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In this new column, every month we will be sharing the latest news and updates from British Marine.
With the announcement that a brand new boat show is launching in the capital this month, we caught up with British Marine’s CEO, Lesley Robinson, to find out more.

British Marine CEO, Lesley Robinson

QBritish Marine is bringing a new show to London this spring. How did the event come about?
LR: We have been talking to the venue since 2019 about wanting to do something again, but the pandemic affected us as it did everyone else. So, we are really delighted to now have a deal with St. Katharine Docks for London Luxury A oat this month.
QWhy did you decide to hold London Luxury oat in pril
LR: A couple of reasons really, including to boost member profits at the start of the season but to also invest in longer term development of the industry. And with boot Düsseldorf not happening in January, the show will help to fill that gap for businesses. It also means we do not clash with any other industry events taking place.
QWhat types of craft can visitors to the show expect to nd
LR: We have been working closely with the luxury yacht market – both motor and sail – to develop something which is tailored for their respective buyers. It is not the biggest location in the world, but it is a beautiful setting and visitors will be able to view craft up to about 24m. Brands exhibiting at the show include Azimut, Fairline, Oyster, Pearl, Ryck and Sunseeker. There will be some key launches and there will also be VIP hospitality. As well as the yachts, the shoreside display will offer complementary products and services; you could say the ‘toys’ that go with some of the boats on display.
QWere there concerns about the impact of Covid on the show?
LR: As responsible event organisers, if the government has regulations in place we will of course follow them. There will be no regulations to wear masks unless the government brings something back. We ran a successful Southampton International Boat Show last year following all the guidance and we are very confident in running this premium event, and do not forget it is outdoors, which helps.
QDoes the new event have any ties to September’s Southampton International Boat Show or is it a standalone show?
LR: We have a highly experienced events team responsible for the Southampton International Boat Show, and this is a standalone event run by the same team. With London Luxury A oat we are adding to our portfolio of events for the industry. One of our objectives is to develop, promote and nurture the industry, and we believe this is a gap that will be fulfilled with the show.
QWill London Luxury oat beco e an annual event?
LR: Yes, we hope so. We always take feedback from exhibitors and visitors and we will be doing the same with the launch show. If we need to make changes we will do that. After all, the event is for the industry.
QWith another new boat show in February, BoatLife Live, is this a re ection of the positive mood within the marine industry?
LR: Yes, I think it is. There has been the recent boom in the staycation and the general sentiment is positive, but as we see international travel begin to open up again we need to focus on retention of those people who have become interested in boating. Therefore where shows are serving different sectors within the industry and they are complementary it is really helpful. London Luxury A oat is a very different show to BoatLife Live which has a wider remit. To be able to provide events and shows that appeal to various sectors of our market is really invaluable in helping the industry overall.
QWhat would you say are going to be the biggest trends this year in the boating market?
LR: t was very difficult last summer to be buying anything like a paddleboard or kayak because the industry literally could not supply them fast enough for the demand, and I think we are going to see a continuation of that. We also know that manufacturers’ order books have been full for a couple of years now, but that is the cycle and they support shows because they want that full order book. It is great to see the demand for it though. Clearly everyone is struggling with the worldwide supply chain issues, but whereas that hit everyone last summer, they have had a bit more time to plan where they can now. So the supply chain point will perhaps have less of an impact, and when we are talking to our exhibitors everybody is keen to sign up to Southampton International Boat Show 2022, which is fantastic. So the demand is there at the moment and in all parts of our sector whether that is manufacturers, inland boating or UK sailing holidays, and the return of sailing holidays abroad is also great to see.
QWhat do you think about the growth in watersports and boating in the last couple of years?
LR: It is great to see so many people out on the water in any shape or form. Whether getting started with stand-up paddleboarding and moving on to try dinghy sailing or starting with something bigger, watersports and boating of any genre is great for physical and mental wellbeing and as a social activity. It really does tick so many boxes for people.
QWhat else is on the agenda for British Marine in 2022?
LR: In February British Marine hosted a small number of British Marine members at a marine stand at the Caravan, Camping and Motorhome Show at the NEC. The event opens up a whole new audience for our members offering complementary products. At the same show British Marine also had their own stand showcasing onthewater. co.uk. It is a great resource if people are not sure how to get on the water or where to go to get training and advice, and it helps get people on the water in a safe way.
We ran our inaugural British Marine National Conference in March at the National Conference Centre in Birmingham. We had over 200 delegates and a fantastic line-up of speakers from Robert Courts MP, Minister of Maritime, Aviation and Security, to Simon Schofield, CT at BAR Technologies.
At the Southampton International Boat Show last year new show zones were launched and they were really successful, along with the new entrance. We will be building on those developments this year. We also have an exciting new VIP offer under development and we will be launching an Early Bird ticket offer earlier than usual.
QCongratulations on your OBE. How did it feel to receive such an honour?
LR: It was a great honour to receive it on behalf of the leisure marine industry. I was very humbled, but proud to represent the industry in my brief conversation with Prince William.
For more information and tickets visit: www. londonluxury a oat.com
Inaugural British Marine National Conference heralded a great success
Former Shadow Chancellor, Ed Balls was one of the speakers at this year’s British Marine National Conference
Las mon ri is arine eld e firs e er ri is arine a ional Conference. nder e eme nno a e o succeed i roug oge er a s ellar line up of spea ers including former adow ancellor, d alls, co founder and direc or of alcom e is illing ompan , ngus Lugsdin and ain erc , of r emis ec nologies, o name u a few roug ou e conference delega es were inspired ales of inno a ion and crea i i and were pro ided wi ools and ac ics o elp grow eir usiness as well as wa s o nur ure alen , cri ical o e fu ure of e indus r lis ening and learning from eac o er, see ing ou new inno a ions, e ploring emerging mar e s and consumer rends w ile ac ling arriers o grow and ul ima e success, ead on, marine usinesses will e e er posi ioned o ensure eir con inued place as glo al leaders in all sec ors of e marine indus r n urn allowing em o pro ide cus omers wi e er es in erms of ser ice, produc s and cu ing edge ec nolog s spea er ngus Lugsdin so elo uen l pu i s e process of crea ion and inno a ion a eeps mos usinesses ali e is w a a rac s people o come and wor for ou i e read of nowledge, s ill and passion a lies wi in e sec or li el de a e, alongside a desire o learn from eac o er pro ed ins rumen al in s aping e conference and ma ing i an o erw elming success e conference also pro ided e perfec oppor uni o cele ra e marine usinesses and professionals from across e a e ri is arine oa ing usiness wards, as well as gi ing a special an ou o ose indi iduals w o a e made an e cep ional con ri u ion o e ser ice of ri is arine wi e in roduc ion of e new ri is arine Life ime onorar em ers ip ward e awards go some wa in s owcasing e e cep ional indi iduals a e is in e marine indus r and o e press our an s for all e ring o e sec or and e organisa ions e wor for
Lesle Ro ison, , ri is arine