6 minute read

Academic Year 18

What is your favorite part about working in the Civic Engagement Office in the Allegheny Gateway?


I get to work with students, and I get to work with very passionate coworkers that inspire me to try harder everyday. I also really enjoy the atmosphere of support that we have as a department.


My favorite part about working in the Civic Engagement Office would be the opportunity to collaborate and learn from others on a daily basis. Everyone has their own unique gifts and strengths, and seeing those strengths helps me become a better worker and better person. My favorite part about the Allegheny Gateway is all the opportunities it provides for students and the Meadville community. More and more, we hear about the integral role that colleges and universities play in the sustainability of the cities around them. Seeing the work the Gateway provides for the community is truly energizing.

What's one skill that you're working on, and why is it important to who you are and the work that you do?


I want to improve my communication skills with students and our service sites because I think that I am a crucial point person for both parties.


One skill that I consistently work to improve is my public speaking and presentation skills. In my role, I am asked to deliver messages to our cohort, community partners, and recruits. Prior to this position, I had an extreme fear of public speaking. With that said, after practicing and consistently stepping out of my comfort zone, I have noticed small improvements.

What's one thing you've accomplished that you're really proud of?


I am really proud of gaining the opportunity to join this team of amazing hard working people and have the opportunity to motivate students just as I was to be leaders in their communities.


One thing that I am proud of myself for is working a full-time job and working on my master’s degree. It has been a difficult journey with many obstacles on the way, but I would do it all over again if I could.

What's the best advice you were ever given?


“Dream Big.” I was always told to dream, despite my legal status, despite being first year, just to dream big and to bring others along as well.

Story continued on page 20

Community and Justice students sharing favorite texts.

My favorite part about the Allegheny Gateway is all the

opportunities it provides for students and the Meadville

community. More and more we hear about the integral

role that colleges and universities play in the sustainability of the cities around them.

Seeing the work the Gateway provides for the community is truly energizing.

Ben Helkowski


This may not exactly be a piece of advice, but rather something important that I learned from reading, but the idea that everyone is doing the best they can given their resources and experiences. I truly believe that, on the whole, everyone wants to be ‘good’ and do ‘good;’ however, our beliefs are shaped by our experiences which lead to disagreements and conflict. By understanding this, I feel that I have been able to understand where people are coming from, particularly those who I have differences with.

Where do you hope to see yourself in five years?


In five years I would really like to own my own home and continue doing the work I do today. I would also like to be enrolled into a doctorate program.


I talk about this question with friends quite often. There are some people who have nearly their entire life figured out and there are those who are taking life day-by-day. I tend to fall in the latter category. Therefore, the way I answer this question may be unorthodox, but it is the best answer for me: In five years, I see myself being happy, working a job that I enjoy where I am a perfect fit for the job and the organization. I see myself having strong relationships with my friends and my family. Lastly, I see myself being mentally healthy, physically healthy, and continuously learning and growing.

What's your favorite quote and why?


“People think of Latina Women as being fiery and fierce, which is usually true. But I think the quality that so many Latinas possess is strength.” — Zoe Saldana.

All my life I have had the responsibility of proving myself worthy as the older sibling, as a science nerd, as a physics major and as a woman. This quote just reminds me of the strength that I possess and hope to spread into other women of color.


I don’t consider myself a "quote person," so I had to steal this from a friend: “Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes.” — Walt Whitman

I enjoy this quote because, consistent with the theme I have been portraying thus far, it highlights the complexity of humans and nature itself.

What is one thing that you're especially passionate about?


I am really passionate about higher education and immigration rights but overall I am very passionate about equal rights for all minorities.


One thing that I am passionate about is continuous growth and learning. I am now 25 years old and I have probably spent one-third of my time in school, learning. With that said, I did not develop my passion of learning until recently. I found myself wanting to know more about the world once I began graduate school, and now I believe I have found my passion.

What's the most important thing that you've learned within the last month?


I have met the most amazing seniors that will do great things in their community but also I have learned that I was made for this role and am very appreciative that I took this chance.


I am currently reading a book called On Grand Strategy by John Lewis Gaddis and I am roughly halfway through. Currently, he is discussing the ability to hold two contradictory ideas in your head and still being able to create a strategy. While it is important for leaders to have a plan, it is also important that they can understand different perspectives and have the ability to ‘pivot’ when necessary. 

Civic Engagement Staff

From left:

Gabrielle Bradshaw, AmeriCorps VISTA Project Director Jeniffer Gonzalez Reyes, Bonner Program Coordinator Nikki Hawk ’18, AmeriCorps VISTA Dave Roncolato ’79, Director of Civic Engagement Jennifer Kessner, Gateway Office Manager Bethany Ozorak ’13, Assistant Director for Community-Based Projects Olivia Lang ’11, Associate Director of Civic Engagement and Bonner Program Director Ben Helkowski, AmeriCorps VISTA Program Coordinator

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