Devin Haney and IAMSU | Issue 12 of All Bay Music Magazine

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t heyal lhaveaknackof i ndependence, andBr i l l4 TheThr i l li scur r ent l yona pr eci s i oncour s er i ght now, andt hatpr eci s i oni s hi m cur at i nghi sown pat ht ogr eat nes s . Wi t ha s l ew ofnew pr oj ect son hi sbel t , onet hi nghe doescat ert o, i shavi ng l yr i cswi t hames s age. Oneoft hepr oj ects er i es weenj oyl i s t eni ngt oi s hi sAct i ve1 +2CD’ s . On bot hr el eas es , heget st he l i s t eneront hegr i ndand mi ndf ocus edonacheck. Thei npi r i ngr apperof t en t al ksaboutnumber sand t hecomeup, andt he l i ngoher epr es ent si s s ur el yf ort hehus t l er soutt her eon ami s s i on!Hi smos tr ecentr el eas e ar i n’ sownBr i l l4t he BagMus i c, hecont i nuesonhi s Thr i l li sanot herup cour s er emi ndi ngt hel i s t enert hat comi ngar t i s twi t hal l hei sal s ogr owi ngatahi ghr at e. t hebel l sandwhi s t l esofbei ng Si ncefindi ngs ucces swi t hhi s acer t i fiedr es pect abl ewheni t Act i veCD’ s1 +2, hedr oppedamer comest obei ngaar t i s tf r om chandi s el i necal l ed“ Act i veMer ch” , t heWes tCoas t . Li kemany andi thasbeens ucces s f ul . No Wes tCoas tar t i s t s , atl eas tt he mat t ert hebus i nes smove, Br i l l4 cel ebr at edones , i noneway t heThr i l lai mst owar dsgr eat nes s .

ent i r el ybyhi m al ong wi t hf eat ur esf r om s ome oft heheavywei ght ss uch asTheJ acka, PaulWal l , J St al i n, Hus al ahand mor e. Wi t hwel lknown cl as s i csonhi sbel ts uch as“ Song4U”byMac Dr e, “ HeyGi r l ”byThe J ackaandHus al ah, and manymor e. RobLohas f acedal otbi gupsand bi gdowns , es peci al l y l os i ngar t i s t sMacDr e, J ohnnyCas h, andThe J acka, al lofwhom wer e ar t i s t swhohehel dt he t i t l eofi nhous epr oducer . Wi t hhi scont r i but i onst o BayAr eaHi pHopcul t ur ewecan’ tf or gethi s t i onandper s ever ancewhi l edeal l ahkOper ahMus i c’ s i ngwi t ht heunt i mel ypas s i ngsof ownRobl of r om t he s omeoft heBayAr ea’ smos tcel i MobFi gaz, i sa br at edar t i s t s . Si ncet heJ acka’ s l egendar ypr oducer pas s i nghehasbeenwor ki ngwi t h f r om t heBayAr ea, mos t al otofupandcomi ngt al entandi s not abl yknownf orhi scont r i bubackwi t havengeance, andt he t i onsonpr oduct i onf ort heThe Facti s , RobLor epr es ent sf oral lt he J acka, MobFi gazandMacDr e. r ealpr oducer soutt her eandhi s Hi sal bum “ ABr aveNew l egacyi nonet hati scel ebr at edby Wor l d”s howcas espr oduct i on hi phopf ansal lovert hewor l d!

anFr anci s co’ sLi lPet ehasbeendomi nat i ngt heBay Ar ea’ smus i cs cenef orqui t es omet i menow, pr ovi ng hi ms el ft obeoneoft heel i t es . Fr om gar ner i ng mi l l i onsofvi ewsons ever alvi deosonhi sown, t o s ecur i ngbi gf eat ur esonhi snew al bum “ Har daway” , l i ke MoneyMan&DejLoaf , Li lPet ei ss howi ngnos i gnsofs t oppi ng anyt i mes oon. Hi svi deof or“ I nThi sLi f e”s hot byJ ayyyOmar amas s ed1 2mi l l i onvi ewswhi chi shi s tmos tvi ewedvi deot o dat e. Heal s ohasgar ner edas l ew ofot herhi t sonhi sbel t , s uch as“ NeverUnder s t andMe” , s hotbyWeThePar t ySean, whi ch f anss ayar guabl ywashi sbr eakouts i ngl e. Heal s ohashad


ot herr ecor dshehasbeenf eat ur edon, bei ngr ecogni z edby Oakl andKi ngpi nPhi l t hyRi chon t hei rj oi ntcol l abor at i on“ Al lIDo” , s hotbyRobDr i s cal . I naddi t i ont o al lt hes ucces sLi lPet ehasbeen endur i ng, hedeci dedt os t ar t ed abel“ Publ i cHous i n’ The hi sownl Label ” . Nodoubtt heyoung r apper / s i ngeri ss ett omakewaves f orgener at i onst ocome. Not manyr apper shaves etoutt odo whathehasdone, hi sl as tt as ki s onl yt obecer t i fiedbyt heRI AA, andoncet hatgoalhasbeen r eached, t her esnot el l i nghow f ar Li lPet e’ smus i calgeni uscango.

Thes i ngl ei scat chy , anddedi cat edt ot hebeaut i f ulwomenout t her el ooki ngedi bl el i keas nack. Thet r acki ss ur el yr adi of r i endl y , anddi f f er entbr eat heoff r es hai r f r om t heMobmus i ct hat st obe expect edt heAmbas s adoroft he heni tcomest os i ngl es , i t sneverbeenas ecr ett hat ea. Thevi deoi sal s oanot her BayAr combi ni ngagoodbeatwi t hwel lknownt al ent , al ot addonofdopenes s . Seei ngt he oft i mest hi si swher emagi chappens . Wel lweal l vi deomakesyour es pectt he know t heecl ect i cduoi nSaget heGemi niandFl oRi da, whynot movement , ands ur el yt hi si sanaddt ot hemi x?I nt henew s i ngl e“ Snack” , byMi ami ’ sownFl o ot herMI At ot heBAYcol l abor aRi da, hebr i ngsont woBaydes t r i ans , anot hers i ngl ewi t hhi s t i ont hatwel ovet os ee. Makes ur e par t nerSageTheGemi ni , andal s obr i ngsont heAmbas s ador t ogi vei tal i s t en, addi tt oyour oft heBayAr ea, Mr . E40!Asquot edi nmul t i pl ei nt er vi ewsby Appl eMus i candSpot i f yaccount s Fl oRi da, get t i ngE40onat r ackwasami l es t onei nhi scar eer ands uppor tt henew r ecor d. andoneoft hear t i s t shehashi ghr egar dofr es pectf or .

r adi oci r cui tvi aBi gKi d Ent er t ai nmentand M1 Pr omo, whoal lhave domi nat edt her adi owi t h hi ts ongsovert hel as t t wodecades .

f ort hepubl i cat i onand managementt eam. I na ver ys hor tandt hor ough i nt er vi ew pr oces si twas qui ckl yes t abl i s hedt hat hi st enur easaar t i s t over s hadowedbyhi s bus i nes sacumenasan ex ecut i vei nt hemus i c i ndus t r y .

DJJ 1 2i sanewcomeri n compar i s ont os omeof t heot herbi gnamel ocal DJ ’ sl i keChuyGomez, DJ Ri ckLee, DJMi ndmot i on, butt hati swhati ss oi nt er es t i ngaboutt hi sDJ . Ast hel eadDJatFOD Ent er t ai nment , hecont i nuest obr eakbar r i er s , andget t i nghi sl ead ar t i s tPhi l t hyRi chi nt o pl ayl i s t st hr oughoutt he BayAr ea. Bei ngar enounDJi nas paceas akl andsownDJJ 1 2 ar geast heBayAr eai snoeas y hasbeent heOf fici al l t as k, r adi opol i t i cs , cl ubpol i t i cs , DJf orf orhuge ngt hecr owdsat t encompani esl i keYoung andkeepi i ont hr oughoutanent i r es eti sa Cal i f or ni a, Empi r eDi s t r i but i on, t r uecr af t , DJJ 1 2hasbeenr enoun aswel lasar t i s t sCl ydeCar s on, t owdf avor i t e, andhi m RayvenJ us t i ce, andmos tnot a- asacr i ni ngas l ew ofl ocaland bl yPhi l t hyRi ch. Notonl ydoes headl i onalevent ss houl dmakeyou hes er veasaDJt os omeoft he nat s t andhi st al entandexper mos tnot abl enamesi nt heBay under i s ei sunmat ched. W hat smos t ea, hei sr es pect edonal lci r - t Ar not i ceabl ei ss eei nghi st r ue cui t sf r om r adi ot ocl ubs , and ex ci t ementi npr omot i ngl ocal t oevent hel ocalar t i s t s . f avor i t ePhi l t hyRi ch, t heys of ar haver el eas edt womi xt apes , fir s t Heal s ocanbes eenont he onewast heNERNLVol ume4” , r oadwi t hOakl and’ sown andal s oPhi l t hyRi ch’ s“ J udged Phi l t hyRi ch, wher ehes er ves 2”Mi xt ape, bot hpr oj ect shad ashi sof fici alt ourDJ , per f or m- by1 hewhoswhoofl ocalandnat i oni ngatevent sl i keRol l i ngLoud, t alhi phopact s . Makes ur et o andmanyot herbi gname ear cht hos epr oj ect sonl i neand event s . Heal s owor kswi t hour s eDJJ 1 2, t hehot t es tDJ ’ sup t nerOPOut t aPocket , who googl par andcomi ng! i sdeepl yconnect edt ot he

Af t ert hei nt er ns hi phe qui ckl yes cal at edf r om i nt er nt odecor at ed manageront her i s e, as hes i gnedhi scl os e f r i endLayyt ohi smanagement , andi nLayy’ s debutr el eas e“ My Br ot her sKeeper ” , hi s debutar t i s thadaqui ck anFr anci s co’ sown “ Chedda”oron I ns t agr am as @Chedda2xxi soneof t hepr emi erupcomi ngmus i c manager si nt hei ndus t r y , who cont i nuest ogr abnew ar t i s t s whoar ecl ear l yont her i s e. Asa youngent r epr eneuratt he ear l yageof22year sol d, he s t ar t edof fasanar t i s tunder t heFMBmovement , orknown as“ Fami l yMafiaBus i nes s ” . Dur i ngt het i mehewasendeavor i ngasaar t i s the gr abbedt heat t ent i onofAl l BayMus i cCEO I anJ acks on, whowasof f er i ngi nt er ns hi ps

buzzi nt obei ngoneofSanFr anci s co’ shot t es tnew ar t i s t sont her i s e. Fr om t her e, hegr abbedt heat t ent i onofhi sl ongt i mement orand f r i endRudyCor puzf r om Uni t ed Pl ayaz, whomadeagr andi nt r oduct i ont oGhaziShami , whos hor l yaf t erof f er edCheddaandLayy t hei rowndi s t r i but i onvi aEmpi r e Di s t r i but i on. Si ncet henhehas gai nedt hes eatofuppermanagementatAl lBayMus i c, aswel las gai nedmanagementf orar t i s t s Br i l l4TheThr i l l , J oeMar i , andTC Low. Al lofwhi char ear guabl y s omeoft hehot t es tar t i s t sont he r i s ei nNor t her nCal i f or ni a. Wel ook f or war dt os eei ngwhathedoes f r om her e!


been, knowi ngwher eI ' m atasaar t i s t , and f ocus i ngonwher eI ' m goi ngf r om her e. I am happyabouts t ar t i nganew m ovem ent , t odeci dewhatIwannas how t her es toft he wor l d, t heybeenl ooki ngf oryear swheni t com est ot heBayAr eaanyway. ABM: I s t her eanyar t i s t syouwoul dl i ket owor kwi t h i nt hef ut ur e?BuddahMack: Notr eal l y, as ofnow notyet . Butt her esnos hadet her e. I gr ew upont heCougnut ’ s , t heJ Tt haBi gga Fi gga' s , t heRBLPos s e’ s . Iwasf eat ur edon Gol dt oescl as s i cal bum " 1 7Reas ons " , whi ch i spar tofmyownl egacyasanar t i s t . Back t henyouhadRi chi eRi chand4Tayon r ackswi t h2Pac, s oIwant edt owor kwi t h t t hepeopl ei nandf r om mycom m uni t y. Sh* tIus edt os al eGLP( GetLow Pl ayaz) mi xt apesbacki nt heday, andwewas get t i ni t . Butnow…i tf eel sl i kei ti sm or e aboutt hepr oductandl es saboutt he per s oncr eat i ngi t . Al otoft hes ecat sr ap aboutever yt hi ngt hatNEVERhappenedt o t hem ( l aughs ) . Soi t ' sr eal l yeas yt owantt o getdownwi t has oundorvi be, butnots o eas yt or ockwi t hs om eoft hepeopl et hat cr eat et hem . Gam er ecogni zegam e&r eal r ecogni zer eal !I ’ mj us ts ayi ng. ABM: Any bus i nes svent ur esyouwannat el lt hepubl i c about ?BuddahMack: Mybr andi sBuddah MackandMackGangMus i ci sas econdar y vent ur eIam wor ki ngon. Apr oj ectcal l ed, “ Bl oodi sThi ckerThanBaywat er ”hasbeen i nt hem aki ngf orawhi l e. Ihaveal ar ge


f am i l ybot hi m m edi at eandext endedt hat ar ear t i s t s , edi t or s , cam er am en, ent r epr eneur s , r eall i f eboysi nt hem s t r eet s …j us ta whol el otofs m ar tandt al ent edpeopl e. Put t i ngt hepi ecest oget heri sal waysan obs t acl ewhenbui l di ngs om et hi nggr eat . I m eanhow wasRom ebui l t ?Br i ckbybr i ck dearci t i zen, br i ckbybr i ck. Ipl anondoi ng t hes am ei nt hem ont hsandyear sahead cont i nuel ayi ngdownani cef oundat i onf or mys el f , br i ckbybr i ck. Iam al s obei ngf eat ur edi nam ovi ecal l ed" DeepI nI t " . Lot sof s t uf fi ns t or ef orBuddahMackf or2020. ABM: W her ecanpeopl efindyouonl i ne? BuddahMack:Iam onal ldi gi t alpl at f or ms i Tunes , Ti dal , Spot i f y, Pandor a, YouTube, Am azon, SoundCl oud, al lofi t !Iwoul dj us t as kf ort hepeopl et ot aket het i m eand

checkm eout . Af ew m om ent soutof yourdayt os har eal lt hebl oods weat andt ear sIputi nt ot hi snar r at i veofmy cur r entj our neycal l edl i f e. Fr i s cos t and up!ABM: Anyl as twor ds ?BuddahMack: Man, youknow t heBuddahMact hat youar egonnahear , i snott hes am e per s on, Ihavegr ownup!Shoutoutt o Al lBayMus i cMagazi ne. Makes ur eyou gr abt hat" Pr oper t yandPas s por t s " al bum , t hi si sas peci alr el eas eandi s mybes twor kt odat e. Thankst oal lmy f ans !

Put t i ngt hepi eces t oget heri sal waysan obs t acl ewhen bui l di ngs omet hi ng gr eat . Imeanhow wasRomebui l t ?Br i ck bybr i ckdearci t i zen, br i ckbybr i ck. WWW. ALLBAYMUSI C. COM |ALL BAY MUSI C MAGAZI NE |1 1

Ihaven’ tmetas i ngl eper s onwhohas n’ tvi bed t ocomeupi nmyownl anewi t hmyown wi t ht hes ong. Ever ybodyf unkswi t hmymus i c peopl e. Ther e’ st oomanys el fis har t i s t sand becaus ei thasas oundnobodyhashear dand I ’ mj us tt r yi ngt oeatwi t hmyf ami l y. ABM: al ooknobodyhass eenper i od. ABM: W hatar e Anybus i nes svent ur esyouwannat el lt he youcur r ent l ywor ki ngon?HBHank: SHOW - publ i cabout ?HBHank: SEPTEMBER20t h. TI METheWave. Pr es ent edbyme, HB Hank. I t SH O W TIM ETheAl bum pr es ent edby has1 0t r acks . At i mel es sal bum. 5unr el eas ed mys el fandmybr andTheWave. Don’ tf or get mus i cvi deosf r om t hatal bum al one. I mma t hatdat e. I t ’ sgonebehuge. TheWavebr and keeppus hi ngt hi sAl bum wi t hal lt hevi deos i smyper s onalvent ur eandI ’ veputal otof at t achedt oi tbecaus ei tdes er vest her ecogni -t i meandwor ki nt oi t . Cl ot hi ng/ Cannabi s / Mut i onf oral lt het i meanddedi cat i ont hatwent s i c/ Ar t , i t ’ sal li ncor por at edandt r ademar ked. i nt oi t . I t ’ sbei ngr el eas edt hr oughEmpi r eDi s - Idon’ twantt obet he” nextCooki es ”Iwant t r i but i onSept ember20t hoft hi syear , 201 9. I Thi obebi ggert hant hat , t het ypeof sWavet s ai di ti nmys ong“ MadatMe” , “ 201 9, t hat ’ smy wavet odr ownever ybodyi ni t swayonaTs umot her f ucki ngyear ”andImeantt hat . I t ’ s namil evel . ABM: W her ecanpeopl efindyou gonnabei mpos s i bl et os l ow medown. ABM: onl i ne?HBHank: Typei nHB HankandI ’ l lpop W hat ' syournextvi s ualyoupl anonr el eas i ng, upever ywher ewhet heri t ’ sagoogl es ear ch t el lusabouti t . HBHank: ‘ Secr et s ’ at r ackf r om oraYouTubes ear ch. Per i od. Youcanfindme myal bum. Is hoti ti nt heci t ywi t hanol d onMus i cPl at f or ms / WebSi t es / Soci alMedi a f r i endofmi newhodoesvi deogr aphy. Feat ur i ngWoo, mypl ayapar t nerf r om Mar i nCi t y. Weal mos tgotar r es t edi nt hepr oces sof s hoot i ngt hi smovi e. Myboysgotchas edby2 copsi nt hei rl i ps t i ckr edmus t ang, meanwhi l e t heys kur t edr i ghtbymewi t ha1 022r uger t ucked. St i ckys i t uat i onbutwemadei tout unhar medandwi t hamovi eunl i keanyt hi ng you’ ves eenbef or eper i od. ABM: I st her eany ar t i s t syouwoul dl i ket owor kwi t hi nt he f ut ur e?HBHank: Man. Ber ner , aSanFr anci s co goat . Onl yr i ghtt hatt wogoat swor ki ns ync. Mozzy, SacTownl egend. MBNelandmany ot herupandcomi ngbayar t i s t s . I ’ mr ocki ng wi t hmygener at i ont hough. 90sbabi es . Iwant -HB Hank

pl at f or msl i keI ns t agr am. Al s omake s ur et os t ayupdat edont hes e f or mst ol ookoutf ormynew webpl at s i t eandal lmynew vi deoandmus i cr el eas es . Iam nots l owi ngdown!ABM: Anyl as twor ds ?HBHank: Takeever yday asabl es s i ng. I ’ ves eenandbeenapar t ofs omemes s edupt hi ngs . W henI openmyeyesever ymor ni ngIs eei tas anew oppor t uni t y. Al waysl ookf or war d anddon’ tl ett hepas thauntyou. Al s o s houtoutt oI anandDonP, andAl lBay Mus i cMagazi nef ort heoppor t uni t y!

“ Iboughtmyfir s tgun whenIwas1 5. Gotmy ches tbl as t edwi t ht at t oosatat r aphous ei n t heMi s s i onwhenIwas 1 6. Saw oneofmycl os es t homi esgets hott hat s ameyear ” .




peopl ewantmet os oundl i keandovert hel as t coupl eofyear sI ’ vef el tl i mi t edorboxedi nbecaus eoft hat . I ’ vebeenaf r ai dofl et t i ngacer t ai ndemogr aphi cofmyf anbas e“ down” . I wantt ohavef unandbef r eewhenImake mus i c; Iwantt omakewhat everIwantandI don’ twantexpect at i onsofwhatI“ s houl d” s oundl i ke. Wi t ht hi sal bum andt hemus i cI want edt oexpr es st hatandexpos eot hers i des ofmyar tf or m wi t houtcar i ngwhatpeopl e t hi nkorbei ngj udged. . . CanILi ve. ABM: W hat ' s yournextvi s ualyoupl anonr el eas i ng, t el lus abouti t . J . Mor gan: I ’ m get t i ngr eadyt or el eas e amus i cvi deof ormys ong“ LetMeKnow”f eat ur i ngLi lB. Thevi deof eat ur esmodel sand dancer sl i keSer ena, Cas s i dyann&Cuban Babi i e. I twaspr oducedbymycompanyGr own UpEnt er t ai nmentandfil medanddi r ect edby NobeI nfGang. ABM: W hat si tl i kewor ki ngwi t h Li lB t heBas edGod?J . Mor gan: Li lB i sr eal l y dope!Hei ss uperpos i t i veandi ns pi r i ngatal l t i mes . W henyou’ r ear oundhi m youcan’ thel p butf eelt hegr eatener gyandt hatener gyi s s omet hi ngt hatIf eedof foff ors ur e. Il ookf or war dt odoi ngmor ewor kwi t hLi lB andi t ’ s defini t el yi nt hewor ks !THANKYOU BASED GOD! ! ! ! ! !ABM: Wes eeyoudoi ngaheavycampai gnonr adi o, what ss t at i onsdi dyougot o, whatDJ' sdi dyoumeet ?J . Mor gan: Yes !Wedi d aCal i f or ni apr es sr unt opr omot et heCanILi ve al bum wi t hOneUmbr el l a. Wewentt oKMELi n SanFr anci s co, KCRH i nHaywar d, Al lI nRadi o i nOakl and, 360Radi oi nSacr ament o, B95& Q97. 1i nFr es no, U92. 7i nPal m Spr i ngs , Sl acker Radi oi nSanDi egoandJam’ n95. 7i nSan


t hi ngsol dandpr ovendoes n’ tmeani t ’ s Di ego. Weal s odi ds omepodcas t sandcl ub heonl yr es pect abl ewayt odoi t . Bot h per f or mancesi nt hes er egi ons . Imetwi t hDJs t ol dandyoungpeopl es houl dt r yt o andr adi oper s onal i t i esl i keBi gVon, Chuy i s t ent ot hi ngsf r om t hepr os pect i veof Gomez, Radi oRaymondT, Bi ancaOnAi r , DJI n- l t heaudi encet hati t ’ si nt endedf or . Ar t s pi r e, DJBanks , DJEr b, Bet oPer ez, DJBaby i s n’ ts uppos edt obel i mi t ed. ABM: Boy, MCYeee, andRadi oMo. ABM: Thi nki ng ecanpeopl efindyouonl i ne?J . backt owhenyoufir s ts t ar t edoutdoyouever W her gan: ever yt hi ngi s@ j mor ganmus i c l ookbackatyourcar eerandt hi nkaboutyour Mor hebes tpl acet ogof orever yt hi ngi s ear l i erdaysandhow you' vear r i vedwher eyou butt i t e www. j mor ganmus i c. com. ar et oday?J . Mor gan: Ir emi ni s ceof t enandi t ’ s mywebs Anyl as twor ds ?J . Mor gan: Iwant amazi ngl ooki ngbackatt hepat h. Ihave1 00s ABM: ot hankal lofmys uppor t er sandf ans . I offil l ednot ebooksf r om backi nt heday. I ’ ver e- t eci at et hef ai t handl ovet hatmany cor ded1 00sofs ongsandhavebeenapar tof appr ehaves hownmeandi tal l owsme 1 00sofs hows . I ’ vel ear neds omet hi ngnew wi t h peopl or emai nmot i vat edandcr eat i ve! eachexper i enceandIhaveal otmor et ol ear n. t ABM: W hatdoyout hi nkt heol ds choolcan l ear nf r om t henew s choolandvi cever s a?J . Mor gan: Li s t eni ngwi t hanopenmi nd. Jus tbecaus es omet hi ngi snew andnott r adi t i onal does n’ tmakei tt r as handj us tbecaus es ome

I ’ m get t i ngr eadyt o r el eas eamus i cvi deo f ormys ong“ LetMe Know”f eat ur i ngLi lB. Thevi deof eat ur es model sanddancer sl i ke Ser ena, Cas s i dyann& CubanBabi i e. -J.Mor gan WWW. ALLBAYMUSI C. COM |ALL BAY MUSI C MAGAZI NE |1 7

BM: W hati syours t agenam e?Tr apps TheNom ad: Mynam eI sKhr i s t i anTr apps" TheNom ad" , I t ' ss uppos edt or eflectm or e ofmyl i f es t yl et hananyt hi ngr eal l y, I venevers t ayedi nones potwi t honegr oupofpeopl ef ort ool ong, I veal waysbeen s om ewhatofadr i f t er , Neverr eal l yfit t i ngi n, l i keIcanmyf r i endswi t hal lt ypesofpeopl ebutI ’ mj us tdi f f er entyouknow? l i ket hewayIt hi nk, andmyvi ewsont hewor l dt endt obeal otdi f f er entf r om t hos ear oundm es oIki ndaj us tdomyown t hi ngands t ayoutt heway, Ifigur edi fIwasgoi ngt obehones tt hr oughmym us i cIm i ghtaswel ls t ar twi t ht henam e. ear eyouf r om , andwhatwasi tl i kegr owi ngupt her e?Tr apps TheNom ad: Iam Fr om Val l ej oCal i f or ni a, gr owi ngupwascool ABM: W her asl ongasyouwer e, whatIm eani s , Val l ej oi ski ndas m al landever yonem or eorl es sknowseachot herwhi chwascoolbecaus eyouhad apr et t ygoodunder s t andi ngofwho' swhoandwhat st hey' r eaboutIhadapr et t ydi f f er entexper i encegr owi ngupt hanal otoft he peopl eIknew becaus eIr eal l ypi ckedandchos ewhoi ds ur r oundmys el fwi t h oratl eas tt het ypeofs hi ti dgetmys el fi nt oVal l ej o’ s wei r dl i ket hati thass om uchpot ent i albuti t sal laboutchoi ces , Ichoos et oki ndas t ayt omys el fandj us tobs er veandl ear nedf r om t hos ear oundm er at hert handi vi ngi nt os hi tIhadnobus i nes sget t i ngi nt o. ABM: W hatar eyourl as tf ul ll engt hr el eas espeopl ecango checkoutr i ghtnow?Tr apps TheNom ad: Thel as tf ul lr el eas e, woul dpr obabl ybe" TheNom adi cExper i ence"t hathasact ual l ybeenout f orawhi l et he" of fici al "r el eas ewasabout1 0t r acksand20m i nut esl ongt hatdr oppedonYouTubeandSoundcl oudbutt hephys i cal copi eshadaf ew bonust r ackst hef ew r eal l ybr oughtt hes t or yt oget heryoucanfindt hos eonl i net oobutass epar at er el eas esnott i ed t ot hepr oj ectatal l . Ial s os pentt heent i r et yof201 8r el eas i ngapr oj ecti npi ecest hatI m wor ki ngt ocom pi l et oget hert of or m" Of fTo Mar s "( whi chhas n' tof fici al l ydr oppedyet ) . ABM: W hatar eyoucur r ent l ywor ki ngon?Tr apps TheNom ad: Ri ghtnow I vej us tbeenwor ki ngont r yi ngt om ake" of ft om ar s "t el lt hes t or yIm eantf ori tt oconvey, al s obeenpl anni ngaconceptf ormynextpr oj ectcal l ed" Com f or tI nCol or s "wher eI ' l lt r yt ot akeyoubackandbr eakdown( f r om myunder s t andi ng)t hef undam ent alas pect sofhow t heuni ver s e



“ Devi nHaney” st yl e.Il ear nf r om somanydi f f er entpeopl eandt obeabl et oputal lt hat i nt ome,andIam whatcomesoutofal lof t hoseguysputt oget her .ABM:W hoar esome oft hebusi nessment hathavei nspi r edyou? You’ r eoneoft heyoungestboxi ngpr omot er s everi nt hegame.DH:Pr et t ymuch…Mypops gavemet hegameatayoungageandt aught met hebusi ness.How t obesmar tandhow t o mar ketmysel f ,st uf fl i ket hatandI ’ m st i l l l ear ni ng.Hehadsuchahugei nfluenceont he busi nesspar tofmycar eer .ABM:W hat ’ st he fir stt hi ngt hatcomest oyourmi ndwhenI sayt hesenames ?TankDavi s ?DH:It hi nkhe’ s agoodst r ongfight er . ABM:Teofimo Lopez…DH:Het al kal ot !ABM:Youknow what , Isaw hi sl astfight .Hecompl ai nedatt heend oft hefightt hatt hedudewast oot al land t hathewasn’ tgoi ngt ofightnomor et al l dudes.ThenIl ookedatyourfightwi t hAnt oni oMor anandhewas6’ 2.Hewast al l ert han t hatdude.DH:Youknow t heseguys. .I t ’ sal ot mor ebar kandnobi t e.W hent heygeti na t oughfight ,t hent heymakeexcuses.Ial ways knew whatt ypeoffight erhewasandIknew t hatt hemomentwoul dcomewher ehe woul dsomewhatgetexposedandIf eell i ke t hat ' swhathappened.ABM:Doyout hi nkLomachenkoi sdodgi ngyou?DH:Onet hi ngI cansayaboutt hespor tofboxi ngi st hat t her e’ sal otofpol i t i cs.Ther e’ sal otoft hi ngs

goi ngonbehi ndt hescenest hatal otof peopl edon’ tknow about .Idof eell i ket hat t hat ' snotafighthei si nar usht omake butwoul dn’ tsayt hatheducki nme,buti t ’ s al otofeasi erfight st hat ’ soutt her esowhy t akear i skfight i ngafight erl i kemei fhe coul dfightamucheasi erfight erl i keTeofimoLopez.ABM:Ok,soI ’ vebeenseei ng youi nsomecl eanf ashi ongear .Tel lme yourf ashi onst yl e.DH:I tr eal l yj ustdepends ont heday,somet i mesIwantt obel i ke hypebeast .Ij ustwantt ot hr ow onawhol e Gucciout fit .Li keflashy,andsomedaysI j ustwantt obeonchi l lt ypeshi t .Idefini t el y l i kef ashi on.That ’ swher eIcanexpr ess mysel faal ot .I nst eadofl i keout si deoft he r i ngandpeopl er eal l ywantt oseewhatI ’ m

“ Atanygi venday andt i meyoumay bei nt hewr ong pl aceort hewr ong t i memi ghtbe doi ngt oomuch andanyt hi ngcan happen” . DEVIN HANEY


goi ngt owear .ABM:Thel astt i meI seenyouwi t ht heGuccigearonatt he l astfight .W hati nspi r edyou?DH:Wel l youknow,DapperDan,he’ sl i kebi gi n t hef ashi oni ndust r yandwel i nkedup wi t hhi m.Iwant edt ogi vemyf ans somet hi ngdi f f er ent .Iwant edt hef ans t or eal l yl ookatmyout fitandknow t hati twasGucci .DapperDanmade myonebef or et hat ,buti fyouknew i t wasGucciyouknew i t ,butal otof peopl edi dn’ tknow soIwant edi tt obe flashy.Iwant edi tt opop.ABM:Tel lus wher et ofindyouonsoci almedi a.DH: I nst agr am,Twi t t er@t her eal devi nhaneyABM:So,yougot t afight comi ngup.W hat ’ st hedat e?DH:November9t h.Cancat chi tont heapp DAZN,oryoucanj ustst ayt unedi nt o myI nst agr am andTwi t t erf orupdat es oni t .ABM:I st her eanyl astt hi ngsyou wantt osay?DH:Shoutoutt oal lmy peopl ei nt heBayAr eaf orsuppor t i ng me,Ibef eel i ngt hel ove.Il oveever ybodyoutt her e.Theysuppor tmeal ot andIappr eci at et hem andI ’ m gone keepput t i ngi tonf ort heBayAr ea.


Ki ngi nPi nol ewewer et r yi ngt o t obel i evei nmesomuch,Ir eal l yap-andwebr ai nst or medi deas. It ol d figur eoutourcl i ckname,wewen' t pr eci at et hat .Shei sabi gcompo- hi m whatIwast r yi ngt odowi t ht he t hr oughhel l anameswesai d" HBK" nentt owhyI ' m goi ngsohar d,and br andandhehel pedmeexpandi t . wehadaf ew defini t i onsatfir st whyIwannast r i vet obet hebestI Now i t saar tgal l er y,f oodand2 " Hel l aBr i ghtKi ds"" Hel l aBasedKi ds"canbe. ABM:W hati sI tl i kewor ki ng st ages. ABM:W hat ' st hef ut ur ef or HashBr ownKi ds"l ol ! Wewasj ust wi t hGEazy? I AMSU:Coolhet ook I AMSU? I AMSU:Justdi f f er entbusi pl ayi ngar oundwi t hi t ,t hen" Hear t meonat our ,he' soneoft hemost nessvent ur es.Il ovecl ot hi ngandof BeakGang"j ustst ucksower anwi t h humbl epeopl eIhaveevermet .Es- cour semor emusi c. Devel opi ngmy i t . ABM:W hatwasyourfir stsi ngl e peci al l yf orsomeonewhohas l abelasf arasi tcango. Igotmy t hatpoppedof f ?How di di tf eel gai nedt hatmuchsuccesst ost ay mer chst or ecomi ngonl i ne. ABM: whenyoufir sthear dyour sel font he r oot edIadmi r et hat . ABM:W hatdi d W her ecanpeopl efindyouat ? r adi o?I AMSU:Myfir stsi ngl ewas i tt aket oputont heI amSummer I AMSU:Onmywebsi t e hbki amcal l ed" IKnow W hatToDoW i t hI t "i n Fest i val ?I AMSU:I twaski ndal i ket he su. com ABM:Anyl astwor dsorany2009.Hear i ngmysel font her adi o uni ver sebr oughti tt oget her .Iwent bodyyouwannagi veashoutoutt o? ort hefir stt i me,aw mani twas t oaar tgal l er yatt heMi dwayand I AMSU : Shoutoutt oGod,myMama! f ever yt hi ng!Iwasi nt hefir stBay r ani nt ot hegener almanager ,we Shoutoutt oAl l BayMusi candDonP. Ar eaFr eshman1 0Shoutoutt oDJ exchangedi nf o.Hegavemeat our Iappr eci at et he oppor t uni t yYee! Amenhepl ayedmyr ecor d.Bi gVon " I t ' sOnl yOneWay,Pur eLove". announcedmeandonceMi nd ThankYou. Mot i onandChuyGomezhear dme Iwentt ohi ghs chool t heyhadmedoacust om r emi xt o Chr i sBr own" LookatMeNow"af t er t hhel l ar apper smy t hat1 06KMELdr oppedever ysi ngl e wi Ipr emi er ed.Iwasatever ySummer r oPLo, YoungBar i , Jam. Ibel i evet heypl ayedabi gpar t b ofwher eIam t oday.ABM:W hati si t S howy, Al lBl ack, AKA l i kewor ki ngwi tyourmot herasyour manager ? I AMSU:I t ' sabl essi ng!I t ' s F r ank, weal lwentt o nel ove! Imeani t ' smomsbut , genui asaper sonIr espectherwor ket hi c Pi nol eVal l ey -IAMSU andherbel i efi nt hepr oduct .Forher 32| ALL BAY MUSI C MAGAZI NE | WWW. ALLBAYMUSI C. COM


BM:W hati syourst agename? Bl ancoJami son:Myst agenamei sBl anco Jami son.ABM: W her ear eyouf r om,andwhat wasi tl i kegr owi ngupt her e?Bl ancoJami son:I mf r om Mont er ey,CA.I n1 989Iwasbor nandl i vedi nSal i nast i l lIwasi n t he3r dgr adeandt henImovedt oGonzal esi n’ 98.Gr owi ngupher eyoul ear nt hatst r eetsmar t sget syouj ustasf ari f notf ar t hert hanbooksmar t s,Iwasr ai sedt ohavebot h.I hadt ogr ow upqui ckert hanal otofmypeer s,Igotsentout ofst at eatt heageof1 4f orget t i ngi nsomet r oubl eandwassepar at edf r om myf ami l yandf r i endst i l lIgr aduat edand camebackt oCal i f or ni a.Si nceI ’ vebeenbackI ’ vef ocusedonst ayi ngoutoft r oubl e,andmaki ngmusi c.ABM: W hatar eyourl astf ul l l engt hr el easespeopl ecangocheckoutr i ghtnow?Bl ancoJami son:Myal bum “ YearOfTheTakeover( Y. O. T. T. O) ”i sonmostdi gi t al out l et sl i keAppl eMusi c,Spot i f y,TI DAL,andmanyot herspot s.ABM: W hatar eyoucur r ent l ywor ki ngon?Bl ancoJami son:Asofnow I ’ vej ustbeenwr i t i ngher eandt her e,I ’ m notr eal l ywor ki nonanycer t ai npr oj ect ,I ’ vej ustbeenhavi ngf unwi t hi t .ABM: W hat ’ syour l astvi sualr el easepeopl ecancheckout ,t el lusabouti t .Bl ancoJami son:Ri ghtnow novi sual satt hemoment ,butI ’ vegotsongson i ke“ Somet i mes”ont heBl ancoJami sonOf fici alchannel .Justgot oYouTubeandsear ch“ Bl ancoJami sonOf fici alPage” YouTubel andIshoul dpopup.Gi vemeal i st enyouwon’ tbedi sappoi nt ed!ABM: I st her eanyar t i st syouwoul dl i ket owor kwi t hi nt hef ut ur e? Bl ancoJami son:Honest l yt her ei st oomanyt oname,I ’ m al waysdownt owor kwi t hnew peopl e.ABM: Anybusi nessvent ur esyou wannat el lt hepubl i cabout ?Bl ancoJami son:Ri ghtnow mymai nf ocusi sr eal l yj ustget t i ngmymusi ccar eerof ft hegr ound,Ir eal i ze consi st encyi sever yt hi ngf ormusi csor i ghtnow Ibeenonabr eakget t i ngr eadyf ort henextr oundofpr omot i ons.It r yt onotgetal l i nt ot heBSpol i t i cscausei nt heendIl ovemaki ngmusi c.ABM: W her ecanpeopl efindyouonl i ne?Bl ancoJami son: Fol l ow meonI nst agr am at @Bl ancoJami son andyoucanal sofindmeonFacebook j ustsear chf orme“ Bl anco Jami son“ .Al soonYouTubeat“ Bl anco Jami sonOf fici alPage“ .ABM: Anyl astwor ds?Bl ancoJami son: Youcan’ tr ushgr eat nessandyoucan’ tf or ceper f ect i on.I fyoudon’ t l ovei tdon’ tdoi t ,f uckanopi ni onofanyonewhoi sn’ thel pi ngyougett ot hepaper !Godbl essedmewi t ht al entsoi mmashi neaccor di ngl y!



BM:W hati syourst agename? HI nfini t y:HI nfini t yandi fyour eal l yknow meyoucancal lmeFi guer o.ABM: W her ear e youf r om,andwhatwasi tl i kegr owi ngupt her e?HI nfini t y:Iwasbor ni nL. A.butr ai sedi nt heBayAr ea,mai nl yi nEast Oakl and, CA.i twasdopegr owi ngupher ebecauseIwasal waysar oundadi ver segr ouppeopl eandmysel fbei ngBe l i zeanaddedont ot hat . ABM: W hatar eyourl astf ul ll engt hr el easespeopl ecangocheckoutr i ghtnow?HI nfini t y:My mostr ecentsi ngl er i ghtnow i s" Jasmi ne” ,whi chi savai l abl eonal lmaj orpl at f or msal ongsi dewi t hmyot herwor ks.My pl ani st okeepdr oppi ngdopesi ngl est ocat chear sbef or eigi veapr oj ect .Iwanti tt of eell i keIear nedt her i ghtt odr op apr oj ectf ormyaudi ence,Iwantt hem t obugmef oranal bum l i ke" wehear denoughweneedapr oj ectnow pl ease" .ABM: W hat ar eyoucur r ent l ywor ki ngon?HI nfini t y:Cur r ent l yr i ghtnow I ’ m wor ki ngonal otofmusi c,al otofr ecor di ngandput t i ngdownr ough dr af t sbecauseIdon' tphysi cal l ywr i t emusi c,ever yt hi ngyouheari sal lment alnot esIkeepandpi ecet oget herf ort hefinalexecut i on.Li keIsai dbef or eIpl ant okeepdr oppi ngt hesedopesi ngl esandcat chal lt hoseear soutt her e.ABM: W hat ' syourl astvi sualr el easepeopl ecancheckout ,t el lusabouti t .HI nfini t y:I fyougot omyYouTubechannelWal ki ngCl assi cyou' l lseesomememevi deos Icr eat edf orf unbutmusi cwi seyouwi l lseemyl astl i veper f or manceatt heNew Kar i bbeanCi t yi nOakl and.I twasat al entshow and Idi dn' twi nbuti tdi df eelgr eatbei ngupt her el i vebecausepr i ort ot hatIai n' tbeenonst agei nyear swhi chi sawhol eot herst or y andi nt er vi ew whi chdeal swi t hdepr essi on,bei ngef f edoveri nt hi si ndust r yandgi vi nguponyourdr eamsf ort hewr ongr easons. butyeahmusi cvi deosi sdefini t el ysomet hi ngIwi l lbewor ki ngonasIdr opt hesesi ngl esoratl eastsomet ypeofvi deovi sual i zer s f orent er t ai nment . ABM: I st her eanyar t i st syouwoul dl i ket owor kwi t hi nt hef ut ur e?HI nfini t y:Mostdefini t el yf r om t hej ump Anyonef r om T. D. E,hel leveni fIcangetasongmi xedbyAl it hatwoul dbegoodenoughf orme.TheCoolKi dsasagr oupandasi ndi vi dual s( Si rMi chealRocks&ChuckI ngl i sh)t hoseguysar emymusi calher oest heywer eW AYaheadoft hei rt i me.FashoE40, Mi st ahF. A. B,HBkGang,TooShor teven. .i fwedi dn' tr ecor dandj usthadaconvot hatwoul dbeabl essi ngenoughf ormet oobt ai n anyknowl edgef r om t hem. ABM: W her ecanpeopl efindyouonl i ne?HI nfini t y:Twi t t er :@wal ki ngcl assi c I nst agr am:@t hewal ki ng cl assi c Yout ube:Wal ki ngCl assi c,andmywebsi t ecomi ngsoon! ABM: Anyl astwor ds?HI nfini t y:Yeah,#Wal ki ngcl assi c



BM:W hati syourst agename?L. O. C. : L. O. C.ABM: W her ear eyouf r om,andwhatwasi tl i kegr owi ngupt her e?L. O. C.: Iwasr ai sedi nOl dAl var adot own,i nUni onCi t y,Cal i f or ni a.ABM: W hatar eyourl astf ul ll engt hr el easespeopl ecango checkoutr i ghtnow?L. O. C.: Wel lr i ghtnow Ihavebeenheavyont hegr i ndpr omot i ngmynew pr oj ect “ Pecador es& I nnocent s"andbef or et hati s" FuckYouPayMe"al bum.Bot hpr oj ect shavegot t enani cebuzz,I ’ m get t i nggoodf eed backont heal bums.ABM: W hatar eyoucur r ent l ywor ki ngon?L. O. C.: Ri ghtnow I ’ mi nt hest udi owor ki ongonmy oal bum " Bar r i o” .Shoul dbemydopestpr oj ectyet !ABM: W hat ' syourl astvi sualr el easepeopl ecancheckout ,t el lusabout nextsol i t .L. O. C.: Wel l yea,t hesongandvi deoi scal l ed" Connect ed"f eat ur i ngJayMal ooutofGer many,i t scr azycol l abor at i onspeci al l yhi m beenoutofGer manyandmaki ngavi deowassomet hi ngnew f ormet obr i ngi tal lt oget her ,butwemadei thappen.I t ’ sf orsur ea hood ant hem.ABM: I st her eanyar t i st syouwoul dl i ket owor kwi t hi nt hef ut ur e?L. O. C. : Wel lYes,t woar t i st sIwoul ddefinat el yl ove t owor kwi t har eE40,andPhi l t hyRi ch.ABM: Anybusi nessvent ur esyouwannat el lt hepubl i cabout ?L. O. C. : Ofcour semeandmy ot herdoi ncl ot hi ngl i ne,BayLi f e,i ti sal i f est yl ewher ewecomi ngf r om, checkhi m outoni nst agr am at@bar r i o_ ol d_ar t e.ABM: br W her ecanpeopl efindyouonl i ne?L. O. C.: yout ube l ochoodmusi xandI nst agr am l ochoodmusi c.ABM: Anyl astwor ds?L. O. C. : Shoutoutt oal lt hef answhost ayl oyalandkeepl i st eni ng t omymusi ct hr uoutt heyear smuchl oveandr espect ,youal r eadyknow whoi ti sman!


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