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The College Foundation: Securing our Future
Established in 1987, only two years after the inaugural graduating class of ‘Old Saints’, the College’s Foundation was an early and very important commitment by the founders of ASC to address and strengthen the financial position of the College in the longer term.
A separate legal entity to the College, the Foundation was established with a specific purpose to benefit the College and support its mission. The Foundation has legal and financial authority to manage donations, bequests and other investments, with the objective of providing for the College’s longer term financial security. It has a number of Board members in common with the College Board and receives executive and financial support from the College’s Director of Business and Administration.
Alongside investment returns, another of the Foundation’s primary sources of revenue is the Endowment Fee which is payable by every family upon enrolment at the College. The Foundation receives 100% of this Fee which provides a solid base for investment activities which, in turn, generates ongoing returns in support of the College.
Chair of the College Board, Mark Stickells, notes, “The Foundation is overseen by a board of Directors and works closely with the College’s Principal and the Community Development team. One of its aims is to support the College’s growing culture of benefaction and philanthropy.”
Mr Stickells added, “Further, while the Foundation has a strategy and purpose that is necessarily longer term in its approach, it has already delivered benefits to the College community, supporting several key programs and initiatives in recent years by way of a modest grant it gifts to the College, annually.”

“The Foundation’s annual grant to the College has been most beneficial to so many areas of the College,” said Principal, Belinda Provis. “The grant has contributed, for instance, to scholarships and to bursary support in extraordinary circumstances, to funding an organ in the Chapel and a coffee machine in Wanju Café, and to sponsoring Djaaliny, the College’s guest speaker program for the community, to name but a few.”
Other areas that have benefited from the Foundation’s grants include the College’s academic-in-residence program as well as Restless Curiosity, a fund that supports ASC staff’s ongoing studies. Over the years, the Foundation has also contributed to The Leader in Me wellbeing program, the establishment of HotHouse Company, the cost of providing a sprung floor in our Dance Studio and a new playground in the Early Childhood Centre. It has further supported ASC’s Mindfulness pilot program and Runway, the pop-up shop for students’ entrepreneurial activities. The Foundation is also pleased to sponsor the College’s annual Valedictory Dinner for its graduating class and their parents, amongst many other worthy programs.
“We are most appreciative of the original founders and indeed all those who have subsequently served on the College Foundation,” said Ms Provis. “All Saints’ Foundation has been managed so very well – it is in a very healthy position for the longterm, especially considering our relative youth as a school. Its annual grants in support of the College’s programs and initiatives have meant we’ve been able to progress some projects more quickly than we may otherwise have been able to do.”
Mr Mark Stickells
Ms Bronwyn Baker
Mr Mark Balding
Mr Cameron Brown
Rt Rev Kate Wilmot