Sept.. 2014 Volume IV
stNIOR I'OIII~AlTS '-!od<O ~an._ PI>olOgrapl>Qel PalrlCk Jone • ...... Ianl $00 ...... ThOn'>Oo
EX P. ECTATIONS for hiring a professsional photographer
o~o 'hI~Q p~O'ogrOPhO" hov .. In common !> .. Oldeo " .. 'ng 0"'" (no. compe''''''') " Inot "',. ,pond '" g,eol d~ol 01 Time on SOCIOI Modlo 11>& Cu"Onl trending In Our plaup. I ... rn&mo oDoul con. urn." d e vclulng crll.To, namely pnolol/loph . " H.c~, .. v en phoTograph." buy Into It ond .Terl To devolulng
'hem •• 'v" •.
Current Understanding:
Understanding what you poy for:
I Just wont someone to toke a couple
quick pictures.
Mar~etlng,odverlll l ng.
time a moterlal,
Stud io space Insurance, Cell phone + dalo W",bslle des ign + hmllng + updall ng Phone and email communication, Pre-consllUollon meet ing Orlnks + snocks Eleclrlcty. woter. sewer /II: Iro,h serv ices
Production: Compluer - BesllFastestta handle Illes 100+ Terabyte s 01 horddrlve s (clone drives) Camero Bodies (repurcM . ed every 2 yeors Or Ie..) Lenses - multiple local and I-stop types Flashe s 8< light ing equipment Camero storage media (several) Scrims, rellectors, stands, braC Kets, etc. Botlerle s. bollerle s. ond .... mOfe boNelles Drive Time to loco lion Arriving early belote client session t ime Se t up equipment for se..lon Shoot 1- 3 hours with clients Dismantle equipment 8< load up vehicle Drive bod to .tudlo
Post-Production: Culling and Ih9n .el9cllons Basic edit, d9pth edit, and custom edit. Exporting multl·formats Viewing/ordering .enlon Designing, Iinol touch9S. albums & apps, elc. Unique packaging Art plc~ up 59n lon - Wol~lng through order.
Sell -employmenl:15,3~.
Socia l 59curlty: 12.<1"- 8< 2,9"- M9dlcor9 _ 30A"- , DonatlonslTlth9s, and lastly. mortgage. vehicle s, lood. chlldrlln, and 0119. r90dlng a ll this you will und9rs!ond my addiction) Espresso B90ns. BE BOLD ' BE PROVO . SUPPORT LOCAL ARTISTS
2OX2O Collecflorl
CAKE SMASH He'll never remember. but you'll have the art to prove it happened.
, '
I... ....
& Gk.JIen Froo options (JV(JIobIa Book No ..... 303.999.7030
Acorn American Provisions Babettes Beef 8; Yarrow Boxcar Coffee Collegiate Peaks Bank Comlda Croaked Stave Heroes like us Jennifer Olson Photography Mondo Markel Slow Faod Denver Proper Pour Svper Ordinary Wunder Werks
8x12 Collection