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PREMIER MARINAS FALMOUTH Manager: Mark Evans North Parade, Falmouth, Cornwall. TR11 2TD T: 01326 316620 E: falmouth@premiermarinas.com W: www.premiermarinas.com


PORT PENDENNIS MARINA Manager: Mark Webster Challenger Quay, Falmouth, Cornwall, TR11 3YL T: 01326 211211 E: marina@portpendennis.com W: www.portpendennis.com

MYLOR YACHT HARBOUR Manager/contact: Culum Matheson Mylor Yacht Harbour, Mylor Churchtown, Falmouth, Cornwall, TR11 5UF T: 01326 372 121 E: marina@mylor.com W: www.mylor.com

FALMOUTH HAVEN Contact: Barry Buist 44 Arwenack Street, Falmouth TR11 3JQ T: 01326 310990 E: welcome@falmouthhaven.co.uk W: www.falmouthhaven.co.uk

MAYFLOWER MARINA Manager: Charles Bush Mayfl ower Marina, Plymouth, Devon T: 01752 556633 E: info@mayfl owermarina.co.uk W: www.mayflowermarina.co.uk

PLYMOUTH YACHT HAVEN Manager: Steve Kitchen Shaw Way, Mount Batten, Devon, PL9 9XH T: 01752 404231 E: plymouth@yachthavens.com W: www.yachthavens.com

YACHT HAVEN QUAY, PLYMOUTH Manager: Will Rahder Breakwater Road, Plymouth, Devon, PL9 7FE T: 01752 481190 E: boatyard@yachthavenquay.com W: www.yachthavens.com

MDL QUEEN ANNE’S BATTERY Manager: Chris Price Queen Anne’s Battery, Plymouth Devon. PL4 0LP T: 01752 671142 E: qab@mdlmarinas.co.uk W: www.queenannesbattery.co.uk

SUTTON HARBOUR MARINA Marina Manager: Mark Brimacombe The Jetty, Sutton Harbour, Plymouth PL4 0DW T: 01752 204702 E: marina@sutton-harbour.co.uk W: www.suttonharbourmarina.com

KING POINT MARINA Marina Manager: Mark Brimacombe Brunel Way, Milbay, Plymouth PL1 3EF T: 01752 424297 E: marina@kingpointmarina.co.uk W: www.kingpointmarina.co.uk

PREMIER MARINAS NOSS ON DART Manager: Andy Osman Bridge Road, Kingswear, Dartmouth Devon , TQ6 0EA T: 01803 839087 E: noss@premiermarinas.com W: www.premiermarinas.com

MDL DARTSIDE QUAY Manager: Alex Warner Galmpton Creek, Brixham, Devon T: 01803 845445 W: www.dartsidequay.co.uk MDL BRIXHAM MARINA Manager: Martyn Sherratt Berry Head Road, Devon. TQ5 9BW T: 01803 882929 E: brixham@mdlmarinas.co.uk W: www.brixhammarina.co.uk

MDL TORQUAY MARINA Manager: Mike Smith Torquay, Devon , TQ2 5EQ T: 01803 200210 E: torquaymarina@mdlmarinas.co.uk W: www.torquaymarina.co.uk

WATCHET MARINA Manager: Matt Driscoll Manager: Matt Driscoll 10 The Esplanade, Watchet, Somerset 10 The Esplanade, Watchet, Somerset TA23 0AJ TA23 0AJ T: 01984 322230 E: Info@themarinegroup.co.uk W: www.themarinegroup.co.uk

AVON MARINA Manager: Alexis Smith Rossiter Quay, Bridge Street, Christchurch, Dorset, BH23 1DZ T: 01202 612610 E: info@avonmarina.com W: www.avonmarina.com

WEYMOUTH MARINA Manager: Alistair Clarke Commercial Road, Weymouth Dorset. DT4 8NA T: 01305 767576 E: berths@weymouthmarina.co.uk W: www.weymouthmarina.co.uk

WEYMOUTH HARBOUR Manager/contact - Jamie Joyce 13 Custom House Quay, Weymouth T: 01305 838423 E: weymouthharbour@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk W: www.weymouth-harbour.co.uk

PORTLAND MARINA Manager: Paul Swain Osprey Quay, Portland, Dorset. DT5 1DX T: 01305 866190 E: berths@portlandmarina.co.uk W: www.portlandmarina.co.uk

LAKE YARD MARINA Manager/contact - Jenny Burrows Lake Yard Marina, Lake Drive, Hamworthy, Poole, Dorset. BH15 4DT T:- 01202 674531 E: offi ce@lakeyard.com W: www.lakeyard.com

POOLE QUAY BOAT HAVEN Manager: Kerrie Gray Poole Quay Boat Haven, Poole Town Quay, Poole, Dorset. BH15 1HJ T/F: 01202 649488 E: info@poolequayboathaven.co.uk W: www.poolequayboathaven.co.uk PORT OF POOLE MARINA Manager: Kerrie Gray Poole Quay Boat Haven, Poole Town Quay, Poole, Dorset. BH15 1HJ T/F: 01202 649 488 E: info@poolequayboathaven.co.uk W: www.poolequayboathaven.co.uk

SALTERNS MARINA LTD Manager: Robert Golden 40 Salterns Way, Lilliput, Poole, Dorset. BH14 8JR T: 01202 709971 F: 01202 700398 E: reception@salterns.co.uk W: www.salterns.co.uk

MDL COBB’S QUAY MARINA Manager: Daniel Lewis Hamworthy, Poole, Dorset. BH15 4EL T: 01202 674299 E: cobbsquay@mdlmarinas.co.uk W: www.cobbsquaymarina.co.uk

LYMINGTON YACHT HAVEN Manager: Rupert Wagstaff Kings Saltern Road, Lymington, Hampshire , SO41 3QD T: 01590 677071 E: lymington@yachthavens.com W: www.yachthavens.com

BUCKLER’S HARD YACHT HARBOUR Harbour Master: Wendy Stowe Harbour Master’s Offi ce Buckler’s Hard Yacht Harbour Beaulieu, Hampshire, SO42 7XB T: 01590 616200 E: harbour.offi ce@beaulieu.co.uk W: www.beaulieuriver.co.uk

HAVEN QUAY, LYMINGTON Haven Quay Dry Stack Mill Lane,, Lymington Hampshire SO41 9AZ T: 01590 677072 E: havenquay@yachthavens.com W: www.yachthavens.com

DEACONS MARINA Manager/Contact name: Rachael Foster Bursledon Bridge, Southampton SO31 8AZ T 023 80 402253 E:berths@deaconsmarina.co.uk W: www.deaconsmarina.co.uk

MDL HYTHE MARINA VILLAGE Manager: Richard Godwin The Lock Building, Shamrock Way Hythe, Southampton, Hampshire. SO45 6DY T: 023 8020 7073 E: hythe@mdlmarinas.co.uk W: www.hythemarinavillage.co.uk


At the Safety Day held by Premier Marinas at Universal Marina in collaboration with Pains Wessex and on-site businesses, more than £1K was raised for the RNLI, Wet Wheels Foundation, Sail2Help and Jubilee Sailing Trust.

The day was also a chance for boat o ners to brin out o ate ares an have them checked and disposed of safely. Pains Wessex reported taking a tota o ares it t e o est are atin bac to t e s

The event took place outside Aspire Boat Chandlery, who were hosting a charity pop-up tea, coffee and cake station an se in re acement ares

The RNLI was also on hand – inspecting 95 lifejackets in total.

The In Our Element rowing team were at the event ahead of their Atlantic rowing challenge in December. Displaying their Ocean Rowing boat, the team answered questions, as well as conducting their own safety research as they began purchasing the necessary equipment to keep them safe during the crossing.

General manager of Universal, Graham Bristowe said: Everyone put in a lot of effort to make it a success, and our customers and guests gave generously.” www.premiermarinas.com

MDL OCEAN VILLAGE MARINA Manager: Paul Atkins Marina Offi ce, 2 Channel Way Southampton, Hampshire. SO14 3TG T: 023 8022 9385 E: oceanvillage@mdlmarinas.co.u W: www.oceanvillagemarina.co.uk

MDL SHAMROCK QUAY Manager: Barry Radband William Street, Northam, Southampton Hampshire. SO14 5QL T: 023 8022 9461 E: shamrockquay@mdlmarinas.co.uk W: www.shamrockquay.co.uk

MDL SAXON WHARF Manager: David Walters Lower York Street, Northam, Southampton. SO14 5QF T: 023 8033 9490 E: saxonwharf@mdlmarinas.co.uk W: www.saxonwharf.co.uk

MDL HAMBLE POINT MARINA Manager: Debbie Burns School Lane, Hamble, Southampton Hampshire. SO31 4NB T: 023 8045 2464 E: hamblepoint@mdlmarinas.co.uk W: www.hamblepointmarina.co.uk

MDL PORT HAMBLE MARINA Manager: Bertie Marsh Satchell Lane, Hamble, Southampton Hampshire. SO31 4QD T: 023 8045 274,1 E: porthamble@mdlmarinas.co.uk W: www.porthamblemarina.co.uk MDL MERCURY YACHT HARBOUR Manager: Dominic Brown SatchellLane, Hamble, Southampton, Hampshire. SO31 4HQ T: 023 8045 5994 E: mercury@mdlmarinas.co.uk W: www.mercuryyachtharbour.co.uk

PREMIER MARINAS SWANWICK Manager: Graham Bristowe Swanwick (on the Hamble) Southampton, Hants. SO31 1ZL T: 01489 884081 E: swanwick@premiermarinas.com W: www.premiermarinas.com

HAMBLE YACHT SERVICES Port Hamble, Hamble,Southampton, Hampshire,SO31 4NN T: 02380 201501 E: info@hysgroup.co.uk www.hysgroup.co.uk

PREMIER MARINAS UNIVERSAL Manager: Graham Bristowe Crableck Lane, Sarisbury Green, Southampton, Hampshire, SO31 7ZN T: 01489574272 E: universal@premiermarinas.com W: www.premiermarinas.com

HASLAR MARINA Manager: Ben Lippiett Haslar Road, Gosport, Hampshire, PO12 1NU T: 023 9260 1201 F: 023 9260 2201 E: berths@haslarmarina.co.uk W: www.haslarmarina.co.uk

PREMIER MARINAS GOSPORT Manager: Jonathan Walcroft Mumby Road , Gosport, Hampshire. PO12 1AH T: 023 9252 4811 F: 023 9258 9541 E: gosport@premiermarinas.com W: www.premiermarinas.com


M Marinas is su ortin t e urner ins ue o e ro ect ic combines an t antic astic sur e i e attem tin to reac t e t antic o e o naccessibi it it a circumna i ation o t e romotin ocean a ocac an ro en ue tec no o ai in rom t e ia t e anar s an s an t e ores arc i e a o a enturers Hu o an oss urner are aimin to reac t e t antic t e oint in t e t antic cean ic is t e urt est a a rom an in an irection i e com etin t is c a en e t e t ins i co ect ata or mout ni ersit s nternationa Marine itter esearc nit s stu ic aims to i enti micro astics in t e ocean it t e resu ts bein use to e bui a c ean u strate or ocean astics o embar on t eir mission t is mont t e artmoor uo source a re o e ass ac t rom a base sai in c arit e m ac t as been re tte it a ariet o sustainab e tec no o s art o its commitment to t e en ironment M as been su ortin t e t ins eco o ica en ea ours b ro i in bert in at a on ar marina urin t e ac t s re t e are e i te to be ab e to su ort t e urner ins ue o e ro ect sai im Ma er M s sa es an mar etin irector s a marina rou e are committe to rotectin t e marine ecos stem an e e o in en ironmenta a areness o o in t e e e ition to t e t antic t e ac t i tour t e sto in at ort cities ctin as a base or Hu o an oss urin t e tour t e ac t i a e its batteries rec ar e b a mobi e ro en ue ce enerator o ere b ro en ue ce s ic i a so su ort t e o u cinema bar an mar etin ub at t e s oresi e e ents e urin eac sto o er

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Marinas across uro e a e si ne u to t e ic a ier at orm inc u in t e o anc or a ar e rans uro e Marina ms ort ac t Harbour

Marinas oinin t e ist o ne si nin s inc u e Marina i an oren o ta ort e a au e e ou i uen rance an ea ub utico aste n ain ic a ier s an o en sai ur mission is to ma e boatin more accessib e con enient an sustainab e Marinas usin ic a ier are ab e to o er an increase e e o customer communications an ser ice resu tin in ma imise ro tabi it t a so a o s marinas to ro i e boaters it uic res onses e ce ent customer ser ice an eas access to bert in ne articu ar bene t o t e ic a ier at orm or marinas is t e inc usi e a ment ser ice t at ma es t e i es o bot boaters an marina sta easier an enab es t e marinas to ro i e a ast an smoot ser ice ic a ier com

Around the marinas...

Caol Regeneration Company, a not or ro t communit or anisation as si ne a mi ion contract it ae orce rou t to construct t e na ase o its m omas e or or ac Marina ro ect e contract i e i er a bert marina it s ace a so or sma er boats com risin oatin brea aters ontoons an an a abi it access a a ua ista as announce t e rebran o ast e Marinas to ua ista e Mi an s base marina o erator ic ac uire ast e Marinas in ecember i o erate a o its marinas un er t e ua ista bran it a u rebran ta in ace i t oun eo e set sai rom out am ton embar in on a i e c an in e a sai in o a e a in on a ace on boar ro i c t e cean out rust out s sai trainin esse t rou M Marina s ai rainin ar s risbane s i er ate Marina as secure a ro a or a m su er ac t e ansion ic i see t e ustra ian marina ab e to accommo ate u to su er ac ts a ear or maintenance an retro ttin ee a ies as been a ointe as t e ne mana in irector o t e Marine ro ert rou ic as e marinas across a es an t e sout est o n an ur is boatbui er romeas ac ts as o ene a ea o ce at M s Hamb e oint Marina in out am ton o o in its mer er it estrec Marinas ear ier t is ear unte Marina n estors continues to ro its ort o io it t e ac uisition o e Harbor Marina in e erse e inau ra Miami ran ri as a it but a so ma in t e ne s as its a e an oc e marina Mia Marina a boats on trai ers surroun e b eet o oo t at came u to t eir ater ines is as co ere it a in eca esi ne to oo i e ater

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ROYAL CLARENCE MARINA The Bridgehead, Weevil Lane, Gosport, Hampshire. PO12 1AX T: 023 9252 3523 E: info@royalclarencemarina.org W: www.royalclarencemarina.org

PREMIER MARINAS PORT SOLENT Manager: Mark Phillp South Lockside, Port Solent, Portsmouth, Hampshire. PO6 4TJ T: 023 9221 0765 F: 023 9232 4241 E: portsolent@premiermarinas.com W: www.premiermarinas.com

PREMIER MARINAS SOUTHSEA Manager: Peter Pring Fort Cumberland Road Portsmouth, Hampshire. PO4 9RJ T: 023 9282 2719 F: 023 9282 2220 E: southsea@premiermarinas.com W: www.premiermarinas.com

GUNWHARF QUAYS MARINA Manager: Carl Jarmaine Gunwharf Quays, Marina Offi ce Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO1 3TZ T: 02392 836732 E: gwqmarina@incentive-fm.com W: www.gunwharf-quays.com/marina


COWES YACHT HAVEN Manager: Katy Ednay Vectis Yard, High Street, Cowes, PO31 7BD T: 01983 299975 F: 01983 200332 E: berthing@cowesyachthaven.com W:www.cowesyachthaven.com VHF: Channel 80

EAST COWES MARINA Manager: Mike Townshend Britannia Way, East Cowes Isle of Wight. PO32 6UB T: 01983 293983 F: 01983 299276 E: berths@eastcowesmarina.co.uk W: www.eastcowesmarina.co.uk COWES HARBOUR SHEPARDS MARINA Manager: Jock Rafferty Medina Road, Cowes, Isle of Wight, PO31 7HT T: 01983 297821 E: shepards.chc@cowes.co.uk W: cowesharbourshepardsmarina.co.uk

ISLAND HARBOUR MARINA Manager: Danie Erasmus Mill Lane, Newport, Isle of Wight , PO30 2LA T: 01983 539994 E: info@island-harbour.co.uk W:www.island-harbour.co.uk

BEMBRIDGE HARBOUR Manager/Contact - Gordon Wight The Duver, St Helens, PO33 1YB T: 01983 872828 E : mail@bembridgeharbour.co.uk W: www.bembridgeharbour.co.uk

YARMOUTH HARBOUR Harbour Offi ce, The Quay, Yarmouth, Isle of Wight, PO41 0NT T: 01983 760321 E: info@yarmouth-harbour.co.uk W: www.yarmouth-harbour.co.uk VHF: Ch 68 (harbour), Ch 15 (water taxi)


MDL NORTHNEY MARINA Manager: Claire Kennedy Northney Road, Hayling Island, PO11 0NH T: 023 9246 6321 E: northney@mdlmarinas.co.uk W: www.northneymarina.co.uk

MDL SPARKES MARINA Manager: Claire Kennedy 38 Wittering Road, Hayling Island Hampshire. PO11 9SR T: 023 9246 3572 E: sparkes@mdlmarinas.co.uk W: www.sparkesmarina.co.uk

BIRDHAM POOL MARINA Birdham, Chichester, W Sussex. PO20 7BG T: 01243 512310 E: info@birdhampool.co.uk W: www.birdhampool.co.uk PREMIER MARINAS CHICHESTER Manager: Andrew Collumbell Birdham (Chichester Harbour) West Sussex. PO20 7EJ T: 01243 512731 E: chichester@premiermarinas.com W: www.premiermarinas.com SMALL BOATS WELCOME

LITTLEHAMPTON MARINA Berthing Manager: Darren Humphries Ferry Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex, BN17 5DS T: 01903 713553 F: 01903 732264 E: sales@littlehamptonmarina.co.uk W: www.littlehamptonmarina.co.uk

LITTLEHAMPTON YACHT CLUB (LYC) Rope House, Rope Walk Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 5DH Offi ce: Fiona Boyce: 01903 713 996 Berthing Master: Bill Kellett T: 01903 732 926 F: 01903 725 911 E: fi ona@littlehamptonyachtclub.co.uk W: www.littlehamptonyachtclub.co.uk

PREMIER MARINAS BRIGHTON Manager: Mike Hatch West Jetty, Brighton, East Sussex. BN2 5UP T: 01273 819919 F: 01273 675082 E: brighton@premiermarinas.com W: www.premiermarinas.com

PREMIER MARINAS EASTBOURNE Manager: Dan Heckford Sovereign Harbour, North Lockside, Pacifi c Drive, Eastbourne. BN23 5BJ T: 01323 470099 F: 01323 470077 sovereignharbour@premiermarinas.com W: www.premiermarinas.com SMALL BOATS WELCOME

NEWHAVEN MARINA Manager/Contact: Russell Levett Address: Newhaven Marina, The Yacht Harbour, Fort Road, Newhaven, BN9 9BY T: +44 (0)1273 513 881 E: info@newhavenmarina.co.uk W: www.newhavenmarina.co.uk


JUNE 2022


GILLINGHAM MARINA 173 Pier Road, Gillingham, Kent. ME7 1UB T: 01634 280022 E: berthing@gillingham-marina.co.uk W: www.gillingham-marina.co.uk

MDL CHATHAM MARITIME MARINA Manager: Emma Crompton The Lock Building, Leviathan Way Chatham Maritime, Kent. ME4 4LP T: 01634 899200 E: chatham@mdlmarinas.co.uk www.chathammaritimemarina.co.uk

MEDWAY YACHT CLUB Contact: Sue Bannister Lower Upnor, Rochester, ME2 4XB T: 01634 718399 W:www.medwayyachtclub.com

PORT OF DOVER MARINA Manager: Chris Windsor Address - Dover Marina, Crosswall Quay, Union Street, Dover, Kent, CT179BN T +44 (0) 1304 241 663 E marina@doverport.co.uk W www.doverport.co.uk/marina SURREY

MDL PENTON HOOK MARINA Manager: Andrew Smith Staines Road, Chertsey, Surrey. KT16 8PY T: 01932 568681 E: pentonhook@mdlmarinas.co.uk W: www.pentonhookmarina.co.uk BERKSHIRE

MDL WINDSOR MARINA Manager: John Harris Maidenhead Road, Windsor, Berkshire. SL4 5TZ T: 01753 853911 E: windsor@mdlmarinas.co.uk W: www.windsormarina.co.uk

MDL BRAY MARINA Manager: John Harris Monkey Island Lane, Bray, Berkshire. SL6 2EB T: 01628 623654 E: bray@mdlmarinas.co.uk W: www.braymarina.co.uk


MDL WOOLVERSTONE MARINA Manager: Kelly Sharman Woolverstone, Ipswich, Suffolk. IP9 1AS T: 01473 780206 E: woolverstone@mdlmarinas.co.uk W: www.woolverstonemarina.co.uk

LOWESTOFT HAVEN MARINA Manager: Bob Beare Lowestoft Haven Marina (twin site), School Road and Hamilton Dock, Marina Offi ce, School Road, Lowestoft, Suffolk. NR33 9NB T: 01502 580300 F: 01502 581851 E: lowerstofthaven@abports.co.uk W: lowestofthavenmarina.co.uk

FOX’S MARINA & BOATYARD Marina Manager: Lee Gilson Fox’s Marina, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP2 8SA T: +44 1473 689111 E: foxs@foxsmarina.com W: www.foxsmarina.com ESSEX

FAMBRIDGE YACHT HAVEN Manager: Danyal Adams Chelmsford, CM3 6LU T: 01621 740370 E: fambridge@yachthavens.com W: www.yachthavens.com WALES

ABERYSTWYTH MARINA Manager:Adam Knowles Y Lanfa Aberystwyth, Trefechan SY23 1AS T: 01970 611422 E: aber@themarinegroup.co.uk W: www.themarinegroup.co.uk

CARDIFF MARINA Manager: Andy Coles OBE Watkiss Way, Cardiff. CF11 0SY T: 02920 396078 F: 02920 345116 E: info@themarinegroup.co.uk W: www.themarinegroup.co.uk

MILFORD MARINA Manager or contact: Melanie Durney Milford Marina, Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire SA73 3AF Tel: 01646 796518 E: enquiries@milfordmarina.com W: www.milfordmarina.com

Image: Shutterstock/ Avigator Fortuner

PENARTH MARINA Penarth, Vale of Glamorgan, F64 1TQ T: 02920 705021 E: penarthoffi ce@quaymarinas.com W: www.quaymarinas.com

NEYLAND YACHT HAVEN Manager: James Cotton Brunel Quay, Pembrokeshire, SA73 1PY T: 01646 601601 E: neyland@yachthavens.com W: www.yachthavens.com

PORT DINORWIC MARINA Marina Manager: Charlotte Dawson Y Felinheli Gwynedd, LL56 4JN T:01248671500/01248 670176 E: Info@themarinegroup.co.uk W: www.themarinegroup.co.uk

BURRY PORT MARINA Harbour Master: Robert Hockey The Harbour Offi ce Burry Port Carmarthenshire T:01554 835 691 E: Info@themarinegroup.co.uk W: www.themarinegroup.co.uk N. IRELAND

BANGOR MARINA Manager: Kevin Baird Bangor, Co. Down T: 02891 45329 W: www.quaymarinas.com

CARRICKFERGUS MARINA Harbour Master: Nigel Thompson 3 Quayside, CARRICKFERGUS BT38 8BJ T: 028 9336 6666 W: www.midandeastantrim.gov.uk BRISTOL

PORTISHEAD MARINA Portishead, Bristol BS20 7DF T: 01275 841941 E: portisheadquays@quaymarinas.com W: www.quaymarinas.com NEWCASTLE

ROYAL QUAYS MARINA North Shields, Tyneside NE29 6DU T: 0191 2728282 W: www.quaymarinas.com


RHU MARINA Contact: Suzanne Bell Rhu, Helensburgh G84 8LH T: 01436 820238 E: rhumarina@quaymarinas.com W: www.quaymarinas.com

LARGS YACHT HAVEN Manager: Carolyn Elder Irvine Road, Largs, Ayrshire, KA30 8EZ T: 01475 675333 E: largs@yachthavens.com W: www.yachthavens.com

TROON YACHT HAVEN Manager: Stephen Bennie The Harbour, Troon, Ayrshire, KA10 6DJ T: 01292 315553 E: troon@yachthavens.com W: www.yachthavens.com KERRERA MARINA Contact : Tim Vollum Ardentrive Bay, Kerrera, Oban, Scotland, PA34 4SX T: 01631 565333 W: offi ce@kerreramarina.com W: www.kerreramarina.com






Shining a light on the marine industry’s green products and technologies, this month’s Green Tech Boat Show will help existing and prospective boat owners understand their environmentally-friendly options, with the spotlight then placed on marine wildlife and how we can protect it during The Green Blue’s Boating Wildlife Awareness Week. FULL STORY PAGE 36




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Image: Thomas Lovelock




Image: Paul Wyeth


WORTH UP TO £5K! Read Image: agsaz/Shutterstock WIN A SELDÉN MAST FURLEX S JIB PAGE 38 DEVON MARINA FOCUS QUEEN ANNE’S BATTERY All at Sea17-18th June 2022 Queen Anne’s Battery Plymouth FREE onlineBOOK YOUR FREE TICKET mdlmarinas.co.uk/gtbs



MDL SANT CARLES MARINA Manager: Nicolas Gonzalez Ctra Poble Nou s/n, Apartat de Correus 192, 43540, Sant Carles de la Ràpita, Spain T: (0034) 9777 45153 T (UK): 023 8045 0227 enquiries@santcarlesmarina.com W: www.santcarlesmarina.com


JACHTHAVEN BIESBOSCH Manager: Renate Ilmer Nieuwe Jachthaven 54924 BA, Drimmelen, NL T: +31 (0)162 682249 E: info@jachthavenbiesbosch.nl W: www.jachthavenbiesbosch.nl KARPAZ GATE MARINA Customer Service: Mucella Kara PO Box 12 Yenierenkoy, Iskele TRNC Via Mersin 10 / Turkey T: +90 533 833 7878 E: info@karpazbay.com W: www.karpazbay.com


MARINARA Front Desk: Federica Civilla Via Marinara 11, Marina di Ravenna, 48122 Italy T: (0039) 0544 531644 E: info@marinara.it W: www.marinara.it


The marine industry is buoyant, with more boats being sold, near-full marinas and new, more sustainable propulsion technology emerging. Following the acquisition of Universal Marinas in the summer of 2021, Premier Marinas is a central part of that story, with a range of job roles and career options on off er for those excited to gain a foothold in this thriving sector.

The Premier team at Swanwick Marina

Along-time supporter of the Investors in People Scheme, Premier provides a structured learning environment for all its employees through the Premier Marinas Academy – its online training portal. Modules are designed to complement on the job training and equip new staff members with the core knowledge and skills to deliver fi rst-class customer service across its 10 South Coast marinas. Leadership modules also support the development of aspiring managers and a ‘Learning Champions’ initiative nurtures staff members keen to become trainers and specialists in their fi eld.

Premier enjoys strong employee loyalty with many staff boasting long service including a number achieving 25+ year anniversaries. The business has continued to develop a variety of staff benefi ts including pensions and private healthcare, free staff berthing for boats, fl exible leave with 25 days holiday and the option to buy or sell leave, access to online GP services and a discretionary bonus, to name just a few.

Moving on up Peter Pring, who began his career at Port Solent in a summer role 12 years ago, is now Marina Manager at Southsea Marina having worked his way up through the ranks, gaining management experience at Gosport, Swanwick and Eastbourne marinas.

He has always felt that Premier has empowered and encouraged him to succeed: “After working as a Marina Administrator at Port Solent Marina for a few years, I met with our Chief Executive, Pete Bradshaw, and discussed my career aspirations. Shortly after, I was offered a position on the management team at Sovereign Harbour, Eastbourne. Today, I am the Marina Manager at Southsea Marina, a Chartered Manager and member of the Chartered Management Institute.”

Hollie Luff CMM, Business Systems Manager at Premier Marinas, has worked across many Premier marinas over the course of her 20-year career with the business: “I began working at Premier in 2002 for a summer season while pursuing my degree in Adventure Education at the University of Chichester. After working in administrative and operational roles at Port Solent, I was promoted to my fi rst management position at Chichester Marina in 2010 and went on to take similar management positions at three other Premier marinas.

“In 2016, I was asked to join Premier’s central management team in a newly created role to oversee the deployment and support of the company’s key business systems. Premier has been great in offering me opportunities to progress.”

Premier is embracing technology to help its staff manage day-to-day operations and administration whilst at the same time being more focused on customers. The Premier mobile app has been developed to allow customers to manage details of their berthing in their own time, book boatyard services, alert staff to maintenance issues and signal their marina departure and return to help marina staff monitor berth availability. A newly appointed Learning and Development Manager will also spearhead several new initiatives.

Creating opportunities As well as developing existing staff, Premier is also keen to increase awareness of the wide range of exciting opportunities available to those starting their careers. It sees this as critical to help attract the future talent needed to help develop the wider marine industry.

Lewis Watkins is now in his fourth year of a Princess Yachts apprenticeship at South Devon College and hopes to continue his education with a degree apprenticeship in Product Design and Development.

South Devon College Marine Academy is working with Premier Marinas

Premier provides a structured learning environment for all its employees

Lee explained: “My grandfather worked as a dockworker in Plymouth, and my father undertook an apprenticeship in GRP with Princess Yachts. I started out doing a carpentry course in City College, Plymouth, which evolved into boat building. My apprenticeship is intense, but I enjoy it; it is different with some people coming from as far away as Essex to participate in the course.”

Premier is working in partnership with South Devon College’s Marine Academy, which opened a brand-new facility last month at Premier’s redeveloped Noss on Dart Marina. Students aged 14 and up can now enrol in marine courses at the academy, which also offers a wide range of further education including apprenticeships, short courses and degree-level study.

A new foundation degree focused on maritime leadership was also recently launched, preparing students for work at sea on commercial vessels or in a management role ashore.

Premier’s own scheme Premier Marinas has used the opening of the new Marine Academy to re-launch its own apprenticeship scheme, which will support the creation of 10 new full-time positions across its marina portfolio. The Level 2 Marinas and Boatyards two-year apprenticeship offers training in a range of marina and boatyard operations, safety legislation, customer service, marina maintenance and environmental good practice.

“South Devon College Marine Academy is delighted to be working with Premier Marinas again for the delivery of a second wave of Marina and Boatyards apprenticeships at each of their marinas. This apprenticeship is a great opportunity to learn from one of the best operators in the business, and for anyone who would enjoy working with boats, being on the water and outdoors in a busy marina environment,” said Paul Singer, Business and Qualifi cation Development Coordinator at South Devon College Marine Academy.

“We are privileged to be at the heart of such a dynamic sector and with South Devon College’s Marine Academy now operating at Noss on Dart, we are delighted to be supporting further job creation and inspiring the next generation,” added Tracey Jefkins, Premier Marinas’ Head of HR.

The career opportunities in the industry are as broad as they are exciting and are by no means limiting - fi nd out more about marina roles and working for Premier Marinas at www.premiermarinas.com/careers.

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