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Ukrainian-American Family Keeps Colorful Easter Egg Tradition Alive By LIBBY CUDMORE MOUNT VISION


hen Anita Barra was a child, she would wake up on spring mornings during Lent to find brightly colored Ukrainian psanky eggs in a basket on the table. “My grandmother, Catherine Fabien, made them after everyone went to sleep,” she said. “That’s how they

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were done in the old country.” The grandmother decorated the eggs until she was in her 90s. It was a tradition she passed down to Chickens Anita and her sister symbolize fruitfulness. Janet, but they, unlike Catherine, are not content to hide the tradition under the Ian Austin/ OTSEGO.Easter cloak of night. Anita Barra created colorful psanky eggs, a Please See PSANKY, B3 Ukrainian tradition, at her grandmom’s knee.






Parker Sitterly, 4, of Middlefield, leads the charge at the 2013 Hyde Hall egg hunt. This year’s event will be held Saturday, April 19.

Spring Favorite Returns In Hyde Hall’s Egg Hunt


unny fun on the lawn of Hyde Hall with an Easter egg hunt, prizes, raffles and a visit from the big Bunny himself. Free; public welcome. 10 a.m.-noon Saturday, April 19, Hyde Hall, 267 Glimmerglass State Park Road, Cooperstown. Info, (607) 547-5098. EASTER PARADE: Mrs. Bunny and the Easter Bunny lead a parade up to the Tunnicliff Inn for refreshments and time to visit. Noon, Saturday, April 19, Lakefront Park, Cooperstown. Info, (607) 547-9983. GOOD FRIDAY: “Encounter the Cross” offers a self-guided meditation on the stations of the cross. Noon-7 p.m. Friday, April 18. Community Bible Chapel, 577 Greennough Rd., Cooperstown. Info, (607) 547-9764. AUDITIONS: Sing a Song of Broadway seeks talent for “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.” 1-4:30 p.m. Saturday, April 19, Red Door Presbyterian Church, 381 Main St. (use Roosevelt Ave entrance). Info, (607) 287-8669.


Jim Kevlin/

Ellie Sosnowski and husband Len visit the inspirational sign she has updated weekly at a crossroads in the Town of Milford since the couple was born again 15 years ago.

Born Again, Ellie Sosnowski Was Inspired To Share Good Word By JIM KEVLIN




n a hilltop crossroads west of here, the sign reads, “The Easter Bunny didn’t rise from the grave!!”, followed by “Matt. 28/1-7.” Look it up in your favorite version of the Bible – Ellie Sosnowski prefers the Life Application Study Bible – and you will find the passage where Mary and Mary Magdalene go to Jesus’ grave after the Crucifixion. There, they meet an angel, who tells them, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.” For the past 15 years, drivers who pass that way – County Routes 44 and 46 – have

esus has a lost and found department

Tolerance is intolerance

Proverbs, 18:2

• Fight poverty the Bible way – get a job

Luke, 15:3-10

EAGLE HAS LANDED: Tom Salo presents his findings on three local Golden Eagles. 7:30 p.m. Friday, April 18, Cooperstown Presbyterian Church, Pioneer St., Cooperstown. Info, (607) 965-8232.

Thessalonians, 3:10

• He died for you; Will you live for him?

• The DaVinci Code: Satan’s Great Lie!

John, 3:16

seen hundreds of such annotated messages now, as Sosnowski has been updating her signboard at least once a week since she was born again in 1999. “It’s my ministry,” she said simply. The idea, she believes, began forming in the 1990s when she and her husband Len

FARMERS’ MARKET: Meat, woodworking, jams, maple products, baked goods and live music at an indoor farmers’ market. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Friday, April 18, Otsego Manor, 28 Phoenix Mills Cross Rd, Cooperstown. Info, Amy Rose (607) 544-2699.

Timothy, 4:3-4

NEW MUSICAL: Hartwick Theater Department presents “Carrie: The Musical” based on the Stephen King novel. $5 students, $10 public. 8 p.m. Thursday-Saturday April 18-19, Slade Theater, Yager Hall, Hartwick College. Info, Michael Seeber, seeberm@

were driving back from visiting her brother, the Rev. Bob Amon, a pastor in Indianapolis. All along the Interstates were huge billboards, “I’m Watching You – God” and “Do I Have To Come Down There? – God.” Back home in Otsego County, she and Please See SIGNS, B4



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CELEBratE! holy week & easter sunday 2014


Celebrate Easter Join us for Easter Sunday as we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. May you find the answers you’ve been looking for! April 17 Maundy Thursday 10 am Holy Eucharist 7 pm Holy Communion April 18 Good Friday Noon Good Friday Worship 8 pm Tenebrae April 19 Easter Vigil 8 pm The Great Vigil of Easter If you’re not quite sure, we have the answer you’ve been seeking.


St. James Episcopal Church

305 Main Street, Oneonta


EastEr triduum 2014 st. mary’s ‘Our Lady of The Lake’ roman Catholic Church 31 Elm St., Cooperstown NY 13326

HOLY tHursdaY

Thursday, April 17 Evening Mass of the Lord’s Super 7 pm

GOOd FridaY

Friday, April 18 Commemoration of The Lord’s Death 3 pm Adoration of The Cross Good Friday Solemn Stations of the Cross 6:30 pm

April 20 Easter Sunday 8 am Holy Eucharist 10 am Celebrate the Resurrection with Dixieland Jazz!

Holy Week Worship Schedule Holy Thursday – April 17 6 pm Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper Prayer Vigil begins after the Eucharist before the Reserved Sacrament

11 pm Night Prayer before the Reserved Sacrament (Lady Chapel)

Good Friday – April 18

8:30 am Morning Prayer Noon Midday Prayer 12:30 to 3 pm Priests will be available for Confession 4 pm Celebration of the Lord’s Passion and Death 7 pm Night Prayer

Holy Saturday – April 19

8:30 am Morning Prayer Noon Midday Prayer and Blessing of Easter Foods

The Easter Vigil

EastEr ViGiL OF HOLY saturdaY

in the Holy Night – April 19

NiGHt WatCH OF NEW FirE 7 pm EastEr ViGiL mass 7 pm

Easter Sunday:

Blessing of Easter Baskets 11 am

EastEr massEs suNdaY, aPriL 20 7:30 am & 9:30 am sOLEmN mass OF EastEr 11 am The rev. John P. rosson, Pastor • 547-2213

9 pm The Liturgies of Fire, Word, Baptism, and Eucharist

The Resurrection of the Lord April 20

Eucharistic Liturgy and Renewal of Baptismal Promises 8:30 am and 10:30 am

St. Mary’s Church

Walnut and Elm Streets, Oneonta 607.432.3920 B-3


Every Week For 15 Years, Inspired Words Displayed SIGNS/From B1 Len were driving down Route 28. Austin Furniture, near Milford Center, had closed. One of those big marquee signs with plastic letters reading “For Sale” was near the highway. Seeing it, Ellie got a message: “God said to me, ‘I want you to get that sign.’ And I said, ‘OK,’ because I don’t argue with the Lord.” $250 later, the deal was done, and the Sosnowskis took the sign home, setting it up on the corner across from their house. Ellie began putting a new message on the board twice a week; (she has since dropped back to once a week). The words, she believes, were being communicated to her by God. She would wake in the middle of the night and write the messages in a little notebook by her bed.

These events corresponded with other strains of spirituality the couple – she was nursing director at The Meadows, the county nursing home; he, a contractor and cabinet maker – had been experiencing about that time. She and her supervisor at The Meadows, Cathy Crist, had begun pausing to pray together during their lunch hour, and Ellie had joined Cathy in attending the Assembly of God Church on Route 80 near Oaksville. The singing inspired a feeling of community. And the message – accept Jesus and be saved – “was something I’d never heard before,” said Ellie. “Wow!” At home one morning, she and Len were watchng the Rev. Jack Van Impe’s weekly TV show, where the televangelist advised listeners to confess their sins. “In


First Presbyterian Church of Cooperstown

66 Chestnut St., Oneonta (607) 432-4102 A Reconciling Congregation Welcoming LGTBQ Handicap Accessible Good Friday 12:10 pm - Ecumenical Service 7 pm - Stations of the Cross

25 Church Street 607-547-8401

eApril 17 at 6:30 pm f

Foot Washing Service e7:30 pm f Communion and Tenebrae

eApril 18 at 7:30 pm f Ecumenical Service at the Episcopal Church

Christ Episcopal Church 46 River Street Cooperstown, NY 607-547-9555

The Reverend Mark A. Michael, Rector V


Monday-Wednesday, April 14-16, 8:30am, Holy Eucharist, Chapel

Celebrate Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday

eApril 20 at 6:45 am f Ecumenical Sunrise Service Pioneer Street by Lake Otsego e10:00 am f Worship Service “From Mourning to Morning” The Rev. Elsie Rhodes

Maundy Thursday, April 17, 7:30pm Holy Eucharist with Foot washing & Passion Watch Good Friday, April 18, 3:00pm Solemn Liturgy, Church Good Friday Ecumenical Service, 7:30pm in Chapel Easter Vigil, Saturday, April 19, 7:30pm (Meet at Lych Gate on River Street) Easter Day, Sunday, April 20, 8 & 10am, Festive Choral Eucharist

The Wells Bridge Baptist Church 7 Church Street, Wells Bridge

The Reverend David Steensma, Pastor invites you to attend Easter Sunday Morning Services (no Sunday School) 10 am Light Brunch before 11 am Morning Worship Service “Hallelujah, He Has Risen New Life He Has Given”

Come and rejoice with us!

Victorious Christian Life Conference

Fri., April 25 6:30-9 pm • Sat., April 26 9 am - 3 pm Hosted by

West Davenport Free Baptist Church 211 Charlotte Creek Rd, West Davenport

This Grace Fellowship International Conference will help the believer understand: The Basis for a Meaningful Life • Rejection Dealing with Downers • Healing Damaged Emotions Living a Happy, Victorious Life To register or for more information Contact Pastor Steve at 607-432-7840 or

them by name.) That Christmas Eve, 1999, the Sosnowskis attended service, celebrating their newly shared faith. The next morning – Christmas morning – their new garage burned to the ground. The fire was so hot, their vintage 1972 VW Bug virtually melted. Tapes she had been collecting – Ellie is a founder of the Blue Ribbon Cloggers, the local dancing troupe – likewise melted. Jim Kevlin/ OTSEGO.Easter Forty of Len’s cabinet orThe Sosnowskis confer over a citation in the ders had been destroyed. kitchen of the 1805 farmhouse they renovated in “The more we love the Town of Milford. Jesus,” Ellie concluded, bus pulled over; when Ellie Bible,” an easy reference. “the more Satan attacks looked up, all the kids peerHer challenge is more us.” When she shared this ing out the windows were daunting than 17-syllable view with the EMTs, “they giving her a thumbs up. haiku. The marquee only wanted to take me to the Three times, she found accommodates 16 letters per hospital for a check up,” she notes attached to the signline, although, Ellie benow says with a laugh. board. One read, “I am lieves, that’s crowding it. This was the eve of 2000, moving; I will miss the sign Among her favorite when predictions were rife more than anything.” Anphrases: “Autumn leaves; that the new century would Jesus doesn’t” and “Jesus trigger a variety of catastro- other, “You’ll never know how much you helped me.” has a lost and found departphes. As a precaution, the The third, “Thank you. You ment.” She strives to be Sosnowskis had been storchanged my life.” humorous, but not always. ing food and other necesAll these years later, Ellie This week’s “Easter Bunny” sities of life in the garage, hasn’t fallen short of inspiphrase will be replaced by just in case. In retrospect, ration. She still keeps a tiny a more sedate pre-Easter Ellie interpreted this as a message. lack of faith that God would notebook at hand to write down ideas as they come Check it out April 17. provide, and the fire gave to her. She studies the Life God willing, Ellie will the couple new resolve. Application Study Bible, a update her message that Positive feedback bolcontemporary translation Thursday, as she has every stered her ministry further. – “it’s so readable” – to Thursday for a decade and a When she was changing find relevant Bible verses. half now. the lettering, drivers often Or she’ll use Rev. Van stopped to chat and encourImpe’s handheld “Electronic age her. Once, a school


Celebrate Easter April 20

Maundy Thursday

Good Friday

Easter Sunday 8:30 am - Worship 9:30 am - Easter Brunch 11 am - Worship with Choir, Brass & Organ


my head, I confessed – and became saved,” Ellie remembers. Simultaneously, Len did too. “We just didn’t tell each other.” The couple had met in 1979; one of her co-workers at Point Pleasant Hospital in New Jersey introduced them. She had been raised in Perth Amboy, went to nursing school and had two children, Fred Doherty, who now lives in Whiting, N.J., and Debbie Grosskopt of Beverly Hills, Fla. Len, a native of Shenandoah, Pa., had been a truck driver and, at the time, was operating a fishing boat out of Point Pleasant. Ellie and Len married two years later. On a long weekend drive, they discovered Otsego County and, in the late 1980s, moved here, buying a dilapidated – now pristine, after Len applied his contracting skills – 1805 farmhouse, surrounded by 133 acres. A decade later, when the Sosnowskis discovered their mutual conversions, they began attending the Oneonta Assembly of God on County Route 48, drawn by the friendly, down-to-earth approach of the Rev. Jack Grenier and his wife, Robin. (They had never been formally introduced, but Pastor Jack came up behind them at Walmart and spoke to

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Every mom and mom-to-be will receive a potted flower.

Ian Austin/


The psanky egg, from chicken to the paint! From left, Karly Barra, Ashely Wikoff, Anita Barra, Logan Barra and Mitchel Barra show all the stages of their family’s colorful egg-painting tradition.

Mount Vision Family Keeps Ukrainian Tradition Alive PSANKY/From B1 “We hadn’t done it in a few years because the kids were involved in sports,” she said. Then, just the other day, Anita’s daughter Karly asked, “Can we do eggs?” Karly invited her friend Ashely Wikoff to try her hand at the family’s artistic tradition, using eggs from the Barras’ farm. The ornately decorated eggs are part of pre-Christian ritual of bounty and protection in Eastern Europe. Chickens, as well as deer, are symbols of fertility. People would draw rakes or wheat on the eggs, seeking a bountiful harvest. Traditionally, some of the decorated eggs were put in the fields, and others given away to family and close friends. “We give so many away,” said Anita. “We give them to the kids’ teachers, friends. I’ll stick one

An intent Karly Barra melts the beeswax off her egg, while friend Ashely Wikoff dips hers in dye.

out in the mailbox for the mailman. We like to give them to people who help us through the year.” The design is done “backwards,” with layered colors, much like batik dyeing on fabric. Anita orders the dye from Ukraine. The first layer of decoration is drawn, using melted

beeswax and a “kitska,” a small pen. The egg is then dipped in the first color dye, and the ink adheres to shell, except where the decoration is drawn in wax. The process – drawing in wax, dipping in dye – is repeated until the design is complete. “It takes anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour,” said Anita. “Some of the more detailed designs take 2-3 hours.” Anita has several books of patterns that range from simple animal designs to complex scrolls and spirals. “The sunflower is my favorite,” she said. “My


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sister likes to do the spirals; she can freehand, but I need a pattern. I like seeing what the kids do, and how they’ve progressed over the years.” Anita usually does a few eggs at a time. “When Karly was little, I had six eggs in various stages of decoration sitting in a carton,” she said. “I was in the other room with my son Mitchel, and I heard my husband Randi say, ‘Karly, what are you doing?’ She had cracked all my eggs for brownies. “But I wasn’t mad – they’re just eggs. We can get more. If you mess up a design, you make breakfast.” She’s taught psanky classes in Oneonta and at Laurens Central School, where she works in the library. “It’s fun and it’s easy to do,” she said. “I tell people, ‘keep going, even if you mess up – it’s always going to turn out pretty’.”

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Wednesday April 16

AUDITIONS –1-4:30 p.m. Sing a Song of Broadway seeks talent for “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.” Langdon home, Taft Ave. Info, directions (607) 287-8669.

Lake Campus, 1894 Charlotte Creek Rd., Oneonta. Info, (607) 547-2366, EAGLES --7:30 p.m. Tom Salo presents his findings on three local resident Golden Eagles. Presbyterian

’ n i n e p Hap Y T N U O C O OTSEG ETE GUIDE TO

Thursday April 17

MUSICAL --8 p.m. Hartwick Theater Department presents “Carrie: The Musical” based on the Stephen King novel. $5 students, $10 public. Slade Theater, Yager Hall, Hartwick College. Info, Michael Seeber, seeberm@ READING -- 8 p.m. Jon Billman reads his short stories. Eaton Lounge, Bresee Hall, Hartwick College. Info, Brent DeLanoy, (607) 431-4911, delanoyb@

Good Friday April 18

FARMERS MARKET -- 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Meat, woodworking, jams, maple products, baked goods and more at the Otsego Manor Farmers Market. Music at 2:30 p.m. Otsego Manor, 28 Phoenix Mills Cross Rd, Cooperstown. Info, Amy Rose (607) 544-2699. MEDITATION –12-7 p.m. “Encounter the Cross” offers a selfguided meditation. Community Bible Chapel, 577 Greennough Rd., Cooperstown. Info, (607) 547-9764. FILM -- 6 p.m. “Chasing Ice” documentary with a discussion on environmental ethics, conservation and climate change. Pine

more. Pioneer Alley (behind Key Bank), rain or shine. Info, (607) 547-6195, EGG HUNT --10 a.m. - Noon. Easter egg hunt, prizes, raffles and a visit from the Easter

A COMPL AROUND HERE UN Bunny! Free, WHAT’S F Church, Pioneer St., Cooperstown. Info, (607) 9658232. MUSICAL – 8 p.m. Hartwick Theater Department presents “Carrie: The Musical” based on the Stephen King novel. $5 students, $10 public. Slade Theater, Yager Hall, Hartwick College. Info, Michael Seeber, seeberm@

Saturday, April 19

ONEONTA FARMERS MARKET -- 9 a.m.-1 p.m. The best in local meats, poultry, some storage vegetables, baked goods, maple syrup, honey, preserves, and homemade candles and woodcrafts. Main St. Garage Walkway, 92 Main St., Oneonta. Info, www. COOP WINTER MARKET -- 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Seasonal fruits and veggies to all cuts of local meats and poultry. Local eggs, cheese,

public welcome. Hyde Hall, 267 Glimmerglass State Park Rd., Cooperstown. Info, (607) 5475098. PARADE -- Noon. Join the Easter Bunny and Mrs. Bunny for a parade, refreshments and a time to visit. Lakefront Park, Cooperstown. Info, (607) 5479983. AUDITIONS --1-4:30 p.m. Sing a Song of Broadway seeks talent for “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.” Red Door Presbyterian Church, 381 Main St. Info, (607) 287-8669. BUNNY TRAIN -- 2 p.m. Take a train ride with the Easter bunny! Egg hunt, games and more. Milford Train Depot, 136 East Main St., Milford. Info, reservations, (607) 432-2429. FREE MOVIE -- 2:10-4 p.m. “Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs.” Worcester Free Library, 168 Main St., Worcester. Info, (607) 397-7309. GARCIA SHOW -- 8 p.m. The

Garcia Project channels Jerry & The Dead for a show of seeking truth. Oneonta Theatere, 47 Chestnut St., Oneonta. Info, MUSICAL – 8 p.m. Hartwick Theater Department presents “Carrie: The Musical” based on the Stephen King novel. $5 students, $10 public. Slade Theater, Yager Hall, Hartwick College. Info, Michael Seeber, seeberm@

Easter Sunday April 20

BUNNY TRAIN -- 2 p.m. Take a train ride with the Easter bunny! Egg hunt, games and more. Milford Train Depot, 136 East Main St., Milford. Info, reservations, (607) 432-2429.

Tuesday April 22

EARTH DAY – 3:30 p.m. Join Otsego Land Trust to clean the Oaks Creek trail. Greenough Road Conservation Area, 289 Greenough Road, Cooperstown. Info, 607-547-2366. LECTURE -- 4-6 p.m. “Writing is Like Real Talk! Coaching Conversation for Preschool to Grade Six Writing,” presented by Drs. Alison Black and Jane Miller. Free. Alden Room, Milne Library, SUNY Oneonta. Info, Heather Beach (607) 436-3585. AUDITIONS -- 7-8:30 p.m. Open auditions for “The Hallelujah Girls.” Six women’s roles, two men’s roles. Worcester Inn, 151 Main St., Worcester. Info, scripts, Gary Koutnik, (607) 435-1783. TRIBUTE --7:30 p.m. Jeremy Wall presents “A Life in Music.”

Free. Sanford Auditorium, SUNY Oneonta. Info, (607) 436-3419. FILM -- 7 p.m. “Journey of the Universe” discusses the birth and development of the universe and the earth. First Presbyterian Church Chapel, 25 Church St., Cooperstown. Info, (607) 5478401. PANEL -- 7 p.m. “From Crisis to Recovery: One Step at a Time” panel discusses ways to deescalate a mental health crisis. Morris Conference Center, SUNY Oneonta. Info, (607) 547-9544.

Wednesday April 23

SCREENING – 9 a.m.- 3 p.m. Free cancer screenings for uninsured women over 40. Family Planning, Deitz St., Oneonta. Info, appointments, (888) 3450225. LUNCH LECTURE-- 12:30 - 2:30 p.m. Chris Rossi gives a behind-the-scenes look on how an exhibition is curated. $22 for NYSHA members, $25 non-members, pre-registration required.

The Fenimore Art Museum, 5798 NY 80, Cooperstown. Info, reservations, (607) 547-1461. GARDEN CLUB –1 p.m. Mary Leonard shows the latest in summer plantings. Carefree Gardens, Beaver Meadow Rd., Cooperstown. Info, RESTAURANT CRAWL– 4-8 p.m. Enjoy a little bit over everything at the CANO Restaurant Crawl. $30 adults, $20 kids. Main St., Oneonta. Info, tickets, (607) 432-2070, MEETING – 7 p.m. Richard Graham presents a slide show on the History of Burlington. Fly Creek Historical Museum, Cnty Hwy 26, Fly Creek. Info, MUSICAL -- 8 p.m. Mask and Hammer theater club present “Carousel.” $10 general, free with ID. Goodrich Theater, Fine Arts Building, SUNY Oneonta. Info, tickets, MORE CALENDAR, PAGE B6 Celebrating 120 years!

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Muriel Isabelle Ross, 96; Beloved Bresee’s Waitress Featured in Collier’s Magazine ONEONTA – Bresee’s Health Bar icon Muriel Isabelle Ross, 96, died Thursday, April 10, 2014, at Fox Nursing Home, Oneonta. She was born Nov. 21, 1917, in Roxbury, the daughter of the late Howard and Myrtle (McClenon) Scudder, where she was raised and lived until moving to Oneonta in 1942. During World War II she worked at the Mica plant on Dietz Street. In 1943, after being widowed at a young age, she began waitressing at Candyland. When Fred Bresee told her she couldn’t work there and the Bresee’s Health Bar, she left her sons, Robert and Aranka, with her new boss and ran down the street to give notice at the competitor. She became one of the

most well-known faces in Oneonta, and over 2.8 million people saw that familiar smile and blue uniform in the Nov. 12, 1948, issue of Collier’s Magazine under the headline, “We’re Tellin’ You, Macy’s!” listing Bresee’s as one of the biggest competitors to the famous chain. She had an active fan base; regulars would come in to exchange teases, and kids would stop by to admire her glittering earrings. She had a wicked sense of humor and the gadgets to go along with it; if someone asked for half a cup of coffee, she had a half-cup, and if someone was teasing her, she might pour their coffee in a cup that was glued to the saucer. She stayed at Bresee’s for 35 years, retiring in 1978,

Auxiliary, Bresee’s Clerks as well as several nieces and Association, Oneonta nephews. Business Women’s Club, In addition to her husthe Oneonta Ladies of the bands, she was predeceased Moose, the Oneonta Red by two grandsons, Timothy Hat Society and the Young and Jeffery Lawyer; one at Heart Western Line Danc- sister, Geraldine VanHosen, ers. She also volunteered and one brother, Gerald at the Oneonta American Scudder. Legion. Calling hours are 10 Muriel is survived by a.m.-noon Thursday, April her two sons, Robert and 17, at the Bookhout Funeral Aranka Lawyer of RichHome. Funeral services will mondville and William immediately follow, with Lawyer of Oneonta; two the Rev. Teresa Sivers offigrandsons, Gary Lawyer ciating. Burial will be in the HOMETOWN ONEONTA & The Freeman’s Journal of Otego and Robert LawOneonta Plains Cemetery. Muriel Ross, seen here in 2012, reminisces yer of Tupper Lake; eight Funeral arrangements are fondly over the ad taken out to celebrate Sept. great-grandchildren; three entrusted to the Bookhout 30, 1978, as “Muriel Ross Day.” great-great-grandchildren; Funeral Home. and was honored with the predeceased her in 1983. declaration of Sept. 30 as She stayed busy after her “Muriel Ross Day.” retirement, volunteering at On July 12, 1975, Muriel Fox Hospital and going out married Anthony Ross at dancing. She was a member BeST Prices for Gold, Silver the First United Methodof First United Methodist, ist Church, Oneonta. Tony the Fox Memorial Hospital & Coin Collections!

Free Appraisals!



Thursday April 24

AUDITIONS–7-8:30 p.m. Open auditions for “The Hallelujah Girls.” Six women’s roles, two men’s roles. Worcester Inn, 151 Main St., Worcester. Info, scripts, Gary Koutnik, (607) 435-1783. ART NIGHT -- 7-9 p.m. Decorate a blank silk scarf. $30. Part of Ladies Art Nite Out. Cooperstown Art Association, 22 Main St., Cooperstown. Info, (607) 547-9777. THEATER – 8 p.m. Mask and Hammer theater club presents Rogers and Hammerstein’s “Carousel.” $10 general, free with student ID. Goodrich Theater, Fine Arts Building, SUNY Oneonta. Info, tickets, www. MUSICAL -- 8 p.m. Hartwick Theater Department presents “Carrie: The Musical” based on the Stephen King novel. $5 students, $10 public. Slade Theater, Yager Hall, Hartwick College. Info, Michael Seeber, seeberm@

Friday April 25

PORK DINNER -- 4:30 p.m.-7 p.m. Pork dinner with salad, casserole and pumpkin upside down cake. Cooperstown United Methodist Church, 66 Chestnut

Legal notice Notice is hereby given that a license, number Pending, for beer and wine has been applied for by the undersigned to sell beer and wine at retail in a ballpark under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at 15 James Georgeson Avenue, Oneonta, NY 13820, County of Otsego for on premises consumption. John P. Gallucci d/b/a Railbenders II 2LegalApril24

St., Cooperstown. Info, (607) 547-5646. ART PARTY -- 6-9 p.m. Have a drink, have some food and make art with friends. 21+. Carriage House Art Studio, 11 Ford Ave., Oneonta. Info, (607) 435-8718. Info, CONCERT– 7:30 p.m. Paul Huang plays violin as part of the Oneonta Concert Association. First United Methodist Church, 66 Chestnut St., Oneonta. Info, (607) 432-4102. THEATER – 8 p.m. Mask and Hammer theater club presents Rogers and Hammerstein’s “Carousel.” $10 general, free with student ID. Goodrich Theater, Fine Arts Building, SUNY Oneonta. Info, tickets, www. MUSICAL -- 8 p.m. Hartwick Theater Department presents “Carrie: The Musical” based on the Stephen King novel. $5 students, $10 public. Slade Theater, Yager Hall, Hartwick College. Info, Michael Seeber, seeberm@ BLUEGRASS -- 8 p.m. Hailed as the “Queen of Bluegrass,” Rhonda Vincent plays. Foothills Performing Arts Center, 24 Market St., Oneonta. Info, www. AFTERPARTY -- 10 p.m. Horseshoe Lounge Playboys play a Rhonda Vincent afterparty. $8 at the door, $4 with ticket. BSide Ballroom, 1 Clinton Plaza, Oneonta. Info, bsideballroom. com.

Saturday April 26

BREAKFAST -- 8 a.m. - Noon. Pancake breakfast with grits, sausage gravy and more. $7 adults, $4 under 12, under 6 free. Old Grange, Cemetary Rd., Fly Creek. Info, jfinch16@stny. ONEONTA FARMERS MARKET -- 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Meet-your-grower day at the winter market. The best in local meats, poultry,

some storage vegetables, baked goods, maple syrup, honey, preserves, and homemade candles and woodcrafts. Main St. Garage Walkway, 92 Main St., Oneonta. Info, COOP WINTER MARKET -- 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Seasonal fruits and veggies to all cuts of local meats and poultry. Local eggs, cheese, more. Pioneer Alley (behind Key Bank), rain or shine. Info, (607) 547-6195, WORKSHOP -- 10 a.m. - Noon. Master Gardners host a pruning workshop. Bring clippers. $10, pre-registration required. Brookwood Gardens, 6000 Rt 80, West Lake Rd. Info, registration, (607) 547-2536 Ext 0. 5/10K RACE -- 10 a.m. Cider Run 5/10K race to benefit the Big Buddy program. Fly Creek Cider Mill, 288 Goose St., Fly Creek. Info, registration, (607) 547-9692. CONCERT -- 7:30 p.m. Catskill Symphony Orchestra performs Mozart’s Coronation Mass and more. Hunt Union Ballroom, SUNY Oneonta. Info, tickets, KIDS PROGRAM – 10:30 a.m. Sabrina Loewenguth invites kids to flex their reading muscles. Village Library, 22 Main St., Cooperstown. Info, (607) 5478344. OH-FEST -- 1-5 p.m. Carnival games, music, food and rides bring Hartwick and SUNY downtown. Main St., Oneonta. Info, LECTURE -- 3 p.m. Deirdre Larkin lectures on “Herbs into Weeds: Medieval Medicinals Naturalized in New York State” at the Franklin Garden Club. Franklin Railroad and Community Museum, 572 Main Street, Franklin. CONCERT -- 6 p.m. Michael Jackson tribute band, DJ Aire Atlantica and rapper Sammy Adams perform a free show. Neahwa Park, Oneonta. Info,



Retired couple seeking 2-bedroom furnished rental in Village of Cooperstown for months of May, June and July. Local, native, non-Dreams Park family: Local reference available. Call Sara, 1-800-477-7539 3ClassApr.11

PIANO FOR SALE For Sale: KORG electric concert piano. Excellent condition. Paid $2,500 -- will seel for $900. Call (607) 432-1403. 3ClassApr.4

OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Oneonta Office Spaces For Lease! Great central location close to downtown with great parking. Spaces range in size so call for details. Ask about getting 2 months FREE rent!! Contact Benson Agency Real Estate and Ask for Becky Thomas. 607-432-4391, X-202. TFN Office space available at beautiful historic Railroad Avenue in Cooperstown. Off-street parking available! Call Tim at 607-4359859. 3ClassFeb28

VACATION RENTAL Beach Getaway! Lovely St. Augustine condo. 2 br/ 2 ba, complete kitchen w/

dishwasher. Ocean & pools steps from your door. Private screened balcony. 607-432-6992 3ClassMay2

HOMES FOR RENT Three BR, 2 bath ranch near Hartwick, LR w/FP, woodstove, laundry. Long term lease available 5/1/14. $1300. per month plus utilities. No pets, smoking. Ashley-Connor Realty 547-4045. TFN

st. parking. Includes garbage removal. No utilities. 1 bedroom downstairs $650/mo. 2 bedroom upstairs $750/mo. 607-431-1001. Ask for Patricia. 1ClassApril 11 3 bedroom year-round apartment in Oaksville/Fly Creek. First Floor. Completely renovated. Washer and Dryer. Parking. All Utilities included! $1,325/month. Call (607) 547-8500. 3ClassApril11

3 bedroom, 2 bath, laundry, off street parking, Coop School Dist. Includes snow, lawn care. $700/ mo. plus utilities. 1 month security. Robert Lee Benson Agency Real Estate, 607 434-5177. Avail. Immediately. TFN

Cooperstown One-Bedroom Apartments for rent. Tenants wanted for large apt., 1 bedroom. Kitchen, full bath, off-street parking. $575.00 plus utilities; smaller apt. $525.00. No smoking; pets can be discussed. Info, (845) 674-0438. 3ClassApr4

3 bedroom, 2 bath, laundry, excellent condition, garage, Cooperstown Village, available immediately, no pets, no smoking. $1200, one month security. Robert Lee, Benson Agency Real Estate, 607 434 5177 TFN

2-4 Maple St. Oneonta No Pets/smoking. Private off st. parking. Includes garbage removal. No utilities. 1 bedroom downstairs $650/mo. 2 bedroom upstairs $750/mo. 607-431-1001. Ask for Patricia. 1ClassFeb28

4 bedroom, 2 bath, laundry, excellent condition, garage, no smoking, pets ok with deposit. $1200, one month security. 10 minutes to Cooperstown. Robert Lee, Benson Agency Real Estate, 607 434 5177 TFN

Cooperstown One-Bedroom Apartments for rent. Tenants wanted for large apt., 1 bedroom. Kitchen, full bath, off-street parking. $575.00 plus utilities; smaller apt. $525.00. No smoking; pets can be discussed. Info, (845) 674-0438. 3Class Jan31

APARTMENTS FOR RENT 2-4 Maple St. Oneonta No Pets/smoking. Private off

THEATER – 8 p.m. Mask and Hammer theater club presents Rogers and Hammerstein’s “Carousel.” $10 general, free with student ID. Goodrich Theater, Fine Arts Building, SUNY Oneonta. Info, tickets, www.


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The Blue Mingo Grill in Cooperstown is now hiring a full-time line chef and part-time cleaning person.

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A competitive wage and benefits package is available to successful candidates including health insurance, 401K, paid holidays, and vacation. Email your resume to: Drop it in the Mail to: Apple Converting Inc. c/o Human Resources 176 Corporate Drive Oneonta, NY 13820 B-7


IN MEMORIAM Howard I. Chambers, 91; Past Vice President of Wilber Bank

ONEONTA – Howard I. Chambers, 91, the former Vice President of Wilber Bank, died Tuesday April 1, 2014, at Royal Oakes Nursing Center, Dade City. He was born Aug. 31, 1922, in Davenport Center, a son of the late Irwin H. and Flossie Lance Chambers. On June 2, 1960, he married Martha Cerosaletti Jacobsen in New York City. Howard worked for 25 years at Wilber National Bank in Oneonta and retired as a vice president. He was a member of Oneonta Lodge No. 466, F&AM. In retirement, Howard enjoyed coin and stamp collecting, as well as growing vegetables in his garden. He moved permanently to Florida in 1999, where he lived near his brother,

Robert and sister, Clara. Howard is survived by his stepson, Norman (Priscilla) Jacobsen; his step-grandson, Brian (Meghan) Jacobsen and his step-great-grandchildren, Bradley, Alexis and Dylan. He is also survived by many nieces, nephews and several cousins in New York, Florida, Ohio and other states. He was predeceased by his wife, Martha in 1986, as well as his brothers, Robert and Donald Chambers, his sisters, Clara Louise, Margery and Margaret and brother-in-law and sisterin-law, Charles and Marilyn Cerosaletti. Graveside memorial services will be held in the Charlotte Valley Cemetery in West Davenport at the convenience of the family.

John T. Renwick, Sr., 74; Played In Bluegrass Bands MILFORD – John T. Renwick, Sr. 74, a bluegrass enthusiast who over the years played with such local bands as River Valley Ramblers, the Robinson Brothers and the Wilber Mansion Jammers, passed away on Saturday, April 12, 2014 at Bassett Hospital, surrounded by his family. He was born Nov. 30, 1939, in Cooperstown, the son of James W. and Louise (Kukenberger) Renwick, Sr. John was a mechanic at the City of Oneonta’s Central Garage. Following his retirement in 2002, he continued on as a consultant For many years, he was a tracking for Schuman B-Line and other companies, and later was in business with his son, John Jr. Raised on the family farm, he was active in 4-H while growing up. In addition to playing in bands, he was a member of the Bainbridge Opry House. He also participated in the American Tractor Pulling events. He is survived by his wife, Robin

John T. Renwick Sr., 1939-2014

Yager; his children, Dorraine Young and husband Dale, of Otego, Debra Chickerell, of Otego, Thomas Renwick and his wife Barbara, of Westville, and John T. Renwick, Jr. and his wife Amanda, of Laurens; his step-children, Jody, Tony, Douglas, Daniel, Dave, Dorothy, Patricia Ostrander; eight grandchildren, several step-grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, and several nieces, nephews and cous-

ins. Also, a brother, James Renwick, Jr. and his wife Jaclyn, of Burlington, and a sister, Susie Conklin of Cooperstown. He was previously married to Shirley Monroe, mother of three of his children, who also survives him. He then married Ethel Merwin, who predeceased him, and was the mother of his last child and his step-children. He was also predeceased by a brother, Victor Renwick, and a sister, Helen Jewett. The funeral was Wednesday April 16, at the Lester R. Grummons Funeral Home. Burial was in Laurens Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to the Milford Emergency Squad, Milford, NY or the Bainbridge Opry House, PO Box 62, 15 N. Main St., Bainbridge, NY 13733 Arrangements were entrusted to the Lester R. Grummons Funeral Home.

Wes Tophoven, 39; Played, Coached Football Robert Patrick Hennelly, Sr. 84; Worked For Job Corps EDMESTON – Wesley E. Tophoven, 39, a former Edmeston fire fighter, died Friday, April 11, 2014, at his home in Clark Mills, Oneida County. He was born Jan. 29, 1975, in Norwich, the son of Peter and Linda (Crossman)

Tophoven. Wes graduated from Edmeston Central School in 1993, and was well-known for his love of football, which he played throughout high school. He continued to play while attending Hartwick College. At the

7 9-Ê 19 ÊUÊ* 9 Ê/"*Êfff COINS COINS



C INS 607-432-0192 LocaL • ReputabLe • competitive


76 Chestnut street, OneOnta Monday - Friday 10 am to 5:30 pm saturday 10 am to 3 pm




AlwAys buying • PAying TOP $$$

Grandma loved her farm, her family, and playing her old guitar. Lester R. Grummons Funeral Home will take the time to find out what made your loved one special. Whether it’s finding just the right flowers, or finding a musician to play her favorite tunes on her old guitar, we’ll do what’s necessary to make her service as unique as she was.

Lester R. Grummons Funeral Home 14 Grand Street, Oneonta • 607-432-6821

time of his death, he was employed by Verizon Wireless. The main joy in Wes’ life was his two boys, Devon and Dylan, who he encouraged and instilled his love of football and hockey. He was a member of the NRA and former member of the Edmeston Fire Department. Wes was also a former Pee Wee Football Coach for Westmoreland. He was a devoted father, Jets fan and Harley Davidson enthusiast. In addition to his sons, he is survived by his mother, Linda Tophoven; his siblings, Timothy and Isabelle Tophoven, Tamara Tophoven and Rebecca Tophoven; his nephews and nieces, Thomas Tophoven, Suellyn and Jeremiah Birdsall, and Kylie Tophoven; his great-nephew, Ryker Birdsall; and numerous aunts, uncles and cousins. Wes was predeceased by his father, Peter Tophoven, who died in 2002. Funeral services were Wednesday, April 16, at the Second Baptist Church in Edmeston, with Pastor Ray Merritt officiating. Memorial contributions may be made to the American Heart Association.

Frances Andrews, 76, Is Survived By 7 Children ONEONTA – Frances Mary Andrews, 76, a resident of Hartwick, passed away on Monday, April 14, 2014, at Bassett Hospital. Frances was born on July 14, 1937, in Brooklyn to Frank and Frances (Hubert) Cuozzo. She married David Andrews on May 2, 1957. She is survived by her children, Frances Callahan (Lawrence) of Rexford, David Andrews Jr. of Front Royal, VA, Leta Pasternak (Tom) of Morris, Frank Andrews of Front Royal, Va, Lillian Eldred (Donald) of Fredericksburg, Va., Lornajean Pozeg (Peter) of Stafford, Va., Joseph Andrews of Front Royal, Va.. Calling hours will be 5-7 p.m. Thursday, April 17 at the Lester R. Grummons Funeral Home,

Proud To be Oneonta’s Only

Family Owned Funeral Home ~ 51 Dietz Street, Oneonta 607-432-1511 ~

“Our family is committed to providing you with a personal as well as professional level of service, and still maintain affordability” -John & Kathleen Pietrobono

ONEONTA – Robert Patrick Hennelly, Sr. 84, who worked with at-risk youth at Job Corps., died April 13, 2014. He was born August 12, 1929. He worked as a dispatcher for Erie Lackawana Railroad, as manager of Ramsey Liquors, circulation manager of The Daily Star and a vocational job counselor at Job Corps. He enjoyed politics, nature and spending time with his family. Bob is survived by his wife of 17 years

Joyce Clements Hennelly, Mohawk. Bob is also survived by his 6 children of a prior marriage: Robert Jr, Jennifer, Andrew, Rachel, David and Christopher Hennelly. A funeral was held Wednesday, April 16 at the Heller Funeral Home, 25 Arch St., Schenevus with by Pastor Joe Chamberline, First Assemblies of God. Interment was in the Schenevus Cemetery. Arrangements are entrusted to the Heller Funeral Home.

AllOTSEGO.automart B-7


OBITUARIES John T. Renwick, Sr., 74; Played In Bluegrass Bands MILFORD – John T. Renwick, Sr. 74, a bluegrass enthusiast who over the years played with such local bands as River Valley Ramblers, the Robinson Brothers and the Wilber Mansion Jammers, passed away on Saturday, April 12, 2014 at Bassett Hospital, surrounded by his family. He was born Nov. 30, 1939, in Cooperstown, the son of James W. and Louise (Kukenberger) Renwick, Sr. John was a mechanic at the City of Oneonta’s Central Garage. Following his retirement in 2002, he continued on as a consultant For many years, he was a trucker for Schuman B-Line and other companies, and later was in business with his son, John Jr. Raised on the family farm, he was active in 4-H while growing up. In addition to playing in bands, he was a member of the Bainbridge Opry House. He also participated in the American Tractor Pulling events. He is survived by his wife, Robin

John T. Renwick Sr., 1939-2014

Yager; his children, Dorraine Young and husband Dale, of Otego, Debra Chickerell, of Otego, Thomas Renwick and his wife Barbara, of Westville, and John T. Renwick, Jr. and his wife Amanda, of Laurens; his step-children, Jody, Tony, Douglas, Daniel, Dave, Dorothy, Patricia Ostrander; eight grandchildren, several step-grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, and several nieces, nephews and cous-

ins. Also, a brother, James Renwick, Jr. and his wife Jaclyn, of Burlington, and a sister, Susie Conklin of Cooperstown. He was previously married to Shirley Monroe, mother of three of his children, who also survives him. He then married Ethel Merwin, who predeceased him, and was the mother of his last child and his step-children. He was also predeceased by a brother, Victor Renwick, and a sister, Helen Jewett. The funeral was Wednesday April 16, at the Lester R. Grummons Funeral Home. Burial was in Laurens Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to the Milford Emergency Squad, Milford, NY or the Bainbridge Opry House, PO Box 62, 15 N. Main St., Bainbridge, NY 13733 Arrangements were entrusted to the Lester R. Grummons Funeral Home.

COOPERSTOWN – Word has been received that Mary-Hoyt Sherman Joyce, 87, who summered in Cooperstown for three decades, died Feb. 25, 2014, in Washington, D.C.. Mrs. Joyce was born in Newport, R.I., and grew up in Caracas, Venezuela. She attended school at the Villa Duchesne in St. Louis and graduated from Georgetown Visitation in Washington, D.C., where she earned the Gold Medal for academic accomplishment. After graduating from Bryn Mawr College in 1947, Mrs. Joyce worked for Fortune Magazine in New York City, where she compiled the first list of Wes was predeceased by Fortune 500 corporations. Mrs. Joyce and family his father, Peter Tophoven, moved to Washington in who died in 2002. 1962 and later to Chevy Funeral services were Chase, Md. She became Wednesday, April 16, at the active in several charities, Second Baptist Church in most notably as a direcEdmeston, with Pastor Ray tor for many years of The Merritt officiating. Washington Home. Memorial contributions She served a term as its may be made to the Americhairman and also led the can Heart Association; envesuccessful effort to establish lopes will be available at the one of the first in-patient funeral home. hospice units in the nation Arrangements are entrustthere. Mrs. Joyce was a ed to Houk-Johnston-Terry patient in the hospice at the Funeral Home, Edmeston.

Wesley E. Tophoven, 39; Hartwick Football Player Coached Kids EDMESTON – Wesley E. Tophoven, 39, a former Edmeston fire fighter, died Friday, April 11, 2014, at his home in Clark Mills, Oneida County. He was born Jan. 29, 1975, in Norwich, the son of Peter and Linda (Crossman) Tophoven. Wes graduated from Edmeston Central School in

1993, and was well-known for his love of football, which he played throughout high school. He continued to play while attending Hartwick College. At the time of his death, he was employed by Verizon Wireless. The main joy in Wes’ life was his two boys, Devon and Dylan, who he encouraged and instilled his love of

7 9-Ê 19 ÊUÊ* 9 Ê/"*Êfff COINS COINS



C INS 607-432-0192 LocaL • ReputabLe • competitive


76 Chestnut street, OneOnta Monday - Friday 10 am to 5:30 pm saturday 10 am to 3 pm




AlwAys buying • PAying TOP $$$

Grandma loved her farm, her family, and playing her old guitar. Lester R. Grummons Funeral Home will take the time to find out what made your loved one special. Whether it’s finding just the right flowers, or finding a musician to play her favorite tunes on her old guitar, we’ll do what’s necessary to make her service as unique as she was.

Lester R. Grummons Funeral Home 14 Grand Street, Oneonta • 607-432-6821

football and hockey. He was a member of the NRA and former member of the Edmeston Fire Department. Wes was also a former Pee Wee Football Coach for Westmoreland. He was a devoted father, Jets fan and Harley Davidson enthusiast. In addition to his sons, he is survived by his mother, Linda Tophoven; his siblings, Timothy and Isabelle Tophoven, Tamara Tophoven and Rebecca Tophoven; his nephews and nieces, Thomas Tophoven, Suellyn and Jeremiah Birdsall, and Kylie Tophoven; his great-nephew, Ryker Birdsall; and numerous aunts, uncles and cousins.

Frances Andrews, 76, Is Survived By 7 Children ONEONTA – Frances Mary Andrews, 76, a resident of Hartwick, passed away on Monday, April 14, 2014, at Bassett Hospital. Frances was born on July 14, 1937, in Brooklyn to Frank and Frances (Hubert) Cuozzo. She married David Andrews on May 2, 1957. She is survived by her children, Frances Callahan (Lawrence) of Rexford, David Andrews Jr. of Front Royal, VA, Leta Pasternak (Tom) of Morris, Frank Andrews of Front Royal, Va, Lillian Eldred (Donald) of Fredericksburg, Va., Lornajean Pozeg (Peter) of Stafford, Va., Joseph Andrews of Front Royal, Va.. Calling hours will be 5-7 p.m. Thursday, April 17 at the Lester R. Grummons Funeral Home, A funeral will be at 1 p.m. Friday, April 18 at the funeral home. Arrangements are entrusted to the Lester R. Grummons Funeral Home, Oneonta.

Proud To be Oneonta’s Only

Family Owned Funeral Home ~ 51 Dietz Street, Oneonta 607-432-1511 ~

“Our family is committed to providing you with a personal as well as professional level of service, and still maintain affordability” -John & Kathleen Pietrobono

Mary-Hoyt Sherman Joyce, 87; Summered Here For 30 Years; 3 Ancestors Signed Declaration time of her death. She also was a member of the Chevy Chase Club, Cooperstown Country Club and the Evergreen Garden Club. She was a descendant of three signers of the Declaration of Independence – Josiah Bartlett, William Floyd and Roger Sherman, and was a great-great-niece of Gen. William T. Sherman and U.S. Senator John Sherman. She was predeceased by her husband of over 50 years, William R. Joyce, Jr. and her brother, John Sherman. She is survived by her three children, deLanceyJoyce Webster (Hugh) and Hoyt Sherman Joyce (Eda) of Chevy Chase, Md., and Helen Floyd-Jones Joyce of Mobile, Ala., seven grandchildren, deLancey Webster, Katie Webster, George Webster, Helen Webster, Hugh Webster, Will Joyce and Alex Joyce and her sister, Katherine Lodge of Nantucket, Mass. A celebration of her life was for friends and family was March 2 at the Chevy Chase Club.


$226/mo. for 36 mos. with 35 monthly payments

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$249/mo. for 36 mos. with 35 monthly payments

Security Deposit Down Payment First Month's Payment†


Low-mileage lease example for qualified lessees

Customer Cash†


Sign and Drive Lease

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Low-mileage lease example for qualified lessees

Sign and Drive Lease

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$2,839 due at signing after all offers†

$259/month for 36 months

Low-mileage lease example for qualified lessees

Customer Cash†


Sign and Drive Lease

For Purchasers

Cash (t)t- Not compatible with some other offers. *Must take delivery by 4-30-2014 to receive offers mentioned. See dealer for details.

Example based on survey. Each dealer sets their own price. Your payments may vary. Payments are for a 2014 Traverse LS FWD with an MSRP of $31,670. 36 monthly payments total $9,310. Option to purchase at lease end for an amount to be determined at lease signing. GM Financial must approve lease. Mileage charge of $.25/mile over 36,000 miles. Lessee pays for maintenance, repair and excess wear. Payments may be higher in some states. Residency restrictions apply. Take delivery by 4/30/14. See dealer for details.

2014 Traverse LS FWD

Example based on survey. Each dealer sets their own price. Your payments may vary. Payments are for a 2014 Equinox LS FWD with an MSRP of $25,314. 36 monthly payments total $7,152. Option to purchase at lease end for an amount to be determined at lease signing. GM Financial must approve lease. Mileage charge of $.25/mile over 36,000 miles. Lessee pays for maintenance, repair and excess wear. Payments may be higher in some states. Residency restrictions apply. Take delivery by 4/30/14. See dealer for details.

2014 Equinox LS FWD

No security deposit required. Tax, title, license and dealer fees extra. Mileage charge of $.25/mile over 36,000 miles. Example based on survey. Each dealer sets their own price. Your payments may vary. Payments are for a 2014 Malibu LT with an MSRP of $24,435. 35 monthly payments total $8,710. Option to purchase at lease end for an amount to be determined at lease signing. GM Financial must approve lease. Mileage charge of $.25/mile over 36,000 miles. Lessee pays for maintenance, repair and excess wear. Payments may be higher in some states. Residency restrictions apply. Take delivery by 4/30/14. See dealer for details.

2014 Malibu LT

No security deposit required. Tax, title, license and dealer fees extra. Mileage charge of $.25/mile over 36,000 miles. Example based on survey. Each dealer sets their own price. Your payments may vary. Payments are for a 2014 Cruze LT with an MSRP of $20,735. 35 monthly payments total $7,904. Option to purchase at lease end for an amount to be determined at lease signing. GM Financial must approve lease. Mileage charge of $.25/mile over 36,000 miles. Lessee pays for maintenance, repair and excess wear. Payments may be higher in some states. Residency restrictions apply. Take delivery by 4/30/14. See dealer for details.

2014 Cruze LT

Last month, over 1000,000 people visited the Chevy Open House Event and brought home a new Chevy. This month, it's your turn. Right now, get great offers on our award-winning lineup at the Chevy Open House Event. New models. New showrooms. And a new experience. Come find new roads with Chevrolet.




Buy For

531910, FULL PWR, LTHR, 21K



Buy For




430940, FULL PWR, 32K

$508 /mo.


Payments based on $2500 down or trade equity plus sales tax, title and fees. Pre-Owned financing 2010 & newer up to 72 mos @ 3.49% APR. 2008-2009 up to 72 mos. @ 3.99% APR. 2006-2007 up to 72 mos. @ 5.99% APR. 2004-2005 up to 60 mos. @ 6.59% APR. 2003 & older up to 36 mos. @ 6.59% APR. Sales tax, title & fees extra. Offer ends 4/30/14.

531951, 11K, AWD, V6


333790, FULL PWR, Z71, 14K


Buy For




Buy For




731740, LTHR, SNRF, 27K


731660, 11K


Buy For






Buy For




731520, 9K


731761, 42K



334370, 37K





731745, FULL PWR, LTHR, 32K





Buy For

2012 K1500 SILVERADO Buy For

531501, 38K







Buy For

430680, 27K





500178, 9K




Buy For




531013, FULL PWR, 16K





731681, FULL PWR, V6, 62K

Buy For





PARTS & SERVICE HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 8am-5pm, Sat. 8am-5pm. SALES DEPT. HOURS: Mon.-Thurs. 8am-8pm, Fri. 8am-6pm, Sat. 8am-5pm. FAC. #4390001

4 - 2014 GMC Acadia 0% APR for 60 months for qualified buyers. Monthly payment is $16.67 for every $1,000 you finance. Example down payment: 15.1%. Some customers will not qualify. Take delivery by 04-30-2014. Residency restrictions apply. See dealer for details.



0% APR


3. MUST BE A CURRENT OWNER/LESSEE OF A 1999 MODEL YEAR OR NEWER NON-GM VEHICLE. EXAMPLE BASED ON SURVEY. EACH DEALER SETS ITS OWN PRICE. YOUR PAYMENTS MAY VARY. Payments are for a 2014 Encore with an MSRP of $25,085. 24 monthly payments total $4,776. Option to purchase at lease end for an amount to be determined at lease signing. Ally must approve lease. Take retail delivery by 4/30/14. Mileage charge of $.25/mile over 20,000 miles. Lessee pays for excess wear. Payments may be higher in some states. Not available with other offers. Residency restrictions apply.

$3,799 due at signing after all offers. No security deposit required. Tax, title, license and dealer fees extra. Mileage charge of $0.25/mile over 20,000 miles.










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