Servicing Servicing Cardan Cardan shaft shaft park park brakes brakes Servicing ServicingServicing Cardan Cardan Cardan shaft shaftpark park shaft brakes brakes park brakes AAnew newmethod methodfor for testing testingCardan Cardan shaft shaft park park brakes brakes AA new new method method forfor A new method for (also known known as as testing testing Cardan Cardan (also testing Cardan transmission type type shaft shaft park park brakes brakestransmission shaft park brakes park brakes) was (also (also known known asas park (alsobrakes) known was as introduced introduced on ontype transmission transmission type type transmission December December 2022. park park brakes) brakes) was was11park brakes)2022. was
An test sha (als tran par introduced introduced onon introduced on intr Service Serviceproviders providersmust mustbe beable ableto tocorrectly correctlydiagnose, diagnose,maintain maintainand andadjust adjustthese 1 December 1 December 2022. 2022. 1 December 2022. 1thes De
brakes brakesto tothe themanufacturers’ manufacturers’specifications specificationsininorder orderfor forthem themto topass passthe thenew new in-service in-servicetest, test,especially especiallyififthey theyhave havealready alreadyfailed. failed. Service Service providers providers must must Service bebe able able providers to to correctly correctly must diagnose, diagnose, be able maintain tomaintain correctly and and diagnose, adjust adjust these maintain these and adjust Serv thes brakes brakes to to thethe manufacturers’ manufacturers’ brakes specifications tospecifications the manufacturers’ in order in order specifications forfor them them to to pass pass in order thethe new for new them to pass the new brak When Whenservicing servicingaaCardan Cardanshaft shaftpark parkbrake, brake,the thefollowing followingsteps steps in-service in-service test, test, especially especially in-service if they if they have test, have already especially already failed. failed. if they have already failed. in-se should shouldbe befollowed: followed:
••When Only Only use use lining lining materials materials that thatpark •• Cables, Cables, linkages linkages and andactuators actuators W When When servicing servicing a Cardan a Cardan shaft shaft servicing park park brake, abrake, Cardan thethe following shaft following steps brake, steps the following steps are arerecommended recommended bythe the must mustmove movefreely freelyand andbe becorrectly correctl should should bebe followed: followed: should be followed: by sh manufacturer. manufacturer.The Thelinings liningsfor for adjusted, adjusted,especially especiallyififaabell-crack bell-crack • Only • Only useuse lining lining materials materials • Cardan Only that that use lining materials that • Cables, •brakes Cables, linkages linkages and •actuators Cardan shaft shaft park park brakes tend tend to to and isCables, isactuators used. used. linkages and actuators • areare recommended recommended byby the are by the must must move move freely freely and and be must be correctly correctly move freely and be correctl be bethe aarecommended softer softercompound compound than than normal normal •• Brake Brakeshoe shoeto todrum drumclearance clearancemu mu manufacturer. manufacturer. The The linings linings manufacturer. forfor Theadjusted, linings for adjusted, especially especially if aadjusted, ifbell-crack a bell-crack especially if a bell-crack service service brake brakelinings. linings. be beminimal minimalbut butnot notinduce induceany any Cardan Cardan shaft shaft park park brakes brakes Cardan tend tend shaft to to parkisbrakes tend to used. is used. is used. •• Brake Brakedrums drumsand andshoes shoesmay mayneed need drag. drag. bebe a softer a softer compound compound than bethan a softer normal normal compound than normal • Brake • Brake shoe shoe to to drum drum clearance • clearance Brake shoe must must to drum clearance mu to tobe beradiused radiusedininthe thesame samemanner manner •• Always Alwaysrefer referto tothe themanufacturers manufacturer service service brake brake linings. linings.service brake linings. be be minimal minimal but but not not induce induce be minimal any any but not induce any as asother otherdrum drumbrakes. brakes. specifications. specifications. • Brake • Brake drums drums and and shoes shoes • Brake may may drums need needand shoes may need • drag. drag. drag. •• Some Someburnishing burnishingof ofthe thelinings liningswill will to to bebe radiused radiused in the in the same tosame bemanner radiused manner in• the samerefer manner Always •new Always to to thethe manufacturers’ • manufacturers’ Always refer to the manufacturer help helpto tobed bedininthe thenew parts. parts.refer as as other other drum drum brakes. brakes. as other drum brakes. specifications. specifications. specifications. • Some • Some burnishing burnishing of of the • the Some linings linings burnishing willwill of the linings will • help help to to bed bed in the in the new new help parts. parts. to bed in the new parts. including For For more more information, information, includingaavideo videoon onservicing servicing
Cardan Cardanshaft shaftpark parkbrakes, brakes,visit:
ForFor more more information, information, Forincluding more including information, a video a video onincluding on servicing servicing a video on servicing Cardan Cardan shaft shaft park park brakes, Cardan brakes, visit: shaft visit: park brakes, visit: 23-EX-024