12 minute read
Christian Ministry
COMMITMENT We believe that an integral part of any child’s education should include some contemplation of those ‘overwhelming questions,’ which will continue to haunt them as they move towards and beyond adulthood. To allocate four full-time members to our Chaplaincy team is an indication of how central we believe the development of a spiritual identity is to a student’s wellbeing.
Christian Living is taught formally throughout the School. However, we believe that all ministry work is essentially relational, and we are constantly seeking avenues of informal engagement with students and staff through small groups and informal conversation.
LINKS WITH THE LOCAL CHURCH We are also acutely aware of our responsibility as an Anglican school to support the Church in every way we can. With this in mind, we have established close links with Anglican Church Robina collaborating with them in worship, community and teaching opportunities, and actively advertising and supporting one another’s worship services.
PROGRAMS While much of the ministry we deliver happens in class or at weekly Chapel worship, there are further opportunities for students to explore Christianity. Annual ageappropriate family services are offered from Pre Prep to Year 12. Parents are encouraged to support their children by attending these services. Baptism and Admission to Communion are offered at various times throughout the year.
A number of additional evening services are provided for students, their families and staff with themes relevant to the life of the School. Parents, staff and students are also invited to attend early morning discussion and prayer groups and the occasional Eucharist service. Confirmation is also available to Senior School students. Those who wish to formally confirm their faith are prepared at an annual faith formation weekend for Senior School students. A combined service is held at Robina Anglican Church for students to come before the Bishop for ‘the laying on of hands’.
Senior School students are also invited to attend 'Happening' experiences. These events are spiritual weekends run by students, for students, exploring issues of faith in an engaging setting.
CHRISTIAN PASTORAL CARE Our ministry team, through the Chaplain, offers spiritual pastoral care in the form of hospital visiting, bereavement counselling, and services including memorials and funerals. It is the prerogative of present and past members of the school community to make use of the Chapel and Chaplain for weddings and baptisms.
Finally, our pastoral care programs from Pre Prep through to Year 12 are designed to remind each child how infinitely precious and worthy they are, both in the eyes of God, and in the eyes of the world. We seek to add value to their lives by encouraging within each child a sense of gratitude and peace, and by encouraging them to embrace in their daily lives the qualities embedded in the School motto – Truth, Faith and Compassion. SERVICE LEARNING (PREP - YEAR 12) Service learning at All Saints aims to offer all our students the opportunity to actively engage with both local and global communities by embedding the importance of acts of service into all areas of the curriculum. It is therefore a teaching method or pedagogy that connects our learning with service and community engagement. It develops character, as well as talent, through the educative process. Examples of Service Learning projects at All Saints can be found on the School’s website.

Every builder knows that the most important stage of the construction process is to lay a solid foundation. This holds true for education, with all available research suggesting that the primary years (Junior School) of schooling are absolutely critical in preparing a young person for a successful future.
Junior School is a critical period for developing the skills needed to succeed at school and beyond. They are vitally important to get right and to achieve this end our programs provide young children with opportunities to enquire, develop independence and self-management skills and strengthen literacy and numeracy strategies.
From Pre Prep to Year 6 our curricular and co-curricular agenda aims to provide students with the tools they need to become life-long learners. We strive to guide today's learners to become tomorrow’s citizens of the world through programs that complement the development of self-confidence, good character and social conscience.
As students transition through the Junior School every opportunity to learn is grasped and maximised. We offer an increasingly broad curriculum that is rich with experiences designed to ignite passions, identify talents and strengthen a curiosity for learning.
The most current research suggests that in collaboration with the implementation of the formal curriculum, combinations of the following types of learning experiences represent the strongest foundation for learning. From a teaching and learning perspective these are the building blocks to learning for life central to our Junior School philosophy:
• Social and emotional competence with a focus on social learning and independence. • Health and physical wellbeing, particularly in making healthy choices and gross and fine motor development. • Language development and communication, focusing on oral language and early literacy. • Early mathematical understandings. • Active learning processes with a focus on thinking, investigating, imagining and responding. • Positive dispositions to learning.
PRE PREP All Saints Anglican School offers Pre Prep for children in the year prior to Prep. Pre Prep is a Queensland Government approved Kindergarten program and is the main entry year level to the Junior School. Children must have their fourth birthday by 30 June of the Pre Prep year in order to be eligible for this program. The Pre Prep Centre is open during school terms only.
The program: • Recognises individual differences and sets appropriate goals for each child. • Educates the whole child - physically, socially, emotionally and intellectually. • Responds to the needs of the child.
Pre Prep students learn to cooperate, problem solve and think laterally. They learn language skills, mathematical concepts, persistence and concentration, the value of curiosity, self-confidence, coordination, healthy attitudes and values. Once learned, these skills will form the basis for the more formal learning the child will undertake at school.
Pre Prep has an intimate, family atmosphere where children are challenged to develop physically, socially and cognitively. It is a caring, vibrant place where children are able to express themselves both through play and in planned, structured activities using the wide variety of resources at their disposal. PREP - YEAR 2 From Prep to Year 2 our focus and commitment is on developing every child’s social, emotional, physical and cognitive abilities in a nurturing and engaging learning environment. Our vision of these early years views all children as being competent and capable, with our implemented curriculum responding to the developmental needs and interests of each child. Activities are planned across a broad developmental spectrum so that students can access learning according to their learning style.
The bases of literacy and numeracy are laid during this period and the acquisition of these complex skills is very much determined by each child’s individual level of maturity and independence. Emphasis is given to developing reading, writing and mathematical skills. Children are introduced to the concept of working as an individual and also as a member of the group. Whilst the core subjects of Mathematics, English, Science, History and Geography are offered by the class teacher, children also experience specialist tuition in Art, Music, Physical Education, Christian Living,
Technology, Drama and Communication, Dance and Library. Chess is introduced at Year 1. These lessons help children learn to become real world problem solvers. There are fun, educational days when our students are able to dress up as their favourite fairy tale character, become a pirate at Sea World for the day and learn about our fragile environment through the eyes of a worm or spider! We aim to have happy children who have a love of learning and are excited about their experiences at school.

YEARS 3 - 6 Central to the academic program for Years 3 to 6 are the following core subjects taught by class teachers:
English: The English curriculum contains three components: Speaking and Listening, Reading and Viewing, Writing.
Mathematics: The curriculum consists of five major topics: Number, Measurement, Chance and Data, Space and Working Mathematically.
Science: The program involves students and teachers ‘working scientifically’ across the various scientific strands: Science and Society, Earth and Beyond, Energy and Change, Life and Living, Natural and Processed Materials. Geography: Geography is a structured way of exploring, analysing and understanding the characteristics of the places that make up our world, using the concepts of place, space, environment, interconnection, sustainability, scale and change. It addresses scales from the personal to the global and time periods from a few years to thousands of years.
History: The curriculum generally takes a world history approach within which the history of Australia is taught. It does this in order to equip students for the world (local, regional and global) in which they live. An understanding of world history enhances students’ appreciation of Australian history.

SPECIALIST CLASSES Art: Students from Prep to Year 6 are encouraged to express themselves freely in a visual form through their weekly hour with a specialist art teacher.
Christian Living: Amongst our Junior School students, Gospel values are shared by loving example and encouragement. Weekly Christian Living classes take place from Pre Prep to Year 6 and informal chapel services occur from Year 1.
Languages: Foreign languages commence at Year 6 with children participating in Mandarin, French and Japanese.
Music: Each class in the Junior School participates in two half hour sessions of class Music each week. All students in Year 3 learn the violin as part of our classroom program while Year 5 students have the opportunity to learn woodwind, keyboard, brass or percussion instruments as an integral part of their lessons. Choirs, orchestras, bands and ensembles are also offered to Junior School students.
Physical Education: A healthy mind, healthy body is the cornerstone of our Physical Education program. Students from Prep to Year 6 participate in a program that includes swimming, athletics, cross country, minor and major games as well as the perceptual motor program for younger students. Inter-school sport occurs for children in Years 4 to 6 as part of the Associated Private Schools (APS) competition. Technology: All Saints Anglican School has long been a leader in technological innovation. All classes have access to class sets of laptop computers and ipads. Children in Year 4 commence an one-to-one laptop program and this device moves with them through the final three years of their Junior School education. Complementing our in-class program, Junior School children from Prep to Year 6 participate in technology activities. This program encompasses the exploration of multimedia, control systems, robotics and traditional construction materials. The emphasis in Technology lessons centres on the motto ‘Design, Make, Appraise’.
Drama and Communication: Speaking, responding and performing skills are developed and strengthened during Drama and Communication lessons which are taught to all year levels in the Junior School. We aim to build confidence and creative thinking through our hands on, practical program.
Dance: A curricular subject taught to all Junior School students, Pre Prep to Year 6. It aims to develop students both personally and artistically through classroom activities and performance opportunities.
Chess: Chess is offered to students in a variety of year levels throughout the School as both an integral part of the curriculum and as a co-curricular activity.
YEARS 7 - 9 At All Saints Middle School we aim to realise the All Saints Anglican School Mission Statement whilst celebrating the transitional phase of schooling that is adolescence – focusing on developing independent, self-disciplined, self-aware, resilient and lifelong learners in a positive environment where meaningful relationships between all people involved in nurturing the students’ love of learning is of primary importance as they navigate their journey through the real and digital world.
At each year level, Core studies are prepared by teams of teachers within areas of learning to ensure progressive skill and concept development for all students.
Core teachers work with the same group of students in a positive and supportive setting and this provides the platform to deliver the twin pillars of a Middle School education - a positive psychological environment that allows flexibility, variety and heterogeneous grouping of students; and a structure to plan and deliver a curriculum that balances academic and social factors.
Teaching strategies are implemented which: • Reduce the fragmentation of learning which can result from a traditional secondary timetable. • Facilitate the teaching of critical thinking and interpersonal skills.
• Help students develop a unified view of their education.
• Empower students by providing opportunities to work together.

Year level teachers have two common planning periods each week which enable them to work in teams and thus respond more quickly to the needs of individual students through collaboration and designing units of work which increase relevance and foster the transfer of ideas across different disciplines. During Years 7 and 8, all students undertake studies in the following learning areas: • English • Mathematics • Science • Geography • History • Health and Physical Education • Language: French, Japanese or Mandarin • Creative Design • Home Economics • Art, Music and Drama • Christian Living
In Year 9, all students undertake studies in the following learning areas: • English • Mathematics • Science • History • Geography • Health and Physical Education • Christian Living
Additionally, they undertake studies in two Elective subjects a semester, choosing from the following: • Language: French, Japanese or Mandarin • Civics and Citizenship • Drama • Economics and Business • Education Support • Food Science • Food and Fashion • Let’s Get Physical (P.E.) • Literature Lovers • Multimedia • Music • Shutterbug (Photography) • STEAM • Visual Art • Woodwork • Each learning area places emphasis on: • Communication skills Each learning area places emphasis on: • Social skills and an understanding of the values, attitudes and practices which contribute to a
Christian society. • Planning and design skills and an understanding of the role of goal setting, reasoning, aesthetic judgement and imagination. • Making good use of time and resources and ordering and monitoring tasks. • The need for information, as well as how and where to access, evaluate, select and use such information from a variety of sources. • An understanding and appreciation of our environment.
• Technology as a tool to help access, manage, process and communicate information and to empower students in their learning. • The attitudes, knowledge, skills and work practices of an effective team.
The Middle School at All Saints acknowledges that adolescence is a specific developmental stage and, in response, the curriculum provides a breadth of challenges to all students and involves them in making decisions about their own learning.
It allows students to grow in independence and selfconfidence whilst providing a safety net for risk taking, decision making and the establishment of a sense of personal identity.