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The Headmaster receives numerous letters of thanks from parents each year, which are kept on file at the School. Apart from excellent retention rates, the School has been blessed with a long waiting list of students seeking entry into the School, which attests to our reputation in the wider community.
Members of the Executive Team including the Headmaster attend each Parents & Friends monthly meeting, where open and honest dialogue is encouraged. Concerns about aspects of school policy or operation are openly discussed and addressed at these meetings, which provide a most useful tool for our commitment to continual and proactive improvement.
Regular satisfaction surveys also show parent feedback that is overwhelmingly positive. The three Heads of School (Junior, Middle and Senior), the Headmaster and Chief of Staff all operate ‘open door’ policies, and there is a general understanding among the staff of the School that we cannot possibly attend to the students’ learning and pastoral needs without an open and ongoing dialogue operating between the School and the home.