, since every living being has an aura or energy field illuminating from their body, which foods do you think would enhance yours? High energy raw foods or cooked foods that dead? I think we both know the answer. As I like to say, "eat alive and you will thrive". Weight Loss and Beautiful Skin‌

Alkaline Diet Health Magazine - Laura Wilson



Issue 2 Why Eat a Raw Diet? (continued) Yuri Elkaim

The other highly sought-after quality of a raw foods diet is its ability to help you lose weight and beautify your skin. Almost all raw foodists have reported losing weight they could never lose. At the same time, they notice an instant improvement in their skin. They look younger and have a natural glow that comes about because of the "living" nature of raw foods, their abundance of enzymes, and of course the plethora of nutrients that are ingested when eating more fruits and vegetables.

Third, raw foods are water-rich, which helps you feel more satiated, as well as hydrated. Many of these reasons also help us explain why living foods make you look younger and beautify your skin. Enzymes, life force, water, and high quality nutrients all play a role in natural skin care. We could talk about the benefits of a raw food diet for hours but the only to truly understand them is to experience them for yourself. So why not take action today and enjoy the health, the body, and the vitality that you deserve!

You will find it easier to lose weight on a raw food diet because your getting more nutrients and, therefore, your body won't crave "dead" foods. Second, the enzymes help to breakdown the foods you are eating and excess energy and fat stores in your body.

Issue 2

Alkaline Diet Health Magazine - Laura Wilson



Issue 2

Yuri Elkaim is one of the world’s leading holistic nutrition and health experts. If you want to lose weight and live your healthiest and most energetic life ever, then you can learn more about his raw food diet book, Eating for Energy and get started with a FREE 6-part Energy Secrets e-course by visiting today.

Issue 2

Alkaline Diet Health Magazine subscribers have a special deal on Yuri’s EFE package. Click here:

Alkaline Diet Health Magazine - Laura Wilson



Issue 2

Do you drink wheatgrass juice regularly? If so, I’d love to hear your stories about any benefits you’ve seen to your health from drinking it. Drop me a line at laura@alkalinediethealth Issue 2

Alkaline Diet Health Magazine - Laura Wilson



Issue 2 How Alkaline is Your Mind? Matthew Armstrong

We are starting to hear more and more these days about the Alkaline Diet and restoring the pH balance in the body. When we first learn this, the immediate thought is “what foods and drinks should I be consuming to help alkalise my inner terrain?”

Usually when you start on the Alkaline Diet and lifestyle your body will start to detoxify acid waste and you will go through what is known as a cleansing crisis. This can show up as cold and flu symptoms, nausea and headaches, which generally passes within a week and you then start to feel very bright and energised.

Correct nutrition is essential to alkalising our body. But there is something more powerful than any food or drink, which can alkalise or dump massive amounts of acid into the body at a moments notice. That thing is your mind!

A client of mine who I was providing with alkalising nutritional products called me up after a month to tell me that the products weren't working and they just made him feel nauseous. I asked him what else was going on in his life and he proceeded to tell me about what a stressful time he was having.

You could be eating the healthiest organic alkaline salad, but if you're stressed while you are eating it, then that salad is turning into poison as you swallow and try to digest it. There is nothing more acidic to the body than negative emotions.

“I am stressed about my business, my family stresses me and there aren't enough hours in the day to do everything that needs to be done.” he ranted at me. “Well, that explains it” I said.

Issue 2

Alkaline Diet Health Magazine - Laura Wilson



Issue 2 How Alkaline is Your Mind? (continued) Matthew Armstrong

“You have been dumping so much acid into your system through your emotional state that as powerful as the products are, they don't have a chance. It's like trying to bail out a barrel when there is a tap constantly running water into it.

You could be focusing on all your bills and be feeling stressed about them and then quickly shift your focus to all the blessings you have in your life and the many opportunities open to you and then you will feel good, grateful and appreciative. The second thing that dictates your emotional state is your physiology, which is basically anything that you do with your body. This includes gestures, breathing and posture.

You need to create a lifestyle where the emotions you feel on a daily basis are that of fun, joy, happiness and tranquility.” By the way.. this advice was just for him! I don't want you getting all joyful, happy and tranquil on me. ;-)

It is very easy to flood your body with good alkalising emotions. Simply stand up now with your head up, chest out and shoulders back. Stand firmly centred on both feet and breath deeply into your abdomen whilst smiling and closing your eyes. It is actually impossible not to feel good when you do this.

So, there are three things that are going to dictate your emotional state at any given time. The first and most powerful is your focus. Your focus really creates your reality.

The third thing is your language. Including the internal self talk as well as what you say out loud. When something doesn't go according to plan, do you say “Why does this always happen to me?”

Issue 2

Alkaline Diet Health Magazine - Laura Wilson



Issue 2 How Alkaline is Your Mind? (continued) Matthew Armstrong

or do you say “What can I learn from this so that it will improve my quality of life in some way?” Both questions can be asked in the same situations and each question will make you feel very different. It's your choice! I'm sure you can now appreciate the power of your focus, physiology and language to affect your emotional state, which then affects the acid-alkaline balance in your body. Just remember that you are in control and you decide how you feel and you decide your level of health and well-being. Your body is a denser manifestation of your mind. Alkalise your mind and your body will follow.

Issue 2

Matthew Armstrong is a qualified personal trainer and nutrition coach, NLP Master Practitioner, Master Hypnotherapist and Time Line Therapist ,an Emotional Freedom Therapist, a professional public speaker and has appeared on both British and Japanese television (wow! –Ed). Matthew is trained in Korean Ki Energy acupressure and sound healing and provides treatments in these areas too. He has helped and coached many people and recently published his first book, “You Will be Thin and Lose Weight” as well as developing his “Top Secret Weight Loss System” – check it out today. I recently interviewed Matthew about alkaline health – details on my website.

Alkaline Diet Health Magazine - Laura Wilson



Issue 2 A Sugar Free Lifestyle - 10 Reasons to Quit Or Reduce Sugar Howard Coffey The following 10 reasons to quit or reduce sugar can help you live a sugar free lifestyle. America is addicted to sugar. Most Americans consume three times more sugar daily then is recommended by USDA. This government watchdog recommends that you only eat 10 teaspoons (tps) of the sweet stuff a day, however this is still a lot! A sugar free lifestyle, suggests that you quit or reduce the sugar quantities you consume. So the following 10 reasons can serve as goals to motivate you to give it up.

Issue 2

One, you will feel better than you have felt in years. Usually in two to three days, you will be more perceptive, more alert and have more energy than you have had in a long time. Two, your blood pressure will become substantially lower. There is a good chance you can quit taking some or all of your B. P. medications. Never quit unless your doctor recommends that you do. Three, you will lose weight. Simple. Four, you will lower your risk of developing high cholesterol. Once again, you may not need to take your cholesterol medications.

Alkaline Diet Health Magazine - Laura Wilson



Issue 2 A Sugar Free Lifestyle - 10 Reasons to Quit Or Reduce Sugar (continued) Howard Coffey Five, you lower your risk of a heart attack. Obviously, when you quite eating sugar and empty carbohydrates, decrease your weight, your B. P. and cholesterol drop, too. Because of these three things, lower weight, lower B.P. and lower cholesterol, your risk of a heart attack is lessened. Six, you may add years to your life span. You can never know how long you will live; however, lowering your risk of heart attacks, the number one killer in America, you may indeed add years to your life.

Issue 2

Seven, losing inches around your waist lessens your chances of heart disease. Men, whose waist measures above 39 inches, are at greater risks than those whose waist line is below 39. For women the magic number is 35 inches. Eight, you will be at less risk to develop cancer. Diet has been proven to decrease chances of developing cancer. A diet high in dietary fiber can greatly reduce the risk of colon cancer. By eating a proper diet, you lower your risks. Nine, You reduce your chances of osteoporosis. That's right! A diet high in sugar has been linked to this disease, too. Ten, you may never develop atrium fibrillation. One of the common causes of afib is a thickening of the heart wall due to high blood pressure.

Alkaline Diet Health Magazine - Laura Wilson



Issue 2 A Sugar Free Lifestyle - 10 Reasons to Quit Or Reduce Sugar (continued) Howard Coffey The above ten reasons to quit or reduce your sugar intake and live a sugar free lifestyle it is hoped will motivate to take a serious look at your diet. You could start today. Your health will improve. You will lose weight, and you will feel so much better. As always, eat healthy, my friends.

Check out the facts at: You can get a free Food Journal to help you stay focused and on track with your new lifestyle. You can find a list of foods and the numbers of tps of sugar they contain at my blog, too. While you are there, don't forget to leave a comment or question.

Register to win a free copy of Howard’s next eBook, “How to Live and Enjoy a Sugar Free Lifestyle”.

You've been deceived! Sugar only makes you think it is good.

Issue 2

Alkaline Diet Health Magazine - Laura Wilson



Issue 2

Top Alkaline Tip!

Eat an avocado every day for an amazingly alkaline vegetable boost. They’re packed with nutrients and essential Omega 3 oils which’ll protect your heart and give you great skin…delicious in a breakfast smoothie with lettuce, lemon juice, water, pumpkin seeds and apples

Issue 2

Alkaline Diet Health Magazine - Laura Wilson


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