Common Categories Of Injuries Covered Under Workers’ Compensation:
Once it is determined that you were injured on the job, it will be decided what type of injury you have suffered. An injury does not need to be the result of a sudden accident such as a fall. Injuries that result due to repeated physical motions while performing your job are also covered by workers’ compensation. Types of injuries are defined in California Labor Code §3208.1: “An injury may be either: (a) “specific,” occurring as the result of one incident or exposure which causes disability or need for medical treatment; or (b) “cumulative,” occurring as repetitive mentally or physically traumatic activities extending over a period of time, the combined effect of which causes any disability or need for medical treatment.
The Types Of Injuries You Can Sustain Are: ❖ Specific Injury :
❖ Cumulative Trauma
A specific injury is an injury that has a definite time and place of occurrence. Examples of a specific injury are if you fell off a ladder while on the job and broke your leg or if you lifted a heavy box while on the job and sprained your back. These occurrences have an established specific time and place attached to the event that caused you damage.
These injuries are also known as “repetitive” injuries. Injuries that occur over a period of time and are due to a repetitive action or exposure are cumulative injuries. Some common cumulative injuries are repetitive use of a keyboard, which leads to carpal tunnel syndrome, constant exposure to chemicals or toxins resulting in respiratory issues, or continuous heavy lifting of objects that leads to back problems.
â?– Psychiatric or Emotional
A worker may have a claim against their employer for suffering mental or emotional injuries due to working in a stressful environment. However, pursuant to California Labor Code Section 3208.3, there are certain complex and lengthy criteria that the employee must meet for this type of injury to be compensable. Additionally, an employee may be able to claim a mental or emotional injury as a result of the physical injuries suffered at the workplace
If you believe that suffered a specific injury, cumulative injury, or psychiatric or emotional injury, it is important to speak to the knowledgeable and skilled workers compensation attorneys, as they will help you determine these type of injury you have suffered and which benefits are available to you.
Contact - San Francisco Attorney
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