East Room a coloring book written and illustrated by Mia Lee (based off somewhat of a true story)
One sunny day, wild girl Tye Tye and her mellow fellow bestest bitch, Mia, travelled far up to the Northside of Chicago from the Southside on a mission to find a castle. This castle, known as “East Room,” was believed to have magical jelly beans that Mia really wanted to find. So Tye Tye agreed to help find them... because she’s perfect.
Tye Tye and Mia spent hours and hours roaming around the sweaty-walled poorly lit castle. Tye Tye suggested that her and Mia give up looking for the magical beans, but Mia still had faith they would find them. Mia broke free of Tye Tye’s hand and wandered off alone in the castle until she came across a sketchy white boy in the corner of another poorly lit room. Mia asked the sketchy white boy if he had any connect to the magical beans and he said “YES! HOLD OUT YOUR HAND.” The sketchy white boy dropped two magical beans in Mia’s hand and then suddenly disappeared into the shadows.
Moments later, colors started to swirl and the two girl realized that they were indeed, lowkey fucked up. They opened and went through the last door of the castle to find a magical grassy land with glittery blue skies, spotted colorful mushrooms, and flowers singing the melodies of all the Sad Bitch music Mia and Tye Tye loved so dearly.
The two wandered around the magical land until they ran into a striped kitten sitting on one of the spotted mushrooms with a fresh POLO shirt on. “What’s your name kitty?” Tye Tye asked. The kitten replied, “Kitten Marcus.” Mia then asked Kitten Marcus if this magical land was any fun because they had never been to a place like this before and he replied, “it’s decent.”
The two girls excitedly continued on their adventure...
...and came across many interesting people and things. They ran into the court jester of the castle named, Dix. Dix showed the girls around the magical land for a few more hours. Sadly, Dix said it was time for the girls to go home because the magical beans were wearing off. Tye Tye and Mia agreed it was time to go and gave Dix a hug goodbye.
Tye Tye and Mia got on the Magic School bus and left from the magical land. This was the best trip ever ever ever and ever that the two best friends will never forget about. THE END