photo: Steffi Schรถne | work: Maja Malinovska
Guggenheim Rehearsal Die Guggenheimprobe
Guggenheim Rehearsal (duration 4h) Die Guggenheimprobe (Dauer 4h)
participants Teilnehmer
Pretending there is a museum for Contemporary Art in Tbilisi/Georgia: It is a sexy but lost architecture close to Rustaveli Ave. in Tbilisi that reminds with its staircase of the New Yorker Guggenheim. Since a gondola fell down and children were killed in the late 1980s the cable car has stoped and the station has been closed for public. On Friday 28th of June 2013 the station became a stage for artistic interventions for 4 hours. The prelude on the ground floor gave Kuji Davituliani, Mikho Mirzashvili (live electronic acustic improvisation) and trumpeter Dato Kikabidze with a premiere. The Sforzando String Quartett gave the final performance upstairs on the terrace and linked all the visual work from the lower rooms with the ones on the top floor.
ground floor Giorgi Avaliani (GE) begging for something Kuji Davituliani and Mikho Mirzashvili (GE) live electro acustic improvisation with Dato Kikabidze (GE) trumpet Laura Wagner (D) instruction for hairy sculpture Natalia Nebieridze (GE) intervention with dirt Steffi Schöne (D) video projection staircase Gia Edzgveradze (GE) „George Bayron“ poster Tamuna Chaduneli (GE) performative installation with flour students and staff from Tbilisi State Academy of Arts stick designs 1st floor Carolin Eidner (D) „criminal minds“ poster Edward Collinson (UK) drawings and object Christine Rusche (D) drawing and photograph curated room by Guram Tsibakhashvili (GE) photography Katharina Stadler (AT) handkerchief Nina Shatberashvili and Sandro Sulaberidze (GE) camera obscura, photography, objects top floor Sforzando String Quartett (GE) live act Maja Malinovska (PL) canvas object Mariam Aslanishvili (GE) photographs in the dark Ferial Faramarzi (IR) photographs at collumns Vato Urushadze (GE) molotov cocktails to share Eliso Kirvalidze (GE) Henn-Coop Art Space (object) Ana Chaduneli (GE) installation with newspaper
So tun als gäbe es ein Museum für zeitgenössische Kunst in Tbilisi: Es ist eine sexy Architektur an der Rustaveli Ave. in Tbilisi/Georgien, die mit ihrem Treppenhaus an das New Yorker Guggenheim erinnert. Seit einem Gondelabsturz in den späten 1980ern, bei dem Kinder verunglückten, ist die Seilbahn außer Funktion und das Stationshaus für die Öffentlichkeit gesperrt. Am Freitag, den 28. Juni 2013 wurde es für vier Stunden zur Bühne und Schauplatz künstlerischer Interventionen. Den Auftakt gaben Kuji Davituliani, Mikho Mirzashvili (electro acustic improvisation) mit dem Trompeter Dato Kikabidze als Premiere. Das Sforzando String Quartett lockte hingegen die Besucher zum Finale in das oberste Stockwerk und verband so die visuellen Arbeiten der unteren Ebenen mit denen im Obergeschoss. initiated and curated by / initiert und kuratiert von Steffi Schöne
(photos: Steffi Schöne)
Giorgi Avaliani (GE) begging for something, presentation in front of „Guggenheim Rehearsal“ The guy in the framed photograph is a young beggar in Tbilisi who used to lay topless in winter for hours on the pedestrian way not moving nor responding to anyone. With his performance he attracted alot of people. About the money nobody knows. For more photos of Georgian beggars and their performances visit photo: Mariam Aslanishvili
live performance: Kuji Davituliani (GE) and Mikho Mirzashvili (GE) with electro acustic improvisation premiere with trumpeter Dato Kikabidze (GE)
(photos: Steffi Schรถne)
left lamp: Natalia Nebieridze (GE) | PACMAN intervention with pigeons‘ poo-poo and brown needles from trees found on the terrace of the building
(photo: Steffi SchĂśne)
right lamp: Laura Wagner (D) | The rider on the relief at the lamp holds the message in his hand. It is an instruction by Laura Wagner for an installation in the mid of this staircase. „Cut the hair of the longhaired and bind it together to a big chain and let it hang down from the mid of the ceiling. The first who enters will be touched by scare.“
(photos: Steffi SchĂśne)
Steffi Schรถne (D) | untitled, projection into the unaccessible engine room of cable car station on the ground floor,1:08 min, infinite loop, soundless, 2012/13
(photos: Steffi Schรถne)
Gia Edzgveradze (GE) | George Bayron 2013 168 x 120 cm x 84 cm, digital drawing as poster print
(photos: Steffi Schรถne)
Tamar Chaduneli (GE) | untitled performative installation in staircase with strings, paper boxes filled with flour on metal hoops
(photos: 1, 2 Steffi Schรถne, 3 Eliso Kirvalidze)
Carolin Eidner (D) | Yes please, some more criminal minds 2013, 98 x 84 cm, digital drawing as poster print (left view from staircase, right view from door) sticks on the wall in the staircase: students and staff from Tbilisi State Academy of Arts, new designs for Modi-Men (ParkplatzlĂźckenverwalter / parking space managers) in Tbilisi ...
(photos: Steffi SchĂśne)
(photos: Steffi Schöne)
1 designs from students of Tbilisi State Academy of Arts | 2 design with chain accessory by Dali Dardzhaniya (GE), Tbilisi State Academy of Arts, Architecture 3 The new stick designs are for exchange. The Modi-Men (Parkplatzlückenverwalter) who help you to find in and out of a parking spot will get a new handmade stick in return of their old one. Initiated by Steffi Schöne, Tbilisi 2013
photo: Steffi Schรถne
3 ROOMS on 1st floor (former offices) | left ROOM 1 with photography and objects curated by Guram Tsibakhashvili (GE) next ROOM 2 with curtain made of old paper tickets of that cable car station by Nina Shatberashvili (GE), inside installation with camera obscura, objects, photography and paper by Nina Shatberashvili (GE) and Sandro Sulaberidze (GE)
photo: Steffi Schรถne
ROOM 1: photography and objects curated by Guram Tsibakhashvili (GE)
inspired by a paragraph out of Maja Haderlap‘s novel „Engel des Vergessens“ (angel of forgetting) [published by Wallstein Verlag, 2011. p. 243]: [...] War had torn up all brothers. And Jurij from Lbnik-Graben who embroidered, before the beheading in Vienna, „I wait, I believe, I hope, I love – čakam verujem upam ljubim“ – on his handkerchief. [...] I embroidered a handkerchief with the words, which had been already stitched onto cloth 70 years before. Its faded haptics suggest that it could be the lost original. [...] Der Krieg hat auch alle Brüder zerfetzt. Und Jurij aus dem Lbnik-Graben, der vor der Enthauptung in Wien „ich warte, ich glaube, ich hoffe, ich liebe – čakam verujem upam ljubim“ – in sein Taschentuch stickt. [...]
ROOM 1: Katharina Stadler (AT) | čakam verujem upam ljubim (photo: Aleksi Soselia) thread/handkerchief; 27,5 x 27,5 cm | 2011
ROOM 2: Nina Shatberashvili (GE) and Sandro Sulaberidze (GE) | untitled roll of paper tickets and sign with pipe, window installation with camera obscura, photographs and spray painted paper on rear window
(photo: Steffi Schรถne)
ROOM 2: Sandro Sulaberidze (GE) hidden camera obscura behind the glass to see the backyard live as a an upside down moving image, part of the rear window, right image shows view into the backyard
(photos: Steffi Schรถne)
ROOM 3: Edward Collinson (UK) | untitled 2013 installation in former offices of the cable car station, graphite on paper (wall), black paper object on cupboard
(photo: Steffi Schรถne)
ROOM 3: Christine Rusche (D) | left: A3 photograph of room drawing POINT OF NO RETURN, wall size 9,50 m x 3,40 m, painted in real with PVAC Wandfarbe /acrylic wallpaint, 2013 right (hand): fs16, digital drawing, C-Print, 70 x 100 cm, 2002/2013
(photo: Steffi Schรถne)
Maja Malinovska (PL) | [tr. ai, Georgian: „this is“] 2013 (photos: Eliso Kirvalidze) white wall paint, old wooden letters and piece of mirror on canvas, placed on easel faced the hillside where the cableway used to go. through the mirror it simbolically reconstructed the connection between the two stations.
Giorgi Giorganashvili (GE) | untitled putting a frame around the tags of three old punks (Ludviga, Vampira, Gola) from those days when the closed cabel car station was a meeting point for the local subculture
(photos: Steffi Schรถne)
Everybody could write whether they want to share/throw molotov with/towards somebody. Some of the visitors wrote „nobody“ so they didn‘t want to harm anyone. The idea was to represent the last 20–25 years of Georgian history as a period of throwing „molotov cocktails“ on each other, starting with civil war in 1990s and continuing till today with two political sides opposing, wounding and hurting each other. And not only political parties, almost the whole society is divided into two: supporters and opposition of a ruling party. This is kind of vicious circle of aggression and mutual hatred which is very painful and dissapointing.
Vato Urushadze (GE) | Molotov Cocktail to share 2013 chalk board to write your name in the list whether you want to share or stop sharing Molotov Cocktails. A political metapher for not only local circumstances.
(photos: Steffi Schöne)
Ana Chaduneli (GE) | Skin of the Room 2013 doorman‘s room at the take-off platform, covered inside with Georgian newspaper as well as a table, chair, plate, bowl, glass and vase
(photos: Steffi SchĂśne)
Mariam Aslanishvili (GE) | Leaving Academy – from home to Guggenheim Rehearsal“ 2013 ensemble of paired documentary photographs of Tbilisi, put in the former room with gearwheel,
(photos: Mariam Aslanishvili)
Eliso Kirvalidze (GE) | Hen-Coop Art Space 2013 cardboard, wood, straw, hand food and wine while stocks lasts, 180 x 180 x 90 cm, 2013
(photos: Eliso Kirvalidze)
Sforzando String Quartett (GE) | live last act at „Guggenheim Rehearsal“
(photos: Steffi Schöne)
Steffi Schรถne |