7 minute read
The journey of Oban RNLI’s newest volunteer crew members through a pandemic.
Joining the RNLI as a lifeboat crew member is one of the most exciting and fulfilling volunteer roles around. Being on board one of Scotland’s busiest lifeboats is no small commitment, but in the midst of a global pandemic, like everyone else, the RNLI’s new recruits faced extraordinary challenges.
The assistance of Oban lifeboat is often in high demand. 2019 saw their volunteer crew launch 83 times, which is an average seven call-outs a month. Each launch requires a crew of six including a duty coxswain and mechanic. During 2019 the lifeboat spent 164 hours at sea during call outs, which equates to nearly 1,000 hours or 41 days of voluntary time.
The end of that year saw Oban lifeboat with a team of 22 sea going volunteers, along with a full time coxswain and mechanic. But, they still had a couple of spaces to fill.
Ally Cerexhe, their full time coxswain, said: “We are a busy station and having enough volunteers is essential to ensure we always have a crew ready and able to launch. Sometimes we can be out on a shout all day, only to return home and launch again a few hours later. It is important that we can share the workload as all of our crew have jobs and other commitments outside of the RNLI.”
Trainees chosen Through an open recruitment evening two new trainees were selected, and by January 2020 Andy Lockwood and Gillies Pagan had signed up to their new volunteer roles; ones that would see them selflessly drop everything at any time to go to the aid of others.
Imagine being woken at 3am by the high pitched sound of a pager, as a squall of driving rain and wind batters your bedroom window. You leave your snug bed, throw on some clothes, leave your loved ones behind and head out to sea on the lifeboat, in complete darkness. The stormy sea experience equates to that of being in a washing machine, but you are in for a long night; a fishing boat requires assistance and it is 20 miles away. You will probably get home as the day begins, go to work on a few hours’ sleep and, quite possibly, do it all over again in a few hours.
Andy, whose day job sees him skippering boats and offering powerboat instruction, said: “I wanted to join as I felt I had something to offer from a sailing and maritime background. Having always known the RNLI was there if I needed them, it felt right to offer something in return.“
Gillies, owner of local business Fiuran Property, explained: “It felt like a good way to give something back to the community. I did not have a huge amount of maritime experience, but I love the water and I am pretty active so I thought I could maybe be of use.
“At the recruitment evening I met some of the team and had a look around the lifeboat. It was then that I decided it was something I really wanted to be a part of, and luckily I got invited back for an interview.”
Highly trained No experience is necessary to volunteer for the RNLI. In fact, only one in 10 crew members join with a maritime background.
The training the RNLI provides is world class and it ensures volunteers have all the lifesaving skills they need. Weekly exercises are undertaken at every lifeboat station year round, regardless of crew experience, so the learning never stops. Therefore, not only do crew members give up their time to respond to their pager, but they also dedicate a huge amount of time to training too.
As a trainee, the journey begins with a development plan that covers all aspects of the volunteer role; from getting to know the lifeboat and the equipment she carries, to learning rope work and man overboard skills. It is only when the entire plan has been successfully assessed that they become a fullyfledged lifeboat crew member.
Pandemic hit But with 2020 came extraordinary challenges. Lifeboats remained on service and volunteer crews continued to risk their lives for others as the global pandemic unfolded. Along with extra PPE, additional safety measures were introduced to keep them safe and social contact was restricted. Stations were closed for all but essential reasons, training was put on hold and fundraising and social events cancelled.
Andy recalled: “We were both signed up by January 2020, but no sooner had our paperwork come back from the RNLI’s HQ allowing us to train that everything started to grind to a halt.”
Gillies said: “I remember feeling relieved to get my pager. Covid was having an impact on everything by that time and we were really lucky to get allocated at all.
“Ally and Tom (full time mechanic) worked hard to organise training on the lifeboat when it was permitted. So we did have some time afloat before the pandemic took hold, and we completed a large portion of our training in a short space of time. The RNLI also has a good online learning resource and lockdown has been a good opportunity to learn the theory side of things too.”
At a time when our day-to-day lives offered so much uncertainly, not only were Andy and Gillies fitting in training around their own commitments, but they also joined the rest of the volunteer crew.
Remembering their first shouts, Andy said: “I had only had my pager a few days! It was fairly late in the evening and I remember for a brief moment thinking ‘where is that racket coming from’ before I realised and headed to the station. It was a boat taking on water, so there was some trepidation as well as excitement for me.”
Gillies said: “It was a Sunday evening. I had not long finished dinner and I remember it feeling very surreal. I responded and we launched to assist an injured walker.”
Covid challenges As restrictions prevailed, RNLI volunteers were among millions forced to adapt in ways they could never have imagined. Lifeboat stations traditionally offer a home away from home for their volunteers; a place to debrief and reflect after a shout and somewhere for the wider station family to gather. This was difficult for everyone, but for trainees it posed additional challenges.
Gillies explained: “Having grown up in Oban, I was fortunate that I knew a few of the crew already, but I have not been able to get to know everyone and it is especially strange knowing that I could
be on a serious lifesaving mission with any of them at a moment’s notice.
“Covid has undoubtedly made the whole journey harder but, like anything else, you have just got to get on with it. In a way, maybe I am fortunate not knowing what life as a lifeboat crew member was like ‘pre-Covid’.
“I cannot compare my experience to anything, but I am definitely looking forward to a time when restrictions ease and I can go for a beer with the crew!” Continuing journeys In under a year, Andy and Gillies responded to 32 and 21 shouts respectively and their initial training is close to completion.
Oban Lifeboat’s operations manager Billy Forteith said: “The commitment shown by all our volunteers both ashore and afloat, throughout this pandemic, has been outstanding. The restrictions are hard on everyone but they are necessary to keep everyone safe. Andy and Gillies have shown dedication despite challenges they have faced, and it clearly illustrates the level of commitment required to be a lifeboat crew member.”
Reflecting on their journey so far, Andy said: “It has been amazing working with a close knit team in often challenging situations. The support from the crew has been second to none, and I am looking forward to completing my initial training and moving on to expand my role and knowledge.”
Gillies said: “There are many highly experienced volunteers on the crew so it is great to be learning from them. The RNLI is such a well-respected organisation and as their lifeboat crews are predominantly volunteers, there is
no undue pressure. It has been quite different to how I had imagined it would be, but that is almost entirely due to Covid, which has changed everything for everyone.”
Andy Lockwood (left) Gillies Pagan (right). Image: RNLI/Leonie Mead
Interested in finding out more about becoming a RNLI volunteer? You can find out more here: shorturl.at/hBETY