The AME Ministers Union of Atlanta and Vicinity 7 Last Sayings of Christ Service Bulletin

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APRIL 7, 2023



The Bethune-Cookman Inspirational Gospel Choir

Mission Statement

The Inspirational Gospel Choir is a dedicated group of young university students who minister in song Our primary mission is to “Glorify God” We also musically/offer Christ to the listener, sing music that accurately reflects the word of God, and spiritually encourage an encounter with the Holy Spirit. We seek to do this by simply giving our gifts back to the creator through song. The choir members serve as ambassadors and continue to spread the legacy of our founder Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune, who stated that: “Our Whole School Is For Christian Service. “The Inspirational Gospel Choir lives by this motto: “I will bless the Lord at all times and his praise shall continually be in my mouth” Psalms 34:1

Vision Statement

The Inspirational Gospel Choir stands on the foundation of the university’s Mission, Vision, and Core Values. We will glorify God in our singing, praising, and dancing. We will inspire this new generation to become great leaders with experiences in rehearsing and performing in diverse venues. Creating a zeal for proclaiming the Good News of the Gospel in this contemporary culture will be evident

Contact Us

Gospel Choir


Mr. Ervin Ross Jr., Coordinator

Phone: 386 481-2099

Mr. Vertellis Kendrick, Musical director Phone: 386 481-2099

Ms. Ballarie Ingram, Chaperone

President, Dr. Lawrence M. Drake Bethune-Cookman College President
Donate Cash App $bcugospelchoir PayPal http://Paypalme/BCUGospelChoi Planning Center Text2Give 84321


Call to Worship




All Opening Hymn




The Reverend Dr. Susan H. Buckso, Worship Leader

Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow

God so loved the world that he gave his only Son so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.

We have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God; let us hold fast to our confession

We have one who, in every respect, has been tested as we are, yet without sin.

Let us, therefore, approach the throne of grace with boldness so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in times of need.

All Hail the Power of Jesus Name, AMECH 4

The Reverend Dr. Susan Buckson Greene

Bethune-Cookman Inspirational Gospel Choir

Vertellis Kendrick, Musical Director


Introduction of Preachers


The Rev. Forrest Dickey

Host Pastor

The Reverend Dr. Susan Buckson Greene

Amazing Grace, AMECH 226

The 1st Word

“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

Luke 23:34a

The Reverend Dr. Esther Powers Pastor, Mt Zion AME Church, Riverdale, GA

Standing on the Promises, AMECH 424


Selection Hymn

Bethune-Cookman Inspirational Gospel Choir

Vertellis Kendrick, Musical Director

The Reverend Charles Ramsey

The 4th Word

“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”

Matthew 27:46

The Reverend Will Thomas Pastor, New Bethel AME Church, Lithonia, GA

Amazing Grace, AMECH



Down at the Cross, AMECH 243



The 5th Word “I thirst” John 19:28

The Reverend Dr. Tynisha Drennon Associate Minister, Turner Chapel AME Church, Marietta, GA

Alas! and Did My Savior Bleed, AMECH 139

The 6th Word "It is finished."

John 19:30

The Reverend Forrest Dickey St. Mark AME Church, Atlanta, GA

Bethune-Cookman Inspirational Gospel Choir Vertellis Kendrick, Musical Director

The 7th Word

"Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.”

Luke 23:46

The Reverend Dr. Lewis Logan Pastor, St. Paul AME Church, Covington, GA


Grace and Benediction

Bishop Reginald T. Jackson

Presiding Prelate, Sixth Episcopal District

The Reverend Dr. Susan H. Bucksont


TheA.M.E.Ministers’UnionofAtlantaandVicinity,inordertoformamoreperfectunion,haveabetter understandingandworkinharmonyamongourselves,andbemorehelpfulinourChurchandsecuretheblessings ofgenuinefellowship,doordainandestablishthisconstitution


Article1 ThenameofthisorganizationshallbeknownastheAME Ministers’UnionofAtlantaandVicinity


Article2 TheofficersofthisunionshallbePresident,VicePresident,Secretary,AssistantSecretary,Treasurer, MarshallorSergeantatArms,Chaplain,Parliamentarian,andHistoriographer.Itshallbethedutyofthenewly electedPresidenttopresentatthenextmeetingafterinductionintoofficethefollowingcommitteestobeconfirmed bytheUnion:ExecutiveCommittee,CurrentEvents/CivicCommittee,Sick/MemorialCommittee,Transportation Committee,andPublications/CommunicationsCommittee Othercommitteesmaybecreatedbyavoteofthe Union.


Article3.AnyA.M.E.C.ministerorpreacheringoodandregularstandinginourChurchmaybecomeamemberof thisUnionbythepaymentofdues,regularattendance,andsubscribingtothisconstitutionandbylaws


Article4 ThePRESIDENTshallpresideatallmeetingsoftheUnionwhenpresentandshallperformallduties pertainingtotheoffice ThepresidentshallhavespecialwatchovertheinterestoftheUnionandshallworkin harmonywiththemembersthereof.Thepresidentshallappointallcommittees,standingandspecialunless otherwiseelectedbytheUnionmembers Thepresidentshallappointpersonstofulfillthedutiesofanyelected officeroftheUnionwhoarenotperforminguntilthenextregularelection

TheVICE-PRESIDENTshalldischargealldutiesofthepresidentinhis/herabsenceortheinabilityofthatofficerto bepresentorpreside;thevice-presidentshallassistinmaintainingtheinterestoftheUnionandtakesuchpartor partsasmaybeagreeduponbetweenthetwo.Thevice-presidentshallserveaschairpersonoftheprogram committeeunlessotherwiseappointedbythepresident.

TheSECRETARYshallkeepanaccurateandverycurrentrecordofallthegeneralcorrespondenceofthesame, actingasamediumofcommunicationbetweenthisUnionandothersimilarorganizationsoranyorganizationthat maycommunicatewiththeUnion

TheASSISTANTSECRETARYshallperformallthedutiesofthesecretaryinhis/herabsenceorinabilityto performandshallassistthesecretaryatanytimeuponrequest

TheMARSHALLorSERGEANT-AT-ARMSshallassistthePresidentinkeepingorderandseeingthatthepeace andharmonyoftheUnionarenotdisturbedduringitsmeeting He/sheshalllookforandbringforwardallvisitors andintroducethemtothepresident.ItshallbetheresponsibilityofthePresidenttopresentpersonstotheUnion.

TheCHAPLAINshallconducttheprayerserviceoftheUnionorsuchotherdevotionalserviceasthePresident mayrequireofhim/her.

TheTREASURERshallkeepanaccurateandverycurrentrecordofallreceiptsandexpendituresofthefundsof theUnion.Awrittenreportshallbepresentedatthefirstmeetingheldineachmonthwithsufficientcopiesforeach memberpresent.Itshallbetheresponsibilityofthehostchurchtoprovideadditionalcopiesasnecessary.

ThePARLIAMENTARIANshallassistthePresidentinallquestionsofdoubt,touchingonparliamentarypractices andprocedures.

TheHISTORIOGRAPHERshallkeepanaccuraterecordofthehistoryoftheUnionandpresentthehistoryata weeklymeetingestablishedbytheprogramcommittee.



EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: It shall be the duty of this committee to be the clearing house for the Union It shall sift, discuss and put into shape for consideration of the Union all items of business or communication that will require the attention or action of the Union prior to its consideration by the Union so that the time of the Union may be saved This committee shall meet in the weeks that the Union does not meet

CURRENT EVENTS/CIVIC COMMITTEE: It shall be the duty of this committee to report to the Union for consideration at each meeting of any political, social, and religious body or synod, either touching the political, social, or religious work of the nation or Church in general or the African American citizens in particular This committee shall provide information before crises present themselves wherever possible It shall further be the duty of this committee to look after the public questions, rights of citizens, or such things as may embrace civic righteousness or legislation.

PROGRAM COMMITTEE: It shall be the duty of this committee to arrange the program of subjects and speakers for the Union and such other public exercises as the Union may direct. This committee shall publish a schedule of activities for the year. Upon the reorganization by the new administration, the program committee will make its report at the fourth meeting of the new administration

SICK AND VISITATION COMMITTEE: It shall be the duty of this committee to visit or arrange for such visitation of such members of the Union as shall be confined to their homes, by reason of sickness, report to the Union their condition, that they may provide, if necessary, such financial relief as may be required It shall be the duty of this committee to draft such resolutions or expressions of sympathy or condolence upon the death of any member of the Union or such leading characters or the Church or nation as will be befitting the dignity of the Union and have the same published in the Church organs and convey a copy of the same to the family of the deceased.


Article 1. The Union shall meet at 12:00 o'clock noon, at such place as a majority of the members present shall agree upon, providing no change of time of the meeting shall be made without one week's notice unless the cause for a change is self-evident. The meetings of the entire Union shall be weekly. The meetings of the Executive Committee shall be bi-monthly in alternating weeks

Article 2. The dues of the Union shall be established as $100 per year

Article 3. BUDGET COMMITTEE: It shall be the duty of this committee to prepare an itemized annual budget embracing all expectant financial expenditures for the year and present it to the Union This committee shall be chaired by the Treasurer. Other members recommended are the President, Presiding Elders, and other members of the executive committee

Article 4. There shall be a public installation of Officers of the Union two weeks after the Atlanta-North Georgia Annual Conference The installation shall be by the presiding Bishop of the District

Article 5. Any member who shall refuse to conform to the constitution and by-laws shall be subject to expulsion by a two-thirds vote of the members present, but no motion to expel a member shall be acted upon at the same meeting at which it is offered. The vote shall be by private ballot.

Article 6 No standing or special committees sent out by the Union shall in any way bind the Union for any obligation until said obligation has been approved by this Union

Article 7. The election of officers shall be open to all members who are in good and regular standing. No nominations shall be closed without allowing for nominations from the floor Offices held in prior years shall not be the basis of election in any new year. The term of office shall be two (2) years. The election shall be held not earlier than thirty (30) days nor less than fourteen (14) days before the opening of the Atlanta North Georgia Annual Conference. The installation of officers shall be a part of the Annual Conference which will be coordinated by the president with the presiding bishop The official term of office begins at the installation of officers.






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