Term 1 / Self-Initiated Project / Sketchbook

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Term 1 Self-initiated project Sketchbook

-Where am I projectfocus on the different architecture

around us when we change a place we live in, is the architecture. So that is why I will use this as my main approach to the question. -Take photographs around the town. Got buildings that were either appealing to me or were a lot different from the architecture that I am used to.

ville! le el B e d es t t le p ri t es L I created the tower of Canterbury by combining a selection of the buildings i photographed. I wanted it to be kinda unrealistic. Since Canterbury is a very touristic town I thought to create something that people could buy as a souvenir. -Postcard/artwork

(from the city to the sea John Constable)

Saint George's Tower & Cathedral - iconic I believe that the first difference that we notice


The project

take 1

CONGESTION ywhere Too much information ever Internet - posters - ads

of "detoxing". My idea in the beginning was to try and find a way "Detox" the space. The bombardement of informaton that we feel on an everyday basis by just walking down the street or scrolling on our phone. Our minds are never at ease because even subconsciously we constantly receive messages

Berlin- werbefrei.de is an action that I respect and I believe they have good ideals and opinions regarding the "detoxing". It's not only the "toxicity" of the advertising billboards and posters, but modern world's amenities as well.

- Psychedelic Rock posters -ad busting -Bauhaus -detoxing a place



1st Tutorial - Hugh

By taking into considerat the references provided on the first tution orial I completely changed my idea around my approach of the subject. Instead of trying to remove information, I thought of embracing this hectic feeling. Rather than "detoxing", I though i should "toxify". Not with advertisements of course. Because of Greece and specifically Athens, I'm very used seeing this chaotic billposting, congested grafitti, etc, that sometimes reaches the point of van dalism. Because of my interest in Bauhaus and my latest trip Berlin, I was very influenced by another city to tha t "suffers" from the same thing. Why try to remove something that I like? f notesin owas Berl thing i some very found it g tin interes n ique, lived o and un of d n a es d ay urvive e phon s il b t o a as a w m h t is using ication e n n u o m y r m o e c ev , that 9 1 0 2 l til

How can I amplify this hectic feeling?

The problem that I have to face in this new approach is that in public spac the mind is focused on the outside, so you cannotereall y observe/analyse a poster.

the easy solution - Choose an inside space. Hard(er) solution - Make it so big and place it in a spot that is not supposed to be

Erik Kessels - 24Hrs inspiration for that. In Photos was a huge

le of Print and I was That is a piece I found out about in Peopaph s can be replaces with an captivated by it. The amount of photogr done during the term. amount of artworks and experiments that were ve amount of - ons(?) requires too much work and an impressi workhours in order to create it



Josh Shaub's, Moving Poster - Also a great way to capt ure the eye of the "audience".


T he "People of Print" book gave me a lot of ideas around what i want to work on and even do in the future. I really want to focus on printing. old and new ways. By attending the BA viscom lectures i got a lot of ideas to research about.

Hella Jongerius: Misfit - Pass control to the reader Fortunato Depero - Bolted book -Manifesto of designing books in 20s (Bookbinding)

Laura oldfield Ford - savage Messiah Artist and psychogeographer Punk Publication

tly h


Challenges formal authority and publication boundaries


r k pe wor s ng le fit azi Am e sty d Th nkYar Ju


Bruce Mau - Massive Change - S,M,L,XL

h not only it w s e t a communic and How design with environmental ut political b ion social act

Roland Barthes - The Death of the Author - essay Graham Rawle - Woman's World interesting typography

Tom Phillips - Humument Printing over the all the pages, by keeping some words. Redirects the book narative structures

Nanni Balestrini - Tristano combine?

eyeMagazine issue 94


note: Make a font with my handwritting for future note-like use.

+Nvidia AI images

Irma Boom Mosaic so ftware The Architecture of the Book

2nd Tutorial - Vida Jean Piaget education Studio culture Sister Corita Kent


+cational program


The project

take 2

WIth the state of the internet as it is and the huge amount of

images we come across daily, even if we want to or not, do we still manage to understand and really perceive what they are? There is a high chance that we forget or skip something that can be of importance to us or our work. As artists and designers the constant exposure to all this imagery can be inspiring and without research we cannot provide meaningful outcomes, but at the same time it is hectic and many times it makes us question our skills too much. This can lead of course to growth but to "depression" as well. The feeling that we will never be enough to meet the criteria that are asked of us and that there is always someone better than us.

In addition to that and having in mind the ideals I talked about during my first idea of the project, about the bombardement of information, I thought that I should create a space filled with art/designs. A space that would replicate a facebook or a youtube scroll. Filled with sponsored ads of every content, or images similar to the ones we stumble upon. What will happen if we enter a roomm that is the same as our average hour on the internet? Can we really comprehend the amount of imagery our brain perceives? Wouldn't that create us a feeling of uneasiness the least? Walls filled with deisigns and/or sometimes images and advertisements. Floor filled with photographs and hashtags. In order to achieve this, I thought of using the studio we are provided on the same floor as the base room. With this way i can incluse another factor that believe is something that nowadays we avoid doing. The factor of collaboration. I want to Start by using the walls of the studios and begin to fill them with designs of any kind (black and white). Since people are already working in there, I want to find a way to make them engage with that as a piece of collaborative project and at the same time get different views on the subject since we all start to get more and more personalized images shown because of how cookies work. This kind of space was highly influenced by the work of Marta Minujin and Yayoi Kusama's Infinity room that i came across in Luisiana Museum of Modern Art.


and feedback

Hugh: Find a way to make people involved. Provide a subject instead of leaving it only on their hands.

maybe do a workshop? Vida: Kurasama's "The Obliteration Room"

provide people with something (maybe), in order to make it easier for them to involve! find a way to maybe create a collaborative space for people to stay in the university for more than their classes

- 7 More Hours in 77 Million Paintings An amazing amount of overlayering work Bossy Bottom - mini comic by the cartoonist, Maddelyn.

Riso printed in green and blue ink on recycled paper, 12 pages in total.

e an ler p ow ss iW nd e Ke o -J


Some images of the publication and exhibition Black page - black designs. heat activated ink

offer them matches DON'T BE STUPID ABOUT IT SIGN


(Hito Steyerl- In Defense of the Poor Image) When we send pictures through Messenger, it remarkably reduces their quality. put multiple images through this process multiple times or create this effect


Vandalised David Cameron billboards The Great Hack - movie Go political. Vandalise posters do some ad busting as well

Tutorial Use our studio to do that. Tomas Ruff - JPEG


By thinking about all these, the idea of a workshop is really building into me. What if I try to take the overlayering idea into the riso printer and create a workshop that people can collaborate and combine their ideas and designs into something. Since I want to make a political statement maybe I should focus on the violence, and most specifically govermental and militery violence that has become a global size problem. At the same time I can do something that relates to education that i really want to include in my studies.

Got the final ok for it from the tutorials. max e l p o e 10 p


to Do

-make a aschedule -create posterlinkabout it -make a slottr -make presentation about the subject -write a disclaimer on how the participant's work is going to be used -design a publication about it -exhibition(?)

After the poster was done it was sent through email to the BA & MA Visual Communication courses from Hugh. this way I avoided using too much paper as an effort to zero waste.

In order to explain what it is ask of the participants, what's the ed workshop idea and and most importantly the disclaimer that they have to agree on, concerning the use of the designs they are going to bring on the day of the workshop.

Discussion about the subject "violence", provide them with some photographs for inspiration and artworks and designers that their style is close to what we are looking forward to achieve .




Each of the participants did bring at least one design of thier choice and overlayered it with others. I brought 3 different ones in order to cover anyone that didn't, but at the same time to participate examples of what people brought. as well. Some

The outcomes are better than I expecte faced some problems i never thought i d, but i do not have the correct mindset to colwould. People They are not used to it, so they end uplaborate. what to do. When you "force" them to do not knowing the process, they kind of getting stuck it and enjoy a "push". I realised that by the end of . They require I had to assign one person to choose anthe workshop. printed design and another person to already design that it would go through the rischoose the printer. I was really hoping that peopleograph something close to that without me as would do my presentation I made many points absigning roles. In lieve teamwork and collaboration is a out why i bevery important asset not only for themselves, but beca "skill" that the majority of the studios use it is a ask for.

What publication should i make? One to explain the problems that i fa one only to focus on the workshop andced, or the upsides of it.

DO NOT forget to make the

connection between collaboration and the subject of "violence" clear.

scan the Some of the outcomes look amazing. riso prints Is there any way to turn them into som ething even more congested? To make them chaotic but at the same time keep their main forms? What if I introduce some basic shapes sinc e most of them have really organic form s? ters pos create new posters from the

More like a digital collage. 8 pieces in total They get really repeatitive after a while so -leave it here. Play around with the negatives as well.

Next by using the poster of the workshop I want to make the reader experience the same process the students went through. Following with the introduction they had in the meeting i had with them before the day of the workshop. Since the page of the poster and the introduction are next to each other I tried to keep them similar

all the gray edges are cut

t I start the publication by crediting the participants simce withou them, there wouldn't be any project. I wanted to go with a custom size for the pages because of the DIY aspect of the publication.

workshop and why we used printing ON: Day of the INTRODUCTI lly the risograph printer. and especia e of the booklet in order to create Using the first vellum piec continuity with the later pages

-Photos of day.

-Connecting in theory the workshop with the "violence" subject.. Finish the chapter and begin the next one. -Use colors of the risograph for the text

Movie: Network (1976) - QR code this speech is topical in every decade.

Risograph creates a half-tone effect to the images May be dull if the whole publication is like that Solution?: Make the first page of each chapter more "modern"

Continue by adding some good outcomes. +Put some a artworks ctual Maybe some foldables as well

Do not add too much. It will be repeatitive and boring after a while

print/write on vellum put between some of the workshop images. Facts about the latest riots

needs some space to "breath" before the next chapter -colors used in the riso -RBG play

rchist's flag Using the Ana to n tio ta pir as ins the ign des red chapter change

Digital collage posters in spreads for the next chapter

close the publication -Outro Use the O of the open studio(?) ith on the page w vellum - put it the police

envelope with the designs on acetate before or after that page

Do the bookbinding myself -experiment on that since I have no previous knowledge of it !Give it a more DIY style! Many different bookbindings, I realise that i should most probably go for perfect binding. 1) It will look like a sketchbook (more "friendly-casual" to the reader). 2) in order to use some of the riso prints that are single pages. 3) use vellum as well for some pages.

Perfect binding it is, with glue and a press

-ask Hugh if there is a press, otherwise i shoud make one myself

There is a bookbinder in uni that I can use and does perfect binding with a strip (faster than applying glue over and over again)

Exhibition? if



no then What?

The scans were 600dpi so i can enlarge the new posters and print them around 70cmx90cm. (?) Combine sounds from different riots and clashes between police and citizens

FINAL: https://soundcloud.com/mcewvpdpz4xw/clashing-with-the-police

like. A space to illustrate how the exhibition might look A layout similar to UCA. Just for an example I use the gallery of the university

I don't want it to be an exhibition to just show the outcome of the workshop or present the publication. Make a statement with it. It is more important for me to show how many more creative ideas you can get by collaborating on a subject you are passionate about. How can this process lead to solidarity.

With the combination of sound and a space I want for people to feel this "fear" and "claustrophobia" that the oppressed around the world feel when they are chased or even caught and get beaten by the police or military. After tolerating for years, what they are trying to achieve through their struggle and fight is to get their freedom and rights. Create a space similar to the narrow streets filled with posters. I have to get a narrow space for that. I got the little room behind the stairs for the exhibition - perfect

hts g i l e em som need sound syst and a

allow people write stuff on posters -influenced by to the sound in the room. poster-like as you go in @soteur instagram


Publication --Printed publication is "dying" --Enviromentally non-friendly Should I include other ways as well(?) Not to add more info or whatever-just more ways. Make a fake amazon page. Add choices -CD -PDF -paperback -link

ac - H tual ! n ave ly m Giv eed the ake e i to am the t a bu az se s h y p on c an ac box hoice d-i kag s n ing put foa th e m



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