Woodruff Arts Center Educator Conference Session Guide

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Woodruff Arts Center


Conference alliancetheatre.org/edconference | high.org/educonference yawac.org/waceducatorsconference

• Common Core • 21st Century Skills • Arts Integration • Earn two PLU Credits • Open to all grades & content areas.

June 3-5, 2014

The Alliance Theatre, Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, High Museum of Art, and Young Audiences, are thrilled to announce a collaborative and innovative Professional Learning opportunity for Educators focused on reinvigorating teaching and learning through the arts. The Inaugural Woodruff Arts Center Educator Conference will take place June 3-5, 2014 at the Woodruff Arts Center and will look at the Common Core and 21st Century Skills all through the lens of arts integration. Attendees will have the opportunity to earn two PLU credits, which are required by the Georgia Department of Education for continued education and certificate renewal requirements. Research-based, high-quality professional learning is the key to continuous school improvement, strengthening the performance and development of educators, and improving student learning and achievement; we are excited to offer extensive professional learning opportunities all delivered through the arts. Each day will feature energizer speakers from across the Woodruff Arts Center and Metro Atlanta Education scene, two hour sessions focusing on how to use art strategies to develop 21st Century Skills, Differentiated Learning, STEAM, and Literacy/Social Studies, and offer opportunities to preview and experience the world class art featured and produced at the Woodruff Arts Center. Please flip through this catalog to take a look at each session that will be offered throughout the Educator Conference. Several of our sessions will be repeated throughout the conference for the same grade levels or scaffolded grade levels , so please take note of that! Each course is highlighted in the color of it’s focus area— green for STEAM, purple for Literacy/Social Studies, red for Differentiated Learning, and grey for Any Connections. To register, please visit alliancetheatre.org/edconference or contact mary.alice-nichols@woodruffcenter.org.

Table of Contents—Sessions during Lunch! Grade ALL Grades

ALL Grades Closed session for Current Alliance Theatre Partner Teachers

Session Title Presenter Community Karin Mervis Canvas Lunch Alliance Theatre Institute for Institute for Educators & Educators & Teaching Artists Teaching Artists Staff Lunch

Day Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday Tuesday Only

Catalog Page page 29

page 29

Table of Contents—Sessions on Wednesday, June 4th Morning by Grade Level Grade K-2 3rd - 5th

Session Title


Focus Area

Designing My Dream Car

Courtney STEAM Bryant The iPad Comes Alive!: Aug- Jennifer Hey- STEAM mented Reality and You ser

3rd - 5th

Story Power: Strategies for Integrating Storytelling


Assess Reading Comprehen- Jessica sion in the Classroom Using Espinoza Drama Strategies

Literacy/ Social Studies

Learning through Drama for Kim Baran the English Language Learner: Based on Best Practices from Georgia Wolf Trap Early Learning through the Arts

Differentiated Learning



Barry Stew- Literacy/ art Mann Social Studies

Catalog Page page 10 page 10 page 10 page 11

page 11

Un-Common Core: Teaching Drew Brown Literacy/ Literacy Standards Through & Lauren Social Studies Visual Art Phillips

page 11


Redefining Craft in the Class- Shannon room Mulkey

Literacy/ Social Studies

page 12


No Mistakes! Tapping into a Dave HolChild's Development land throught the Playful Improvisation

Differentiated Learning

9th-12th Bookmaking 101: Summative Debi West Assessments Never Looked So Good

Literacy/ Social Studies

9th-12th Material Rescue: Using De- Raja Schaar STEAM sign to Teach Lifecycle Analy- & Catherine sis and Conservation Muller

page 12

page 12

page 13

Table of Contents—Sessions on Wednesday, June 4th Afternoon by Grade Level Grade K-2

Session Title

"Yes, Let's!" . . . Active Engagement Strategies for the Classroom 3rd - 5th Using Drama to Explore Key Science Concepts 3rd - 5th STEAM TEAMS: Working Together to Make the Connections/STEAM Using Design 3rd 12th K-5



Presenter Barry Stewart Mann & Jaehn Clare Jessica Espinoza

Focus Area

Any Connections page 14 STEAM

Jeff Mather STEAM &Courtney Bryant

Dramaturgy by Students Kim Baran Across the Woodruff Arts Center Listening, Making InferJanice Crews ences, and Storytelling Through Collaborative Composition Redefining Craft in the Class- Shannon Mulkey room

No Mistakes! Tapping into a Dave Holland Child's Development throught the Playful Improvisation 6th-8th Voices in Motion: Using Po- Theresa Davis/ etry and Dance in the Class- Lauren T. room 9thArtifact-Based Learning in Esther Smith 12th Secondary Social Studies: How to let objects do the teaching 6thThe iPad Comes Alive!: Aug- Jennifer Heyser 12th mented Reality and You

Catalog Page

page 14 page 15

Any Connections page 15 Literacy/ Social Studies Literacy/ Social Studies Differentiated Learning Literacy/ Social Studies Literacy/ Social Studies

page 16

page 16

page 16

page 17

page 17

STEAM page 18

Table of Contents—Sessions on Thursday, June 5th Morning by Grade Level Grade K-2 K-5 K-5


K-5 K - 12 3rd 12th

Session Title Using Drama to Explore Key Science Concepts Artful Reflections

Presenter Jessica Espinoza

Focus Area STEAM

Catalog Page page 19

Darby Jones/ Literacy/ page 19 Michele Mummert Social Studies Collaboration in Music: Janice Crews Literacy/ Simple Games, Strategies, Social Studies page 19 and Skill Development Un-Common Core: Teach- Drew Brown and ing Literacy Standards Lauren Phillips Through Visual Art Drumming UP Cognition! Dave Holland

Literacy/ Social Studies page 20

Differentiated page 20 Learning Reaching All Our Students Jaehn Clare Differentiated page 20 Learning From the Stage to the Ebony Tucker/ Any ConnecPage: Using Drama to Emily Yewell Volin tions page 21 Move Students Through an Exploration of Writing

6th-8th The Beautiful Enemy: Ellen Mitchell Shape, Color, and Form of Cell Design 6th-8th Arts Bots: Integrating Shannon Mulkey STEAM into the Classroom


page 21

6th-8th STEAM and Design Think- Barry Stewart STEAM ing Mann, Jeff Mather, page 22 & Tafee Patterson 6thCollisions with Dance, Mu- Valetta Anderson Literacy/ 12th sic, Visual Arts‌ Take Your Social Studies page 22 Pick 6thDigital Storytelling John Doyle & Literacy/ page 23 12th Daryl Funn Social Studies

Table of Contents—Sessions on Thursday, June 5th Afternoon by Grade Level Grade K-2

3rd 5th

3rd 5th 3rd 5th K-5 K-5

Session Title


Focus Area

Georgia Wolf Trap Story Kim Baran Basket: Bringing the Story to Life We’re All in This Together: Jennifer Heyser & Creating Meaning in Visual Esther Smith and Verbal Texts

Literacy/ Social Studies page 24

Peering into Paint: The Teri Holbrook & Close Reading of Images Nicole Pourchier STEAM and Design Thinking Barry Stewart Mann, Jeff Mather, & Tafee Patterson Drumming UP Cognition! Dave Holland

Literacy/ page 24 Social Studies STEAM page 25

Collaboration in Music: Sim- Janice Crews ple Games, Strategies, and Skill Development

Literacy/ Social Studies


6th-8th Assess Reading Comprehen- Jessica Espinoza sion in the Classroom Using Drama Strategies

Literacy/ Social Studies


page 24

Differentipage 25 ated Learning Literacy/ Social Studies page 26

6th-8th Arts Bots: Integrating Shannon Mulkey STEAM into the Classroom


Catalog Page

page 26

page 26

Artifacts, Field books, and Ellen Mitchell STEAM Installations--Investigating the world Through Artistic page 27 Eyes/ Science and Aesthetics Artful Reflections Darby Jones/ Literacy/ page 27 Michele Mummert Social Studies


Tuesday June 3, 2014

We are so pleased to host opportunities to preview and experience the world class and award winning art that is featured and produced at each of the Woodruff Arts Center divisions. On Tuesday, June 3rd participants will get to...

Sit in on an Atlanta Symphony Orchestra open rehearsal of Aida by Giuseppe Verdi... Preview scenes from upcoming Alliance Theatre productions...

Browse through the High Museum of Art’s galleries...

And preview arts integrated performances and workshops offered in schools by Young Audiences Teaching Artists.

Because of these special arts experiences, we are not providing session selections for Tuesday, just enjoy all of these special art experiences and as you dive in head first to this exciting conference!


Wednesday June 4, 2014 Morning Designing My Dream Car Grades K—2 STEAM The special exhibition, Dream Cars, is an exciting new show opening at the High on May 21 and runs until September 7. Participants taking part in this session will learn the steps in the Design Process and make connections within their own classroom, while also designing their own dream car.

Courtney Bryant The iPad Comes Alive!: Augmented Reality and You Grades 3—5 STEAM Imagine a student holding a tablet in front of a series of famous paintings. On each painting, something comes to life - sound, animation, or a pop-up fact linking the painting to historical world events. Students will learn what augmented reality is, become familiar with several augmented reality apps, and create their own augmented reality that they can use in their classrooms. Jennifer Heyser

Barry Stewart Mann

Story Power: Strategies for Integrating Storytelling Grades 3—5 Literacy/Social Studies Everyone loves stories - it's how we communicate. In this workshop, we'll explore the power of storytelling for student engagement, curriculum enhancement, literacy, and cultural awareness. We will use a simple process to learn a story and share it with a peer or small group; identify different types of stories; and then explore and work with a collection of specific strategies for integrating storytelling into classroom practice - for enhancing all of the Language Arts (reading, writing, speaking and listening): for introducing, reinforcing, and reviewing classroom content; and for establishing and supporting classroom culture and interpersonal connections.

*All sessions are aligned to Common Core State Standards


Wednesday June 4, 2014 Morning

Jessica Espinoza

Assess Reading Comprehension in the Classroom Using Drama Strategies Grades K—5 Literacy/Social Studies This workshop presents drama strategies that can be used to explore key K– 2nd grade science concepts. In this workshop, Life Science and Physical Science lessons will be explored using role-playing, tableau, improvisation, and pantomime. Participants will learn effective strategies that are sure to keep your students engaged and on the edge of their seat when learning all about science in your classroom!

Learning through Drama for the English Language Learner: Based on Best Practices from Georgia Wolf Trap Early Learning through the Arts Grades K—5 Literacy/Social Studies This interactive session will explore the drama strategies developed during the 3 year Georgia Wolf Trap ELL Arts Model Grant. The Power Point used during the grant dissemination process will be the guide for the 2 hour session, as the participants interact with the vetted drama and teaching strategies. The research derived from the project will be presented to underscore the success of the GA Wolf Trap methods used.

Kim Bowers-Rheay Baran

Un-Common Core: Teaching Literacy Standards Through Visual Art Grades K—5 Literacy/Social Studies This hands-on workshop will explore connecting the Common Core Anchor Literacy Standards with visual arts lessons. A variety of artworks from folk art to contemporary will inspire the work to include ceramics, drawing and printmaking. Visit each station and take home ideas for 3 very different and exciting lessons! You will leave this workshop with ideas for differentiation to help guide your future strategies. Drew Brown (not pictured) & Lauren Phillips

*All sessions are aligned to Common Core State Standards


Wednesday June 4, 2014 Morning

Redefining Craft in the Classroom Grades 6—8 Literacy/Social Studies This session will follow the thread of Craft through American history to the resurgence the contemporary craft/maker movements. Craft offers a tangible approach to history and culture enriching community and experience. This first part of this session will begin with the early American craft traditions, touching on folk and outsider art and ending with the resurgence of the contemporary craft/maker movement. How is this relevant in your classroom? What can craft teach us about our history and culture? How can you incorporate craft in your classroom? Facilitator: Shannon Mulkey (not pictured) No Mistakes! Tapping into a Child’s Development through Playful Improvisation Grades 6—8 Differentiated Learning Creating an environment where a student can freely explore the possibilities of a particular subject matter without the fear of making mistakes has been shown to build both cognitive development, problem solving strategies, and a students’ self esteem. Improvisation is a powerful tool in helping a child consider several options before reaching a conclusion. This workshop presents easy to facilitate rhythm & theatre games designed to stimulate discussion, discover and reflection in the classroom. Dave Holland

Bookmaking 101: Summative Assessments Never Looked So Good Grades 9—12 Literacy/Social Studies Participants will learn to use simple bookmaking techniques to showcase the authentic learning of specific units taught through a semester. This is arts integration at its best - math, literacy and the visual arts unite to create meaningful art that speaks loudly! Debi West

*All sessions are aligned to Common Core State Standards


Wednesday June 4, 2014 Morning

Material Rescue: Using Design to Teach Lifecycle Analysis & Conservation Grades 9—12 STEAM In this hands-on making workshop, presenters will introduce the principles of design and sustainability and cradle-to-cradle material lifecycle. Participants will conceptualize and prototype a new "product" made from discarded, repurposed, recycled, found or locally-sourced materials. The aim of this project is to create a second life for the discarded materials and/or products. How can our understanding of product lifecycle inform our use of materials? How could the design of "new" things evolve to create a truly sustainable economic system? This is a creative experiment centering on experimentation, originality and risk. Participants will be challenged to think about the social, environmental, and economic impact of design.

Raja Schaar & Catherine Muller (not pictured)

This completes our listings for Wednesday June 4, 2014 morning sessions. These sessions will take place from 10:00am—12:00pm. Please note, several of our sessions will be repeated throughout the conference for the same grade levels or scaffolded grade levels .

*All sessions are aligned to Common Core State Standards


Wednesday June 4, 2014 Afternoon

"Yes, Let's!" . . . Active Engagement Strategies for the Classroom Grades K—2 Any Connections Learning should be engaging throughout the day. Join us as we'll borrow from drama practice and theatre games to explore four specific active engagement strategies - warm-ups, sociometrics, characterization, and statue/tableau - and their applications across classroom culture. We'll present and model each, and then further develop how they can be integrated into curriculum content, class routines, brainstorming, assessment, reflection, and classroom management. You'll experience the strategies and develop ideas for specific application in your own practice to more deeply engage students through action, movement, imagination, and social interaction.

Barry Stewart Mann & Jaehn Clare

Using Drama to Explore Key Science Concepts Grades 3—5 STEAM This workshop presents drama strategies that can be used to explore key K- 2nd grade science concepts. In this workshop, Life Science and Physical Science lessons will be explored using role-playing, tableau, improvisation, and pantomime. Participants will learn effective drama strategies that are sure to keep your students engaged and on the edge of their seat when learning all about science in your classroom!

Jessica Espinoza

*All sessions are aligned to Common Core State Standards


Wednesday June 4, 2014 Afternoon

STEAM TEAMS: Working Together to Make the Connections/STEAM Using Design Grades 3—5 STEAM This session will be a hands-on workshop to design project-based learning curriculum that uses Design Thinking strategies to make connections between the STEAM subject areas. STEAM team teachers and students will use iPads during the design process to collaborate on designs for environmental art projects. Specifically, participants in this session will experience how 21st Century Skills are built through the following STEAM connections projects: Ways of thinking: Creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, decision-making and learning Ways of working: Communication and collaboration Tools for working: Information and communications technology (ICT) and information literacy

Jeff Mather & Courtney Bryant

Dramaturgy Across the Woodruff Arts Center Grades 3—12 Literacy/Social Studies The Alliance Theatre Institute's Dramaturgy by Students program is a real world program in which students are the dramaturgs for an Alliance Theatre production. (Dramaturgy represents the research and development arm of theatre, as well as the intellectual activity around any given production or theatrical work.) Part of the work of a dramaturg is to prepare the audience to see the play through research of the history, topics, themes, etc. and presenting this in playbill articles, lobby boards and exhibits for audience viewing before and after the play. This workshop will provide practical tools and strategies for the participants to use with their own students so the students can prepare their peers to attend an ASO concert, view an exhibit at the High Museum or experience a Young Audiences performance at their school. With the students as 'experts' through research, they will create their own lobby boards, articles, or other information sharing ideas that make the art experience more personal and vibrant for the entire school community.

Kim Bowers-Rheay Baran

*All sessions are aligned to Common Core State Standards


Wednesday June 4, 2014 Afternoon

Listening, Making Inferences, and Storytelling Through Collaborative Composition Grades K—5 Literacy/Social Studies How can students collaborate to explore both music and literature? In this session, participants will explore simple Active Listening strategies that can be applied directly to making inferences and reading comprehension. Engage in fun and easy hands-on rhythm games and learn simple tools for teaching introductory composition, even with no music background. Analyze, summarize, and retell a story using simple rhythmic motives. Walk away with clear outlines for your next bell-ringer and group project. No music background is necessary.

Janice Crews

Redefining Craft in the Classroom Grades K—5 Literacy/Social Studies Redefining Craft in the classroom Incorporating early American craft traditions, American folk art, and the contemporary craft/maker movement. This session will follow the thread of Craft through American history to the resurgence the contemporary craft/maker movements. Craft offers a tangible approach to history and culture enriching community and experience. Facilitator: Shannon Mulkey (not pictured) No Mistakes! Tapping into a Child’s Development through Playful Improvisation Grades K—5 Differentiated Learning Creating an environment where a student can freely explore the possibilities of a particular subject matter without the fear of making mistakes has been shown to build both cognitive development, problem solving strategies, and a students’ self esteem. Improvisation is a powerful tool in helping a child consider several options before reaching a conclusion. This workshop presents easy to facilitate rhythm & theatre games designed to stimulate discussion, discover and reflection in the Dave Holland


*All sessions are aligned to Common Core State Standards


Wednesday June 4, 2014 Afternoon

Voices in Motion: Using Poetry and Dance in the Classroom Grades 6—8 Literacy/Social Studies In this workshop, participants will study a High Museum Art Exhibit piece and using a visual response will create a poem about where they are from and how they fit into the art. They will use personal narrative poetry to find connections within the art piece and their own experiences. Participants will return to a dance space and create a living vocabulary from their individual poems. Participants will then develop movement from vocabulary and movement phrases. If time allows, movement phrases can be linked together for one final collaborative piece.

Theresa Davis & Laurin Trudeau-Dunleavy

Artifact-Based Learning in Secondary Social Studies: How to Let Objects Do the Teaching Grades 9—12 Literacy/Social Studies Focusing on the High’s decorative art collection, we'll explore how art objects are also historical artifacts that can bring the past alive for our students. We'll learn ways to bring artifacts into our teaching, and we'll focus on forming good questions to springboard student inquiry. We'll see how artifact-based teaching addresses the Literacy in Social Studies portion of the CCGPS as well as a variety of History standards and Information Processing skills in the GPS. Techniques in this workshop will also help teachers address the Core Subjects and 21st CenEsther Smith

tury Themes and Life and Career Skills portions of the 21st Century Skills.

*All sessions are aligned to Common Core State Standards


Wednesday June 4, 2014 Afternoon

The iPad Comes Alive!: Augmented Reality and You Grades 6—12 STEAM Imagine a student holding a tablet in front of a series of famous paintings. On each painting, something comes to life - sound, animation, or a pop-up fact linking the painting to historical world events. Students will learn what augmented reality is, become familiar with several augmented reality apps, and create their own augmented reality that they can use in their classrooms. Jennifer Heyser

This completes our listings for Wednesday June 4, 2014 afternoon sessions. These sessions will take place from 1:00pm—3:00pm. Please note, several of our sessions will be repeated throughout the conference for the same grade levels or scaffolded grade levels .

*All sessions are aligned to Common Core State Standards


Thursday June 5, 2014 Morning

Using Drama to Explore Key Science Concepts Grades K—2 STEAM This workshop presents drama strategies that can be used to explore key 3rd- 5th grade science concepts. In this workshop, Life Science and Physical Science lessons will be explored using role-playing, tableau, improvisation, and pantomime. Participants will learn effective drama strategies that are sure to keep your students engaged and on the edge of their seat when learning all about science in your classroom!

Jessica Espinoza Artful Reflections Grades K—5 Literacy/Social Studies This session will introduce participants to the world of Artful Thinking, VTS, Inquiry-based questioning strategies will promote engagement with theatre and visual subject matter centered around pieces in the permanent collection at HMA and Michele Mummert & Darby Jones

scripts as texts and scene work from the Alliance Theatre. Focus will be placed on utilization of these strategies to address/ reinforce standards in College and Career Readiness and ELA Common Core Standards.

Collaboration in Music: Simple Games, Strategies, and Skill Development Grades K—5 Literacy/Social Studies Lead your students to discover what collaboration really is through experiential learning. In this session, educators will explore simple hands-on strategies for teaching collaboration skills using music and the art of play, with direct ties to literacy and storytelling. Participants will identify the many characteristics of collaboration through games that inspire the creation of pattern, structured sentences, and poetry. Adaptations can be made for almost any curriculum. No music background is necessary.

Janice Crews

*All sessions are aligned to Common Core State Standards


Thursday June 5, 2014 Morning Un-Common Core: Teaching Literacy Standards Through Visual Art Grades K—5 Literacy/Social Studies This hands-on workshop will explore connecting the Common Core Anchor Literacy Standards with visual arts lessons. A variety of artworks from folk art to contemporary will inspire the work to include ceramics, drawing and printmaking. Visit each station and take home ideas for 3 very different and exciting lessons! You will leave this workshop with ideas for differentiation to help guide your future

Drew Brown (not pictured) & Lauren Phillips


Drumming UP Cognition! Grades K—5 Differentiated Learning Discover the latest research, hear powerful case studies and experience hands-on activities designed to help boost your students’ cognitive development. This session explores a variety of ways in which interactive rhythm can be effectively integrated into the classroom to create more conscious awareness and a deeper connection to learning objectives and curriculum standards. Session to include rhythm games, kinesthetic movement activities and strategies for effective processing and reflection.

Dave Holland

Reaching All Our Students Grades K—12 Differentiated Learning This session is designed to introduce participants to the conceptual framework of Universal Design for Learning (UDL), a set of principles for curriculum development that give all individuals equal opportunities to learn. UDL provides a blueprint for creating instructional goals, methods, materials, and assessments that work for everyone - not a single, onesize-fits-all solution but rather flexible approaches that can be customJaehn Clare

ized and adjusted for individual needs.

*All sessions are aligned to Common Core State Standards


Thursday June 5, 2014 Morning

From the Stage to the Page: Using Drama to Move Students Through an Exploration of Writing Grades 3—12 Any Connections The purpose of the session is to demonstrate how a drama and movement techniques can be used to explore writing in various subjects. Landforms and Science will be the topics of focus during the session with emphasis on how the techniques can be applied to other content areas.

Ebony Tucker & Emily Yewell Volin

The Beautiful Enemy: Shape, Color, and Form of Cell Design Grades 6—8 STEAM In this session, participants will make connections between geometry, life science, and visual art, all connecting to the High’s permanent collection. We will examine the physical elements of human cells and their purposes with a study of cell mutations from healthy to diseased. Watercolor, the computer program Screen Cast, and writing will all be explored in this exciting STEAM workshop for middle school teachers. Ellen Mitchell

Art Bots : Integrating STEAM Into the Classroom Grades 6—8 STEAM Designing and making Artbots combines innovation, creative thinking, engineering, and electronics. Artbots can be a doorway to basic engineering and design skills, as well as the development of troubleshooting and problem solving strategies. Designing robots encourages tinkering, prototyping, and trial-and-error in individual or collaborative settings. Facilitator: Shannon Mulkey (not pictured)

*All sessions are aligned to Common Core State Standards


Thursday June 5, 2014 Morning

STEAM and Design Thinking Grades 6—8 STEAM Participants will learn about the Engineering Design Process and apply it to a curricular topic from their practice, through the guidance of three diverse Woodruff Arts Center artists. We will begin with presentation of an example of a STEAM project in action. We will introduce the idea of a ‘trigger’ – a guiding concept, principle or phenomenon that crosses disciplines and content areas (e.g., ‘flow’, ‘balance’ or ‘tension’) and sparks connections among them. We will provide insights from the STEAM conferences that we attended, as representatives of Young Audiences, to share perspectives on how STEAM is taking shape across the country. Most of the session will then be devoted hands-on brainstorming and design, allowing participants to apply Design Thinking in developing STEAM units and projects collaboratively (by grade, subject or other commonality) with the facilitators and fellow attendees.

Barry Stewart Mann, Jeff Mather, & Tafee Patterson

Collisions with Dance, Music, Visual Arts… Take Your Pick Grades 6—12 Literacy/Social Studies For grades 6-12 HS-MS Collision Plus can be adapted for whatever art form the students have attended. In this workshop ELA students have attended an ASO symphonic (non lyrical) performance. Returning to school, they are to work in groups of 4 to 5 and write their interpretation of the piece, theme, setting, characters, conflict and resolution. Using Professional Theatre Pedagogy, each student group creates a five to ten minute play that presents their dramatization of the music’s story with characters, dialogue, conflict, and resolution.

Valetta Anderson

*All sessions are aligned to Common Core State Standards


Thursday June 5, 2014 Morning

Digital Storytelling Grades 6—12 Literacy/Social Studies Using technology readily available to them including smart phones, teachers can make a digital story responding to one of the arts disciplines presented on Day 1 of the Woodruff Arts Center Educator Conference. Teachers will embody the process and experience the deepening of their visual articulation of the work of art they have chosen, just as their students would during a trip to the High or the ASO or Alliance Theatre or their Social Science or other curriculum disciplines. Teachers will also learn writing exercises and writing prompts that can be used in their classroom. John Doyle & Daryl Funn

This completes our listings for Thursday June 5, 2014 morning sessions. These sessions will take place from 10:00am—12:00pm. Please note, several of our sessions will be repeated throughout the conference for the same grade levels or scaffolded grade levels .

*All sessions are aligned to Common Core State Standards


Thursday June 5, 2014 Afternoon

Georgia Wolf Trap Early Learning through the Arts Story Basket: Bringing the Story to Life Grades K—2 Literacy/Social Studies Bring stories to life using this dynamic Wolf Trap strategy that combines representative objects, pictures, manipulatives and creative drama to introduce story elements and storytelling to K-2nd grade students. Kim Bowers-Rheay Baran

We’re All in This Together: Creating Meaning in Visual and Verbal Texts Grades 3—5 Literacy/Social Studies How can reading strengthen my students’ art making? How does Art help my students grow as writers? Using everything from museum masterpieces to iPads, we’ll see how art teachers and classroom teachers can support one another in elementary school. Participants will learn how to guide their students in “reading art” as well as writing unique and new artists’ statements. We’ll explore how metacognitive strategies apply in meaning-making of visual texts and verbal texts. Teachers will also try out digital resources for

Jennifer Heyser & Esther Smith

sparking student writing. New techniques and lesson ideas will remain curriculum-tied with a keen emphasis on practicality. Peering into Paint: The Close Reading of Images Grades 3—5 Literacy/Social Studies In this session, participants will take up the concept of “close reading” described in the Common Core reading standards. We will explore “raw voice” poems and create a “voice symphony” that includes repetition, tones, and pacing. Art making a focus on the High’s permanent collection will be included in this exciting literacy workshop for upper elementary school teachers. Facilitated by: Teri Holbrook & Nicole Pourchier

*All sessions are aligned to Common Core State Standards


Thursday June 5, 2014 Afternoon

STEAM and Design Thinking Grades 3—5 STEAM Participants will learn about the Engineering Design Process and apply it to a curricular topic from their practice, through the guidance of three diverse Woodruff Arts Center artists. We will begin with presentation of an example of a STEAM project in action. We will introduce the idea of a ‘trigger’ – a guiding concept, principle or phenomenon that crosses disciplines and content areas (e.g., ‘flow’, ‘balance’ or ‘tension’) and sparks connections among them. We will provide insights from the STEAM conferences that we attended, as representatives of Young Audiences, to share perspectives on how STEAM is taking shape across the country. Most of the session will then be devoted hands-on brainstorming and design, allowing participants to apply Design Thinking in developing STEAM units and projects collaboratively (by grade, subject or other commonality) with the facilitators and fellow attendees.

Barry Stewart Mann, Jeff Mather, & Tafee Patterson

Drumming UP Cognition! Grades K—5 Differentiated Learning Discover the latest research, hear powerful case studies and experience hands-on activities designed to help boost your students’ cognitive development. This session explores a variety of ways in which interactive rhythm can be effectively integrated into the classroom to create more conscious awareness and a deeper connection to learning objectives and curriculum standards. Session to include rhythm games, kinesthetic movement activities and strategies for effective processing and reflection. Dave Holland

*All sessions are aligned to Common Core State Standards


Thursday June 5, 2014 Afternoon Collaboration in Music: Simple Games, Strategies, and Skill Development Grades K—5 Literacy/Social Studies Lead your students to discover what collaboration really is through experiential learning. In this session, educators will explore simple hands-on strategies for teaching collaboration skills using music and the art of play, with direct ties to literacy and storytelling. Participants will identify the many characteristics of collaboration through games that inspire the creation of pattern, structured sentences, and poetry. Adaptations can be made for almost any curriculum. No music background is necessary.

Janice Crews Art Bots : Integrating STEAM Into the Classroom Grades 6—8 STEAM Designing and making Artbots combines innovation, creative thinking, engineering, and electronics. Artbots can be a doorway to basic engineering and design skills, as well as the development of troubleshooting and problem solving strategies. Designing robots encourages tinkering, prototyping, and trial-and-error in individual or collaborative settings. Facilitated by: Shannon Mulkey Assess Reading Comprehension in the Classroom Using Drama Strategies Grades 6—8 Literacy/Social Studies Participants will explore the components that make up a meaningful formative assessment using drama by participating in various drama activations where this can be modeled. The purpose is for the teacher to receive drama strategies that can be implemented in the reading classroom. These strategies can serve as formative assessment measures. Teachers will leave this workshop with knowledge on how to effectively assess students for understanding using drama strategies. Concrete measures for authentic assessment will be shared including anecdotal notes, rubrics, samples of student work, and effective questioning techniques.

*All sessions are aligned to Common Core State Standards

Jessica Espinoza


Thursday June 5, 2014 Afternoon

Artifacts, Field books, and Installations--Investigating the world Through Artistic Eyes/ Science and Aesthetics Grades 6—12 STEAM Exploring the High’s contemporary and folk art collections, participants will investigate earth, life, and physical science topics by discovering the art of field book drawings and installation.

Ellen Mitchell

Artful Reflections Grades K—5 Literacy/Social Studies This session will introduce participants to the world of Artful Thinking, VTS, Inquiry-based questioning strategies will promote engagement with theatre and visual subject matter centered around pieces in the permanent collection at HMA and scripts as texts and scene work from the Alliance Theatre. Focus will be placed on utilization of these strategies to address/ Michele Mummert & Darby Jones

reinforce standards in College and Career Readiness and ELA Common Core Standards.

*All sessions are aligned to Common Core State Standards


Thursday June 5, 2014 Afternoon

This completes our listings for Thursday June 5, 2014 afternoon sessions. These sessions will take place from 1:00pm—3:00pm. Please note, several of our sessions will be repeated throughout the conference for the same grade levels or scaffolded grade levels .

*All sessions are aligned to Common Core State Standards


Lunch Sessions Community Canvas Lunch All Grades This session is open to everyone and will be happening Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at lunch time. Karin Mervis will lead lunchtime drop in sessions for participants on all three days of the conference. Participants will collaborate on a Community Canvas and in the process will learn fundamental principles and elements of art and design such as color theory, line, shape and texture. Karin will show participants how to enrich their composition with a fascinating variety of tools, materials and techniques including acrylic gel mediums, additives (pencil shavings, glitter, sand, sequence), sgraffito, impasto and resist methods. Karin will also discuss the pertinence of this type of work to a variety of curriculum topics and the Common Core. The finished piece will be awarded to one of the participants’ schools by way of a raf-

Karin Mervis


Alliance Theatre Institute for Educators & Teaching Artists Lunch This is a session that is required of current Institute partner teachers and Alliance Theatre Institute Teaching Artists During this session, Institute partner teachers will begin planning their 2014-2015 residencies by meeting their teaching artists, schedule initial planning meetings, book field trips, and begin to look at their partnership for the coming year!

*All sessions are aligned to Common Core State Standards

This completes our listings for the Inaugural Woodruff Arts Center Educator Conference. If you have any questions about anything you’ve seen or would like to register for the conference, please visit www.alliancetheatre.org/edconference or email mary.alice-nichols@woodruffcenter.org. We look forward to learning with you. Don’t forget to use the hashtag #WACEdConf2014 when you join us this summer!

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