Injured In A Car Accident? The Do’s To Receive Compensation

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Being injured in a car accident is a traumatizing experience that can cost you tens of thousands to millions of dollars in damages. Surely, you will want to recover damages after an auto accident but this is not always the easiest thing to do considering the number of legal challenges you will have to overcome to receive compensation.

1. Call the police and let them write a police report. If the damages are minimal and there are only insignificant property damages, calling the cops is optional. 2. Collect the following information from the other motorist: name, address, phone number, driver’s license number, insurance coverage information, policy number, etc. 3. Speak to the eyewitnesses, if any, and write down their contact information. You might need their testimony if your case goes to trial.

4. Take pictures and videos at the scene of the car accident. Take photographs from different angles, focusing on the car wreckage, skid marks, your injuries, the placement of the vehicles, and other things that may help your lawyer and accident reconstruction experts establish fault. 5 Notify the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) about your accident in case of personal injury, death, and/or property damage that exceeds $750. “Do not forget that you only have 10 days to notify the DMV, and you will have to do this even if you were not at-fault for the accident,� says their experienced car accident attorney in San Francisco.

6. Seek medical attention. Do not make the common mistake of waiting several days before seeking medical attention. By doing this, you may put the validity of your personal injury claim in jeopardy and, therefore, reduce the value of your compensation. 7 Be honest with your primary treating physician and do not exaggerate the severity of your injuries. Also, do not forget to tell your doctor about all your pain and suffering, as you may be able to recover damages for your pain and suffering as part of your personal injury settlement as well.

Speak to your insurance company only after you have consulted with your San Francisco car accident attorney. Failure to seek legal advice after an auto accident can result in the loss of your right to bring a personal injury lawsuit, as insurance companies will do whatever it takes to deny your coverage or minimize the value of your compensation.


871 Page Street San Francisco, CA 94117


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