Alla Zib r ov a architectural p o r t f o l i o
diploma: school complex in troitsk, moscow, 2015
P R O F E S S I O N A L P R O J E C T S minihotel pr op os a l
“fisherman’s d e s i ng fo r park
house”, reno v at i on,
2013 2016
composition with continuous interior volume, 2014 enter/exit_pavilion, 2014
SCHOOL COMPLEX Troitsk, Moscow Graduation project, 2015 Moscow Architectural Institute Studio: Sergey Kuznetsov, Marina Zobkova
housing industrial service offices schools, nursery sports
For my diploma project, I chose
To maximize the use of the site,
the theme of school for two main reasons:
I propose extending the standard set of
I believe that if each of us spends a
significant part of our lives at a school
with additional functions and providing
building, then it deserves serious attention;
open access to residents in the area, thus
and the small town in which I live, in recent
designing the school as a mix-use complex.
years, actively built housing, which lead to
AS A RESULT: + increasing functional variety at the residential area, + city gets the school, which it’s required while saving a large plot of forest from logging, + open access to the river.
an influx of residents. The city is situated 20km from Moscow, and the apartments are less expensive, thereby attracting young families with children.
Local administration offers for the
school plot a portion of the 6ha forest area.
The building comprises three systems:
But I found an alternative site by myself.
1. a primary school,
Instead of cutting down the nation forest,
2. a middle and high school,
I propose the site on the northern slope of
3. an area open to the public
the banks of the Desna River. A group of
(which consists of a pool, a large gym, a
high-rise residential buildings are to the
group of small gyms, machine shop, and
west of the site, and a park with historic
a library).
trees lines the site from the southwest.
The parts of the complex are connected
The historical Troitsk Worsted factory is
by recreational areas. The primary school
downstream. Across the river, there is a
is separated from the rest by a gallery/
park and low-rise housing.
canteen on the lower level.
The school faces the river, advancing towards it with several semi-open yards. The yards are dug out in the relief to allow natural lighting in the lower levels of the school.
The building is designed on a relief with a large difference in altitude. The main entrance is from the 2nd-floor platform, which also serves as a roof for the gallery/canteen.
The yard for elementary grades is designed as an amphitheater conformed to the relief, creating a space suitable for games and performances as well as outdoor classes and lectures.
• • • • •
general plan architectural design working drawings construction expertise documentation renderings
Existing situation Vertical planning
Site planning Trasportation
PARK. URBAN RENOVATION Troitsk, Moscow 2016-2017 proposal design
C O M P O S I T I O N WITH CONTINUOUS INTERIOR V O L U M E Making+Meaning program, 2014 Tu t o r s : E m i l y W h i t e , A l e x i s R o c h a s
In this task, I examined the change and development of the composition through the interaction of simple volumes with each other. The composition consists of 27 parts and was composed in 3 stages: - the first 9 cubes are cut into each other at right angles; - another 9 cubes were added at different angles; - distorted cubes were added. Colors on the
were basis
generated in of photographs
Photoshop SCI-Arc.
Making+Meaning program, 2014 Tuto r s : R us s ell Th om ps en, Alex is Ro c ha s
In this task, I had to devise a 6’x6’ pavilion with negative space, i.e. instead of specifying borders of emptiness inside the pavilion, forming the shape of the space itself inside the pavilion, using choreography of movement through interaction of volume with light, rhythm, and mass to create a narrative and path from ENTER to EXIT. I used an extraction of part of my previous multi-cube composition as a guide. (9” cube) I constructed a blue foam negative model scale to depict the raw space without “interior” and “exterior” parts of the building, and later constructed a final 9”x9” plaster positive model.
2015 2014 2013 2010
education: Moscow Architectural Institute, Russia Specialist of Architecture, Graduation diploma: “School Complex, Troitsk”; Studio: Sergey Kuznetsov and Marina Zobkova Southern California Institute of Architecture, Los Angeles, CA, USA Making+Meaning, 5-week summer program; tutors: Alexis Rochas, Betty Kassis, Jonah Rowen, Russell Thomsen, Emily White Moscow Architectural Institute, Russia Bachelor of Architecture, Graduation diploma: “Multi-story Residential Building: Noise Mitigation” Studio: Sergey Kuznetsov and Marina Zobkova College of Architecture and Construction Management, Moscow, Russia Architectural Technologist, Graduation diploma: “Synagogue”, graduated with honors; Studio: Anton Antonov professional experience: Architect at the Advisory Committee at FabLab, Museum of Physical Curiosities, Moscow Development board member; Curator of the ArchMachines architectural studio Architect and Interior Designer, Lotov Architectural Bureau, Troitsk, Russia Developing working drawings; Preparing subcontractor order documentation; Construction administration; Meeting and collaboration with engineers and clients Junior Architect Solving space layout problems in apartments, residential buildings and common spaces (over 200 projects); Carrying out 3D designs or 2D designs as required; Compiling data for architectural plans, specifications, cost estimates Architectural Technician, Lotov Architectural Bureau, Troitsk, Russia Preparing architectural working drawings under direction and supervision; Developing presentation drawings; Visual rendering EXHIBITIONS/ ACTIVITIES/ WORKSHOPS: Conference “The territory as an object of reflection and control. Troitsk in the context of the New Moscow“ as part of the design-analytical panel “Environmental Development. New Life of Pedestrian Zones” offered options for adaptation of the existing physical environment of the city to the changing needs of citizens, taking into account its spatial organization and the socio-cultural and economic activity AgroHackathon 2016, FabLab MISiS, Moscow winner project of modular vertical gardening system (as architect/designer/engineer) Conference “City, Art, Intellect” and Exhibition “#Randomness , The Accelerator of New Moscow” at The Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk, Moscow (as artist) Workshop (plein air) “Architectural Drawing” for 3rd year architectural students at the Moscow Technical School No 30 (as instructor) SKILLS: IT Rhino 3D, ArchiCAD, AutoCAD, Artlantis Render, Revit, Photoshop, InDesign; hand drafting and modeling, laser cut, welding LANGUAGES: Russian - native English - fluent (TOEFL 102)
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Alla Zibrova Russian 12/15/1988 Moscow, Russia/Santa Barbara, CA alla.zibrova +7 915 343 79 39