Alley Creek Watershed Plan Community Outreach Presentation January 2013

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Alley Creek Watershed Management and Habitat Restoration Plan

Community Outreach Meeting Thursday January 31st

Alley Pond Environmental Centre

This project is being funded in part through a grant from the New York State Department of State under Title 11 of the Environmental Protection Fund

Veronica M. White, Commissioner Forestry, Horticulture, & Natural Resources Group New York City Department of Parks & Recreation

Introduction/Meeting Purpose

• Introduce the Watershed Management and Ecological Restoration Plan Project

• Get information from the Community on what is important to you.


1. Introduction presentation •

Background, meeting purpose.

Scope – watershed and habitat management in Alley Park Pond. Project schedule.


Draft Visions/goals/objectives

2. Visioning engagement exercise •

Concerns for the watershed

Visions for the watershed

Alley Creek Watershed

Context/ Previous restoration efforts

Alley Creek Watershed Management Planning Area ~4 sq mi About 1/3 of area is Parks Imperviousness ~30% CSO drainage to Tallman Isl.

Receiving waters are Alley Creek, Little Neck Bay, Long Island Sound Existing Conditions Assess water body and watershed resources

Funding $350K from NYSDOS Environmental Protection Fund

Urban Water Cycle



Evaporation Permeable topsoil Less permeable subsoil or rock


Transpiration Transpiration Infiltration

Infiltration Runoff Runoff Baseflow

Baseflow Forested


(Source: Walsh et al., 2004)

Project Scope

Alley Creek Watershed Management and Habitat Restoration Plan

Alley Creek Sewershed Overall study area

Alley Creek Watershed Management and Habitat Restoration Plan

Alley Creek Sewershed Area that drains directly to Alley Creek or Little Neck Bay

Alley Creek Watershed Management and Habitat Restoration Plan

Alley Creek Sewershed Area where stormwater pipes feed directly to Alley Creek

Alley Creek Watershed Management and Habitat Restoration Plan

Alley Creek Sewershed Area where stormwater pipes feed to CSO

Getting to the Plan

Goals and Objectives

Draft vision statement/objectives Parks, DEP, WAC coordination

Stakeholder & Community input, (1st Community meeting)

FINAL VISION STATEMENTS/Goals/ Objectives/targets

Characterization and Assessment

Watershed & Ecological Context, Current conditions, Problem Identification, Needs • Literature review • Desktop analysis • Field work (coordination with DEP)

Characterization report

Opportunity Identification

Implementation Strategy

Ecological restoration, GI Stormwater Capture, Other (Education, outreach, Regulatory & policy reform, etc.)? (opportunity id., conceptual design)

Strategies for coordination, planning and fund raising. Monitoring and tracking planning.

Prioritization (feasibility/cost, environmental benefit)

Presentation to Stakeholders / Community on opportunities (2nd community mtg)

Feedback on recommendations and strategy (3rd Community mtg)

Alley Creek Ecological Restoration and Watershed Management Plan


Alley Creek Draft Vision Statement

DRAFT VISION STATEMENT The Alley Creek Watershed is an ecologically healthy urban system where clean water, wetlands, fish, water birds, and other native species are enjoyed and protected from the bay to the headwaters. It is a place where water-sensitive practices, policies, and environmental stewardship help maintain and improve water quality and diverse native habitat, as well as public health, recreation, and a high quality of life for local and adjacent communities.

Issues? Water Quality • Swimming • Fishing • Boating • Pollution management (point and non-point sources Public Access, Openspace, Recreation Ecology • Sensitive sites or species • Stressors / impacts Landuse and Development Stormwater management • Flooding • Green infrastructure • CSOs Public Education and Outreach • Youth opportunities • Stewardship and training • Neighborhoods

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