robber barron (Part One)

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Robber Baron Part One: The Set-up

A legal action-adventure story Written by Allan Jon Kretzmar, JD



Baron pushed a piece of paper across the shiny lacquered desk over to Jake, who was sitting across from him in his spacious office on the 32nd floor of the American Trust skyscraper in downtown San Francisco. It was a clear, crisp day in the bay area. “I am sure that you were wondering why we flew you up here.” “I must say that the thought did cross my mind.” “Open the paper, that’s the figure we are offering. Just for signing up with us. Consider it a signing-bonus, as it were.” Baron was short, stubby, stocky, nerdy, and he spoke in staccato-like breaths, as if the words had to be forced through his asthmatic lungs lest they disappear. He peered over his illfitting spectacles, eyes darting back and forth.


Jake unfolded the paper, and whistled when he held the check in his hand. “You want to pay me this?” “Yes,” Baron smiled, “just for joining our Team. I would like to be the one that enticed you back into the law again, after all the success that you have been enjoying as a writer it would be good to have you back doing law again.” “I see that you have done well for yourself.” “Oh yes, Jake,” Baron patted his suit with his short, stubby fingers, “custom tailoring is all I wear these days. And the travel perks, the salary, sweet deals, man, more that you can even make in writing I am sure. I eat lobster every night I am out.” “I can see,” Jake noted the rotund frame of his sudden admirer, “what do you want me to do?” “Run our Loss Mitigation Department. You be in charge!” Baron’s tongue darted over his lips, trying to wet them. “We have been under a lot of scrutiny lately with all the ‘robosigning’ stuff that has been going on out there and we want a guy like you to clean up some of the schmutz that has attached to our name.” 4

“That is being pretty honest.” “Well, I campaigned for you, man, after all we have known each other how long now?” “I think it’s seven years?” “About that what do you say?” “Well, I have to think about, speak to Zara Jane.” “Dude, you don’t need to ask the old lady’s permission for everything that you do. This is your chance to make some serious money man, guaranteed. And you can do good work help us clean up what was bad. You will be in charge.” “Complete discretion?” “Well, not exactly, you will have to run things past me, of course, but I promise that I won’t stand in your way – you make the call, I will just give you a little direction. There is one case that we are particularly interested in -- the Hamilton’s in Palo Alto. Wealthy couple, claimed hardship got too far ahead of themselves, trying to forestall their foreclosure, you know, cases like that. We want to do the right thing, Jake, clean up the department, and yet stop the scammers.” “Can I think about it? How long is the offer on the table?” 5

“Well, we really need to move on this, can’t dilly-dally. We need your decision. By tonight, okay?” “Who are you up against?” “John Wiley, he is the worst of these plaintiff’s attorneys, and a real pain in the ass. Frankly, I want to bury the guy, figuratively, of course.” The tongue did its unsuccessful dance over his lips to wet them, again. It was a disreputable movement quick, and darting, furtive and sequacious in its snake-like repetition. “But of course. Why him’? “He is a one-man band, trouble-maker. We want to throw everything at this guy, bury him in paperwork, anyway Jake, that is all strategy – lets talk in a few hours. Take in the sights once you are up here.” “How do you envision the job working out? I am in Beverly Hills.” “Video-conferencing and you can use the team here to make appearances, etc. We just want you to be comfortable running the show, and we have full confidence in your abilities. Bar card?” 6

“Re-activated” “Great! Ball’s in your court, buddy!” Baron stood up, signaling that the meeting was over. Jake shook his hand, and studied the cold blue eyes that met his. His friendliness was forced Jake thought he seemed like a man that could smile equally from both sides of his mouth. Jake picked up a silver ball that served as a paperweight on Baron’s desk, and rolled it towards him. “Back at ya” He laughed, then walked out of the huge marble-floored Executive Office. He rode the elevator down to the ground level in contemplative silence. There was something invigorating about contemplating being back in the legal profession. Jake knew Baron from his days at the law firm, who proved himself, to be an attorney of steel will and rapine-like instincts for the jugular. Not surprisingly, he now worked himself up to Trust Bank’s Chief In-House Counsel’s Office, a resting place where his cunning and intrigue could languish and rest. Jake was sure that there had to be a more sinister reason than the offer of loot alone that caused Baron to 7

suggest his rejoining this team. Jake for the first time in a long procession of years found himself conscious of the need for vigilance. His name and reputation were now part of the commerce and logistics of the whole delicate interplay of his life and work, and he wanted to make sure that he acted in conformity with the highest ethical expectations. If not, he realized, he may have to extricate himself with surgical care and precision before he or someone else, got hurt. One of the things that Jake liked best about writing was that no-one got hurt. In law, there were always winners and losers, with the righteous and the just not always sitting in the winner’s circle after the fray. Someone always had to lose. Such were the realities of a zero-sum game. That evening Jake received a call from Baron at ten o’ clock on his cell phone. “So Jake, have you come to a decision? We are ready to put a little blurb out there about you heading up our litigation team, you know, cleaning house all that good stuff.” “I think I can do it. Six months is all I can commit to though. Is that okay with you"? 8

“Look, we are happy enough you are joining us. I will make the announcement. I am sure it will instill some confidence in the stock price. Things have been rough for our Bank in recent months. This helps us a lot, you too, eh?” “Well, your offer is very generous.” “Consider it good faith funds. We are turning a new leaf here, Jake, and you are spearheading that for us. Congratulations.” “Thanks, Baron.” Jake tossed his cell phone onto his hotel bed, and looked out at the Wharf lights. Jake felt he was being set up, somehow, as a reluctant hero under the spotlight. Baron and his Bank were enthusiastic about his name being out there as joining them, and he hoped that they were as committed to righting the wrongs they claimed they were. Jake poured bourbon from the heavy glass decanter, and felt a strange sensation as he sipped the brew. He felt like a specimen on a dissecting table, his innards somehow sliced open, exposed for the world to see. This imparted a sense of foreboding. It felt they were doing just a little too much selfconvincing of their changed more angelic dispositions. 9

Jake always believed in his star, and felt that if he left it up to the hand of destiny, the reason and the rationale for him being where he was, doing what he was doing would all be revealed in due course by the unwinding of time. He just did not want to think anymore about what that destiny might be. He took another sip of bourbon, and allowed the liquor to glide languorously over his tongue, the liquid imparting, a reassuring warmth as he swallowed. If there was intrigue at play, and they wanted to hook him, he was on the hook at least for now. If he were being played, he thought, that too would be revealed to him. I think there are always reasons why I have experienced all the unusual, strange, and mysterious vicissitudes of my lifetime, he mused, and if there is a dark side to this, this too would be revealed. It was a puzzle, the interplay between light and the dark forces, and he realized that he would need almost a clairvoyant’s skill to separate them. It was like searching for a light switch in a darkened room, and Jake watched as the San Francisco fog loomed, swallowing up the dots of light until at the end there was nothing to see out of his window at all. 10

Jake rubbed his eyes. He was tired, and went to bed. He let time slide over him, not thinking again about his new temporary work host. His last thought was, if I am being framed, it will be revealed. Then sleep robbed him kindly of any more reflections on the events at hand.


The reddish-pink older-model Buick crunched to a halt with a lurch in the Hamilton’s driveway, and a disheveled man clambered out. He walked over to the passenger side door, opened it, and let out a curse as a sheaf of papers cascaded to the ground. He grimaced as he bent over to pick them up, and shoved the papers back into the passenger side floor well. Then he picked up a heavy battered briefcase, and walked to the front door. John Wiley was not tall, but what he lacked in height he made up for in cunning. His last name was befitting, and he


had been practicing law for over twenty-five years. His career had been built up over the years by taking cases that were solid, resolutely fighting against injustice wherever he saw it prevail. He had a daunting success record, and he was pleased when his cases could bring down the Ungodly and make them pay. With the Hamilton’s he felt this case too was no exception. John Wiley waited impatiently for the doorbell to be answered finally Freda Hamilton came to the door. “Please come in,” she said, “I have been helping Nathan. Today was a tough day for him.” “I totally understand,” he said, as he tried to get a better grasp on his briefcase, which had only one working clasp. The left side of his briefcase was secured with a bungee cord. Freda noticed this, and smiled, “We have to get you a new case, Mr. Wiley.” “That’s quite okay,” he joked, “this has been my lucky case, bought it my first year out as a practicing attorney.”


Freda ushered him into a cavernous and comfortable living room, and they sat and waited. The only sound was the ticking of a grandfather clock, which finally burst into sound. “You are right on time, Mr. Wiley, thank you for coming out to visit. Nathan can’t get around much anymore, you know.” They turned as Nathan entered the room with a slow, shuffling gait. He held out a quivering hand. “Mr. Wiley,” he said matter-of-factly, “time is short for me, I want to make sure that I can look after Freda here, and they want to take our house. We have lived here for forty years, you know.” Nathan sat down with some difficulty. “I have complete kidney failure, Mr. Wiley. Three times a week I have to have dialysis. I was told I could miss one session, but if I missed the second session, I would not make it to the third.” “I am so sorry.” “What can you do, that’s life, I guess.” Nathan adjusted his tie. He was dressed in a suit. John Wiley held Nathan’s gaze. “I get dressed in a suit and tie everyday now, makes me 13

feel that I have somewhere to go,” he said, as his voice trailed off. There was a deathly brown pallor to Nathan’s face, reflecting an almost already unnatural hue. It was clear that Nathan was not long for this earthly world. “Nathan, Freda, in spite of what you may read in the papers, or on TV, we do prevail, and we can stop the foreclosures. I have been successful in doing this in my office, especially against banks like Trust Bank. They have been operating deliberately counter to the law, they were supposed to immediately offer you when you contacted them that you were in trouble a loan modification, they did not do that, right?” “I don’t remember.” “When you first contacted Trust Bank – did they offer you a loan modification.” “Oh,” Nate wheezed, “when we first spoke to them, well, did they, Fe?” She shook her head. “Not at the beginning. They just told us that we needed to pay off the entire second that was


$100,000.00 just to cure the arrearages, and the attorney fees. Later.” “Later what,” John Wiley asked pointedly, “what did they tell you specifically.” “That we were qualified for a loan modification, provided that we send to them all of the documentation that could support our hardship claim.” “This was your second on your house.” “Yes,” Nathan responded softly, “we wanted the money to pay for Brandon’s education.” “Brandon?” “Oh, our grandson, his picture is behind you.” John Wiley did not look. He placed his briefcase down in front of him, and undid the bungee cord, snapping back the right clasp, which caused the briefcase to spring open. He dug until he could find a yellow legal pad, extracting it from the mass of papers gingerly, and uncorking a pen top with his teeth. “I am going to make a few notes, okay.” Nathan and Freda nodded, watching John Wiley scribble with refreshed intensity, a smile of irrational delight crossing 15

his lips. He ran a hand through unruly hair, reaching into a torn shirt pocket to extract his eyeglasses. He placed them carefully on his nose. The right temple arm was held together with a band-aid, which was precariously about to release its hold. “I suspected that what happened was improper,” Wiley continued, “but when I got your documentation,” he said softly, “this all confirmed it for me. How many times did you say that Trust Bank’s Loss Mitigation Department contacted you?” “Oh,” Freda looked at Nathan, “about seven or eight times. They said they could not get them.” “What?” “The documents that they were all ‘messed up,’ or ‘too light.’ Needed to be constantly resubmitted, you know.” “What else?” “They needed additional paperwork, um, well, you know, proof that we were in fact using the money to actually pay for Brandon’s education.”


“That is outrageous,” Wiley exploded, “what difference does it make what you use the money for? You legitimately got the loan, right? Same bank as your first?” “Mortgage”? “Yes. And we paid that off, didn’t we Nate?” Nate wheezed in affirmation, and in a voice brimming with anger and outrage, grunted, “We paid off the first, now they are foreclosing on the second, they wanted $110,000.00 by this morning, the whole thing, again they said, or they will force a sale next week Wednesday.” “Look,” Wiley said with deliberate forcefulness in his voice “when the banks took all that TARP money…” “Tarpaulin Money”? “No, no, look you see what happened was that way back in, ’09 the U. S. Treasury Secretary and the Director of the Federal Finance Agency announced the MHA Program.” “MHA” Freda inquired. “Yes, it stands for Making Homes Affordable, which had two subprograms, the HARP and the HAMP programs.” “It all sounds so confusing.” 17

“Well HAMP is the one of interest here, the Home Affordable Mortgage Program. The one the Federal Government gave about $75 billion, that’s with a ‘B.’” “Seventy five billion dollars what was supposed to happen?” “Well, simply speaking, if Trust Bank took money from this Troubles Asset Relief Program, or TARP, they were supposed to also fulfill their commitment under HAMP.” “Wow, this is getting confusing,” Nathan whispered. “Well, under the Servicer Participation Agreement, or SPA, banks that took TARP money are also obligated to do certain things.” “Like what?” “Well, here are a few things. One they have to evaluate any loans that are over 60 days delinquent or more that appear to be in default. Two that if the loans met the HAMP guidelines the bank, or loan servicer, is required to collect the hardship information, which you submitted.” “Several times”


“Yes,” Wiley nodded, “I am aware of that. Anyway, there are two things the bank has to do. I spoke of them having to gather the financial information from you, and then secondly allow you a Trial Program.” “Trial program”? “What is called ‘Trial Period Plan,’ This means that if you successfully completed making the payments under the trial plan, then the bank is literally required under the law to allow you then to get a permanent modification of your loan. This did not happen in your case.” “Not at all” “Exactly, my point, the bank is required to under the HAMP guidelines review you for what could be considered, foreclosure alternatives.” “They just asked us for a lump sum of money all the time. You mean they should have allowed us a reduced payment plan.” “Yes, if you defaulted on that, well, then they could move to foreclosure. If you completed the trial payments they you had to get the permanent reduction and modification.” 19

“They filed the Notice of Default.” “The what”? “The information, the letter stating that they would sell your house at a foreclosure sale.” Nathan started to cough and splutter. Freda got up and brought him a glass of water, and he sipped the water. Sometimes Wiley violently detested the human misery that he witnessed as part of his job. He felt outraged that Trust Bank had taken such gratuitous abuse of the Hamiltons. “I am glad that you hitched your horse to my wagon, as it were, to use an analogy.” “What do you mean?” “You were taken advantage of. Trust Bank had to allow you a modification, as they had to allow all mortgagees who lived in their houses and faced a legitimate hardship. Not a lump sum payment, but offering a loan modification immediately when you said you were in trouble.” “Let’s tell it to the judge. The judge will understand, follow up in our favor.” “I am afraid it is not that simple.” 20

“What do you mean?” “Judges have tons of stuff, cases, pleadings, briefs to read. They cannot physically read them all. They often defer to their clerks to give them tentative rulings, and they will follow them. Judges are not so keen to buck the status quo. So far, banks have a lot of legislative power behind them. Some of the robo-signing stuff has made the judges a little more lenient, but still, the odds are stacked against you.” “Cannot be,” Nate whispered angrily, “there must be something that we can do.” “There is, there is, and meeting with me is part of that process. Many people wait, until it is too late I am afraid. You contacted me,” Wiley was trying to write and balance his yellow pad on his knee, “and I will be on top of this. I heard they hired Jake Morrison to head up their Litigation Department.” “Who” Nate and Freda looked at one another? “Oh, Morrison, he is a guy that has a great reputation and a good deal of public trust. He is better known now as a writer, but he has a reputation for integrity that cannot be 21

imputed. I think they are moving in the right direction. Goodness, look at the time, I have to be back at my office. Thank you both for meeting with me.” Wiley stood up, and the legal pad fell to the ground. He retrieved it, and tried to stuff it back in his briefcase. Finally, frustrated, he stood on the case to allow the right corner clasp to catch, and scooped up the briefcase under his arm. “Don’t get up, Nathan I will be back in contact soon.” John Wiley marched towards the front door, and with a wave, was gone. There was no mistaking the honest bewilderment of the Hamiltons, Wiley thought. They fitted into a familiar story. Although prohibited from “dual-tracking” -- Trust Bank making anemic efforts to comply with guidelines in working with the Hamiltons, at the same time as the Loss Mitigation Department, to which Jake Morrison had just been hired on to run, was taking active concrete steps to foreclose on their home. Many families had fallen into disaster by not being able to gleam the distinction between genuine help, and cold, hard, 22

and tormenting convolutions of taking calculated advantage of unsuspecting folk. The Hamiltons should have potentially been more careful, Wiley reflected, not to have let the bank make a sucker out of them. They would have to act more circumspectly the next time, but Wiley knew there would be no next time. He also knew that he had waited all his professional life for a sympathetic couple who came up short against a crooked corporate cosmogony, or at least that was they way it seemed. A jury could bestow sympathy, and punitive damages. What was Jake Morrison’s role in all of this, Wiley wondered. What was his precise place in this picture? There was a cacophony of questions that assailed John Wiley as he drove away from his client’s home. Time will tell, he thought, time will reveal the interplay of characters, and chance that joined them all together, in a drama where the clock of time was ticking loudly in the background.


I had better get his deposition down, and soon, he thought, before Nathan’s time ground down with inexorable motion towards its final deplorable conclusion.


Definitely to be continued‌


Allan Jon Kretzmar Š2011, All rights reserved. All characters in this mini-book are fictitious, and any resemblance to real persons Living, or dead, is coincidental. No part of this mini-book may be reproduced, stored in a Retrieval, system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior Written, permission of the author, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review to be printed in a newspaper, magazine or journal. First printing

Images by Kane! Poetry by, Chris Steven Young Edited by, Darinda Ann Otto Follow further stories at Check out the other Mini-books series.


Forbidden/unexpected Angel The Series: Luck, Love . . . and a Twist of Fate! Other book titles

1. unexpected Angel The novella. A modern-urban love story with a supernatural twist. Angels show up in our lives when we least expect them. Jake Morrison is a bright, young and ambitious attorney hell-bent on achieving his vision of success. But his vision is about to become a nightmare. Zara Jane is a real-live Angel, sent from Heaven above to guide Jake through these pivotal changes in Jake’s life. She ends up working at Jake’s firm and dating him, so that she can watch over him. They fall in love. But Jake rejects the message and her love and his life spirals out of control. As an Angel Zara Jane imparts wisdom and insight for his life and world, and expresses her insight on the road that lies ahead, not only for Jake, but also for humankind as a whole. When Jake takes her words to heart his life goes through a metamorphosis, and he finds himself living his life in a manner that he could not have dreamed of before. KINDLE: unexpected ANGEL. Luck, love . . . and a Twist of Fate! (Forbidden/unexpected ANGEL) | NOOK:

2. CUPID’S ARROWS A mini-romance mythological fable, where Zara Jane, Angel, creates a love connection between Mahmoud and Genevieve-Marie at the Palace of Versailles. This is part of her job as an Angel, and one of the more satisfying of her tasks. She takes special care and attention in the pursuit of these activities, and explains in a hilarious interchange with the Love Cherubs the state of affairs connected with helping humans find True Love. This caper involves a tinge of Cupid’s Love Potion #5, 2 cherubs, one Angel, and 2 Cupid’s arrows. KINDLE: Cupid's Arrows


(Forbiddem/unexpected ANGEL) | NOOK:

3. WILD HORSE TALE$ A mini-paranormal-action adventure set in Santa Barbara, California. Zara Jane, Angel, and Jake Morrison, erstwhile-lawyer, form Paradise Paranormal Investigations, Inc. This is the first case for their fledgling company, and they are called in to solve the mystery of racehorses that are dying, almost daily. What they uncover are some unexpected twists and turns. KINDLE: WILD HORSE TALE$ (Forbidden/unexpected ANGEL) | NOOK:

4. WHERE ANGELS FEAR TO TREAD A mini-paranormal-action adventure, that takes Zara Jane, Angel, and Jake Morrison, erstwhile-lawyer, on their second caper under their company, Paradise Paranormal Investigations, Inc., on a worldwide dash to stop the Holy Grail and the Golden Calf falling into the wrong hands, in this case, Gustavo, who is not your ordinary villain. He is a fallen Angel himself, with superpowers too. The CIA and the US government call in the two sleuths to provide investigative help. KINDLE: Where Angels Fear To Tread (Forbidden/unexpected ANGEL) | NOOK:

5. set the world on fire! (CONTINUATION OF “WHERE ANGEL’S FEAR TO TREAD!”) A mini-paranormal-action adventure, that takes Zara Jane, Angel, and Jake Morrison, erstwhile-lawyer, continue on their second caper under their company, Paradise Paranormal Investigations, Inc., on a worldwide dash to stop Gustavo in his tracks. Subject matter includes the Holy Grail, the Golden Calf, and the Knights Templar. KINDLE: Set The World On Fire!


(Forbidden/unexpected ANGEL) | 6. ying-yang love A mini-romance. Vickie Ying lives in New York, Christian Yang lives in Hong Kong. They are worlds apart, yes each night respectively in their dreams they connect on a deep soul level that is turning their lives upside down. Their dreams are becoming an obsession, and when they dream they begin to see the other with increasing clarity. The chemistry and tension builds as they wonder if they will ever meet in person. Enter an Angel (Zara Jane) who tries to guide them both, but her message is not immediately recognized or followed. Ying-Yang Love (Forbidden/unexpected ANGEL) | NOOK:

7. ONLY LOVE MATTERS: INTERCEPTION A sweet mini-romance. Katherine Potter lives in London, for years entombed waiting for her husband to return after his military mission failed. She is invited by her nephew Drew to Hawaii. Enter an Angel that intercedes on behalf of Frederick, her husband to save her life, and allow her the chance to find love again. KINDLE: Only Love Matters (Forbidden/unexpected ANGEL) | NOOK:

8. what yA gonna do when the angel comes? A mini-travel-adventure-romance. Jake Morrison, erstwhile lawyer, is convinced by his friend Dr. Robert Powell to try regression analysis to isolate when and where he and Zara Jane, Angel, really met to better explain their attraction. As the regression continues, Jake discovers that the answers come not only from this lifetime, but to ones that took place well hidden in the past. Jake unlocks the doors to open up new vistas of adventure, and understanding. KINDLE: WHAT YA GONNA DO WHEN 29

THE ANGEL COMES? (Forbidden/unexpected ANGEL) | NOOK:

9. WHEN ANGELS COME HOME TO ROOST (Continuation of “What ya gonna do when the angel comes?” A mini-travel-adventure-romance. A continuation of the regression analysis that Jake is undergoing with his friend, Dr. Robert Powell. Jake finds himself married in this past life to Zara Jane, when a violent storm blows their spice ship off course. Will they survive, and what secrets will be revealed? Stranded on an as-yet-uncharted island they meet Hoppy, a genie, who promises them a way out, with a surprising twist.

10. DEVIL’S ADVOCATE (Continuation of “WHEN ANGELS COME HOME TO ROOST”) A mini-travel-adventure-romance. A continuation of the regression analysis that Jake is undergoing with his friend, Dr. Robert Powell. Jake finds himself married in this past life to Zara Jane, still stranded on an as-yetuncharted island with Hoppy, the genie who has promised them a way off the island. But is this really what Jake wants? Find out the surprising twist as Jake’s mind plays the devil’s advocate. KINDLE: NOOK:

11. ROBBER BARON (PART ONE) Jake is encouraged by his friend Baron to take up the practice of law again and head up the Loss Mitigation Department at the mighty Trust Bank, headquartered in San Francisco. Jake feels that his name and reputation are about to be misused to further some dark motive that he as yet is unaware of, and he has his misgivings. John Wiley is an attorney representing sympathetic clients as the battle-lines start to get drawn in this modern-day “David and Goliath” zero-sum contest. Jake trusts that whatever the motive behind Baron’s offer, it will somehow be revealed in time to him before damage can be done. Jake realizes


this is all a puzzle -- this interplay between light and dark forces -- and that he would need almost a clairvoyant’s skill to separate them in time. KINDLE: NOOK:



LovEntwined The Series: Finders, Keepers, Losers, Weepers Other book titles 13. THE KINGMAKER An undocumented historical mini-romance fable set in 15th Century Great Britain. The throne of King Henry is about to be passed on to one of his three sons, but war with France looms. Enter Princess Isabella, an armorclad messenger, who meets Prince Richard, and guides him in the greatest adventure of his life. THE KINGMAKER (ENTWINED lovENTWINED) | 14. GOING IN FOR THE KILL (CONTINUATION OF “THE KINGMAKER” PART ONE) A 15th Century mini-action-romance adventure fable, where Leopold, the French naval commander, seeks revenge and kidnaps Princess Isabella. Now King, Richard faces dark days as he struggles with the loss of his Queen, and decides to extract revenge of his own with unanticipated consequences. KINDLE: GOING IN FOR THE KILL! Part Deux of THE KINGMAKER (ENTWINED lovENTWINED) | NOOK:

15. THE WORLD’S YOUR OYSTER A mini-romance set in Italy. Francesca is a filmmaker and the daughter of a famed director who decides to enter her short film at the Venice Biennial. Enter an Angel who encourages Justin to enter his paintings in the Biennial Art Festival. The bait has been set, and they are destined to meet. KINDLE: THE WORLD IS YOUR OYSTER! (ENTWINED lovENTWINED) | NOOK: 32

16. MOMMY’S GONE! A bitter mini-romance. Brad and Mara have been married for fifteen years and have two children, Jamie and Mark. A poignant tale that explores keeping love alive in a marriage that goes through dramatic changes. Mara serves in the Navy, and completes a tour of duty in Iraq. Then Afghanistan follows. . . A story as current as our headlines. KINDLE: MOMMY'S GONE! (ENTWINED lovENTWINED) | NOOK:

17. FOLLOW THE FIRE! (alternative ending to mommy’s gone!) A bitter-sweet mini-romance. Brad and Mara have been married for fifteen years and have two children, Jamie and Mark. A poignant tale that explores keeping love alive in a marriage that goes through dramatic changes. Mara serves in the Navy, and completes a tour of duty in Iraq. Then Afghanistan follows. . . A story as current as our headlines. This story is the alternative ending to “Mommy’s Gone!) KINDLE: Follow The Fire! (Alternative ending to "Mommy's Gone!) (ENTWINED lovENTWINED) | NOOK:

18. (LOVE) ON THE WINGS OF ANGELS A mini-romance. Mary and Pete are destined to find each other, but their ability to meet gets stalled. Enter an eagle that brings about their chance meeting, that in that instant changes both of their lives from that point forward forever. Luck, love, and a twist of fate. KINDLE: (LOVE) ON THE WINGS OF EAGLES! (ENTWINED lovENTWINED) | NOOK:


19. WHEN LIGHTENING STRIKES TWICE! A mini-romance set in Mumbai, India. Ramish is a lawyer who is travelling on a train and is struck by lightening. In that instant the most beautiful woman in the world, his world, gets revealed to him. Ghita Raj is a Bollywood film star, wondering if she will ever find true love. She seeks answers from her astrologer and palmist, Mister Choksy, who tells her that a chance meeting with a man may be soon. Very soon. KINDLE: WHEN LIGHTENING STRIKES TWICE! (ENTWINED lovENTWINED) | NOOK:

20. COWgirl KATE A mini-romance. Kate is a student in Texas who receives an unexplained and untraceable email and text message on her cellphone to make sure she goes to her grandmother’s funeral. She is told that she needs to make sure she attends, for there is a fated meeting that has to take place there. Kate is given control of the family cattle ranch after her grandmother’s passage, but the email and text message concern affairs of the heart. KINDLE: COWGIRL KATE! (ENTWINED lovENTWINED) | NOOK:

21. HOLY LAND: BLOOD BROTHERS A mini-romance set in the Holy Land. A metaphorical bridge is being built between Rami, an Israeli soldier, and Ghita, a beautiful young Palestinian girl. They begin to steal moments together, knowing that on both sides such encounters are forbidden. The story moves with dynamic intensity to its conclusion as Rami and Ghita struggle to find freedom to live and love. As topical as today’s headlines. KINDLE: HOLY LAND: BLOOD BROTHERS! (ENTWINED lovENTWINED) | NOOK:


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