City of Allen Strategic Plan 2036

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2036 City of Allen Strategic Plan EXECUTIVE SUMMARY > UPDATED FEBRUARY 2022

Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Strategic Planning for the City of Allen


Allen Vision 2036


Allen City Government: Our Mission


City of Allen: Goals 2026


Report created by: Lyle Sumek Associates, Inc. Layout and graphics: City of Allen Public and Media Relations Office This report and all related materials are copyrighted. This report may be duplicated for distribution to appropriate parties as needed. No unauthorized duplication is allowed, including for use in training or consulting purposes.


Copyright © 2021: Lyle Sumek Associates, Inc. | UPDATED FEBRUARY 2022

Strategic Framework for City of Allen VISION 2036

Desired destination for Allen

PLAN 2036

Map to Allen’s destination


Route for next year


Responsibilities of Allen’s City government


Performance expectations for Allen City employees

Copyright © 2021: Lyle Sumek Associates, Inc. | UPDATED FEBRUARY 2022


Allen Vision 2036 It’s our safe community, community character, community unity, vibrant centers, great neighborhoods and experiences for all that make us the premier place to live in the DFW metroplex.


Copyright © 2021: Lyle Sumek Associates, Inc. | UPDATED FEBRUARY 2022

Allen City Government: Our Mission Provide best in class municipal services Be financially responsible and sound Plan and invest in Allen’s future Engage our Allen community Provide fair, equitable community services and government Preserve and enhance our Allen community character Stimulate economic growth and business investment

Copyright © 2021: Lyle Sumek Associates, Inc. | UPDATED FEBRUARY 2022







City of Allen Goals 2026


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Financially sound and transparent City government

Safe and livable community for all

Vibrant community with lively destinations and successful commercial centers

High-performing City team providing resident-focused services

Engaged and connected Allen community

Copyright © 2021: Lyle Sumek Associates, Inc. | UPDATED FEBRUARY 2022



Financially sound and transparent City government

OBJECTIVES • Have adequate resources to support the services and service levels as defined in the annual budget • Invest regularly in the maintenance and upgrade on City infrastructure and facilities • Have diversified revenue sources for the City • Have proactive communications strategy and processes for informing the residents and Allen community


• Deliver City services in the most cost-effective and efficient manner


Safe and livable community for all

OBJECTIVES • Maintain and expand the connectivity of the Allen trail system • Invest in maintaining and upgrading the City’s infrastructure and facilities • Maintain and enhance Allen as one of the safest cities in Texas • Maintain the reputation as a family-friendly community and a preferred place to live in the DFW metroplex • Maintain and enhance Allen community/recreation centers Copyright © 2021: Lyle Sumek Associates, Inc. | UPDATED FEBRUARY 2022




Vibrant community with lively destinations and successful commercial centers

OBJECTIVES • Develop Highway 121 as a major community and regional destination • Redevelop older commercial centers • Have an “Allen” sense of place and its own identity known by residents • Maintain and enhance Credit Union of Texas Event Center as a successful asset contributing to our Allen community • Develop Allen Downtown as a major community and regional destination that has a “unique” draw that is distinctive from other regional downtowns


Copyright © 2021: Lyle Sumek Associates, Inc. | UPDATED FEBRUARY 2022



High-performing City team providing resident-focused services

OBJECTIVES • Develop and maintain proactive City communication policies, strategies and tools to inform the community • Develop effective and usable performance metrics for evaluating the service performance and value to the Allen community • Maintain and enhance a City organization culture that emphasizes professionalism, results and performance accountability • Hire and retain a professional, talented City workforce dedicated to serving our community • Have the City working as a team: Mayor-City Council, City managers, directors, supervisors and staff working together and respecting the respective roles • Have stable and visible leadership in City government • Hire, develop and retain a top-quality City workforce

Copyright © 2021: Lyle Sumek Associates, Inc. | UPDATED FEBRUARY 2022




Engaged and connected Allen community

OBJECTIVES • Seek varied opportunities for community involvement • Celebrate the cultural growth of Allen by supporting community events and festivals • Provide City programming responsive to the needs of the diverse Allen community • Foster and advance collaboration and partnerships with existing institutions and businsesses • Promote community cohesion through engagement activities

10 Copyright © 2021: Lyle Sumek Associates, Inc. | UPDATED FEBRUARY 2022

Copyright © 2021: Lyle Sumek Associates, Inc. | UPDATED FEBRUARY 2022


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