Live on Charity

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European Journal of Developing Country Studies, Vol.11 2011 ISSN(paper)2668-3385 ISSN(online)2668-3687

Live on Charity: The Nature and Extent of Begging in Dhaka City Saleh Mahmud (Corresponding Author) Assistant Professor Sociology Discipline Khulna University Khulna-9209 Abstract This study is an attempt to investigate the socioeconomic and demographic profile, and livelihood pattern of beggars in Dhaka City. The more specific objectives are to obtain information about the individual and social background of beggars, the circumstances of entrance into this profession, nature of profession and professional harassments range of income and expenditure and so on. The data come from a field based survey covered a sample of 150 beggars that was conducted in different parts of Dhaka City. The study found that an overwhelming majority of the respondents come into begging voluntarily and are continuing this profession on regular basis. The accommodation status, food habit, and hygienic practice of beggars are all in bad shape. The range of per day income fluctuates from below Tk 50 to over Tk 300, while the average number of dependent family members is three. Now it is a major question cropped up in mind to transform this significant number of poor people into a productive workforce to ensure the entire nation progress. The government, the NGOs, stake holders, corporate body and the philanthropist come together in this regard. Key Words: Beggar, begging, charity, livelihood. 1.


The social scenario in the country has been changing fast due to rapid urbanisation and industrialisation. In this process, certain categories of population, due to their vulnerability, have failed to cope with these rapid changes. Therefore, beggary has become a social problem intricately interwoven with the socio-cultural and economic milieu. On the other hand, it is one of the traditional methods of assisting poor, destitute, disable and disadvantaged people in all over the world, which has been generated from the social and religious sentiments. Begging is viewed as a humiliating yet necessary means of survival for those who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Begging was defined as asking for money without an exchange of services. In some countries it is much more tolerated and in certain cases encouraged. In many, perhaps most, traditional religions, it is considered that a person who gives alms to a worthy beggar. Begging was distinguished from other street level economic activities, such as basking or being authorized to sell items, because no services were offered in return for the cash requirement (Fitzpatrick & Kennedy, 2000). It may also be defined as the act of asking for alms or charity, where alms refer to relief given out of pity to the poor (Macdonald, 1972). This issue may further be defined according to its place within state legislation and therefore, council strategy. One who habitually solicits money or other goods from those not socially responsible for his maintenance, without offering anything of equivalent value in return (Dictionary of Sociology, 1966). A person found asking for alms in any public place in such condition or manner or makes it likely that such person exists by asking for alms (Government of East Pakistan, 1962). On the other hand, many religious orders adhere to a mendicant way of life, including the Catholic mendicant orders, Hindu ascetics, some dervishes of Sufi Islam, and the monastic orders of Buddhism. A literature search on the issue of begging found that very little robust research has been conducted locally and globally. Both the international and Victorian data highlight the complexity of issues surrounding begging. Study conducted by RMIT in 1998 investigated the incidence of homelessness and disadvantaged people in Melbourne, and found a complex relationship existed between poverty, begging, drug use and homelessness (Driscoll & Wood, 1998). Study carried out in the United Kingdom, Kemp (1997) found that begging is one outcome of a range of previous life experiences that have resulted in social exclusion and isolation. Further more reports from the UK state that media reports in the 1990s promoted begging as an activity, which earned “bogus beggars� more than respectable professions (Wardhaugh & Jones, 1999). Also that begging could be viewed as a street level resource for the poor and powerless (Jordan, 1999).


European Journal of Developing Country Studies, Vol.11 2011 ISSN(paper)2668-3385 ISSN(online)2668-3687 In the national level study on begging is very much limited which obstacle to get the precise picture of beggar. Ahmadullah et al. (1962) revealed that among other reasons physical disability, lack of employment, poverty, religious sentiments, lack of possessing the power of act due to elderly, natural disaster, expired of earning members drive to begging in Bangladesh. Many homeless and poverty stricken individuals used begging as a means through which they could supplement their income. Beggary is a social problem of great magnitude and grave concern in developing countries like Bangladesh. It is the real oldest profession across the world, in Bangladesh, beggars are today everywhere just as they were 2 000 years ago. It is very difficult to generalize how and where panhandling begins. Kamat (1997) found that some beggar inherited from their ancestors, while others period of begging spans from five minutes to fifty years. Survey reports by many NGOs say there are more than 300 000 circumstantial beggars in rural Bangladesh (Rashid, 2005). In the Dhaka city alone, the number of beggars is estimated to be about 1 00 000 (Huda, 2010). They are being treated as lower caste and they are being isolated. The beggars do not have values and not even having minimum respect in the society (CSID, 2008). Because of increasing internal migration, unemployment and underemployment, natural disaster, old aged problems, childlessness, the number of beggars in the urban areas especially in the Dhaka City is going up every day. There are different kinds of beggars seen mostly begging near mosque, railway and bus station, graveyards, mazar, houses, sometimes either in a group or alone with disability. Research into begging has been carried out in different countries demonstrate that begging is most often associated with homelessness in both industrialised and developing nations, come from unstable familial backgrounds and have low education and possess inadequate professional skills to survive in the modern economy. Generally, the elderly, the disabled, and the unemployed take to begging (Kamat, 1997). Begging is viewed as a humiliating yet necessary means of survival for those who are homeless or at risk of homelessness (Taylor, 1999; Weiner & Weaver, 1974; Acton, 1996; Ojanuga, 1990; Shichor & Ellis, 1981; Gmelch & Gmelch, 1978; Gutierrez, 1970). This is true for the disabled beggars who are isolated and deprived from basic rights such as education, employment, health care and access to information. Because of their sheer illiteracy, ignorance and poverty, most of the poor people cannot find any other way out to support themselves. Furthermore, often many poor people have chosen begging suffering from old age crisis who are left at the mercy of their near relatives or neighbors. The nation cannot progress unless the poorest of the poor like the beggars, are made productive members of society. It is cardinal issue to transform this significant number of poor people into a productive workforce. 2. Objectives The broad objective of this study was to assess the livelihood pattern and social adaptation of the beggars in Bangladesh. With this view in mind, the specific objectives were as follows: 1. To present information about the individual and social background of the beggars; 2. To elicit information about the circumstances of entrance into begging profession; 3. To understand the livelihood pattern and living standard of the beggars; and 4. To depict the nature of profession and the professional harassment of the respondents. 2. Methodology With the above objectives in mind, the study started with an exploratory research phase and tried to gain insight into the research problem by investigation. In this phase, the study was conducted through survey method, and data were collected through comprehensive structured interview by using a well-reformed questionnaire. Focus group discussion, observation and participation as research tools were also incorporated in the process of data collection. A total of 150 beggars were selected by purposive sampling from the different areas of Dhaka City. In addition to matter socioeconomic factors, the questionnaire also incorporated questions related through which a factual account of the livelihood pattern of beggars as well as their professional status and professional harassment could be obtained. The data were collected from both primary and secondary sources to strengthen the rationality of the study and for better and comprehensive analysis. To ensure reliability of the data, cross section of the respondents were interviewed and further cross checked. The data were then put in the table for processing and subsequent analyses. Missing values were excluded from frequency tables so that frequency percentages only relate to those


European Journal of Developing Country Studies, Vol.11 2011 ISSN(paper)2668-3385 ISSN(online)2668-3687 who answered the question. Proportional percentage, average, graph and frequency distribution in terms of specific category were followed to give the research a proper logical quantitative ground. 3. Result and Discussion: 3.1 Place of Birth and Gender of the Respondents In the survey the respondents were selected randomly whereas 69.3 per cent were male and 30.7 per cent were female. It should also be noted that, perhaps, contrary to common perceptions, a substantial proportion of the sample was male. Despite occupational likeliness, the survey depicted that an overwhelming majority (94.7 per cent) of the respondents were of rural family origin, while only just over 5 per cent were in urban origin. The data indicate that the rural poverty is more prone than that of urban, which instigates the rural people to migrate to city, and consequently provoke to begging. 3.2. Age of the Respondents The present study reveals that average age of the respondents in the sample was about 65 years, indicating that the aged people are more prone to begging due to lack of old age security. The age distribution of beggars shows that majority (24 per cent) of the respondents were in the age group between 50 and 59 years, followed by about 23 per cent between 40 and 49, 14 per cent between 30 and 39. Moreover, it was also found that just over 1 per cent of the respondents were below 19 years, while about 15 per cent were over 70 years. 3.3. Marital Status of the Respondents Different categories of people comprising married, unmarried, divorced, separated were found to be engaged in begging profession. The study revealed that there was substantial difference between married people and the rest of the each category. It was found that majority (78 per cent) of respondents were married, while there was no significant difference in the percentage between divorced (8 per cent) and separated (9 per cent) and unmarried (5 per cent). As is observed in the survey, 143 out of 150 respondents comprises about 95 per cent of the total were found to be got married. In the case of number of getting married, about 77 per cent got married for a once, followed by just over 18 per cent twice, 3.5 per cent thrice and 1.4 per cent four times. 3.4. Level of Education of the Respondents The sample was not homogeneous with respect to educational attainment. The literacy rate was very poor among the study groups, when about 55 per cent were illiterate, followed by about 27 per cent ‘can sign only’, 4 per cent ‘can sign and read only’. It was also found that only 8 per cent of the respondents had completed the course of a five-year education, whereas just over 3 per cent were between the class six to ten. 3.5. Accommodation Status and Living Partner of the Respondents The case history data of the survey demonstrated that about half of the total respondents were living in slum, followed by 16 per cent in low rented house, just beyond 15 per cent in street or footpath. There were no substantial variations in percentage in the case of living places in shelter centre, house of sardar and market, which accounted 2.7 per cent, 2 per cent and 1.3 per cent respectively. This suggests that independent housing circumstances may not have been a feasible option for this group either financially or with respect to having the necessary living skills. As is observed earlier, 78 per cent of the respondents were married of whom just short half (49.3 per cent) lived with family along with husband/wife and children, whereas 34 per cent of the respondents lived in alienation without having family members or any other else. In addition, it was also evident that about 13 per cent stayed with peer workers and only 1.3 per cent with owner/employer/sardar with whom they shared their income. 3.6. Professional Duration of the Respondents The study indicates that a considerable number of the beggars started this profession over six years ago which accounted 48.7 per cent of the respondents, followed by 12.7 per cent between the years 4 and 5 and 8.7 per cent


European Journal of Developing Country Studies, Vol.11 2011 ISSN(paper)2668-3385 ISSN(online)2668-3687 between the years 5 and 6. It was found that about 5 per cent of the respondents were involved in this profession below 1 year ago, while about 11 per cent between the years 2 and 3. 3.7. Mode of Profession The study shows that overwhelming majority (80.7 per cent) of the respondents reported that they were used to do this profession on regular basis, while about 16 per cent irregularly and 3.3 per cent rare. It was also found that among the total respondents, about 11 per cent accompanied by another companion for begging, while 89 per cent were operating alone.

3.8. Immediate Previous Profession of the Respondents Among the total respondents, about 27 per cent and 13 per cent were unemployed and underemployed respectively before coming into this profession. The study revealed that the respondents were day labour (16.7 per cent), factory workers (12 per cent), housemaid (10 per cent) and small business (8 per cent) prior to begging. Some of the respondents reported that they were engaged in other profession but they were not satisfied with the income. So, they changed their previous profession and joined as beggar for better earning. 3.9. Motivating Factors of the Respondents for Entering into Begging Multiple responses were evident for choosing the profession of begging. The study found that about half (49.3 per cent) of the respondents chose this profession as a voluntary measure of livelihood, while just over 47 per cent was unable to work other jobs. It also reveals that 22 per cent of the respondents indicate begging profession as an ‘easy source of earning’, 19 per cent to support the family, whereas about 15 per cent was physically disable, and 12 per cent had no family care. 3.10. Guardians’ Responses Regarding the Profession of the Respondents The survey stated that just over 61 (92 out of 150) per cent of the respondents entered into this profession with the consent of their guardians, followed by about 39 per cent came beyond such acknowledgement. They pretended that they worked in a garment factory or in other jobs in the city. In case of showing guardians’ responses to begging, Table 4 indicates that 31.5 per cent of the respondents reported that their guardians took shows this profession positively, while about 21 negatively considering the social recognition of the profession. On the other hand, significant portion (47.8 per cent) did not demonstrate any responses either positive or negative; it may be happened, as the respondents could not contact with their guardians consecutively. 3.11. Places of Begging of the Respondents The beggars move from one place to another and they do not maintain any specific area for begging as a result multiple responses were found in this regard. Street or road and mosque or mazar were the most prioritized place for begging which accounted 78 per cent and 38 per cent of the respondents respectively. Among others home/houses were 34 per cent, bus/train terminal was about 33 per cent and market was 22 per cent. 3.12. Level of Income of the Respondents The beggars have a means of estimating and budgeting income and expenses. The present study reveals that overwhelming majority (67 per cent) of the respondents’ per day income varies from Tk 50 to Tk 149 at the time of survey. As many as just over 27 per cent were in the income group of Tk 100-149, followed by about 11 per cent between Tk 150 and 199 and 7 per cent between Tk 200 and 249. It was also found that about 7 per cent of the respondents earned below Tk 50, while only 3 per cent earned over Tk 300 per day. In addition, since the beggars do not have a safe place to keep money, they carry with them all the time. 3.13. Dependent Family Members on the Respondents’ Earning


European Journal of Developing Country Studies, Vol.11 2011 ISSN(paper)2668-3385 ISSN(online)2668-3687 It was evident that a substantial portion (62.7 per cent) of the respondents did not have any other earning members in their family, while about 37 per cent shows the reverse result. About 41 per cent of the respondents reported that the number of dependent family member were between 1 and 2, followed by just over 29 per cent between 3 and 4 and about 23 per cent between 5 and 6. Only 7.3 per cent of the respondents revealed that over 6 in this category. 3.14. Involvement in Other Profession of the Respondents Other than Begging It was evident that the majority (119 out of 150) of the respondents did not have alternative source of income in addition to begging, while about 21 per cent showed the reverse picture. Table 7 indicates that about 29 per cent (9 out of 31) of the respondents worked as housemaid along with begging, while about 31 per cent of the total respondents were female. The study also indicates that most of female beggars were involved in alternative profession, as their income level was less than that of male beggars. It was also found that just across 19 per cent of respondents had small business operating in their family origin areas, and the equivalent figure did not have fixed alternative source of income i.e. underemployed. It was also noted that about 10 per cent of the respondents worked as aide of criminal by providing information. 3.15. Nature of Taking Meal Multiple responses were evident in case of place of taking food. Table 8 indicates that 54 per cent of the respondents took their meal at home, which was close to the number of respondents (60 per cent) accommodated at home. It was also found that about 43 per cent of the respondents completed their meal at floating that is low costly, followed by about 25 per cent fresh food of hotel, 14 per cent rotten food of hotel. It was noted that about 11 per cent completed their meal through invitation in various occasions. The study also depicts that rice with vegetable and pulse, and rice with vorta and pulse were the main regular food item of the respondents, which accounted about 79 per cent of the total respondents. Bread and banana (13 per cent) was less significant as compared to the first two one, while only just over 5 per cent of the respondents took rice with fish/meat as their regular food item. Nutritional status of beggars in general is very poor. The respondents were also asked about their Number of taking protein food items. It was observed from the study that about 23 per cent of the beggars took fish/meat over one month, followed by 36 per cent per month, just over 17 per cent per fortnight. On the other hand, only 1 per cent of the respondents took this type of food each day, while the same figure was found per three days and about 13 per cent were per week. 3.16. Place of Bath and Toilet There are lacks of the most basic facilities in Dhaka City along with the access to public bath and toilet for the floating people. In this regard, the survey data illustrated that just over 33 per cent of the respondents did such actions in the public bath/toilet, which is mostly facilitated by the Dhaka City Corporation. It also presents that just over 55 per cent of the respondents completed their bath and toilet functions at home that was comparable to the number of beggars living in home (60 per cent), while about 31 per cent at open places. The beggar also used mazar and market provided bath/toilets, which accounted about 13 per cent and 11 per cent respectively. 3.17. Problems Faced by the Respondents An individual beggar had to face different types of problems. Table 9 indicates that ‘rebuke by using indecent words was the foremost problems faced by a large number of the respondents (73 per cent), followed by physical beaten (28 per cent), problem created by police (23 per cent), give torn taka as beg (20 per cent) and money demanded by muscleman (12 per cent). It also explicates that 28 per cent of the beggars were given beat by passengers mostly without any significant reasons. 3.18. Techniques of Earning More


European Journal of Developing Country Studies, Vol.11 2011 ISSN(paper)2668-3385 ISSN(online)2668-3687 It was found that the beggars contrived few techniques to convince the people to pay beg. In this regard, among others 42 per cent showed helplessness, 32 per cent demanded financial support for treatment, about 27 per cent pretend to have physical disability, just over 23 per cent demanded food for child, about 13 per cent read Quaran, 10 per cent tried to show aged and about 9 per cent claimed money to go back to home district. 3.19. Entreating Special Days The respondents were asked how they celebrate the special days. In this case, 64 per cent of the respondents reported that they come out to beg as like others days, followed by 29 per cent stay with family, 1.3 per cent watch movie, and only 0.7 per cent take rest. 3.20. Self Assessment of the Respondents The respondents were asked to know their level of satisfaction in this profession through earning. It indicates that an overwhelming majority of the respondents (40 per cent) were not pleased with this profession, while just over 51 per cent were moderately satisfied and only 9 per cent were highly satisfied. 4. Conclusion In globalizing world, the modern capitalist social and economic structure creates the widest gaps between the rich and the poor, which perpetuate the initiation of begging. Beggars do not grow in a vacuum and socially they constitute a class by themselves. Most of the beggars are originated from the rural areas, and they travel a lot from one place to another frequently as their original identity cannot be recognized by people from whom they seek alms. Among other, the factors motivate them to get involve in begging were unable to work other job, easy earning, physical disability, lack of family or relative supports, natural disaster. The majority of them come into this profession voluntarily as a means of livelihood, and in addition, the average age (65 years) of the respondents indicates that the aged people are more prone to begging due to lack of old age security. About half of the respondents live in slum with their family members. An overwhelming majority of the respondents are continuing begging on regular basis, while their length of profession varies between below one year and over six years. The range of income fluctuates from below Tk 50 to over Tk 300 that was not satisfactory, while two third of the total respondents did not have any other earning member in their family and the average dependent family members on their income were 3. In case of taking meal, mostly the beggars take rice with vegetable, vorta, pulse, bread and banana as their regular food menu, which protein value is very poor and therefore, the beggars suffers from diseases frequently. The beggars are handicapped in different ways-living on private charity; they are always looked down upon by the society. The most of the poor people cannot find any other way out to support themselves or their family due to their sheer illiteracy, ignorance and poverty. Furthermore, often many poor people have chosen begging suffering from old age crisis who are left at the mercy of their near relatives or neighbors. On the other hand, some also finds this an easy way out for maintaining livelihood, without being included in the work force. The beggar community feels that they need protection just like everyone especially in their savings and begging zones. It is a major question cropped up in mind that a nation could not make any progress without transforming this significant number of poor people into a productive workforce. It is a good initiative that the government of Bangladesh has taken the decision in making the country free of beggars by 2021 by rehabilitating beggars through employment and other incentives. In addition to government, the NGOs, Bank, stake holders, rich class, corporate body and the philanthropist people come together to take necessary and appropriate initiatives to rehabilitate them through employment generation and social safety net programmes.


European Journal of Developing Country Studies, Vol.11 2011 ISSN(paper)2668-3385 ISSN(online)2668-3687 Table 1. Distribution of the Respondents by Living Places and Living Partner Place of Living Slum Low rented house Street/footpath/bridge Terminal Beside mazar/mosque Shelter centre House of sardar Market Others Total Living Partner Family (husband-wife/children) Alone Peer worker Owner/employer/sardar Others Total

Number 66 24 23 7 6 4 3 2 15 150

% 44.0 16.0 15.3 4.7 4.0 2.7 2.0 1.3 10.0 100.0

74 51 19 2 4 150

49.3 34.0 12.7 1.3 2.7 100.0

Table 2. Distribution of the Respondents by Prior Profession Prior Profession Unemployed Day labor Underemployed Garments/factory worker Housemaid Small business Rickshaw puller Others Total

Number 40 25 20 18 15 12 10 10 150

% 26.7 16.7 13.3 12.0 10.0 8.0 6.7 6.7 100.0

Table 3. Distribution the Respondents by Causes of Entering into Begging Causes of Profession Voluntarily for Livelihood Unable to Work Other Job Easy Earring Support to Family Financially Physical Disability Lack of Family Care to me River Erosion Family Disorder Others Multiple Responses.

Number 74 71 33 33 22 18 15 10 4


% 49.3 47.3 22.0 19.0 14.7 12.0 10.0 6.7 2.7

European Journal of Developing Country Studies, Vol.11 2011 ISSN(paper)2668-3385 ISSN(online)2668-3687

Table 4. Distribution of the Respondents by Guardians’ Responses Guardians’ Responses Positively Negatively No Responses Total

Number 29 19 44 92

% 31.5 20.7 47.8 100.0

Table 5. Distribution of the Respondents by Place of Begging Place of Begging Street/Road Mosque/Mazar Home/Houses Terminal (Bus/Train) Market Others Multiple Responses.

Number 117 57 51 49 33 2

% 78.0 38.0 34.0 32.7 22.0 1.3

Table 6. Distribution of the Respondents by Per Day Income Income Range (in Tk) Below 50 50-99 100-149 150-199 200-249 250-299 300 and over Total

Number 11 60 41 17 11 5 5 150

% 7.3 40.0 27.3 11.3 7.3 3.3 3.3 100.0

Table 7. Distribution of the Respondents by Involvement of Other Job Other Professional Involvement Housemaid Small Business Underemployed Factory Worker Assistant of Criminal Work in Shop Others Total

Number 9 6 6 4 3 2 1 31


% 29.0 19.4 19.4 12.9 9.7 6.5 3.2 100.0

European Journal of Developing Country Studies, Vol.11 2011 ISSN(paper)2668-3385 ISSN(online)2668-3687

Table 8. Distribution of the Respondents by Taking Meal Places (Multiple Responses) Home Floating hotel Hotel Rotten food of hotel Invitation Food provided from mess Others Food Item Rice with Vegetable and Pulse Rice with Vorta and Pulse Bread and Banana Rice-fish/meat Others Taking Fish/Meat Each day Per three day Per week Per ten day Per fortnight Per month Over one Month Total

Number 81 64 37 21 16 6 3

% 54.0 42.7 24.7 14.0 10.7 4.0 2.0

62 57 20 8 3

41.3 38.0 13.3 5.3 2.0

2 2 20 11 26 54 35 150

1.3 1.3 13.3 7.3 17.3 36.0 23.3 100.0

Table 9. Distribution of Problems Faced by the Respondents Types of Problems Rebuke by Using Indecent Words Beaten Problem from Police Give Torn Taka as Beg Muscleman Demanded Money Others Multiple Responses.

Number 110 42 35 30 18 5

% 73.3 28.0 23.3 20.0 12.0 3.3

Table 10. Distribution of the Respondents by Techniques of Earning More Techniques of Earning More Show Helplessness Demand Money for Treatment Show Physically Disability Demand Food for Child Read Quaran Show More Age Demand Money to Go back to Home

Number 63 48 40 35 19 15 13


% 42.0 32.0 26.7 23.3 12.7 10.0 8.7

European Journal of Developing Country Studies, Vol.11 2011 ISSN(paper)2668-3385 ISSN(online)2668-3687 Demand Money for Deceased Funeral Recite Religious Songs Others Multiple Responses.

12 9 12

8.0 6.0 8.0

Table 11. Distribution of the Respondents by Celebrating Special Days Celebrating Special Days Begging Like other Days Stay with Family Watching Movie and Film By taking Sleep and Rest Others Total

Number 96 43 2 1 8 150

% 64.0 28.7 1.3 0.7 5.3 100.0

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